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Chapter Ten

Alyissa scooted her butt back in her seat as much as she could, only to find herself sliding forward again.

“I can’t see and I can’t move...I don’t like this combination,” Alyissa complained.

Kayla giggled, imagining Alyissa expression. “Oh come on, this is supposed to relax you...besides after this your pores will look great.”

“I don’t care what my pores look like! Their not zits and I don’t think anyone else cares about what my pores look how did I get stuck in this chair with this unknown stuff on my face?” she went on.

Kayla giggled again, “I hate to see you when your UNhappy.”

Alyissa stayed silent and Kayla knew she was shooting her a look. Good thing they couldn’t see each other.

“Can I take these ridiculous things off my eyes?” Alyissa whined.

“There cucumbers, they take away the wrinkles and bags under our eyes from lack of sleep and spending the past week with those guys,” Kayla replied.

“Exactly! Their eat them, put them in salads, you don’t put them on your eyes! You just look like a idiot doing that!” Alyissa exclaimed.

Kayla couldn’t help from laughing, it had taken her a good hour to convince Alyissa to go to a spa for part of the day. Since they were free of the guys, both girls decided it should be a girls day out and the first thing on the list was a trip to the spa. Kayla always wanted to go to one but Alyissa never really liked them. So they compromised, they each chose one thing to do for half of the day and either girl agreed to the other one’s activities. Kayla’s pick was a spa, but Alyissa wasn’t going there without a comment for everything and making a scene. It was fun.

Kayla heard someone walk in with silent sneakers. They padded over to her and she could hear someone moving around next to her. A few minutes later the cucumbers were lifted from her eyes, she blinked a few times to gain her regular sight back and looked over at Alyissa.

“It’s about time...I thought you were never going to get those things off better throw those things away after using them, you should just leave them in the grocery stores to be used for normal salads and--”

“’Liss...” Kayla interrupted.

Alyissa stopped talking and looked over at Kayla, “What.”

“I don’t think she really cares,” Kayla giggled.

Alyissa looked back up at the lady who was ignoring her completely, except for tending to her face.

“I’m going to peel off this mask now ok?” the lady asked in a mono tone.

Alyissa just nodded her head and stared at her. Kayla continued laughing and turned her head back so the lady tending to her, could peel her face mask off. A few minutes later you heard Alyissa let out a yelp.

“Good lord woman! I think you just took my face off WITH that mask! Kayla! Quick! Look! Is my face still attached!?” Alyissa asked in a panicked voice.

Kayla looked over and burst out laughing.

“Your not answering me!” Alyissa squeaked. “My face isn’t there is it? Oh god I’m afraid to touch it! Kaaaayyyllllllaaaaaa!!! Stop laughing and hellllllllp meeee!!!”

“Your-your-your face is-is-is...” Kayla tried to get out. “It’s fine!” she finally spit out.

“Well what took you so long in telling me that, while I’m having a coronary over here!?” Alyissa asked in a huff.

Kayla laughed even harder and had to wipe a tear away. “I-I-I couldn’t talk b-b-because I was laug-laugh-laughing so hard!”

“Well it looks like your still having you s-s-s-studdering problem,” Alyissa mocked sarcastically.

Kayla took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. “Touch your skin,” she said.

“Excuse me?” Alyissa asked.

“I said touch your skin,” Kayla repeated.

“I KNOW what you said...but I don’t want to,” Alyissa said stubbornly.

“Why not?”

“BECAUSE...that’s why,” Alyissa said turning back towards the lady who was patiently waiting for her to get over her dramatic outburst.

“Are you ok now miss?” the lady asked in an annoyed, but polite tone.

“Yes...fine no thanks to YOU,” Alyissa said smugly.

The lady sighed and rolled her eyes annoyed, “Sorry miss.”

“Yes well...I’ll forgive you this time, but don’t plan on me telling any of my friends about you!”

“Stop is ‘Liss, it’s not her fault your a big sissy when it comes to spending the day at a spa,” Kayla joked.

Alyissa shot her a look and decided to ignore her. She laid back in her chair and closed her eyes, waiting for the next piece of mask to be taken off.

