Totally Random Thoughts

Ok, who the hell managed to piss all five of 'em off at once?! That takes some doing. And Brian's tough guy attitude is pretty damn scary. Even Sweet D looks kinda pissed. Nick is probably pissed cos he had to kneel on the dirty wet floor.

I went home a few weeks ago and ended up watching the BSB Homecoming Concert with my entire family. When I first suggested it, I was met with groans and complaints and bad jokes. But strangely, they all shut up when the concert started. Hmm. My mom was even shushed by my granddad when she started to ask about food. My granddad turn down food? He must've been well into it! About an hour into the show, they'd all claimed a Boy. Mom thought Nick was a real cutie; grandma shook her ass whenever AJ came on-screen; dad enjoyed Howie's singing; and granddad got lulled to sleep by Kev's piano-playing. So I guess that leaves me with Brian... Oh well, if I must. I now present the top ten amusing moments of my family's viewing.
1. "He's not very good is he?" said by dad when Brian did his solo.
2. "He looks like a Musketeer!" said by grandma excitedly. "Which one?" replied mom. "The one with that funny beard." "They've ALL got funny beards."
3. "Ooh, he's doing THINGS with that stage."
4. "Anbody want some chocolate?" "SSSSSHHHHH!"
5. "I'm going to dance. No I'm too tired. Oh dash it, I'm going to dance for the Boys."
6. "How old is that Nick?" asked by mom and when told the answer, "Oh, legal then."
7. "You could line-dance to this song" said by granddad during Get Down. Huh?!
8. "They're MUCH better than those Backtown Lads you were into last year." Err...
9. "That's HOWIE!" yelled by mom when dad mistook him for Kevin.
10. "He can't dance much can he? Well at least he tries. Poor boy" said by grandma about Kevin.

After sitting through the Homecoming show, the family were raring to go when I produced the BK promo video. It did lead to an argument between mom and dad over what you can have that way at Burger King. Thrilling.

Just HOW excited was Nick when he found out Pringles were launching a pizza flavour? Are they cheesy enough for Brian?

Whenever I see the 'I Love Cheese' commercials for Wendy's I think of Brian.

Does Nick ever see a teenybopper with his name scrawled across her face and go "JEEZ!"? Cos I know I would.

After Howie said "Not McDonalds AGAIN?!" did he go beat up AJ?

How long did it take the guys to film that very corny first video for INBYH and who kept laughing first?

Big up to the girls in that video by the way for managing to not laugh at least ONCE when they got serenaded by men in dodgy sweaters.

Did the dog in the second INBYH video pee on anyone? Or did it pee on the floor and Nick slipped in it? Could explain his hair-style and majorly pissed look.

Brian's scared of heights. So why the hell did he CHOOSE to fly above thousands of screaming fans on the last tour? And did he screw his eyes shut the whole time? Did Nick threaten him with Tyk-napping?

And how do you spell Tyk anyways? Tyk, Tyke, Tike...

Does AJ have Whodaman on his list of favourites so that he can try out their chat-up lines every night?

Have the bodyguards ever forgotten a Boy after a concert? Like, I can imagine Billy going "Nick? Nick? Nick?! Oh man, I left him behind!" And what's the betting the other guys just went "Oh *shrugs*"?

Watching the end of the BSB Homecoming video, my mom commented that AJ would run a hell of a lot faster without all the Mr T jewellery. Woman's got a point.

That interview when Nick talks about never sleeping naked in hotels because he might 'forget' and open the door to someone... Think he was speaking from experience? And has that person recovered yet?

Nick runs like my mom.

Did anyone REALLY believe Kevin would win the Fastest Finger round on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Only one worst would be Brian. "Oh gee, I know the answer but can I really be bothered to exert myself? Hmmm... *sigh* I guess it's for charity..."

Does it piss Howie off when Nick or Kevin call him Howard? And why is Howard such a deeply unsexy name? Thinking about it, Kevin and Brian aren't far behind in the unsexy name stakes...

About where they got their name from... I've heard so many explanations - all from Howie. It's a shopping mall in Orlando, it's a flea market, it's a parking lot where the kids go hang out... Ok, pick one and stick to it!

