For 4 years Amanda Lee Willaford (20)  was the secret girlfriend of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter (21). In October 2000 they broke up surprisingly. In the bib YAM Interview Willa talks about her time with Nick for  the first time...

 "Nick was my big love"

YAM: Mandy, why did you break up?

Willa: 6 month ago me and Nick were at the point where it didn't work anymore. We had not much time for each other and we knew that this wouldn't change in near future. Nick had his plans with the Backstreet Boys and I am concentrating on my singing career for over a year now. The break up was the sad but logical consequent. The permanent spatial and temporal separations were poison for our love.

YAM: Who broke up?

Willa: It was a decision we made together - in October last year. After some Talks we hat it was clear for us: it is hard for us to accept the truth, but it made no sense anymore.

YAM: What were the first days after the break up like?

Willa: Horrible! I was very down. I was the most horrible time of my life. After all we have been together for four years. Nick was my first real boyfriend, my first man! My big love! It's true that we argued a lot and in 1999 we separated for several month but in the end he came back and we had a beautiful reconciliation.

YAM: Has Nick ever disappoint you deeply?

Willa: Yes, but it was after the break up. When he announced the break up to the public at the BSB mini world tour in November he said proudly that he is single again, I broke out in tears. I hurt me totally. After all the years of hiding, when he never really said he has a girlfriend and I never was allowed to be with him in public, he couldn't wait to say it's over...(yes that is very, very true - infact every single interview Nick was making a point of saying he was single - he was clearly overjoyed that they'd split and wanted the world to know that miserable girl was gone - yes, of course she was upset, she had lost her little money bank and access to fame - not to mention the best thing that had ever happened to her, I don't think guy will ever treat her the way Nick did)

YAM: How much did you suffer from the secrecy?

Willa: I hated it! Because I have blonde hair as the Carter family I always had to say I'm his cousin. I was not allowed to come near him when other people were near, not to hold his hand, not to kiss him. In April 1999 I was with him in Cologne when they presented their Millennium album. I was in the hotel room all the time and was watched by a bodyguard. Brian and Kevin had their wives with them officially. (How can she compare herself with Kristen and Leighanne - she doesn't even come close, Bri and Kev truly love their then girlfriends, now wives, but what was her relationship with Nick - evidently she never meant enough to him that he would consider her important enough to tell everyone about, as for not being allowed to come near him - well maybe if she had some manners, and a little respect for the BSB fans like the other girls do, then it would be a different story)

YAM: That must have hurt you very bad...

Willa: The worst in our relationship was that Nick never stand behind me. Brian told everyone about Leighanne, and Kevin about Kristin - only I had to hide myself from the fans just as I had done something bad. I'm sure the other Backstreet Boys are glad that Nick is single again. (I'm sure they are - it doesn't sound like anyone really liked her - not even Nick)

YAM: How was the end? Did you argue?

Willa: Now, why? Our separation was clean. We broke up as friends and we still talk to each other on the phone. For my 20th birthday on January 22nd he called me to say happy birthday, although it was the day of the start of the us tour - and I called him on January 28th for his 21st birthday when he had a show at the super bowl.

YAM: What did you parents say about the break up?

Willa: They didn't jump to the ceiling in joy. My parents did like Nick. He was at my house often. And I was at his often too, but there sometimes was trouble, because Nick was too generous to me. It was because we were so much in love and he spoiled me. As a substitute for all my suffering.
(she should need any expensive gifts and spoiling - what suffering??? She was NICK CARTER'S GIRLFRIEND for gods sake! Selfish cow - does she ever think about anyone else apart from herself?)

YAM: Could you imagine that the two of you will get together again?

Willa: That's hard to answer. Our ways will surely meet and I hope we can stay friends. At the  moment we both are under huge stress: Nick is under pressure in the top and I am under pressure at  the start. It's better for me to start as Willa by myself and not as the girlfriend of Nick Carter.
(So since he broke up with her, she is now the ex - girlfriend of Nick Carter - she's crazy if she thinks she can earn fame on her own merits, she's always be just his ex and a wannabe, esp when she goes around doing interviews like this)

YAM: Why do you call yourself Willa and not Mandy?

Willa: I thought it was too girly-like, only Nick called me Mandy. Willa is tougher - a anonymous cool name, which give me free space. My songs are much tougher and more serious than the ones of some other blonde American female singers.
(tougher? really they are just of a lower tone, using dirty lyrics and showing off your body doesn't make you tough)

YAM: When does you fist single come out?

Willa: It's called "I wanna be bad" and starts in April in the US and in fall in Europe. The text is about the thing that every girl sometimes likes the bad guy better than the nice guy...

YAM: Is it true that you will go on tour with *NSYNC?

Willa: Yes, I will be on tour with them on the second leg of their US summer tour. I will be on stage with two dancers - our show will be tough and sexy...
(those poor nsync fans . . . - what have they done to deserve this being inflicted upon them? sexy? like a bunch of screaming girl fans want to see a slut prancing around onstage half naked - give them a good support act to see, and let someone with talent who deserves to be in the spotlight do it.)

'Yam' is a German magazine and this article has been translated to English - once again, my comments are in pink.