Kayla leaned back in her chair also and let the lady finish her job.

When they were all cleaned up and heading out of the spa shop, Alyissa kept touching her face, “Are you sure my face is still there?”

“Admit it ‘Liss...your face feels smooth and your pores look excellent,” Kayla said, nudging her.

Alyissa didn’t say anything until they left the shop and she pulled out a mirror. “ skin DOES look good doesn’t it? I never knew my pores were so cute.”

Kayla giggled and nodded her head, “Oh yes...cutest pores I’ve ever seen.”

Alyissa snapped her compact shut and shoved it in her purse, “I know you don’t mean that but I’m going to take it as a compliment anyway!”

Kayla laughed, “Whatever you want.”

“Ok, it’s MY turn,” Alyissa said rubbing her hands together.

“Yes it is...what’s your activity for us today?”

Alyissa grinned mischievously, “You’ll see my’ll see.”

“Come on Poofoo, what REALLY happened last night?” Chris asked again.

“For the last time...NOTHING! We went out to dinner with you guys, then for a walk, then back to the hotel where we fell asleep,” Lance said, explaining the night for the millionth time that day. “I swear, nothing else happened.”

“Now come on guys,” JC started. “Lance doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“I didn’t kiss her last night either,” Lance protested.

“Why not? The whole set up was perfect!” JC exclaimed. He covered his mouth and blushed, “I mean...a walk sounds kind of personal, romantic, you know?”

Lance raised an eyebrow, “Tell me again, why you went home at 9?”

All three guys looked at him innocently, “Because we were tired.”

“Uh the real reason.”

“That is the real reason!” Joey protested.

Lance looked over at Justin for a hint or help.

He held up his hands, “I wasn’t even there last night...I was spending a great night with my girlfriend.”

Lance sighed and shook his head, “Nothing happened guys...nothing at all.”

All four guys exchanged looks and nodded their heads, “Ok Poofoo, whatever you say.”

“Let’s just drop it and finish this photo shoot,” Lance said walking away.

“Yeah...he’s getting a little jumpy under the heat,” Chris mumbled to the other guys.

“I AM NOT!” Lance called over his shoulder.

“You can’t be serious!” Kayla exclaimed.

“Does it LOOK like I’m kidding?” Alyissa asked, giving Kayla a serious face.

“NO! And that’s what’s scaring me! Your serious! No come on...can’t we get kicked out for that?”

“For wearing THIS? Please...there are worst things we could wear, at least we’re being tasteful about it!” Alyissa laughed.

“Tasteful?” Kayla squeaked. “That’s...that’s...”

“Fun,” Alyissa finished for her.

“That wasn’t exactly the word I was looking for,” Kayla said weakly.

“Come on Kay! This is the one and only time we’re gonna have front row seats to their concert and we need to take advantage of this opportunity to make those boys’ eyes pop out so far they temporarily lose their sight for the night,” Alyissa grinned slyly.

“But...but...can’t we just make a sign to attract their attention?” Kayla asked.

Alyissa giggled, “Your just too cute Kayla, but trust me this is MUCH better than a sign and I think I guys will like it a LOT better than a stiff piece of poster board with their names plastered on it.”

Kayla stared at the outfit Alyissa was holding up for her hesitantly, “Well...I mean...ummm...”

“Great! Now go try it on!” Alyissa said, shoving the hangers in Kayla’s hand and pushing her into the dressing room. “I’ll try on mine and we’ll compare and contrast.”

A few minutes later Alyissa knocked on Kayla’s dressing room door, “I know your in come out here and show me what you got.” There was a moment of silence and Alyissa tapped her foot impatiently, “Come on Kayla, don’t make me come in there and drag you out!” she threatened playfully.

Finally there was a small squeak of the dressing room door being opened. Kayla peeked her head out and looked around cautiously. She stepped out slowly and looked around again, making sure no one was coming and no one was around.

Alyissa couldn’t wait any longer and grabbed Kayla’s wrist, yanking her into full view.

Alyissa whistled, “Damn girl when did you get that figure?”

