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Chapter Fourteen

(The Next Day)

“Aaaaahhhhh!!!” Kayla shrieked, running away from Chris and Joey.

They laughed hysterically while chasing after her with water guns.

“No come on guys! I just changed!!!” she yelled back, trying to find a place to hide.

“You can change again!” Chris yelled back, firing his water gun.

Kayla shrieked again as water squirt all over the back of her shirt and dripped down her neck. She turned around and gave Chris a challenging look, when Joey ran up and squirted the front of her shirt, laughing. Kayla’s mouth dropped open and she looked down at herself as the water soaked in. They saw her look and ran in the other direction, rounding the bus.

Kayla started to run after then, rounding the bus with a wide turn and right into Lonnie. He caught her by the arms and looked down surprised. He looked at her outfit and saw that she was soaked, then looked back at Chris and Joey who were making an escape. Lonnie laughed and let her go, handing her a bottle of water.

“Thanks!” she said quickly before running after them again.

Kayla finally caught up to them before dumping water all over their pants. They gasped in surprised from the cold water soaking in and looked down at the front of their pants.

“Tsk, tsk, I told you guys, use the bathroom!” she said, laughing uncontrollably.

They looked up at her and shot her a look. She caught their look and turned around to run from them again. Kayla dropped the bottle and made a mad dash back in the direction she had come from. She ran into Lonnie again, getting a cramp from laughing and running. Lonnie looked down at her with an amused look on his faced, then looked up to see Chris and Joey coming after her.

“Save me!” Kayla managed to get out, hiding behind him.

Chris and Joey came up to Lonnie and spotted her behind him, “Outta the way Lonnie, this is between us and Kayla,” Chris said, trying to sound intimidating.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Lonnie said in a rough voice.

Chris and Joey looked up at him with confused looks on their faces.

“Why not?” Joey asked.

“Because Kayla is my responsibility too and I have to guard her from people like you two,” he said laughing to himself.

Chris leaned his head back to talk to Joey, who was behind him, “Looks like we’re going to have to take the big guy.”

Joey nodded in agreement and flexed his muscles while growling, “You scared yet?” he asked Lonnie.

Lonnie smiled and shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest, “Should I be?”

“Uh-oh Joey, he called you puny, you gonna take that from him?” Chris said looking at Joey.

Joey shook his head and wiped his feet on the ground, as if getting ready to charge. Lonnie gave a bored look and Joey growled again, running up to Lonnie to try and plow through. He ran full charge and bounced back into Chris.

Lonnie started laughing at his attempt, “Is that all you got?”

“Joey! Did you hear that!” Chris said lifting him back up again. “He said you were a scared pansy ass! You gonna take that from him?”

Joey got up again and shook his head. He went charging at Lonnie again, this time trying to tackle him around his waist. Joey started moving his feet like he was running but ended up having his feet slide from under him. He fell to the ground as Lonnie and Kayla started laughing even harder than before.

Chris kneeled down next to Joey, who was laying on the ground, “You gonna take that?”

Joey lifted his head up and said, “Yeah I am,” and let his head fall back on the ground.

Chris shook his head and looked back up at Lonnie. He pushed his sleeves up and narrowed his eye brows in determination, running towards Lonnie. He bounced off his stomach and fell onto the ground next to Joey.

Joey turned to Chris and said, “YOU gonna take that from him?”

Chris lifted his head and looked over at Joey, nodded his head in response, then let his head fall back on the ground.

By now Lonnie was roaring with laughter and Kayla fell onto the ground, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. Alyissa came over to see the commotion and found Joey and Chris sprawled out on the ground, lying next to each other, pants soaking wet.

Alyissa shook her head, “I don’t even want to know,” she giggled.

Justin and Lance walked over to inspect the scene and found the same picture that Alyissa found. Kayla was still on the ground laughing, face bright red.

Kayla finally got up and walked over to help Chris and Joey up. She held out her hands for them to use to get up, but they just laid there, like they were lifeless.

