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Chapter Thirteen

Lance stared after Kayla with hurt in his eyes. He didn’t understand what had caused her to get so worked up, but he knew it was something he said. He kicked himself for saying something stupid, but then again he was deeply hurt from her words. When she told him the kiss between them had meant nothing, it felt like his whole body went weak. He wanted to collapse on the floor in a heap and just lay there. He looked in the direction she ran off and felt like crawling under a rock.

He sat down on the couch and propped his elbows on his knees. He placed his head in his hands and let out a big sigh. He was sure now that Kayla was hiding something, he hated to have pushed like that, but he truly did want to help. He thought about their conversation all over again and her how her words had shattered him. He knew one thing though, he wasn’t going to give up that easily.

Kayla stormed down the little hallway and towards the back room, the bus seemed to be closing in on her and she felt cramped. She kept her hands on the walls on either side of her, almost pushing them away from her for more room to breath.

She swung open the back door and was surprised when Chris, Justin, Alyissa, and Joey all tumbled down to her feet. They all looked up at her with sheepish looks on their faces and cleared their throats nervously, getting up in the process. JC stayed on the couch and watched the whole scene with amusement. When his eyes reached Kayla’s face his amused look faded. Something was definitely wrong.

“What are you guys doing on the floor?” Kayla asked, looking down at them.

“Well...we were just leaning against the door and...because...we were wrestling...and then you opened the door,” Justin stuttered, trying to make up a quick excuse.

Everyone else looked at each other and then back at Kayla, nodding their heads slowly in agreement.

Kayla narrowed her eyebrows and sighed. She shook her head, “Whatever. Sorry, I forgot people were back here.”

“That’s ok, you can stay,” Joey offered, smiling.

Kayla shook her head, “No, that’s all right I want to be alone anyway.”

She started to walk away when Alyissa called after her. “We can leave!”

“No, just stay there, I think I’m gonna take a nap,” Kayla called over her shoulder.

She rounded the corner and quickly put her head down when she saw Lance sitting the couch with his head in this hands. She wasn’t sure if he was crying, but highly doubted he was. She snuck back into the bus bed compartments and climbed onto one of the top bunks.

She wanted her travel bag so she could get her disc man, but remembered it was out in the front room and she didn’t want to go back out there. Instead, she pulled the little curtains closed and tried to block out all the light possible. She laid down on her stomach, shoving her hands and arms under her pillow. She pressed her face into the pillow and sighed wearily. Her emotions were never really under control, so all this thinking, talking, and expressing herself, was draining her out.

Her mind drifted back to her last words to him and the unforgettable look on his face. The hurt and pain written all over when she told him that kiss meant nothing, when he had just confessed it meant something to him and that he wanted something to come out if it. Of course, she had just ruined it, ruined it all. She, Kayla Dudley, had just ruined the chance of a lifetime, because she couldn’t let someone take care of her for once and because she couldn’t let go of her secrets. Casey was going to be kept a secret from the guys and Alyissa for as long as possible, even if it meant changing jobs, though she didn’t want to. Bryce could be exposed, but only to a certain extent.

Kayla was tired. Tired of her life, of the responsibility, of missing out on all the fun because she always had to go home and take care of a child. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Casey, in fact without her, she wasn’t sure if she could have gotten through her parents death. She loved Casey to death, that was her own flesh and blood, but she just wished her life could have been normal, that her parents were still around. She wished her dad would be there on her wedding day to give her away, that her mom would be a comforting voice when she was homesick. She wished her dad would help her with finals and school, that her mom would call to make sure she was eating right at college. She wished they would be there on her graduation day, IF she graduated, shedding tears of happiness for her and taking pictures, standing proudly by her side. But they weren't there anymore and they couldn’t do those things. They couldn’t give her a hug or kiss for support, they couldn’t tell her they loved her in times of need, to make her feel better. All the little things people took for granted, she couldn’t have.