When I was in Vegas, I finally figured out why Brian wears two watches. I spent the whole time going "Can I call home now? What time is it there? Jeez, it's 7pm here so... *mentally trying to work it out but failing miserably* Jeez, I need two damn watches!" Brian, you're a genius.

Does Brian giggle when he sees signs for 'Brain' or does he just roll his eyes and go "kids today"?

When the fans hold up pictures of AJ, does it make the other guys laugh? Like, "Oh AJ, that was your RED phase." And WHY do fans hold up pictures? If they wanna check themselves, they just use a mirror.

Why does Nick always have to sing some part of the words 'sex', 'sexual' or 'sexuality'? And does Brian die laughing every time he has to say "YEAH!"

Is Nick one of those people who, when you totally thrash them at a game, keep saying "Total fluke. Best of 3/4/5/6/7 etc"?

Why oh why do the BSB CD singles never have an enhanced CD-Rom video section?

Brian doing that little 'I'm scared' look while singing the line "doesn't matter if you're on the run" - oh please, stop the cuteness.

Why does Brian feel the need to jump up and high five the camera during concerts? And does the camera man whizz up higher to deliberately piss off the short-arse?

Has an airline ever lost their luggage? And do they throw a tantrum in the baggage hall when they find out? I bet Nick would.

What do their cases look like anyways? Howie's is purple and looks like the day it was bought. Nick's is dark green and battered to hell and back. Kevin's is black with those bright straps around it so he can recognise it, but every other businessman had the same idea. AJ's is black with stickers from all the airlines still on cos it gives 'character'. And Brian's is Kentucky blue. You know it.

Do they ever sing "I'm feeling Kevin when I look in your eyes" just for the heck of it?

Do they ever read fan fiction? I can just imagine Brian going "AJ did WHAT to her?!"

Why does it always seem to be Nick that gets fatally or seriously injured in fan fictions? Hey writers, give the guy a break. Oops, forgot you probably already did.

Is my grandma AJ's oldest fan? She's 73 by the way.

After Brian told the story of AJ's foot getting run over by a tour bus and burst into giggles, did AJ smack him?

Ever noticed how Brian is either REALLY talkative in interviews or he barely says a word? The guy just doesn't DO in-betweens.

The video for The Call. AJ gets to kiss some model type. Brian gets to dodge bullets in a grocery store. Nick gets to crash a car. Kevin gets to leap tall buildings. Howie gets to be a girl and drink tea. Somebody got shafted there.

Do they get all pissy whenever somebody mentions the AIHTG Conversation Mix?

I'm scared to listen to the Conversation Mix in a public place for fear of getting carted off to a secure, padded, white cell. I just DIE laughing.

Do any of them use the bidets in Europe? And did Nick even know what it was for? I know I didn't. I told my mom in a VERY packed restaurant how cool it was for washing the sand away from between your toes. STILL haven't lived it down.

Does Brian ever say "Incinerator" in foreign countries instead of "See ya later"? They'd never know.

In Vegas, who gets the most electric shocks? Walking on those thick carpets and touching metal stuff almost KILLED me.

In Vegas, I bet Howie plays craps, Kevin plays roulette, AJ plays strip poker, Brian rides the rodeo bull machine and Nick spends entire days lost in lazer quest.

The way AJ told Howie he was looking at women's pants sounded a little weary to me. Think he'd said it before? LOL

Who's dumber - Nick or my friend Ash? Classic Ash quote - "I'd hate to be blind. Especially at night."

Did Kev watch the N*Sync concert video just to go "Hey, we did that first! And that! And that!"? And how long did it last before getting chucked out the window?

Which one is most likely to use the last piece of toilet paper and forget to replace it? I'm guessing it's always Kevin who ends up in the toilet sans paper...

Do they ever feel so happy they just have to start skipping?

Why is it whenever I say I like the Boys, the first reaction is "Oh God, they're TERRIBLE!" And then they go "Did they do that IWITW song last summer? Oh, that's great!" and start humming. Oh, yeah...REALLY terrible now huh?

Does AJ have to keep hitching his pants up when he walks?