When they didn’t respond Kayla shrugged her shoulders and turned around to the face everyone else, “Anyone else hungry? I am, let’s get take-out,” she said, peeking back at them.

Joey automatically opened his eyes and sat up, “Did someone say take out?”

Chris opened one eye looked up at Joey, “Man no will power, no will power AT ALL.”

Joey shrugged his shoulders innocently and grinned, taking Kayla’s hand and getting up. Chris finally sat up and got up himself, dusting the dirt off his pants.

The bus was finally fully loaded with gas and ready to go. Lonnie kept a careful watch on Joey, Chris, and Kayla as they eyed each other challengingly. Everyone boarded the same bus and started to find something to do.

Kayla sat by the window and pulled out a magazine to flip through. Lance walked past her, pausing for a brief second to look down at her, before sighing deeply and walking into the back room. Kayla knew he looked at her, but couldn’t bring herself to look back up at him. If she did, she knew she would probably jump into his arms and start crying, apologizing over and over again for hurting him. She had to be strong.

Alyissa and Justin walked on, catching Lance’s look and Kayla ignore him. They exchanged looks with each other and Justin whispered something in her ear. Chris and Joey bounced on the bus, rough housing with each other. Justin stopped them and said something to them in a low tone. JC walked on calmly and Alyissa stopped him, whispering something in his ear. All three guys nodded their heads and continued their way on the bus, making their way into the back room. Justin followed the other guys, giving Alyissa one last look. She nodded her head slowly and flashed a hopeful smile.

Alyissa sat down across from Kayla and smiled, folding her hands and placing them on the table. Kayla felt someone watching at her and looked up to find Alyissa sitting there with a smile on her face.

“What?” Kayla asked cautiously. “Do I have something on my face or something?” Kayla asked, touching her face.

Alyissa giggled and shook her head, “No no, I’m just sitting there.”

“I know, that’s the problem,” Kayla said. “Your not doing or saying anything, that smile makes me think your either up to something or you haven’t spoken to your therapist today.”

Alyissa grinned, “A little of both.”

Kayla shut her magazine, “Ok so spill, what do you need?”

“Well...” Alyissa trailed off, trying to build up suspense. She looked over at Kayla who was looking at her curiously and cautiously. “I kind of made a bet with Justin on who’s better.”

“Who’s better at what?” Kayla asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Strip poker,” Alyissa said shrugging her shoulders.

Kayla stared at her for a second, “So what am I supposed to do about it? Go whoop his ass in it.”

“That’s the thing! I can’t PLAY strip poker, I don’t know how to play POKER!” Alyissa exclaimed. “Please Kayla, help me!”

Kayla shook her head immediately, “Uh-uh, no way in hell...nope...”

“Come on Kayla!” Alyissa pleaded.

“I am NOT playing strip poker with YOUR boyfriend just so you can prove a point, besides YOU wouldn’t be the one playing and why the hell did you make the bet if you knew you couldn’t play!?” Kayla said in one breath.

“You know me...I’m stubborn and when Justin challenged me he got me so worked up over being right I challenged him to a game, guaranteeing him I would HAVE to help me!!! Pleeeeeaaaassseeee!!!” Alyissa pleaded.

Kayla shook her head, “NO! What would be the point for ME playing?”

“Well you know how to play and I told him we’d play teams, you and me against him and whoever he picks,” Alyissa explained.

Kayla narrowed her eyebrows and gave her a weird look, “Are you crazy!?” she exclaimed. “If we get caught by ANYONE we’ll be in such deep shit and I’ll be fired! Plus the fact that I DO NOT know ANY of those guys well enough to STRIP in front of them if I lose!”

“No one will catch us, if they do Justin already said he was going to take the blame. About stripping, you won’t have to, we won’t lose,” Alyissa said simply.

“Oh right, because poker is all skills,” Kayla said sarcastically.

“It is, isn’t it?”