A tear ran down her face and onto the pillow. Her eyes became watery and for once, in her own privacy, she did something very unlike the strong and sassy Kayla. She cried.

“I think she knows,” Joey said, looking around at them.

“DUH! She caught us eavesdropping, what the hell do you think Einstein?” Chris asked, slapping Joey in the back of the head.

“OW! I don’t know, maybe she didn’t see us,” Joey said rubbing the back of his head. He looked over at Chris when he finished his last sentence and held his hand up. “Let me.” Joey smacked himself in the back of the head, then automatically started rubbing that spot to make the pain go away.

Chris laughed, his smile fell when he saw Justin and Alyissa talking in low tones with serious expressions. JC was sitting by Chris and Joey, watching them goof around.

“Hey...what are you two talking about?” Chris asked, inching towards Alyissa and Justin.

They both looked up and stared.

“Lance and Kayla,” Alyissa finally responded in a whisper.

“What exactly happened out there? You were the only one who really heard anything,” JC said to Alyissa.

Alyissa didn’t say anything for a second, just looked over at Justin.

Justin finally spoke, “They had an argument.”

“Well we know that much since Kayla came storming back here,” Joey cut in. Justin shot Joey a look and Joey shrugged his shoulders innocently, “What? I was just saying.”

“Thank you for your input,” Justin said sarcastically.

“Come on guys, let’s just chill,” JC said calmly.

Justin decided to ignore Joey and turned back to JC. “I’m not really sure WHAT they were arguing about, but it sounded pretty bad and I think Lance is still in the front room by himself.”

JC took in the information and sat in thought.

“Well shouldn’t one of us talk to Lance?” Chris asked.

Justin nodded his head, “Yeah, but we don’t want to be too obvious about it, after all HE doesn’t know we ‘overheard’ them.”

“Riiiiiight,” Chris replied. “So anyone else thirsty?”

Everyone shook their heads, Chris jumped up and headed for the door. He reached for the knob when Justin stopped him.

“Where you going?”

“To get a drink,” Chris said casually. “I asked if anyone else wanted one.”

“Don’t go out there just yet,” Justin said running a hand through his curls.

“Hey Justin, let’s think about this ok? True Poofoo and Kayla have never gotten into an argument, but since they did it has to be for a good reason. There’s a lot of tension between them and it’s going to eventually come to us, but until then WE can’t be the ones stressing over THEIR problems, we’re only going to make it worse.” Chris paused for a breath. “So instead, let’s lend out ears and shoulder to cry on and keep on going with out lives so as not go single them out, they both know we’re here for them so let’s just offer support. We all know Lance well enough that he’ll come to us if he needs help, or to someone else he feels more appropriate to help him in this situation. Kayla on the other hand has Alyissa and us also, plus whoever is back home, so let’s not let this make the world stop turning.”

Everyone was staring at Chris with a look of agreement, but also slight surprise.

“Damn Chris, you are a lot wiser than I give you credit for,” Justin said with a small grin. “Not TOO much more, but a little.”

“I’d watch your mouth Curly or else your hands are going in warm water tonight, I don’t think Rick the bus driver will be too happy about the little mess your gonna leave on that bed,” Chris said, opening the door.

Everyone laughed at Justin’s expression.

Chris grinned and walked out of the back room, shutting the door behind him. He walked into the front room, trying to act oblivious to everything that had happened. He walked over to the small fridge and opened it, looking through for a soda.

“Hey Poofoo,” he said casually.

“Hey,” Lance mumbled.

“Whatcha doing?” Chris asked, standing up and bouncing into the seat next to him.

“Thinking,” Lance replied quietly.

“About what?”


“Ooohhh, first time you actually admit that,” Chris grinned. “I think we’re all wearing you down!”

Lance didn’t even crack a smile. Instead he stared straight out in front of him and focused his eyes on the table.

“Hey man, are you ok?” Chris asked, getting concerned.

