As you may know, Nick split from 'Willa' early October '00. Since then it is interesting to note that Nick has become close to his family once more, and has made  a big effort, especially publicly with Aaron. He has thanked all his family in the inlay for Black and Blue, something he's never done before, infact, he dedicated the album to his parents :)

He seems to have more respect for himself now, I noticed that he had the guts to shut the phone on Kane, (Dj for Tampa bay's radio station 963 FLZ) when he was being very disrespectful about Nick and Aaron.

Nick is selling the house he used to share with 'Willa' and moving to place that's closer to his family, a place which his mom helped decorate.

All in all it seems that he is a much happier person than he was and he seems extremely keen to let everyone know that he single and with 'Willa' no longer.

Nick moves on  . . .

Here are Aaron and Nick at the Billboard awards with Justin and Brit - I really didn't think these guys would be seen again with Nick after that awful prank call, but it seems that all is well again here! (Britney - girl, cover up - what's wrong with you?)

You just don't get any cuter than these guys :)))
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