WTFDHJS? is dedicated to all those moments when we go "What the f**k did he just say?!" And God knows, there've been many...
"The coolest thing I think about the plane was the little Star Trek doors, because the doors all recessed into the walls... And you could hit a button and you'd hear the pressure just :::pffff::: you know, and they'd, they'd go back ::: Laughs ::: so we had fun, like trying to break those things, you know we kept hitting them and they'd open and we'd close them..." - Brian.
Can anyone else imagine Nick and Brian doing this while Kevin slowly gets more and more pissed at them?
BSB on The View. Someone asked if the Boys were going to be on a cartoon show called Arthur.
Howie: "Yeah they making us into cartoons."
Brian: "We're gonna be wabbits!" (He hops up and down, while putting his hands behind his head like bunny ears)
Oh purleaze, stop the cuteness Bri Bear.
AJ: "And next we will be visiting Cape Town, South America..."
Kevin: "It's SOUTH AFRICA you idiot! South Africa, you dildo!!"
AJ: "Kevin just called me a dildo!...And as always, you can kiss my ass!"
Ok, three points to be made here...
1) AJ's been taking geography lessons from Mr Carter.
2) Why did "dildo" suddenly pop into Kevin's head? A freudian slip methinks...
3) And yes AJ, I would LOVE to kiss your ass.
Nick in the BK video: *wipes side of mouth* "Where's that *swallows what he was eating* umm... video game room *motions with fingers the playing of video games* at?"
Still think he's sexy now?
Howie in MaccyDs: "So Nick, AJ. What are you guys doing?"
Nick: "We're picking our noses, what do you think we're doing?!"
AJ: "By god, we are still waiting on our food..."
Howie sweetie, the big GET FOOD HERE sign right behind the guys should've given you some clue as to what was going on...
"My crotch is like scrambled eggs" - AJ McLean.
I don't even wanna go there...
On Backstreet Over Broadway, a girl asked BSB what they were grateful for.
Brian: "I'm grateful for my family, my career, my wife, and..."
Nick: "What about your dogs??"
Brian: "I was getting to that!"
Aw, Nicky knows Bri Bri SO well...
"I'm not a flyer...i'm petrified of heights!" - Brian.
"I can't stand flying, but I guess I picked the wrong profession to be in to not like flying." - AJ.
"I can't stand flying. I have to do it but I can't stand it." - Nick.
So WHY ON EARTH did they agree to fly above the audiences on skyboards for the Millennium tour?! Did Kevin and Howie overrule them with their mighty 2 to 3 vote?
"This is something for Michael Jackson...not us!" - Nick.
Ok, Nick was talking about the crowds of fans but it makes the imagination run riot dunnit?
"Yeah, I'm always the high one." - Howie.
Oh yeah? What would mama Dorough say about that?
"But...but...there's always a but! I don't have one but there's always a but!" - AJ.
The boy is SERIOUSLY hung up on his butt, or lack of one.
AJ: "Hold the press."
Howie: "Uh oh AJ found hats."
AJ: "Yes, he did."
Howie: "We're in trouble now."
AJ: "Yes, we are... Yo man this hat is sweet."
Howie: "Sweeeeet!"
I wanna go shopping with these two!!
Inside the bus after landing in Tokyo -
Nick: "Last night I dreamed of a giant sushi!"
Talking to Howie about The Call video -
Nick: "You looked good man!"
Howie: "Thanks man."
Nick: "Especially when the girl came out of you!"
Way to ruin a compliment!
Brian: "We're stepping on the world!" Steps over the 100 hour Black and Blue World tour map. "Whoa! Looks like we need bigger shoes!"
It's moments like these that make me doubt Brian's sanity.
Nick and Howie on the set of As Long As You Love Me -
Nick: "When you come to LA you have to dress like this."
Howie: "No, when YOU come to LA you have to dress like this."
Nick: "Well Howie why are you dressed like that?"
Howie: "Because I'm in a video shoot."
I know Nick has a short attention span but this is ridiculous!
"If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice?" - Nick.
Because in certain things, it DOES make it more...uh...enjoyable... Just ask Johnny.
"We want to be one of the longest groups of our kind to last" - Nick.
Whoa, Backstreet Grammaritis strikes again! Save us...
Reporter: "What do you do before a show?"
AJ: "We sacrifice a duck."
Howie: "No we don't."
Kinda quick with the denials there eh Howie?
AJ: "Hey Skipper, where we goin' today?"