He knew the real answer to that, but he didn’t know the whole story. Lance looked really depressed and hurt, but Chris couldn’t let on that everyone in the back room except JC, was eavesdropping on their conversation. They all thought it was going to turn out well and were a little thrown off guard when they started to argue and Kayla stormed into the back room.

“Not really,” Lance finally replied after a long silence.

“Want to talk about it?” Chris asked. “Talk to the wise MAN in the group?”

Chris waited for Lance to smile, even a twitch of the corners of his mouth would have made him happy. No such luck.

Lance shook his head, “I’m not in the mood.”

“It might make you feel better.”

“I don’t think it would right now, it would just make me more depressed. I just want to be alone if that’s ok,” Lance sighed.

“No problem man, but remember, we’re all here for you,” Chris offered.

“I know, thanks.”

Chris stood up and walked back over to the open fridge and pulled out a soda. He shut the fridge door and started humming a tune to himself, walking towards to the back room. When he was safely in the room and out of earshot he plopped down on the couch. Everyone turned to look at him.

“Well?” they asked.

“Damn, I don’t know what they argued about, but I’ve never seen Lance that depressed,” Chris said twisting the cap off the soda.

“Really? This sounds bad,” Alyissa said sadly, shaking her head. “I wonder what happened. I didn’t hear that much, these doors are a lot thicker than I thought.”

She looked around and the guys just shrugged their shoulders. No one really knew what to say or do next, except stay in the back room and give Kayla and Lance their space and privacy.

JC turned on the TV to fill up the silence and settled on MTV. Everyone began watching, but no one was really paying attention.

Lance leaned back in his seat and let out a tired and exasperated sigh. He was really glad he had his friends there to support him, but for this problem in his life, they couldn't help. He could only help himself and hopefully Kayla too. He wanted to be there for her so badly. He was a shy guy at heart and blurting out his feelings about her and wanting to kiss her again surprised himself, but he didn’t regret one bit of it.

He flopped the upper half of his body onto the couch and buried his face in the seat. He felt like yelling out in frustration and anger, but at the same time felt like crying like a baby. He wondered why he had so many mixed emotions about this girl it seemed like he barely knew, but it just flooded his mind and heart. His whole body ached from her harsh words, but his heart kept telling him she didn’t mean them. His mind was even telling him not to give up on her, but he didn’t want to be annoying. It finally occurred to him how much he really cared about Kayla.

He loved to spend time with her, to laugh with her, to watch her. He loved the way she smelled and the way she carried herself. He loved the way she laughed and her eyes lit up when she got happy. He loved the way she would wiggle in her seat if she got excited and the way she would blush when she received a compliment. He had watched her body language so closely, he could almost read her like a book now.

Lance wasn’t sure if Kayla knew it, but she let out a lot of herself when she talked and moved, also with the gestures she used. The way she worded her sentences and the way she should would stiffen up when topics that emotionally effected her, were brought into a conversation.

He was falling for Kayla and he was falling quickly. He didn’t like being rushed and he didn’t like how rapidly all these feelings were flooding into him because he wasn’t all that sure about them, but he had to admit, he liked feeling that way whenever Kayla was around.

“Mom can I used the car tonight?”

“No honey, your father and I are going out. What are you wearing?” the woman asked, looking at her daughter.

The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance and ignored her mom’s comment, “I need the car though, I’m going out too.”

“No your not, you have to stay home with Casey,” her mother replied.

“Mooooommmmmm,” the girl whined. “I made these plans since last weekend! You can’t do this to me!”

“Yes I can, I’m your mother.”

The girl stomped her foot in frustration, “Mom! Why are being so obnoxious? Your not funny, your old so stop trying to be young!”

“Thank you for the compliment dear, but I prefer ‘aging beautifully’.”

“MOM! This isn’t funny! So stop joking! I’m going out, I don’t need your car, I’ll get another ride!” the girl yelled, storming out of the room.

“Your staying home or your grounded for the next six months!” her mother called after her.

“Bite me!”

“I don’t think you taste that good, then again with your lack of clothes people might be tempted to bite you, weird people out there these days, weird people,” her mom yelled back in response.

