What has he told us about her?

Nick and Mandy have been seeing each other for a few years now, but he has been very quiet about her. That's his choice, since it's his personal life, but then after making a public statement about his relationship on his website, many fans were worried about him. Since then he has tried to play down his relationship but at the same time he's trying to promote her singing career. All in all he has been pretty dishonest with us fans and I think that stinks because it implies that we are all silly fickle teenyboppers who will get jealous if we find out about her.

Here are some of the rare times Nick has mentioned her, they are from various magazines, etc . . .

This is Nicks part in an interview about their girlfriends. I have obtained this from the internet so I don't know which magazine it's from. You can read the whole interview here.

Tony-Oh well then good luck to you too Nick, I think your relationship must be the most confusing to everyone and probably has the most rumors attached to it! I know I have heard everything from you are dating Mandy Ashford (of Innosense also) to up and coming star Mandy Moore to Pop Princess Britney Spears. Are you ready to clear up all these rumors right now? Nick-Yes I am. I did date Mandy Ashford for a couple of months but it just didn’t work out but we are still really good friends so that is where that came from. As for the Mandy Moore and Britney Spears, I have never had really anything to do with either one of them. Isn’t Britney going out with one of her dancers?
Tony- I don’t know about that but if you and Mandy aren’t dating anymore then what is your girlfriend status?
Nick-OK, this is going to be a hard one to explain. I am kind of seeing another girl right now, also named Mandy. Everyone is blowing it way out of proportion though. I guess you can kind of call her my girlfriend but we both also see other people. She is on tour with us now but more for the sake of her own career, trying to promote herself. You see, she is an up and coming singer too. We enjoy each others company but that is where it just about stops. We both realized at the time when we first started dating that we weren’t in love but decided just to stay together cause neither one of us was really looking for something serious at the time but we are both still on the lookout. Infact just last night she went out to a club and met someone she thinks she clicked with. You know?
Tony-Isn’t there and jealousy when one of you go out with someone else?
Nick-No I don’t think so cause we both know, that no matter what happens we will always be there for each other and love each other as best friends. Actually just a couple weeks ago she had two of her friends on tour with us and she was trying to set me up with one of them.
Tony-Did it work?
Kevin-I don’t think we are going to get into that, let’s just say he is ‘seeing’ Mandy and no more questions. If you are a fan don’t harass her either cause it’s not like the two of them will ever get married!
Nick-That’s for sure!

US magazine, October 1998
When Carter is asked about a puppy he and his girlfriend bought the day before, he is apoplectic. "Who said it was my girlfriend?" he says. "That was my cousin. Right now my love is the music" But backstage, just before the Boys go on, Carter turns to his platinum-blond "cousin", embraces her and gives her a long, deep kiss.

BRAVO, December 1998
BRAVO: Let's talk about your private life. A.J. and Brian have girlfriends now, how bout the others?

Kevin: Howie and I are singles (they all look at Nick).

Nick: (grins and fidgets) I have a steady girlfriend now, for the first time, and I am very, very much in love!

BRAVO: What's her name, and how did you two meet?

Nick: I won't tell her name, because we have been together for a few weeks only. I met her in Tampa. She is a singer as well, and is going to have her big breakthrough very soon. She is blonde and kinda looks like my sister B.J. But she is not a member of the group 'Innosense' (he laughs)!

BIG, may 1999
Big: Ok let's deal with this whole girlfriend thing. Are you seeing anyone at the moment?

Nick: Yes I am. Her name is Mandy. I don't really want to talk about her. She is a personal part of my life and she's something no one else needs to know about other than me. When I'm ready for the world to know, I will tell everyone. I hope that doesn't offend anyone, but that is how I feel.

Teen people, July 1999
- Do you have a girlfriend?

- I'm seeing somebody.

- How long have you been seeing her?

- That's classified. That's kind of the secret part of my life, you know?

This one is a reply to an e - mail when he was DJ'ing in April '00 on 933 FLZ.

Question: What was the sweetest thing you ever did for a girl?
Answer: Flew home from Europe while on tour to be when her father was in the
hospital. And that was for Willa in case you were wondering :)

So there you have it, very incoherent, Nick just doesn't know what he wants to tell us about her. One minute it's 'I really care about her' and 'could my fans please love and respect her' and the next minute it seems he doesn't want anyone to know about her because it's private, and then the next minute he's telling everyone what a great singer she is and then the next thing you hear is that they aren't together . . . . .geez Nick - what's up with you? Why can't he just be honest, if he loves her so much and they've been going out together for so long and they practically go everywhere together, live together, in fact they are just like a married couple, why then is it all so hush hush. You won't even find one picture of them together. I think it's pathetic!

Now look at some MATURE people who are in love and NOT pathetic . . . .