Kayla blushed shyly, “I don’t know.”

Alyissa laughed in response, “Oh HAVE to wear that...the guys will go crazy, they’ll be singing their hearts out to you and only you!”

Kayla giggled at Alyissa and wrapped her arms around her stomach, “Can’t I wear something over this shirt? I mean it’s almost like an undershirt, isn’t there another part to the outfit?”

Alyissa shook her head, “Honey it’s not even that short, look at all the celebrities today, they do much worse than that.”

Kayla peeked into the mirror and moved her arms down a little, wrapping them right back around her waist once she saw her stomach. Alyissa walked over to her and pulled her hand down to her sides. She held them there so Kayla could get a good look in the mirror.

“Now look at yourself, you look great and you’ll be turning more heads than just the guys from *N SYNC...but their the most important heads you want to be turning tonight so come on girl! Let go and have some fun!” Alyissa said enthusiastically.

Kayla couldn’t help but laugh, “Ok ok, I’ll do it,” she mumbled.

Alyissa threw her hands up in the air and laughed, “All right! Now let’s finish this outfit off with some cute accessories and new make-up...god I love shopping, if it was a sport I swear I would be the all time champion.”

Kayla giggled, “I don’t know...Justin’s some pretty tough competition.”

“Tsk, I could whoop him if I wanted’s not fair though, if he eats sugar he can go for hours at a time! No normal human being can do the time he does!”

Kayla laughed again and walked back in the dressing room. She shut the door and started to change back into her regular clothes. She hoped this new outfit would turn a few heads, hopefully Lance’s, she wouldn’t mind an impressed look from him, it would definitely make her night.

Lance’s mind drifted back to the night before and that morning. Never had he felt so needed and so helpful, but at the same time important and strong. He liked being the shoulder to cry on for Kayla, it made him feel good inside. She had opened herself up and he truly respected her for that, it took a lot of courage and trust to do that and she did it.

He hadn’t exactly lied when he told the guys that he didn’t kiss her last night, because technically they didn’t...they kissed that morning and wow what a kiss it was. Lance was blown away by the tenderness and strength from that kiss. It was unexpected and spontaneous on her part, but he liked that. He especially enjoyed the kiss itself and wouldn't mind doing that more often. Which led him to the thought of where they stood at that moment. Were they together? Were they just talking? He doubted they were together and though it sounded wrong to admit it, he didn’t want to be declared together just yet. He was really into Kayla and he couldn’t wait to get to know her better, but to declare being boyfriend and girlfriend was a big step on both their parts.

Her smiling face floated into his mind and a smile crept across his face. Her smile could brighten up his day, good or bad, and her face seemed to light up any room she walked into. She was truly amazing and Lance couldn’t wait to see her again, to touch her, to talk to her, just to be in the same presence as her.

He surprised himself with all these feelings rushing into his body and most of all his heart. He was a little unsure about the feelings he was starting to develop for Kayla, but at the same time his mind and heart were finally agreeing, they both said that Kayla might be the one. Now this thought both scared and excited Lance, falling in love? The possiblity...he had only known this girl for a few months so far and they had only started to share things with each other last night. Their first kiss was that morning and already thoughts of love were crossing his mind. He wasn’t sure if that’s what it was or just the rush of someone new, maybe even infatuation, either feeling it was, he liked it. He liked it a lot.

“Lance???” a voice said.

Lance broke out of his thoughts and looked up to find Justin standing in front of him. “Huh? Oh hey man...what’d you say?” he asked in a confused tone.

Justin stared at him for a second before talking, “I SAID...lunch time.”

“Oh! Ok, where we eating?”

“Well that’s what I was trying to ask you, what do you want?” Justin asked, crossing his arms over his chest and studying Lance.

“What’s that look for?” Lance asked defensively.

“No look, just waiting for your order,” Justin said casually. “What kind of look did it look like?” he asked.

“Never mind...” Lance trailed off. “I’m not hungry, I’ll get something later.”

Justin shrugged his shoulders, “All right, but if you get hungry later Lonnie’s gonna kill YOU not ME this time!”