“Are you ready dear?” her husband asked.

“Yes,” her mom said, walking towards the door. “I think our daughter it mad at us.”

Her father nodded his head, “Again? It’s a teenage thing dear, she’ll grow out of it.”

“I know, let me just say good-bye to her though,” her mom said, slipping her coat on.

“All right, I already said good-bye so I’ll wait here for you,” he said clasping his hands together in front of him.

“I’ll be right back dear,” her mom said.

She walked down the hallway and knocked on the girl’s door. The music was blaring loudly and there was no response. Her mom opened the door and peeked in, knocking again. She entered the room and turned off the music.

The girl looked up, glaring, “What’d you do that for?”

“I was coming in to say good-bye and that I love you,” she said calmly, with a warm smile. “I’m sorry you can’t go out tonight, but maybe next time.”

The girl sat on her bed, staring at her mother bitterly, “Go away.”

Her mom nodded her head and kissed her finger tips, blowing the invisible kiss over to the girl. The girl acted like she brushed it away and went back to looking at her magazine.

“I love you,” her mom whispered.

“GO AWAY,” the girl replied through gritted teeth.

The door shut and the girl stared at it angrily. She threw her magazine at the door and began to cry on her bed, cursing the world. If she had only known that was the last time she was going to see her mom, she would have told her she loved her too. If only...but it was too late...

Kayla jerked awake, sweating nervously but at the same time, ice cold to the touch. She was breathless and tears were still streaming down her face. She wiped them away and sniffled. She tried to sit up but hit her head on the cramped bed compartment. She groaned and grabbed her head, falling back onto her pillow. She sighed tiredly and blinked a few times to remember her settings.

“Out of one bad dream and into another one,” she thought to herself.

She rolled out of the bed compartment and peeked out cautiously. She found Lance asleep on the couch in the front room, body twisted awkwardly. She tip toed out to the front room to look for her travel bag, which had her purse by it. She found what she was looking for her started to make her way back to the bed compartments when she paused to gaze at Lance asleep.

She stared at his rising and falling chest, breathing rhythmically. His eyes weren’t moving much under his eyelids but he had a disturbed look on his face. She wanted to crawl into his arms and fall asleep there, in the security of his grip, but knew that was out of the question. His lips were gently pressed together and he was breathing softly through his nose.

Kayla watched him with a pained expression on her face. She couldn’t believe she had said such harsh things to him, but knew it was the only choice. If she kept on going with her feelings then she would end up hurting him even more. She would fall in love and she would tear away from him, trying to keep her secret a secret and she couldn’t bear to hurt him that much. Hurting him this much gave her an unbelievable guilt that made her feel like a dog running away with their tail between their legs.

She took a deep breath and walked back into the bed compartments. She only had two more days left on the tour, but she had a feeling these days were going to be the longest two days of her life.

“Kayla! Kayla wake up!” a voice said.

Kayla moaned and turned over.

“No no, not go back to sleep, WAKE UP!”

Kayla swatted her hand in the air aimlessly and pulled her covers over her head, inching back down in her bed.

“No, come on girl, we’re here and you gotta get UP.”

“I don’t want to,” Kayla mumbled.

“We never do, but once we get checked into the hotel room and you can go back to sleep if you like, promise.”

Kayla mumbled a response and proceeded in trying to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and sat up again, bumping her head.

“Ouch! I’ve done that so many times!” the voice said with a small laugh.

Kayla rubbed her eyes and opened them again, turning to face the person who woke her up. Her blurred gaze met a smiling Alyissa.

“Hey sunshine, up, up, up.”

Kayla shook her head, “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Alyissa laughed, “All right well then come on and let’s hurry up.”

Kayla finally rolled out of the bed and with a little trouble, stood up. She grabbed her travel bag and her disc man, shoving it back into her bag. She made sure she had her purse and followed Alyissa out to the front room. The sun was shining brightly and made Kayla flinch when it hit her eyes.