When they get wedgies, are they discreet or real obvious? I just bet Nick dives right in there and Howie does the whole furtive looking around thing.

When Joey N*Sync used to wait on them and suck up saying he wanted to be JUST like them, did they snigger? I bet now that's ALL Kev hears whenever he sees him.

Why does Prince's If I Was Your Girlfriend ALWAYS make me have an AJ moment?

Who's most likely to piss everyone else off by continously walking around the aeroplane in order to avoid getting DVT?

They should do a version of Billy Joel's Uptown Girl. God knows I keep singing "I'm in love with a backstreet guy" instead of the title words.

When Kevin said "I'm just here to stall while the guys get their drawers on", why did he not immediately get mown down in a stampede?

Does Nick practise his pouts and sexy looks in the mirror? And has anyone ever caught him? I bet Brian would kill himself laughing and then run round telling everyone. "Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed the show. We're the Backstreet Boys and I caught Nick practising his sexy looks in the mirror. Bye!"

Ok, I cannot marry Nick or AJ. We all HATE bugs. I can just imagine us standing on the bed yelling "kill it!" "I can't! You kill it!" "No way!" "Oh it's moving towards us!" "WTF?!" "Right that's IT, we gotta move house AGAIN!"

When the TV goes on the blink, does Nick whack it several times and then think he has magic powers cos the picture comes back? I can just imagine him doing a Phoebe with the remote too.

AJ has a phone in his bathroom. Does he ever call people up and go "Whassup? I'm on the toilet. Got kinda bored so I figured I give you a call"?

Ok, I was watching a David Blaine TV special the other night and I kinda got to thinking what the Boys would think of him. Brian probably thinks he's the devil. Howie spends every second of his show going "wow..." Kevin watches intently to try and find out how he does it. Nick believes, totally and completely. AJ wants to know where he gets his shades from. And me? I just get totally blown-away, plus I want his shades... LOL

Ok, yoga's the biggest thing in keep-fit right now. How would the guys do it? Nick'd fall asleep; AJ'd get into the whole unblocking the sexual chakras thing; Kevin'd deep breathe for the world; Howie'd fall over a lot; and Brian'd keep losing the plot.

I'm becoming Nick. OMG, it's true. Ok, evidence...
1) I spent roughly 10 minutes staring at a big mailbox with two slots trying to figure out which slot to use before realising they both dropped into the same box.
2) I mused out loud how strange it is that everybody seems to have a birthday.
3) I spent ten minutes hanging out of my window trying to see if it was raining cos I could hear a serious dripping noise before realising I'd left the tap running.
4) That "Brian T Littrell makes great hush puppies" thing? I thought he made shoes for the LONGEST time.
5) I fall over. A lot.
If you can beat me in the Nick stakes, I'd love to hear from ya. We could start up a Nick competition. Whoever wins gets a year's free accomodation in a padded white room.

If the BSBs were on Survivor, who'd get kicked out first? I think Kevin cos he's gonna totally piss off Nick and AJ with his control thing. And Howie'd vote with AJ. Brian would try to get out of voting but end up voting Kev off ("Sod the cousin thing!"). So, bye bye Kevvy Kev. Second would be Howie cos two weeks without a mirror to check his hair in would totally unhinge him. And third would be Brian cos I think AJ'd rather spend his last week with Nick than Brian. Then AJ'd win cos he'd trick Nick into running the wrong way into the jungle by telling him Twinkies grow off trees in the middle. By the time Nick got helicoptered out, AJ'd be home free.

Ditto for the Big Brother thing. Week one, Kevin and Howie up for eviction - Howie would get voted out cos the public likes to see a little tension and Howie's just too damn nice. Week two, it'd be Kevin and Nick - Kevin's out cos the public refuses to kick the blonde one out. Week three, Nick and AJ - AJ's out cos, again, the blonde kid. Week four, Nick wins cos of the cute blonde thing. I just have WAY too much free time.

In my local train station there's a shop devoted entirely to cheese. How excited would Brian be?!

"There's a rumour goin' around..."
"Hey, introduce it to AJ - he'll take it out." Ba da bing!