“No he won’t, I don’t make him go all over whatever state we’re in to find the ‘right box of Apple Jacks’,” Lance shot back.

“Well the I just wasn’t feeling the other boxes, besides it’s Oreo O’s for me while we’re on tour, I need sugar baby!” Justin grinned, walking away.

Lance chuckled to himself and sighed, slumping back down in his chair. He needed time to sort out his feelings and plan his next move. Kayla’s face appeared in his mind again and all he could do was grin lazily. A peaceful feeling came over him and he smiled with content, everything was going to be ok. At least he hoped so.

“Come on Kayla, the guys are waiting for us!” Alyissa said, knocking on the bathroom door.

“I’ll be right out!” Kayla called back.

She took once last look in the mirror and spun around, checking for tags or any loose strings. She still couldn’t believe that she let Alyissa talk her into wearing this outfit, but she had to admit, she felt confident and she didn’t think she looked half bad on her. She ran a brush through her hair one last time and dusted herself off.

She smiled and took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.”

She opened the door and walked out, head held high like Alyissa told her to do. Alyissa raised and eyebrow and watched Kayla strut around the room.

“Well?” Kayla asked, stopping in the middle of the room.

“Well what?” Alyissa asked grinning.

Kayla stuck her tongue out, “How do I look?”

A knock on the door interrupted Alyissa before she could respond. She opened the door and peeked out. Kayla heard her talk in a low tone and she finally turned back around to Kayla, door still partly open.

“Are you gonna answer me or what?” Kayla asked, placing her hands on her hips. “How do I look?”

Alyissa grinned, “Don’t ask me, ask them,” she said swinging the door open and stepping aside.

All five guys were talking to each other in low tones when the door swung open and they all looked up. Their mouths dropped when they saw Kayla standing there. Kayla’s arms fell to her side and she blushed deeply, surprised to see them.

“I thought you guys had left already,” she mumbled quietly.

“No no, we’re not gonna get all quiet and self conscious now,” Alyissa said, watching Kayla move her arms around her waist.

Kayla looked over at her helplessly and fidgeted, moving her arms back to her waist, dropping them, then moving them back up again.

Joey was the first one to respond with whistle, “Would you look at that hot girl standing there? ‘Liss since when did you get a new roommate?”

Chris elbowed him, “That’s Kayla dumb ass.”

Joey shot him a look, “No really?” he asked sarcastically.

Chris rolled his eyes and stepped in, “Damn girl...when’d you get them hips?”

Kayla narrowed her eyebrows and looked down at her hips, “Their not that big...”

“No! I meant that in a good way!” Chris jumped in.

Kayla looked back up and smiled, “Damn straight.”

Chris grinned, “There’s our Kayla...sarcastic and spicy as always.”

The rest of the guys walked in and continued to look at Kayla. Justin looked over at Alyissa and his eyed proceeded in widening a good few inches.

“What did you two do again today?” he asked, staring at Alyissa.

Alyissa smiled and shut the door, “Went to a spa, then shopping.”

“Is that where you got all these clothes?” JC asked, looking over at Alyissa.

Kayla nodded her head and walked over to the table.

Alyissa walked over to Kayla, “I thought we would need new outfits for the night since it’s the only concert we have front row seats in.”

Justin watched Alyissa walk across the room, “I like the way you think.”

All the guys laughed and nodded their heads.

“Now just you watch, they’ll be singing to us and ONLY us,” Alyissa whispered in a low tone, nudging Kayla.

Kayla giggled and stood up straight, “Are we ready to go?”

Everyone nodded their heads and headed for the door.

“You guys go ahead, we’ll see you a little later, we don’t want the fans to think anything...besides you have your meet and greet to attend to, we’ll catch up with you later,” Alyissa said pushing them all out the door. “We’ll see you right before the show, have fun boys!”

She shut the door behind them and turned around to face Kayla. They stared at each other for a second before bursting into giggles.

“Man we didn’t only turn their heads, we spun them in circles,” Alyissa said between breaths.

Kayla nodded her head, “That was great!”

Alyissa walked over to the mirror and smiled to herself, “Yes...yes it was...they have more in store for them...they just don’t know about it.”

