Has he changed?

There are a number of incidents that show how Nick's personality has changed from the carefree, innocent guy everyone loved into a egotistical jerk.

What does this pic of Britney and Joey have to do with anything? Well, I think that it's pretty cool when the celebs have fun and get on together despite the rivalry the media sets up. It shows that they are above all that.

Now remember the highlight of the Boys' acceptance speeches when Nick thanks "the younger generation of our music that is coming out right now, like Britney Spears and 'N Sync. To all the people out there who have helped re-create pop and R&B . . . I think you guys deserve a big thanks, too." Everyone thought that was such a mature thing to say.

And then think about the time he was given 4 hrs airtime to really speak his mind. What did he do? He scratched the Nsync 'Bye bye bye' single and then prank called Britney and made comments about her breasts.
If you've heard it you'll notice that she sounds clearly annoyed if not upset at the call. (So much so that she called him a S.O.B!) We would have thought this kind of behavior wasn't the way Nick would act.
Notice the lovely 'Willa' who was also in the studio with Nick the whole time.

Also when Nick was answering e - mails on the radio show, someone asked him if the official Carter connection website (the one which he wrote his statement about his break up with 'Willa') was official. He denied it, when in fact it is his family site run by the rest of his family. This shows that he lied to us - his fans and showed disrespect towards the rest of the family.

And that's not all . . . .