Brian - "I've never been so insulted in all my life!"
AJ - "Well, sit down and let me have a go." Ba da bing!

OK, I was watching the first BSB video, let's call it the red video because, er, it's RED. A few comments...

Where's basketball in Nick and Brian's hobbies? They ARE the b-ball men! And speaking of hobbies, weight-lifting Brian?! Don't make me laugh now.

Ah, the infamous "I resign" Nicky quote... Bless. The looks on Brian and Kev's faces are the best thing though. You can just see Kevin thinking "And they call ME the bumpkin..." And Nicky's "Oh man, I always mess up" - ya DON'T say?! Well, nothin' like starting how you mean to continue eh?

Howie ALWAYS answers the "How did you get together?" question. He must be SO pissed off by now - "For God's sake! Do some research!"

Speaking of Howie answering THAT question in the red video, Brian and Kev are standing behind him. WTF is Bri standing on?! A mini skyscraper?! He's like a whole HEAD taller than Kevin.

And in that section, when Howie mentioned how they met Kevin, he says "Kevin" and Brian points to Kevin. Then when Howie says "and Brian", Brian hits himself. OK...

After much investigation, I've come to the conclusion that it is as impossible for Brian to sing a capella with his eyes open as it is for us to keep our eyes open while sneezing.

Dungarees - no Kev! Not a good look for a 24 year old man.

The Backstreet Market in Orlando... Ok Kev, in which parallel universe?! Cos nobody in Orlando has ever heard of it!

"Is there a big towel in here? Cos I need to stick my head in the sink." WTF Kev?! Sounded kinda slurred to me... Some kind of weird Backstreet hangover cure?

AJ - "This video is to show all the girls out there that we'd go anywhere for you, do anything for you..." OK, I can think of a few things so get your ass over here pronto!

Just To Be Close a capella - the Boys demonstrate their superb spaghetti-sucking-up skills on the "oooooh"s.

Nick's dream date? It HAS to be a full moon... Ok, something you're not telling us here? A-wooooooooooo!

How many people out there try to find Nick's favourite group under A? For A Group Called Journey.

AJ talking about what everyone brings to the group... Kev does the "seky talky parts"; Nick's the "baby face"; Howie's "latin, he speaks Spanish"; and "I bring the funk." OK, so what does Brian do?! What the hell is "seky"?! How pissed were Nick and Howie to hear that their only talents are linguistics and looks? Sod the singing...

"Oooo! Look! There's Nicky!" - said in high-pitched voice and accompanied by much hand flapping. AJ's got his teeny impression down pat.

The We've Got It Goin' On video...
When Nick introduces himself - "This is... Nick" - hmm, very precise phrasing there. Been gettin' some coaching?
"Wasup, wasup, this is Kev" - lame, very lame.
The white cap - no Nick! Talk about who da man/ghetto style. Plus, my grandad has one for when he goes walking to keep his bald spot warm... 'Nuf said.
Kevvy is hysterical in this video. The hard poses, the hair flicks, the dancing...oh boy!
Nick and Kev shared a microphone, how did they not end up knocking each other out?! With the exaggerated hand movemants and all...
The Boys walk out of the woods a lot in this video... Hmm, they kinda look like they've been answering the call of nature... Or did the teddy bears have a picnic?
All five of them do the hard guy pose. A lot. Just don't go with the sweet lil baby faces. My cousin Lee is scarier and he's 6.
Just LURVE AJ's sweater - he musta been sweatin' like a dawg on that stage!
Kevvy is obviously bein' marketed as the token Mr Sexy here. We see him pumpin' weights, pouring water over his head, and riding a motorcycle with a blonde woman hanging on for dear life. Not that I have a problem with any of this... Far be it from me to stand in the way of a wet Kev...
Whoa, big ass cell phone Brian has here! What's the betting that now he has a lil rinky dinky one that he keeps losing cos he can't see it? And we see Kev dialling a land line just before Brian answers the celly. I can just imagine Bri going "Somebody call me! I gotta look popular!" or "C'mon, call me! I wanna try the phone!"