Kayla raised an eyebrow, “You have something else up your sleeve?”

Alyissa laughed mischievously, “Oh honey I would think you would have already figured that out by now...I ALWAYS have something up my sleeve...ALWAYS.”

“Damn Poofoo! Did you see Kayla?” Chris asked, nudging Lance.

“No...she was just standing in the middle of the room, looking incredible and I didn’t see her at all,” Lance replied sarcastically.

“A simple yes would have done just fine,” Chris said squinting his eyes at him.

All the guys laughed and continued walking down the long hallway.

“Man thank god their sitting in the front row tonight, though I dunno, I might not be able to concentrate with ‘Liss looking like that!” Justin laughed.

Joey bounced next to them, “Damn Kayla’s got a set of legs on her!”

Lance looked at him curiously.

“But...I’ve seen better...on girls that I’m dating...” Joey trailed off.

Lance laughed and Joey flashed a goofy grin.

“She’s not my girlfriend, I don’t mind you commenting on how good she looked, just don’t disrespect her,” Lance said casually.

“Oooohhh, he’s already getting protective!” Chris teased.

They all reached the elevator and stepped on, pressing the lobby button.

“No, all girls deserve respect,” Lance argued calmly.

“Sure Poofoo, whatever you say,” Chris grinned.

Lance sighed, rolled his eyes, and shook his head, “I’m never going to convince you guys am I?”

They all stared at him for a second, they turned and looked at each other, then back to Lance.

“Nope!” they said in unison.

They all broke into laughter and climbed off the elevator.

“I don’t think I should even try,” Lance said. “Then again, I don’t think I want to,” he thought to himself with a smile.

The concert was even more exhilarating and amazing in the front row. Kayla couldn’t sit still, she probably screamed louder then the 10 year olds sitting by her. She jumped, danced, bounced, screamed, everything she could possibly do to make noise and have fun. Alyissa was right by her side except ten times crazier then Kayla. Both girls couldn’t help laughing the whole time, even when the music stopped and the crowd started to thin out, they both stood there, singing loudly and dancing around.

They quickly made their way backstage to meet the guys and ride back to the hotel for the after party. When all the guys were freshly showered and changed they made their way down to the banquet hall being used for the after party.

“That was” Kayla trailed off. “That just makes the box seats look like the nosebleed section!”

Alyissa laughed, “They kind of are...whenever I can get front row tickets, I take them! They’re the best seats in the house and you have more fun when your WITH the audience.”

Kayla nodded her head in agreement, “Oh hellz yeah!”

Both girls laughed and turned around when a wave of screams arose from the small crowd. Everyone rushed over to the door while Kayla and Alyissa stayed at their table. They watched for awhile, until the crowd finally moved back and they could both see the tips of the guys’ heads, the highest head, full of curls.

“My baby was a good boy and drank all his milk when he was little,” Alyissa grinned when Kayla pointed his head out. “He just proves it right there, milk does the body GOOD!” Kayla giggled and Alyissa winked, “I know it did THAT boy good!”

Kayla strained her neck to look for Lance and slouched back down in her seat, disappointed, when she couldn’t find him. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, scaring her out of her thoughts.

“May I have this dance?” a deep voice purred in her ear.

A shiver ran up and down Kayla’s spine and she smiled, knowing who is was. She turned around and looked up to find a set of green eyes staring down at her. Her smile broadened and she stood up, taking Lance’s hand.

“I’d love to,” she replied.

Lance took her hand and led her out to the dance floor, placing his hands around her waist loosely and starting to sway back and forth to the music. Kayla couldn’t help herself and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and pulling him in at the same time. Lance smiled to himself and tightened his grip around her waist, drawing her closer to him.

They both swayed to the music slowly in a perfect silence. The music flowed into their ears and through their bodies, connecting them on a different level and drifting them off to another world together.

Kayla’s lips moved silently with the words of the song, “Soft heavenly eyes gazed into mine...Transcending space and time...And I was rendered still...There were no words for me to find at all...As I stood there by myself...I could see you and no one else.”