Alyissa handed Kayla her sunglasses, “You might need these more than me.”

“Thanks,” Kayla replied gratefully.

Alyissa smiled and continued walking off the bus. They guys had made sure to get Lance off the bus before Alyissa had even thought about waking up Kayla so as not to cause a confrontation between them yet, just in case they weren’t ready for it.

The two girls made their way into the hotel and checked into their room. They made their way to their room and unpacked once they reached it. Alyissa laid down on her bed and closed her eyes.

“I need sleep! I spent the whole bus ride with those guys. I think need more therapy than sleep, but I can settle with sleep for now,” Alyissa muttered, rubbing her eyes and turning over onto her side.

Kayla didn’t say anything but cracked a smile at Alyissa’s comment. She grabbed a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom. She came out changed into her suit with shorts and a tank top, thrown over top. She threw her hair up and grabbed the sunglasses again, her eyes still weren’t used to the light.

She grabbed a room key and slipped out the door. She need to relax and swim in the indoor pool, or sit in the Jacuzzi. She had, had a long day so far and it was almost over. She made her way down to the indoor pool and sighed when the light steam and heat hit her. She hoped they had a sauna there too. For now though, she was going to relax in the pool.

She grabbed a towel off a nearby rack and chose a chair to place all her stuff on. She started to strip down to her suit when she heard a whistle echo throughout the room. She looked up, clutching her shirt in front of her. She saw Chris and Joey standing in a balcony view of the pool grinning broadly.

“Jeese! You guys scared me shit less!” she exclaimed.

She put down her shirt and stood there nervously, trying not to wrap herself in her arms. She needed to get over her shyness and this was a chance to start.

“What are you guys doing here?” she asked.

“We always explore the hotels we stay in so we know where everything is,” Joey yelled down.

Chris pulled his shirt and Joey turned around. He said something in return and walked away.

“Bye guys,” Kayla muttered.

She walked over to the pool and looked at the water. She dipped her foot in and sighed when she discovered it was warm.

“HEY KAYLA!” a voice shouted in the empty room.

Kayla jumped and lost her balance, swinging her arms around, trying to find something to grab in order to stop her from falling in. No such luck, she flew into the pool with a big splash. When she came up for air she heard two guys laughing. She wiped the water out of her eyes and looked up at Joey and Chris who were laughing hysterically.

“Wow Kayla...I didn’t think you’d...get that” Joey managed to get out.

“NOT FUNNY!” she said sternly.

She splashed them in return and their eyes widened from surprise when the warm water hit their fronts. They backed up few feet and looked down at themselves.

“You guys should really be more careful,” Kayla grinned.

They both shot her looks.

“You know I wouldn’t be the one laughing,” Chris said.

“And why is that? I’m in a suit, I don’t mind being you two look like you guys had an accident. Think of that, grown men getting that excited and peeing themselves, sounds like something Chris’ dog would do,” Kayla said smugly.

“My dog DOES get excited to see me,” Chris protested. “That’s why I make sure he’s standing on Justin’s bed when I greet him.”

Joey and Kayla both laughed.

“But YOU still shouldn’t be laughing,” Chris repeated.

“And why not?” Kayla asked.

“If that pool water is so warm there’s got to be a reason,” Chris said casually.

“It’s heated...?”

“That’s what they LIKE you to think, but think about how many kids come into that pool,” Chris said with a muffled laugh.

“Ugh Chris! You really know how to ruin things don’t you?” Kayla exclaimed disgusted. She walked over to the pool steps and climbed out. She looked around while Joey and Chris were both laughing. She spotted the Jacuzzi and walked over to it. She slipped in and sighed in relief when the hot water started to soothe her muscles.

Chris and Joey walked over with chairs and sat themselves down to talk to Kayla.

Justin hummed a tune to himself, while walking down the empty hallway. He shoes were silent while he walked on the carpet and the only sound you could hear was his soft humming. He reached his room and let himself in. He threw his keys on the dressers nearby and flopped down on his bed, hoping to take a nap before sound check. He didn’t see the silent figure sitting by the window. Justin turned his head and opened his eyes lazily.

