About me!!


So what type of person puts up a scary BSB picture on her personal info page? The type who doesn't own a scanner! And the pic makes me laugh...a lot. Something to do with AJ looking like an extra from THE FLY....

Well, a little about me.

"I'm 20 and I live in the world of castles and dragons (err, that's England to most people but I've been reading too much Harry Potter lately!) I've been working as a writer (I got to interview Howie's sister Angie about their charity! Great woman - amazing family) So at least you know I'm gonna spread the pride! Hopefully one day I'll be a top journalist on some great paper interviewing the Boys on a regular basis...hey a girl can dream can't she?!! I'd love to work in the USA for a year at some stage as well.

"I've liked the BSBs for about 3 years now. All started when I broke my leg in Switzerland and was confined to a very dull hotel room. The only TV I could watch was MTV which kept playing that EVERYBODY video..cool video isn't it?! That got me hooked and I will be eternally grateful to the Boys for preserving my sanity. Or not as the case may be! I'm not a typical fan. For one thing I'm legal. And the Boys never cease to do things which either make me laugh or want to throw up. So this site is dedicated to them and everyone else in this world who makes me smile and giggle like an over-active hyena. And as for my favourite Boy, it varies from day to day. Look up fickle in the dictionary, there'll be a picture of me right under it."

Thanks to Sandy for the gorge Nicky collage!

Me, me, it's all about me!