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If you haven't already seen it - this is part of Willa's album sleeve. As you can see, she has sprayed Nick on the wall and crossed it out. How pathetic is that. Firstly using his name (once again) to get noticed, and secondly crossing it out shows quite frankly what she thinks of him - grateful? I think not. Interestingly I was surfing and ended up on a 'willa' fan page. One of their sections was titled 'ways to know you are a true 'willa' fan. On the list was 'you despise Nick Carter' - Interesting isn't it? And it's people like that who will say those who don't support 'willa' are spreading hate! 
Ok I have posted this song up as it is so apt for our 'willa', also, it's a darn good song! Read the [lyrics] [download]