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About Us

We are based in the High Desert of Southern California. We have been doing this since October 1999. We currently have 2 D.J.'s playing for Tribe Under Grace. We have done multiple events from concerts,b-day parties,youth groups,and dances.

Our mission for playing Christian music is to first worship our Lord Jesus Christ through the gift of music that He has given us to enjoy. The Bible says in Psalm 150:6 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" God gave us music to worship Him alone. We also want to reach out to the youth of the High Desert & surrounding communities,to let them know that there is a God who loves them, and that He sent His Son to die on the cross & raise again on the 3rd day from the dead for our sins, so that those who believe in Him will have eternal life. We also want to encourage our brothers & sisters in the Lord to continue to follow Jesus Christ the rest of their lives, even when the times get hard. There is alot of music out in the secular market that is not glorifying God, and we our listening to it everyday. We need to ask ourselves is this music drawing me closer to God or polluting our minds? There are alot of Christian bands out there singing & playing rap, punk, hardcore, latin, deephouse, and etc. The lyrics & music they are playing is music that glorify's God. We want to encourage all of you to worship Jesus Christ with the music you listen to, and not let satan try to pollute our minds with the perversion and violence in the secular music today.