Kev 'n' Howie Introducing ANWTBSB...

This is a transcript of Howie and Kevin's introduction to the A Night With The Backstreet Boys video. It's damn funny and my comments are in blue.

Kevin: Tonight is what we'd like to call just like an "unplugged" version (So what would everybody else call it then, huh?) of the songs off the album. It's more intimate. (Now ya talkin' my kinda language honey...) And unplugged basically is just a term meaning (Nothing's plugged in right?) like no real electronic synthesisers going on. (I liked the way I said it better) It's all like acoustic stuff. We have acoustic guitars, acoustic bass, piano... (Yeah, yeah we get it. Acoustic stuff) Only really electronic things that we have are an electric Rhodes and an organ that requires electricity. (So it's not REALLY "unplugged" per se?) So everything else is pretty much acoustic. (Thinks a bit) And then our microphones, of course. (Of course) But it's just more intimate.

Howie:This is like more of a serious, more sentimental side of the Backstreet Boys. We've eliminated all like the choreography that you would normally see during a regular show. (Well I don't know. Would Kevin's little outburst of spaz dancing during the end count as choreography?) Most of the songs have a different feel to them like Kevin said. (He did? I thought he just rambled and contradicted himself totally but hey what do I know?) It's totally an acoustic version of most of the songs. (Uh, no, Kev just ended up admitting it wasn't TOTALLY acoustic dude) We even have a choir behind us that's singing with us (Well thanks for clearing up that age old question of what exactly a choir does Howie. There was me thinking they'd be just standing there lookin' mighty purty) in a couple of songs which we normally don't have in the regular show. (Thank God, they'd all trip over their robes during The Call) And like I say (Running out of new things to say huh? But you're determined to talk longer than Kevin right?) it's a little bit less dramatic (A choir's not dramatic?), less, you know, glitzy, shiny, moving and up-and-down kind of a thing. (I think I speak for us all when I say HUH?!) Like I said we don't really have too many up-tempos in this show. It's more pretty much most of the ballads, the mid-tempos. We've taken a couple of songs like "Party" and have done a little funk kind of version to it but...

Kevin: (interrupting) Some different arrangements.

Howie: But it's still... (Oh no, he's still talking...) You'll see us pretty much sitting down on the stools in this whole concert that we're doing here.

Kevin: Also you're gonna hear some stuff that you've never heard in the shows as well. Some of the new arrangements... (Remembers what he was gonna say) Actually there's a song we've never even ever performed live that we're gonna do... (Thinks a bit) "If I Don't Have You". We're gonna mix that up and do a medley with "I'll Never Break Your Heart". They're both kind of in the same key so we're gonna mix those together and do a medley with those. (Ya just repeated yaself there dude) And the arrangements are like different on a lot of songs. (Ya said that too, remember? Gee, the memory's going already) Like Howie was saying, (He was?) just mix it up, a different feel. (Uh no, YOU said that dear)

Howie: This is the very first time the Backstreet Boys have put together a quote, unquote "totally acoustic" show. (I thought we'd already established it's not TOTALLY acoustic? And don't do that quote thing for the love of God!)

Kevin: We wanted to show our true talents and to... When you're putting yourself out there, especially on an acoustic (Anybody think that was Kev's word for the day?) live performance, you're out there. You're totally naked (Oh God, yes please) and you're totally exposed and we wanted to do it, (I want you to do it too) and we wanted to show people that we do have true talents and true voices, (Kinda preaching to the converted here Kevvy) and we wanted people to see that. And especially we wanted to do something different and special for our fans. (The naked thing would worked for me)

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