*Rest of the song (Mariah Carey *When I Saw You*)

When I saw you

When I saw you

I could not breathe, I fell so deep

When I saw you

When I saw you

Only once in a lifetime love rushes in

Changing you with the tide

And dawn’s ribbon of light

Bursts through the dark

Wakening you inside

And I thought it was all untrue

Until there all at once I knew


With no beginning and 

Without an end

You are the one for me

It’s evident

And your eyes told me so

Your eyes let me know...


I’d never be, I’ve never be the same...

The song ended and they both continued to stay wrapped in each other’s arms. Kayla realized her eyes were tightly closed. She opened them slowly and prayed the song wasn’t over yet, prayed that she didn’t have to let go.

Lance opened his eyes also and looked around the dark room. He looked down at the back of Kayla’s head and sighed. A fast song had already started and both of them still stood embracing each other.

“Thanks...for the dance,” Lance smiled softly.

Kayla gazed into his eyes and blushed, “No...thank you...”

They would have probably stayed there the whole night, staring at each other, but Joey and another girl interrupted them.

“Umm...Hi! I’m I can’t believe I’m talking to you...can I have this dance? I mean only if you want to...” a blonde girl babbled excitedly.

Lance finally broke his gaze from Kayla and looked down at the nervous girl and smiled warmly, “Sure.”

Her mouth dropped and you could tell she was screaming inside, she was just trying to play it cool in front of this *N SYNC-er that had just accepted her invitation to dance. Lance took her hand and led her into the crowd of people.

Kayla watched him disappear into the mob of people. She sighed and turned around to run right into Joey.

“Oh!” she said in surprise. “Sorry Joey, I didn’t see you there.”

Joey grinned, “It’s all right, dance?” he asked, holding out his hand.

Kayla laughed at his goofy grin and nodded her head, taking his hand and letting him lead her out to the dance floor.

The rest of the night seemed to be a blur of people dancing around, talking excitedly, and dancing with the guys. Kayla lost Alyissa in the middle of the party and decided to take a break and sit down. She made her ways over to the small two seated tables and sat down. She propped her elbow on the table and rested her head in her hand, sighing deeply while gazing around the room blankly.

“This seat taken?” a voice asked.

Kayla looked up to find JC and smiled, “Now it is.”

JC grinned and sat down beside her, “Can I buy you a drink?”

Kayla shook her head, “No thanks I’m all right.”

JC shrugged, “Suit yourself.”

They both continued to stare out into the crowd and check out the people standing or dancing around.

“I take it you enjoyed yourself tonight,” JC commented, breaking the silence.

Kayla looked over at him and nodded her head, “Oh have no idea, I think that’s the best time I’ve ever had in my life!”

JC chuckled at her sudden burst of excitement. “Well I’m glad your enjoying yourself on this tour.”

Kayla smiled lazily and nodded her head. “Especially because he’s here,” she mumbled under her breath, staring at Lance.

“What was that?” JC asked, cupping his ear.

Kayla looked up and shook her head, “I didn’t say anything.”

“Of course you did, I didn’t hear you though, please repeat yourself,” JC smiled sweetly.

Kayla giggled nervously and started twisting her hair around her finger. “No really, it was nothing important, just talking to myself again, bad habit I have...” she rambled.

JC leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, “Ok.”

He knew exactly what she had said, he just wanted to hear it again, louder and clearer. He studied her for a few more minutes before breaking the silence to change the topic.

“When do you have to go home again?” he asked.

Kayla looked back at him, “If you wanted me to leave that badly, you could have just said something, you don’t have to be so cruel about it.”

JC gave a confused look and finally realized how he worded his question, “No...” he laughed lightly. “I didn’t mean it that way, what I meant was--”

“I know what you meant Mr. Chasez,” Kayla cut in. “I know your intention was good too, or else I might just have to open a can of whoop ass on you, but it would be hard because your just too sweet to beat JUSTIN...I could definitely open a few cans on him.”

JC let out a hearty laugh and shook his head, “I hope you never leave Kayla, never.”

Kayla giggled, “Neither do I, but sadly I have a life back in Florida and a job to maintain, this is merely a break from life...besides you’ll be back before you know it.”