“NO! It’s pure luck! Luck of the deal, luck of the draw! I HAVE no luck! Get Chris to do it, his nick name IS lucky after all, isn’t it?”

Alyissa laughed at that comment, “Yeah it is...but that’s one of those nick names that is given to someone but really means the OPPOSITE.”

Kayla giggled and shook her head, “Your horrible...horrible, horrible, horrible.”

“You know it’s true,” Alyissa grinned.

“I don’t WANT to know...the answer is still NO,” Kayla replied, flipping open her magazine again.

“Come on Kayla! At least help me get the hang of the game, I’ll bribe Justin into playing one warm up round, no stripping, then once I get the hang of the game, you can leave and it’ll just be me and Justin,” Alyissa tried.

Kayla sighed and thought about the offer, “No stripping for the practice round?”

Alyissa nodded her head, “No stripping.”

“Then I can leave?”

“Then you can leave, promise,” Alyissa said holding her hand up.

Kayla sighed, “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”

Alyissa smiled and clapped her hands excitedly. She grabbed Kayla’s wrist and pulled her out of the sitting booth and towards the back room.

“Hey...yeah...that would be my arm...and that’s kind of attached to my BODY!” Kayla said, being dragged down the small hallway on the bus.

“Oh yeah...don’t want to spoil your pokers hands,” Alyissa said, slowing down.

Kayla wasn’t prepared for her to slow down, so she ended up ramming into Alyissa’s back from the sudden stop.

“Ow,” Kayla said in a low tone.

Alyissa swung open the door and entered, pulling Kayla in behind her.

“All right big guy, let's play,” Alyissa declared, looking at Justin.

“Is that sexual?” Justin grinned.

“Get your sorry hormonal ass a deck of cards and deal, I got my partner now pick yours and let’s get started,” Alyissa said, ignoring his question.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHAT are we talking about?” Chris asked, holding his hands up and looking at Justin, Alyissa, and Kayla.

“Strip poker, come on Justy baby, BRING-IT-ON,” Alyissa challenged, stare fixed on Justin.

The corner of Justin’s mouth curled up and he smiled slyly. “All right ‘Liss,” he said calmly. “You brought it on yourself, you better pray that I’ll be kind enough to lend you my shirt when your down to your bare essentials.”

“Oh no honey, your going down and getting naked! Deal!” Alyissa laughed, plopping down on the floor.

She pulled Kayla down beside her and Kayla landed her the floor with a small thump. Justin pulled a deck of cards out of his pants pocket and sat down, back leaning against the couch.

“Five card?” he asked.

“Pick a partner first,” Alyissa said.

“Even though I don’t NEED a partner to’ll just make it more interesting,” Justin said looking around the small room.

Lance looked out the window and tried to shrink away, hoping he wasn’t going to be picked. JC laughed at the challenge as Chris and Joey started wiggling in their seats with excitement and amusement.

“Lancey baby, your the chosen one,” Justin declared, with a fake Italian accent.

Kayla and Lance both looked up at the same time, first at Justin, then at each other. When their eyes met, they both looked away and Lance sat in silence.

“I don’t feel--” he started.

“Come on Poofoo, I need a partner!” Justin whined.


“Good, come on PARTNER, sit by me!” Justin grinned.

Lance slid off the couch onto the floor and scolded himself for actually agreeing to this game, especially when it was Alyissa, Justin, and Kayla.

“All right, rules first,” Alyissa started. “First rule, everyone else LEAVES!”

Chris and Joey clicked their tongues and groaned. “No...come on...! This is the best game you’ve thought of and we can’t even watch!?”

“You REALLY want to see Justin and Lance in their tighty whities?” Alyissa asked, raising an eyebrow. “In my opinion that’s a little fruity, but hey if that’s the way you want it--”

“All right Joe, let’s go play poker with some of them goldfishes up there, JC you in?” Chris said, standing up quickly.

Justin looked up, “You...used my goldfishes...and blamed it on Kayla...?”