Anywhere For You video...
Nick NEVER stands on a rock. I guess he was too big a risk for insurance.
Brian always mimes the "see" parts... Just in case anybody out there didn't understand that very simple three letter word. I can think of another three letter word he can mime for me...
Nick looks WAY better now. He was far too skinny back then. Is it a post? No, it's Nick.
On the beach, AJ, Howie and Brian bare their chests. Nick wears a t-shirt - fair enough. Kevin wears a big-ass yellow jacket...WHY?!!!
AJ's yellow and black striped trunks make him look like a wasp.

I'll Never Break Your Heart video...
Thank God they remade it. It's corny as hell.
The sweaters.... Arrgh, save me from golfing/dad hell!
I'd pay serious money to see the outtakes
Brian joins his girl at her table with a fondue stick. A man bearing gifts...
Note to AJ and Brian - if you really MUST wear the same God awful sweater, do not stand next to each other.

Get Down video...
Kevin is hysterical in this video! Just watch the whole thing and concentrate on Kev, I guarantee you'll be laughing. Whatever he was on, I want some.
On "your lips taste so sweet" Kevvy points down at his crotch area... So, THAT'S where you want my lips...
Near the end, Brian, Nick, Howie and AJ all come close for a group shot and you can just see Kev's head bouncing up and down behind them! ROTFLMAO
"You're my ecstacy" could so easily be "you're my cup o' tea"...
Turtle Kev! Power to the turtle man!
At the end, Brian catches Nick doing a sexy pose and cracks up laughing so that he can barely sing the chorus. Then Nick almost knocks him over. Ah, those two.

Quit Playin' Games video...
When Howie takes his shirt off, just watch him. He has NO idea what to do with it. Should he run around with it in the air like a parachute? Tie it around his waist? Dump it? Ah, the eternal question.
Kev in white trousers, open shirt, wet... There IS a God and he is merciful...

I busted out my A Night With The Backstreet Boys video last night and I enjoyed every second of it. It's just great! But a few comments (as always)...

When Howie watched it and saw Kev doing the miming to Howie's AIHTG section, did he slap him?

AJ is incredibly sexy all through the video - it's AJ's video!

On this trip, Lay Down Beside Me is seriously the sexiest thing I've seen in a LONG time. On tape of course, LOL. I'm gonna show it to guys and say "Ya wanna be sexy? Watch HIM."

Brian's professionalism never ceases to amaze me. I mean, who else could say "hello" to the camera without losing his place in the song? Amazing.

AJ does this really cool high note in AIHTG and the camera goes across to Kev who is giving him SUCH a look. It's funny. Jealousy Kev? Or was AJ getting carried away, as usual?

I LOVE Obie!

Just wanna wash Brian's hair.

In Who Do You Love? does Brian sing "I will never leave you at home" or "I will never leave you alone" or is it "I will never leave you at all"? Cos the first one is just plain weird, the second is in stalker territory and the third is kinda ok.

When Nick launches into ALAYLM, AJ, Howie,Kevin and the entire audience get into the whole rhythmic handclaps thing and Brian just taps his knee. That old rebel.

Ever noticed Kevin has this tendency to stare intensely at whoever is singing? Is he trying to put them off? Cos I sure would be. I'd be all "I don't care whooooooarggghhhhh!"

Is it just me or when Howie sings "after every show I wanna rush over to you" in My Heart Stays With You do you get a mental puppy flash? It's those big brown eyes and a tendency to hump your leg.

When Howie says "is there anyone out there I can sing to? Can I sing to you?" do you think "well duh, that's what I paid for"? "No go away dude, I didn't pay to listen to you sing. I'm here to hear Kevvy talk. For two hours."

Does anybody else laugh when Brian starts singing passionately on the floor of his room in the INBYH video? Cos I sure do.

Talking of the rooms, I LOVED AJ's, Nick's and Howie's. Kevin's is OK I guess but Brian's? Got a yen for a teepee on an Indian reservation have we Bri?

Watch Howie during the first pre-chorus of INBYH. If this music thing should ever fall through, guy'd make a great mime.

End of INBYH, Nick and Kevin lean into the camera - gives me a scary bouncer mental flashback EVERY damn time.