JC leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees, listening intently. JC was pretty good at reading people and he knew Kayla was sending some kind of hidden messages when she talked. Her body language gave away a lot of things, like the fact that she had a lot of stress and troubles in her life. He wasn’t exactly sure what they were yet, but he intended to find out. Of course, only by friendship and the willingness from her to share. Her mind was somewhere else when she talked to JC, maybe on Lance, maybe on something else. Curiosity burned inside of him and he was tempted to ask a million questions at once, but held his tongue, knowing how rude and disrespectful that would be.

JC turned his head and noticed people starting to leave and the crowd thinning out. He stood up and stretched, yawning loudly. He cover his mouth, “OH! Excuse me!”

Kayla looked up and smiled. “Why don’t you go up to bed? You look exhausted and I’m sure you are, good night and great job tonight.”

JC was about to protest when he saw Lance making his way to their table. He smiled at Kayla, “Thanks, good night.”

He stood there for another second to make sure Lance was walking towards Kayla, before heading for the door to go to back to his room and to bed.

Kayla looked around the room and her eyes settled on Lance strolling over casually with a tired smile on his face. He reached her and sat down beside her scooting his chair in closely.

“You look like your about to fall over,” Kayla giggled.

“I think I am, I have to sit down and try to regain enough strength to walk back to my room,” he laughed softly.

“Well since I can’t find Alyissa would you like me to help you?” she offered.

He smiled, “I would like that very much.”

They both stood up and made their way to the door, heading straight for the elevator. They started talking about the concert and the highlights of the night. Before they knew it, they were standing the middle of the hallway, staring at the floor, waiting to say good night to each other.

“So thanks for walking me back to my room,” Lance said.

Kayla smiled, “Aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be thanking you?”

Lance chuckled, “Next time.”

Kayla giggled softly and looked up to find him staring at her. Her gaze softened and she took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure about her next move and she wasn’t sure if she was even going to make a move. She made the move the first time and she was a little iffy about making the second one. He might think she’s too aggressive.

Lance was captivated by Kayla’s soft gaze, fixed on him. He took a deep breath and licked his lips slowly, taking a step closer to Kayla. He was planning on kissing her tonight. He took her hands into his and started rubbing his thumbs along her fingers gently.

Kayla shivered and took another deep breath, trying to calm herself. She was getting nervous and giddy and she was trying her best to control that, but she was having a hard time.

Lance wanted to kiss her, badly. He wanted another taste of that morning’s kiss and couldn’t wait for his lips to meet hers again. Yet, he was still cautious and slow about taking the step and just kissing her. The next thing he knew, he cupped her cheek with his hand and leaned down to kiss her.

Their lips met and fireworks seemed to go off in both of their bodies. Lance massaged her cheek gently as he kissed her more and more. Kayla’s whole body was screaming, senses being driven wild by his touch. She pulled him in closer and ran her fingers through his hair, pressing herself against him. Lance felt the small pull from her and he almost smiled. They continued to kiss each other for what seemed like hours.

Kayla finally pulled back, breathless. They both took a step back and stared at each other, trying to catch their breaths. A smile crept across Kayla’s face and she took a deep breath.

“Thanks...for walking me back...see you...” she trailed off.

“Tomorrow,” he finished for her, grinning broadly.

Kayla backed up slowly, feeling for the door handle aimlessly. She finally grasped the door knob in her hand and turned it, backing into her room and quickly shutting the door behind her.

Kayla flopped down in her bed, she was on cloud 9. She looked over to find Alyissa asleep in her own bed with a dim light kept on for Kayla when she came home. Kayla changed into her pajamas and washed all her make-up off, pulling her hair back in the process. She walked over to her bed and crawled in. She turned the light off and snuggled deeper into her bed.

“Pretty amazing wasn’t it?” she asked out loud.

“Oh hellz yeah!” Alyissa blurted out. You could hear Alyissa slap her hand over her mouth and mumble, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

“I thought so too,” Kayla smiled, closing her eyes. “Oh boy, did I ever think so.”

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