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Lance turned around and smiled warmly. He walked over to Kayla and clutched her hand gently. Kayla stood frozen in place, with a look of disbelief on her face.

“W-Wha--” she stammered.

Lance placed a finger on her lips to hush her. “You didn’t think you could get away that easily did you?” he joked softly.

“How-how did you find me?” Kayla finally spit out.

“I had a little trouble, but your friends are very nice and helped me out immensely,” he replied.

Kayla just stood there, completely speechless. She didn’t know what to say. The one man she thought she was never going to see again was standing in her temporary bedroom, telling her he went through all this trouble to find her. Kayla did the only thing she could think of, she started to cry.

Lance picked up a rose off the bed and handed it to her. Kayla took it and began to cry harder. Lance pulled her into his arms and started to sway back and forth. After a minute he snapped his fingers and pulled away. Kayla looked up at him questioningly.

“There’s no music,” he smiled softly.

He walked over to the cd player set up and pressed play. “When I Saw You” by Mariah Carey began to pour out of the speakers. Lance smiled and Kayla seemed to calm down, but her tears continued to fall.

She closed her eyes and let Lance hold her tightly, swaying back and forth to the soft music. Suddenly Mariah’s voice came on and it seemed louder than Kayla remembered on the cd. She looked up and gasped in disbelief when Mariah herself came walking into the room, singing along with the music. Mariah winked and smiled, continuing to sing.

Kayla looked back up at Lance, “How did you...”

“Softball game,” he said with a small grin.

Kayla looked over and noticed Mariah still had her softball shirt on and baseball cap. Kayla smiled and giggled softly.

Lance pulled Kayla into his grip again and rocked her back and forth. Kayla continued to cry softly, only this time, her tears were tears of happiness.

“I love you,” Lance whispered gently.

Kayla sniffed, “I love you too...and I’m sorry.”

Lance shook his head, “I’m never letting you go and you can’t get rid of me.”

Kayla smiled, “I don’t want to.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his head down for a kiss. This kiss was a different kiss than all the other ones they had shared. It was magical and exhilarating. It was their first real kiss. Their first kiss knowing that they both shared the same kind of love they felt for each other. It was the first kiss of true love.

Knowing that, they both knew that had discovered true happiness, each other.


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