Howie does the cutest jump and spin near the end of the INBYH video. Aw bless, he's only 5ft5 ya know.

Best moment by far in the INBYH video is when the camera zooms across the five guys (from AJ to Kevin) and then zooms in on Howie. All of a sudden AJ appears behind him, flinging his arms out dramatically and singing lustily. It makes me laugh every time.

And in the AIHTG video, AJ keeps turning to camera in this chair. It just reminds me of Blofeld in the James Bond films. "Ah Mr Bond, I've been expecting you."

Does Nick seriously try to trip Howie in the AIHTG video? That part where AJ is singing his section, Nick sits down on the black chair in the background and stretches his legs out just as Howie tries to walk past.

AJ “conversates” – huh? Ok, somebody call those dictionary people up, AJ just added a new word.

AJ doesn’t pick up dog poop straight off. Ok, four thoughts here.
1) UGH!
2) No more dinners chez AJ for me
3) I’d a paid to see Kev’s reaction to that little gem
4) Why did dog poop come up in an interview anyway??

Somebody told me about this show back in January. AJ’s earpiece went out and he hit the deck! LOL, that’s funny! I told that one to a friend called Lisa who went very quiet… A few vodkas later and the whole sorry tale was revealed. She was brushing her teeth in the bathroom one night. The window overlooks the street and, as she’s looking in the mirror, she suddenly sees a red dot shining on her forehead. Straightaway she hits the floor, crawls to turn the light off and lies there for about ten minutes. When she gets up, she checks the window and sees a bunch of guys busting up laughing and playing with a red penlight…

“Don’t make fun of my hat… It’s not my fault.” Ok AJ, whose fault is it then? And would they carry a white stick by any chance?

“We’re on our way to Cape Town, South America” declares AJ moments before being called a “dildo” by Kevin. A case of spending too much time with the blonde kid perhaps?

AJ has a WEIRD definition of time – “It was a one day shoot – 28 hours.”

When AJ gets really into the dancing, he does duck lips! Aww, the cutie.

Note to AJ - do NOT take the shades off and look directly at the camera without first warning us. *Sigh* *Thud*

AJ's VIVA thing, either he said he farted or let out a howl during sex. I'm not sure which is worst... The howl would bust me up laughing for sure! And why does AJ feel the need to tell us these things?!

In INBYH, AJ points at his watch whenever he sings "as time goes by", just in case we're a little slow...

Brian does the same thing with his eyes in AFY on the "as far as I can see" line... Thanx for your faith in our intelligence boys.

"I may look like hell but I'm always there first." Yea AJ, we know. Sounds kinda like my morning mantra actually. I always end up over-sleeping, dragging my sorry ass outta bed and running down the road with wild hair and mismatched socks.

AJ on famous landmarks - "Never thought that I would be in Germany seeing the Berlin Wall...or Big Ben." Nickitis strikes again.

AJ clears up where he got the womanising reputation from - "I eat the same thing in every country...chiquita." Cos we all know little girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice...

Brian says people have "all been very congratulative". Ok, put the dictionary folk on Backstreet speed dial.

"I can leap over buildings and I have flaming balls!" Relax girls, he was talking about his BK toy and finished with "BASKETballs" after everybody had died laughing.

"This must be my room...look at all these heads." Ok, so Brian's room is the one with heads in... Hmm, I guess he's the mystery headnapper from all those waxworks museums.

Brian feels like a corncob. Yea, and what do corncobs feel like Bri sweetie? Are you all buttered up? Or did you go rotten? Huh?!!

"It's a little hard to be in two or three places at once." A LITTLE hard Brian? Try damn near impossible.

Whatever happened to those Backstreet boxers Howie used to wear? Did he like go through his clothes and go "WTF was I thinkin'?!" (Sandy comment.)

Can't we all just get along? A long night alone with Johnny? (Sandy comment.)

Ever hear or see a fan ask one of the guys for a hug? Then wonder if the first thought in their head was "hell no!"? (Sandy comment.)

See that pic in The Backstreet Project (also shown here on the site) that shows Nick reading? Anyone else snicker as much as me? (Sandy comment.)