“Um...nope...don’t know what your talking about, let’s go guys,” Chris said, rushing out of the room.

Joey bounced out after him and JC walked at his own pace. The door shut behind them and Alyissa continued talking.

“Next rule, practice round first with no stripping.”

“Aw come on ‘Liss, if we’re gonna play, let’s PLAY,” Justin complained.

“Don’t whine to me afro boy, PRACTICE ROUND!” Alyissa argued.

Justin rolled his eyes, “Fine...wuss.”

“What? What was that? I’ll remember that when your down to your little tighty whities and socks and I get to choose what you take off next, don’t want to embarrass you TOO much,” Alyissa grinned slyly.

Justin’s mouth hung open for a second before responding, “I wear BOXERS for your information...and now it’s definitely ON.”

“Bring it,” Alyissa shot back.

Kayla and Lance sat, staring at the floor nervously, avoiding eye contact with each other. Justin started laughing and dealing out the cards while Alyissa picked up their pile.

“Hey dork, you have the wrong cards,” Alyissa said, throwing her cards down, face up. “This isn’t the regular deck.”

Justin looked at his cards and smiled sheepishly. “I thought they were a regular deck when I bought them.”

“Where’s the box?” Alyissa asked.

Justin tossed her the card box and she scanned the cover. “Hey genius, these are bicycle cards, they have like eight of the same aces or something.”

Justin shrugged his shoulders, “They look the same as a regular deck.”

“Go out into the front room and get the deck out of my purse,” Alyissa instructed. “And make it snappy, we don’t have all day!”

“Woman, stop yapping! I’ll go at my own pace,” Justin said, getting up and walking to the door.

“Boy...” Alyissa started.

Justin grinned and winked at her, walking out of the room, leaving the door open. Alyissa shook her head and rolled her eyes, turning back to face the two silent people. A few minutes later Justin called her.

“’Liss! Where are the cards!?” he asked.

“In my purse!” she yelled back.

“WHERE in your purse?”

“At the bottom, in the pocket thingie!” she replied.


“I can’t find them!”

Alyissa sighed and stood up, “Never send a man to find something in a woman’s purse,” she mumbled.

“I heard that!” he yelled. “If women didn’t have so much damn junk in their purses then maybe we could find things when you ask us to get them!”

“Don’t call my stuff JUNK!” Alyissa said, walking out the door and shutting it behind her.

There was a soft click and silence in the back room. Lance looked out the window, trapped in the awkward silence. Kayla looked around the back room, trying to find something interesting to stare at, but not finding anything.

They hadn’t spoken since their argument the previous day and Kayla had been avoiding any kind of contact with Lance. She needed time to become stronger and be able to stand sternly by her decision and words. Every time she saw Lance she felt weak in the knees and wanted to run up to him and just let him hold her. She was already missing their conversations and tour life seemed to take a big nose dive into the deep end.

The night before, Kayla had attended the concert, but excused herself from the after party. She couldn’t bear to see Lance and even run into the chance of having to converse with him. She made up an excuse that she had a bad headache and headed back to her hotel room. There, she laid in her bed and felt sorry for herself.

Lance stole a glance over at Kayla, quickly looking away. He felt like a school boy, stealing glances at her, knowing she knew he did. The night before he spent the whole night thinking, except during the concert. The sound check was a blur, the meet and greet was only half hearted and under appreciated. The concert was the only thing he focused his mind on and let all his thoughts drain out of his head. He gazed around at his screaming fans and their faces when he started to sing. His eyes did search for Kayla once, but other than that, he had pushed all problems out of his head and put his all into performing. He had to admit, performing let him release a lot of frustrated energy locked up inside of him. At the after party, his eyes searched the room a million times before he asked Alyissa where Kayla’s whereabouts were and was informed she had gone back to hotel room. He kept searching for her, in hopes she would come downstairs, but no such luck.