“Ohmigod!” he yelled out, jumping up. “When did you come in here?”

“Sorry,” the person replied.

“It’s all right, you ok man? Your starting to worry me,” Justin said sitting up.

Lance didn’t take his eye off the scenery outside and shrugged his shoulders. “Just a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?” Justin asked cautiously.

“Kayla...and what she said to me today.”

“What’d she said?” Justin asked.

He knew he was pushing his luck with Lance, but hoping if he pushed a little Lance would get it all out, he seemed like he needed to tell someone.

“She said I don’t tell her anything,” Lance replied, almost flinching from having to recall the conversation. “She’s right.”

Justin nodded his head, “Well...she hasn’t really told you anything...has she?”

Lance shook his head, “She told me something very personal.”

Justin gave a look of surprise, “Really.”

Lance nodded his head, “It was a big secret of hers and she”

Justin tilted his head to the side and studied Lance’s face, only seeing half of it. “ haven’t told her anything about you and that’s what bothering her?”

Lance stayed silent for a moment, “That’s a good part of it, I think she thinks I don’t trust her, but I do.”

“Do you really?” Justin asked softly.

Lance looked back at him for the first time, “What do you mean?”

“You haven’t told her about--” Justin started.

“No I haven’t,” Lance cut in.

“Well don’t you think you should? Especially if you want something to happen between you two?” Justin asked, staring at his face.

Lance shrugged, “I suppose.” He sighed, “She also said our kiss meant nothing to her, so what’s the point of telling her something if nothing IS going to happen between us?”

“I don’t think she means that,” Justin replied. “I mean if she did I think she would have avoided you afterwards and the trip her and Alyissa made the next morning to the studio wasn’t JUST for me.”

Lance gave a curious look, “How did you was the next day...?”

“Umm...long story,” Justin mumbled, looking away.

“What do you mean about the trip to the studio?” Lance asked.

“Well come on, they show up out of the blue?” Justin said.

“Well ‘Liss wanted to see you--”

“And Kayla wanted to see you, so they showed up,” Justin cut in, finishing his sentence for him.

Lance took that information in and leaned back in his chair, gazing outside again. He propped his elbow on the arm of the chair and placed his head in his hand, deep in thought.

“Tell her Lance, she deserves to know that much,” Justin said quietly.


“She does,” Justin said, cutting him off before he could make any excuses. “Tell her.”

Justin decided that would be the best time to leave so he stood up. He grabbed his room key and slipped out of the door silently, leaving Lance by himself with something else to consider.

Alyissa woke up with a soft knock on her door. She decided to ignore it in hopes that the person would go away and think no one was in the room. The knock grew louder and Alyissa remembered it might be Kayla, locked out. She mumbled something to herself and got out of bed. She walked over to the door and swung it open.

Justin stood in the doorway with a soft smile, “Hey baby, what are you doing?”

“I WAS sleeping, until you came,” Alyissa said, walking back to her bed, leaving the door open.

Justin stepped in and shut the door behind him. “Sounds good,” he said following her back to the bed.

Alyissa was already halfway lying down when she looked at him funny, “What do you think your doing?”

“Going to sleep,” Justin said.

“Not in here your not,” Alyissa stated.

“Why not?” Justin asked.

“Number one, you have your own room. Number two, if Lonnie or any of the other security staff or workers found you sleeping in my room I would get 'the lecture',” she said making quotation marks with her fingers.

“You slept in my room the other night,” Justin argued.

“But that was because Kayla and Lance were in my room, what was I supposed to do?”

“Well Lance is in MY room and I have no idea where Kayla is.”

“Good, go to JC’s room,” Alyissa said, turning him around and giving him a small push.

Justin shook his head, “Uh-uh, I’m staying right here.”

“Go Justin! I want to go back to sleep!” Alyissa whined.

