Full Name: Mark Anthony Luke Barry
Nickname: Used to be (BAZ)
Birthday: 10/26/78
Hometown: Manchester,England
If you were a cartoon character who would you be and why?: I think I'd be the Tazmanian Devil because I'm always hungry, so all you fans out there better watch out.
What do you like to eat for breakfast?: anything that's edible
What's been your fave outfit your stylist has come up with?: The Vivienne Westwood outfit I wore for the MTV music awards.
What's the best part about being famous?: Getting free dinners.
What phsyical characteristics do you like in a girl?: Great eyes
What's your favorite thing to do with down time?: sleep
Is there anything you hate in a girl?: sarcasm
What's the most bizarre thing in your travel journal?: Getting up at Stupid O'clock every day.
How do you stay in shape?: Do press-ups (push-ups), and sit-ups in hotel rooms and on the tour bus.
Survey taken from Hot! magazie Jan/Feb 2001