From the mouths of babes....

Whenever Nick gets bored on video shoots or photo shoots, he just reaches for his phone, dials me up and spouts forth his own unique brand of wisdom. So, just for you, here are the edited highlights...

"I really learned to respect people when my parents were running a senior citizen's residence years ago. I'm a real peaceful person. I don't believe in being mean to anyone. That's something I get from my family."

"When I was small, I accidentally locked myself in a car. My mom got me out."

"To be honest, I 've never really fallen in love. I've never felt that strong sensation."

"It doesn't matter to me what she looks like as long as she has a good personality and she's really nice. I don't care if she has blonde, dark, or green hair! But she's gotta be independent and like herself and not care what other people think."

" Probably my ideal role would be in a action movie. I would love to do an action movie, something like Mortal Kombat or like a war movie where you are running through the jungle or a Predator movie. It's got to be action like the end of Independence Day. I would also like to direct a movie. I'd like to produce and direct."

A real brilliant fan sent me these quotes and I'm just dying to credit her for them, only I've gone and lost her email addy and name! Dumb, huh? So if that was you - please get in touch!!

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