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Here are some of my favorite sites... they're really just all over the place. I'll try to describe each one I best can (sometimes it's hard), and I'll add more links in the future, I promise!

  • Flipside.com: A great place for gaming. This place has some of my favorite games (like Wordox and Acrophobia) and a ton more... which I don't really like as much, but you might. Anyhow, it's a good site to visit if you ever have the urge to waste three hours of your life.
  • Survivor Sucks: Contrary to the name, this is a great site for the Survivor fan... although having a good dose of cynicism in you couldn't hurt. It makes fun of the reality show, but is actually a good source of Survivor info as well. Not that I care...
  • Forum 3000: The self-proclaimed "only site on the internet compatible with Reason" is actually a lot of fun! Type in a pointless, brainless, meaningless, worthless, senseless question and see how the ASSes (I kid you not... that's what they're called) respond. If they respond.
  • The Onion: Everyone's favorite fake newspaper. Read its invaluable articles. They'll make you laugh. They'll make you think. They'll make you unable to control your libido. Yay!
  • The Brunching Shuttlecocks: Check out all the ratings. They're funny as hell... well, I mean, if hell were really really funny.
  • Modern Humorist: Another humor site, this one's got the wondeful world of Flori-duh, where it's not just the ballots that are confusing as hell.
  • Killfrog.com: Ever wondered how they make those chocolate Easter bunnies? Neither did I. But then I played the interactive game. And now I wonder...
  • University Of Kentucky: Just in case you wanted to know more about my school. Did you know that they were doing cloning research here?! Yeah, neither did I.