Ok...truthfully - when you're going through this site... and you go into images... ya get scared by looking at Brian's pants and wonder if he borrowed em from Howie's cloest? (Sandy comment.)

Ever notice on the "For The Fans" Burger King Cds, that on disc 3 it asks ya to pick a quote and NONE of em are quotes? (Sandy comment.)

On the acapella Wav of Drowning, Kevin says "A little bit of country twang" followed by Nick's "That's Kevin and Brian's influence" - anyone else get that "Ya think?" thought going on? (Sandy comment.)

And in those same few seconds, Nick told Brian the next part to sing was his... Duh anyone? (Sandy comment.)

When Nick hears on the radio "Backstreet Boys' Latest Album... in Stores Now" - does he instantly think "Dude thats not what we named it"? (Sandy comment.)

The Drowning video full stop. Firstly, why didn't they release the wet one? Did they forget that them wet would be most of our fantasties in one blow? Or was that why they got scared? Though actually, seeing AJ in his spiderman outfit woulda made me laugh too hard to get any "Mmm, lookin' hot" thoughts. And secondly, the video - WTF is with all the dramatics?! The blonde kid is by far the worst offender. Are nobody's pants safe? He grabbed Howie's in More Than That and now he's grabbing Howie's again, plus Brian's and Kevin's. And AJ got an arm wrapped around his neck. Personally I woulda up and run by then. And what's the betting Nick hit the floor after he grabbed Howie and he moved away? My all time fav scene is the part near the end where if ya look to the right of the screen, you can see Howie and Nick holding onto each other. Sharing the pain huh guys? And AJ, I've already told ya 'bout the removing-the-shades-without-warning thing.

Nicky got arrested. And crying like a baby in the patrol car. Like he couldn't have waited until the privacy of his own home?

Ok, when ya heard a BSB had been arrested did ya think it must be either AJ or Kevin (I could just see him chaining himself to a tree these days)? I know I did.

What's the betting Nick's message from Kevin started with "you" and ended with "BLEEP!" and that Nick's return message consisted of bawling like a baby?

Ya think Nick begged the cops not to ring Kevin?

Nick sweetie, nothing wrong with crying but when you tell people "It's ok to cry" you're kinda opening yourself up to funning.

I bet the news of Nicky's arrest sure ruined all Kevin's tranquility up in the mountains. He probably damn near had an aueurism.

Ya think AJ is secretly pissed Nick is badder than him?

'Nick Carter was arrested following a disturbance at a Florida nightclub after allegedly waving his genitals around and yelling "I am Nick Carter!". A female clubber said "If there was a police lineup, I could identify it. It was pretty big."' Ok, who read that and laughed? I know it's not true but damn straight there'd be a disturbance if he whipped little Nicky out.

What's the betting Nick cut out that little snippet, underlined "pretty big", had it blown up and framed?

Ya think Nick is getting bugged by estate agents calling him about selling his house now that the full address appeared on the net?

Think he's even been home yet?

Shame Hallmark don't do Get Outta Jail Free cards.

Anyone else secretly think Nick is hotter since he got the bad boy tag? Though I like to forget about the crying part myself.

Think Carson Daly respects Nick more now since he got himself arrested? Check out the Interviews section of this site if ya have no clue what I mean.

I am beginning to scare my flatmate with my BSB lingo. In the last coupla days I have said "holy s**t", "ready to hang on a palm tree", "get outta mah grill", "it's ok to cry" and "it's all gravy".

Talking of "get outta mah grill", I met a guy who knows Kevin and Brian from Kentucky. He says he met Kevin at an after-show party recently and went over. Kevin said "get outta my grill bro" and the guy says to me "I guess he was a little busy". Ya THINK?! Try "he doesn't know who the hell you are and would like you to go hide before he calls security"?

I went all weak-kneed and slushy when I heard AJ talking about his new fiancee on the radio. Damnit, I'm a hard woman. I don't DO slushy.

Okies, nowt to do with the Boys but I wanted to entertain y'all with my hospital antics last year. If ya intrigued then click here. If ya not then...humpf. See if I care...