“Me too,” Justin said.

Alyissa laid back on her side and snuggled into her covers, already halfway asleep. Justin grinned to himself and jumped on top of her.

“JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! Get off of me!” Alyissa yelled out, surprised from the sudden weight on top of her.

“SHHH! Not so loud! If people hear they might think things!” Justin whispered with a smile.

“Well imagine if they come in here, what they’ll think! Good lord boy get off of me!” Alyissa said loudly, trying to roll Justin off of her.

Justin laughed and started tickling Alyissa. She couldn’t help but giggle and squirm under the covers.

“” she trailed off in between giggles. “JUSTIN!” she finally yelled out.

Justin laughed and rolled off the bed onto the floor.

“Damn straight, right where you belong, ON THE FLOOR,” Alyissa said, trying to fix her covers.

“Talk to me ‘Liss, we’re both awake now,” he said, stretching out on the floor.

“Speak for yourself,” Alyissa mumbled.

“Do I have to come back up there?” Justin threatened playfully.

“No...” Alyissa groaned. “Ok, ok, I’m up now...TALK.”

Justin smiled in satisfaction and placed his hands behind his head and leaned back. “I talked to Lance.”

Alyissa poked her head over the side of the bed and looked down at him. “Well why the hell didn’t you say so?”

Justin shrugged, “You wanted to go to sleep.”

“Justin your lucky I’m too tired to take a good swing at you,” Alyissa said, wrapping herself into her blankets.

Justin grinned in response.

“Well...what happened?” Alyissa asked.

“Nothing really, we just talked. You know, man to man.”

Alyissa smirked, “Yeah right...boy to man...Lance being the man.”

Justin smiled sarcastically, “Your so lucky I love you.”

Alyissa rolled her eyes, “I’ve been questioning that lately...I don’t know if I would call that LUCK.”

Justin grinned and winked. Alyissa laughed lightly and smiled.

“Lance said they were arguing over some trust issues,” Justin said, expression getting serious.

“Lance having them or Kayla having them?”

“Both, more Lance though,” Justin said.

“Ohhh boy, Lance didn’t tell her did he?” Alyissa asked.

Justin shook his head, “She got upset because she told him a big secret and he hasn’t told her anything in return. I think Lance wanted to know more about her and that’s why she was feeling that the dishing out was unequally divided, that’s the only reason I can think of that fits in with Kayla getting so upset...I’m still not sure though.”

“It could be, Lance really likes her and he wants to know a lot about her. He probably knows more about her than I do,” Alyissa commented, thinking. “That’s true though, Kayla’s a very private person and if she told a big secret then she obviously trusts Lance. It’s only fair he does the same in the return, don’t you think?” Alyissa asked, looking back down at Justin.

Justin nodded his head, “I told him he needs to tell her.”

“Well he should, she deserves to know more,” Alyissa agreed. “If he wants any kind of relationship to develop between them, he’s gonna have to tell her sooner or later.”

“Oh and that’s another thing, Lance said Kayla told him the kiss between them meant nothing to her,” Justin added.

“What!? Am I gonna have to slap some sense into that girl? I KNOW that kiss meant something, she couldn’t wipe that smile off for the rest of night into the next day!” Alyissa exclaimed. “What is she talking about!?”

Justin shrugged, “You know more than me.”

“Well obviously not because your telling me a lot I don’t know.”

“He didn’t tell me anything else, but I know there’s more to that,” Justin said. “We need to help them now ‘Liss.”

Alyissa sighed, “I know.”

“So you agree we should help?”

“I don’t know about THAT...they need a little push towards each other, but I don’t know if we should tangle ourselves in between them, it might just make the situation worse,” Alyissa said, going over all consequences in her mind.

“’Liss...Lance needs Kayla and she needs him, let’s help them realize that and be happy together,” Justin said softly, fixing his gaze on her. “We both know how that feels.”

Alyissa caught her breath and nodded her head slowly. “All right,” she said quietly. “We’ll help them.”

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