When he had walked back to his room later that night, he stopped at her door, tempted to knock. He must have stood there for a good twenty minutes, trying to decide whether he should knock or not, but in the end, decided not to. So he went to bed with a full mind, empty stomach, and aching heart.

Kayla moved and Lance looked over at her automatically. Kayla sighed and started to play with the deck of cards in front of her, shuffling them. She kept taking deep breaths and licking her lips, looking around. She finally stood up and walked over to the door, turning the knob. She narrowed her eyebrows and tried to turn the knob again. It was locked. She banged on the door.

“Guys? Guys! Guys the door is locked! Hello???” Kayla yelled out. “Hey! Anyone out there?”

She heard voices and pressed her ear against the door to try and hear what they were saying.

“Well it’s about damn time they realized their locked in there,” Chris said.

“What?” Kayla squeaked. “Chris open this door!” she banged.


“Hey Kayla, how are you?” Chris asked.

Kayla rolled her eyes and sighed, “Ok haha funny, let’s lock Kayla and Lance in the back room, joke’s over, now let us out!”

Lance looked up in wonder.

“Come on! Chris, I’ll pay you!” Kayla tried.

“Nice try Kay, but I don’t need any money,” Chris replied with a small laugh.

“Who else is out there with you?” Kayla asked.

“Everyone...well Joey’s in the front getting some snacks for us.”


A giggle.

“Who’s idea was this?” Kayla demanded.

“Alyissa and Justin’s,” Chris said casually. “OW!” he cried out.

A low whisper then silence.

“All of our idea’s,” Chris replied again.

“CHRIS...!!!” Kayla whined. “Let us out.”

“Nope!” Justin called in.

“Justin? Oh boy...your gonna get it if I ever get out of here!” Kayla threatened.

“Justin no home!” Justin squeaked in a high pitched voice.

“Ok ok, I give, why are we locked in here?” Kayla asked.

“Because,” Alyissa started. “You and Lance need to talk and this is the only way you we decided to lock you in the back room of our tour bus. Very convenient actually, we have a five hour drive ahead of us and no bathroom breaks for you until you talk everything out. Either that or we’ll open the door to find two lifeless bodies.”

“What if I have to go to the bathroom now?” Kayla asked.

“Well then get yapping!” Chris cut in.

“I swear Chris...” Kayla started. She took a deep breath, “Never mind.” She turned around and leaned against the door, sinking down to the floor. “When will be let out?”

“When we thoroughly believe that you two have worked everything out,” Alyissa replied.

Kayla sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “But you guys will be listening to us!”

“If you don’t want us to, we won’t,” Alyissa said.

“I don’t,” Kayla said.

“All right, come on guys, let’s go,” Alyissa instructed.

Surprisingly everyone got up, walking up to the front room. Kayla didn’t think they would leave, but were glad they did. She didn’t want them to hear anything if her and Lance got into an in-depth conversation.

“So...” Kayla started. “Were you in this at all?” she asked, fixing her glare on Lance, looking straight at him for the first time since yesterday’s conversation.

Lance’s eye widened in surprise, “Me? You think I have something to do with this?”

Kayla shrugged her shoulders, “I was just wondering.”

Lance gave a dissatisfied look, “Well sorry to disappoint you, but NO I wasn’t part of this whole ‘plan’ they worked up.”

“Why are you getting an attitude?” Kayla asked in an annoyed tone.

“Maybe because you just accused me of being a part of this,” he snapped back.

Kayla’s eyes widened a little from surprise, he had never snapped at her. Then again she was being quite rude and he had ever right to, but she was still surprised from his tone of voice.

Lance took a deep breath, the last thing he wanted to do was get angry, besides the fact he didn’t get mad that often. If they both got heated with each other then that could lead to things said, but not really meant.

“All right, let’s just take their advice and talk,” Lance said calmly.

“About what?” Kayla asked.

“,” he said slowly.

“There is no ‘us’,” Kayla said sternly.

