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The 'Willa' experience

Here you can look at, and listen to Willa, and experience what Nick does every day and every night.

Please note: to fully appreciate the Willa experience, you need to wait for the sound clip to download. Do bear with it, it's worth it and it will only take a couple of minutes at most.

Alternatively you can just download it here, click 'save target as'

Our Willa's got some classic face expressions . . . .

Willa is deep in thought. Click to find out what's she's thinking about today.

Here's 'Willa' doing her thang' on stage

Aahh, she's so cute dancing and singing her little heart out . . .

Willa is somewhat famous for her smile, click on the below picture to see more of it . . . (he hee)

Here's a recent pic of her on her shopping mall tour where apparently she's changed her name from 'Willa' to 'Mandah Lee'.
Make up your mind for heavens sake girl!!! Hmm, love the nails.

So what do you think of 'Willa' then? She's pretty isn't she?
Yeah, like pretty ugly!!!!
No, seriously, we would never judge someone by their outward appearance, the only reason she's only ugly if she is from the inside, from her heart and soul.
And that's where we have one last question . . . .

I don't wanna leave yet - give me more 'Willa'

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