Howie: "Yo homie, gilligan, we's goin' back to the islands!"
AJ: "Word..."
Howie: "To your brother!"
Complete with big-assed corny-as-hell grins... Aw bless them.
"When you see fans lined up against the gate, it kinda inspires." - Kevin.
To do what? Call the shooting squad?
"There was DisneyWorld, Sea World, and Nick's world." - Howie.
Where do I get tickets?
"Every time we go into the studio, we try to grow" - Kevin.
Damnit, somebody better stop Nick from growing already. And Bri Bri must be kinda pissed it hasn't worked for him...
"Nick, this is all your fault!" - AJ.
When ISN'T it?
"Wow! She can dance better than Brian!" - AJ.
Not hard. Brian rocks but he DOES have a tendency to either bust out into some weird moves or wander off halfway through a routine to wave at a camera.
AJ on Howie fighting, in Puerto Rican voice - "I kill you man!"
Sorry Howie, but if you REALLY sound like that you'd kill me laughing.
Reporter: "What's been your most passionate experience to date?"
Brian: "Oh man! It was a long time ago, I can tell you that much!"
Hey Leigh, what's going on here girl?!
"I'm bashful, I like it when a girl tells me she likes me." - Kevin.
So if Kevin's Bashful, what are the others? Nick = Dopey. Brian = Sleepy. Howie = Happy. AJ - Doc, cos I can just imagine Howie saying "What's up Doc?!" in a real high voice. Or "Howie doin' Doc?"
"So I went on TV and made a fool of myself." - Nick.
Yeah, we know...
"I have plenty of eyebrows to make hair transplants, I mean, I have enough for everyone" - Kevin.
Finally, the guy voices what we were all thinking.
"On behalf of all the people in Florida, we beg you NOT to have a re-count!" - Nick after winning an EMA.
Nick shows awareness of recent political events shocker.
"Holy shit!!! Rok you gotta see this toilet!! It has a reclinable chair!" - AJ.
The mind boggles.
Nick: "I like bathing suits that actually, y'know..."
AJ: "Grandma drawers?"
Nick: "No... That cover the behind!"
Thank God, cos I don't think the world is yet ready for the sight of Nick in a thong.
"I think he probably has a more difficult time dealing with it because he's the one who gets tugged on the most. If him and me were getting out of the bus at the same time, they'd probably go for him. That's why we all try to get off the bus with him - we push him out first so we can all walk right on past." - Brian on Nick.
Aw, and I thought that was an outpouring of brotherly love...
Nick: "This is Nick watch 10, reporting at the Backstreet Boys video shoot."
Howie: "Your name is Nick Carter, not Nick Washten."
Nick: "No, this is Nick watch, Nick watch 10, like, like, new, watch 8, channel 8, you know what I'm saying?"
Howie: "Oh, I thought you said Nick Washten."
Nick: "You know what? No, man, you totally ruined it."
Wow, Howie ruins a Nick joke... What's the betting Nick got all pissy right after?
"Hee hee.... my booty smacker!" (Howie opening a gift on MTV's Diary) "Oops!" (smacks it on chair, and it leaves a mark. Then he frantically trys to wipe it off.)
Damn, this is too funny for words. The wild abandon of Howie...
Reporter: "Brian, if it were just you at the end of The Call, with all the angry girls in front of you, which BSB would you call for help?"
Brian: "I would call...AJ, because...he would probably know all of them!"
You got THAT right.
Reporter: "AJ, has it ever happened to you what happend in The Call? Like a situation when you should have said "no"?"
AJ: "Quite a few times actually and..."
Nick: "I'll take over this conversation - he will NOT answer this question!"
Damn! I wanted to hear what he had to say for himself! And since when did Nick turn into Kevin?
"I once tried to sniff coke...but an ice cube got stuck up my nose" - Nick.
Brian: "If I were on a desert island, I would bring my... Wait, Bone you tell them what I'd bring."
AJ: "Yeah you'd bring your dogs, your wife and..."
Brian: "Yeah my dogs, my wife, my outlaws. Wait, now that I am married to my wife - is she considered family?"
Others - "Your outlaws?! Don't you mean your inlaws?"
Brian: "oh yeah oops."
First off, why did Brian need AJ's help to answer this question? Secondly, why do the dogs get listed BEFORE the wife? Thirdly, I think you count your wife as immediate family honey. And fourthly, I actually preferred "outlaws" to "inlaws" cos I get a GREAT visual of Leigh's mom on horseback toting a gun and yelling "Yee haw!"