She felt like crying for saying that. Saying these harsh words was taking everything out of her. It took all of her emotions at once to push the ugly words out of her mouth.

Lance looked up sadly, fixing eye contact with her. “And why is that?” he asked softly.

Kayla’s stern glare softened, she was thrown off by his question. “Because...there just isn’t.”

“No, wrong,” Lance said.

“Excuse me?”

“There’s no ‘us’ because I haven’t done anything to MAKE an ‘us’,” he said taking a deep breath. “I haven’t been fair, keeping my life from you when you shared a big chunk of yours.”

Kayla didn’t say anything in response, just sat there and stared.

“Well, I’ve finally made the decision to tell you MY deep dark secret. When you live in my world where everything is advertised and publicized, you learn to keep your secrets, SECRETS,” he explained. “But I shouldn’t be like that towards you,” he added softly.

“I don’t want you to tell me this because you feel OBLIGATED to,” Kayla said in a low tone.

“I DO feel obligated, but only to build a relationship between us, friendship OR romantic, it’s going to be your choice,” he said.

Kayla stayed silent and continued to stare, waiting for him to talk again.

“All right, well now that I have your attention,” he started. “Not too long ago I was in a pretty deep relationship.”

Kayla started to listen. “Go on,” she said gently.

“It was one of those relationships where you become infatuated with the person,” he explained. “That might sound a bit stalkerish, but it’s not intended to be. Basically, I didn’t know what love was yet, until I met this perfect girl.”

Kayla’s heart sank, he had already met the perfect girl.

“She was everything I wanted in someone, beautiful, intelligent, loving, innocent, everything,” he said, voice softening. “I fell for her and I fell hard. People said I’m too young to know what love is, but I know what it feels like. It’s that indescribable feeling you have whenever you hear the person’s name. The butterflies you get in your stomach when you see the particular person, and the way your whole body falls into kisses, making it seem like nothing else in life matters.”

He paused, then continued, “She didn’t know that I was in love with her, that she was perfect, everything I’ve ever wanted. She thought she just wasn’t making an impact. I never told her how much I cared, plus our lives just weren’t clicking well anymore, there was too much friction from the public and from everything surrounding us.”

Kayla didn’t want to listen anymore, but forced herself to. This was killing her inside to hear him talk about the perfect girl he once had.

“One day we had a talk about our relationship and where it was going. I think we both knew it was going downhill and unless we saved it, it would crash. She asked me if I loved her and if this was all worth it to me to try and save.” Lance took a deep breath, fighting back buried emotions. “I didn’t say anything in return. I told her it was up to her and she did the thing I feared the most, she broke it off.”

Kayla’s arms fell beside her and her looks changed from hurt to pity. This was the side of the famous Lance Bass that no one saw. The side that only his best friends got sneak peeks to and here he was, sharing it with her. Even after all the things she said and the way she acted, he was blaming it on himself.

“I don’t want to lose you too Kayla,” he said, swallowing the tears fighting to come out. “I already lost one person because I didn’t say the three words that meant the world to her, I can’t afford to lose you too because I’m too afraid to tell you how I really feel.”

Kayla watched him, with sadness in her eyes. She still hadn’t spoken a word.

“It’s not easy to be a man and break down in front of a woman. It takes away your pride and stature, causing you to bow down and admit your faults and feelings, not too masculine in my opinion,” he said, looking down at the floor. “But it’s different with you Kayla, I feel like I could tell you anything in the world, the problem is, if I DON’T tell you anything, you’ll slip through my fingers like my ex.” Lance took another deep breath. “I need you Kayla...just like you need me.”

Kayla gave him a hesitant look.

“We need each other,” Lance said softly. “You make me feel good inside, you can make me smile on any bad day of the year. You put the bounce in my step, you cause the laugh to gurgle in my throat. You cause the feelings stirring inside of me, that seem so familiar, but yet so different at the same time.”

Kayla was trying to fight back all her tears, gritting her teeth quietly.

“Please tell me that kiss the other day meant something to you. Please tell me you didn’t mean the harsh words you uttered yesterday, please tell me that you need me also. Please tell me you felt all the same overwhelming emotions when our lips met, please,” he pleaded, almost helplessly. “Please...say something.”

There was a silence between them and all you could hear was the both of them breathing. Kayla sat there, absorbing all the words he had just poured out of his heart. She didn’t know what her response was. She opened her mouth to say something, but tears started pouring down her face and stopped her from even uttering a word.

She broke down, curling up into a little ball and placing her head on her knees, hugging her knees tightly. She started to cry, letting her tears flow down freely, feeling relieved for the first time in a long time.

Lance stood up and walked over to her. He took her hands into his gently and pulled her up, into his arms. Kayla stood up and fell into Lance’s gentle grip, crying louder. Lance started rocking her back and forth, rubbing her back comfortingly. A tear ran down his cheek and he left it there. He had been holding his feelings and fears inside of him for a long time, it was time to let them all out and settle his past.

“I’m...I’m...I’m so sorry,” Kayla stuttered between sobs. “I...I...”

Lance pulled back and looked down at her. He wiped her tears away and place his finger on her lips, hushing her.

“Take a deep breath and take your time,” he said softly.

Kayla inhaled and exhaled in long breaths, trying to calm herself down. She finally tried again, “I’m sorry Lance, I’m so sorry for what I said yesterday. I’m so confused and so lost, I didn’t want to hurt you, but I had to...that’s no excuse, but I had no idea you’d been hurt so badly and I’m sorry.”

Lance smiled weakly, “It’s not your’s mine, but ever since my feelings started to grow for you, I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.”

Kayla nodded her head and sniffled, trying to control her breathing at a normal pattern.

Lance brought her into a hug again and whispered, “Please Kayla, give us a chance...I know it can work...and I want it to.”

Kayla stayed silent for a moment and continued to cry, only at a lower volume. She finally pulled back and brushed her damp hair, from her tears, out of her face. She sniffled and looked up into Lance’s eyes.

“Ok,” she said carefully. “Let’s give it a try.”

A smile grew cross Lance’s face and his heart was filled with joy. Finally getting all that hurt and frustration out of his still aching heart, he was set free.

Kayla smiled in return and wondered how she was going to pull this off. She couldn’t deny her heart anymore, she needed Lance. For some reason she couldn’t seem to stop her tears though, they were now tears mixed of sadness and happiness.

Lance wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead softly. Kayla closed her eyes and Lance kissed her right eye lid, letting out another tear. He kissed the other eye lid and another tear fell. Those were Kayla’s last two tears, she stopped crying. Lance kissed each cheek and her nose. He kissed her chin and paused for a second. Kayla’s eyes remained closed and she waited for his next move. She opened her eyes and saw him watching her with a small grin.

“Don’t tease me like that,” she mumbled.

He grinned softly, “Sorry.”

He dipped his head down and covered her lips with his. Kayla closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, running her hand through his hair. Lance’s grip tightened around her waist and pressed his lips against hers, harder. Fireworks seemed to go off in their minds and hearts at the same time, feelings washed over them and left them shining in each other’s presence.

They pulled away from the kiss at the same time, smiling. For once something felt right in both their minds, they had connected on a different level and it was exactly what they had both needed.

Lance started to rock Kayla back and forth in his arms, almost like slow dancing.

“There’s no music,” Kayla whispered.

Lance reached for the radio and flipped it on, turning up the volume. He smiled when he heard the music pour out of the speakers, it was the song they had danced their first dance with each other to, it was their song. (When I Saw You by Mariah Carey)

He pulled her back into his grip and swayed back and forth. Kayla rested her head on his shoulders and sighed in content. It was one of those perfect moments where your with the perfect person and the perfect song comes on. Kayla felt a little foolish thinking it, but she could have sworn everything fell into place for a reason, maybe they were meant for each other after all.

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