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Chapter Fifteen

Chris shifted in his chair restlessly and let another big sigh. JC peered over the top of his book he was reading and raised an eyebrow at Chris. Alyissa flipped another card over and looked over her solitaire game to see if she could use the card. Justin tapped his fingers on his knee to the beat of the music, blaring through his headphones. Joey tossed another piece of popcorn into his mouth and hummed a tune casually. The silence was nerve wrecking and finally got to one of them.

“All right, I have to know what’s happening in there!” Chris exclaimed, standing up suddenly.

Alyissa looked up surprised, “Sit down Chris, we told them we would give them privacy and that’s what we’re doing!”

Chris sat down again, shaking his leg nervously. “Come on, can’t we just act like we’re going to the bathroom or something?” he pleaded.

“NO! We promised!” Alyissa said in a stern tone. She flipped another card and looked over her other cards.

JC put down his book and stretched his arms, standing up. “Well...I have to use the bathroom, be right back...”

“Don’t EVEN try it JC...sit back down,” Alyissa instructed, not looking up.

“But I really have to go!” JC protested.


JC sat back down, crossing his arms. He looked over at Chris and shrugged his shoulders.

Justin noticed people had started to talking and turned off his disc man, taking off his headphones in the process. “What are we talking about?” he asked.

“’Liss won’t let us go back there and check on them,” Chris said, pointing to Alyissa accusingly.

“Oh,” Justin said. “Why not ‘Liss?”

“Oh don’t tell me your going to try and gang up on me too,” she said rolling her eyes.

“I didn’t say anything,” Justin replied. “But seriously, one of us should go back and check on them, see if their still alive and all.”

Alyissa sighed, “I suppose.”

Chris grinned and wiggled in his seat. “Well since I’m the oldest and--”

“Joey, go check on Kayla and Lance please,” Alyissa said, cutting off Chris.

“Joey? You picked JOEY over me!?” Chris asked in disbelief.

“Oh come on Chris, he was the only one not bugging me about it, are you going or not Joe?”

Joey nodded his head and licked his fingertips. He dusted off his hands and stood up, making his way back to the back room. He reached the door and pressed his ear on the door, trying to listen. When all he heard was music from the radio he wondered what happened and knocked on the door softly. There was no response so he knocked a little louder. Still no response. Joey spun around on his heels and walked back to the front room where everyone was waiting.

“So? What happened?” Chris asked anxiously.

Joey shrugged his shoulders, “All I can hear is the radio playing and when I knocked no one responded.”

“I can only think of two things their doing,” Chris laughed.

Alyissa shot him a look, “Who ever poisoned your mind like that boy?”

Chris laughed again and shrugged, “I’m a guy, what do you expect?”

Alyissa shook her head, “I guess I shouldn’t expect that much.”

Chris looked over and Alyissa grinned in response.

“So no one answered?” Alyissa asked, turning her attention back to Joey.

Joey shook his head, “Nope, no one.”

“Hmmm,” Alyissa said, in thought. “Well I guess the only thing TO do is go back there and open the door.”

She got up and started to make her way towards the back room when she heard all four guys get up quickly to follow her. When she reached the door, she pressed her ear against the door and heard the soft music from the radio. She narrowed her eyebrows in thought and unlocked the door. She turned the knob and pushed it open gently, swinging the door open completely.

She stood in the doorway as all the guys peeked in anxiously, around her. She placed her hands on her hips and grinned.

“Well, well, well, look who kissed and made up!” she said slyly.

Lance and Kayla looked up with a dazed look on their faces. They had been in a different world and didn’t even hear the door open. They both blushed and smiled, nodding their heads slowly.

“And can we have the privilege of saying things are all better?” Alyissa asked.

Kayla nodded her head, “You can even have the privilege of saying we’re officially together,” she smiled.

Alyissa’s arms went into the air, “What!? Ohmigod that’s great!!!” she yelled enthusiastically.

Chris pushed Alyissa all the way into the room and burst in, “All right! It’s about damn time! I mean I don’t know how much longer I could go on playing match maker and--”

Kayla and Lance were staring at him curiously as the rest of them shot him dirty looks.

“I mean...good for you!” he said quickly, trying to cover up his mistake.

“Remind me never to tell Chris about any surprise parties,” Alyissa muttered.

Chris spun around and shot her a look while the guys laughed and tried to forget the slip up. They all entered the room with smiles and compliments.

“Well it’s about damn time you two made up,” JC commented.

“We were never MAD at each other, just had a few differences,” Kayla said, looking around at them. “Besides it was only for like a day.”

They all shrugged their shoulders, “TOO long!”

Kayla laughed lightly and wrapped an arm around Lance’s waist, resting her head on his shoulder. His one arm was still wrapped around her shoulder and he watched everyone’s reaction with amusement.

He knew this relationship was going to take a lot of work, but he was ready for it this time. He learned from his previous mistake that relationships need work and most importantly from him, communication. He planned on telling Kayla everything.

Kayla looked up at Lance with a smile, the happiness inside of her was indescribable and exhilarating, but at the same time worrisome and scary. They would have to overcome their first challenge of not seeing each other for almost 2 months after that upcoming Saturday and Kayla was wondering how that was going to work out. She also feared that Lance would find out about Casey and she wasn’t sure if she wanted him to. He would look at her differently if he ever found out and she could possibly lose him, she just couldn’t afford that.

They broke away from each other and sat down on the couch, Lance clutching her hand in his. They weren’t one of those couples where they couldn’t spend a moment apart, but the rush of stepping into this together, made them want to touch each other, almost assuring that the whole thing was real and they were both there for each other.

“All right guys, this calls for some major partying tonight!” Justin exclaimed, sitting down on the floor.

Lance laughed lightly, “Come on J, your acting like we just got married, we only became a couple.”

Justin shrugged his shoulders, “But this IS a big deal! We’ve all been anticipating it and after not hearing from you for a good forty five minutes we thought you both died or something.”

Kayla smiled, “Well even if we HAD started a physical fight, we all know who would have won...ME of course!”

Lance looked over at her with a ‘yeah right’ look and laughed. “Ok, you keep telling yourself that.”

Kayla laughed, “What is that supposed to mean? Am I gonna have to prove myself?”

Lance grinned, “Is that a challenge?”

“It’s whatever you make it out to be!” she shot back playfully.

“Are you sure we can’t celebrate you two getting married yet?” Justin asked, looking back forth between them.

They both grinned and laughed at his comment.

“Nope sorry,” Kayla said.

Alyissa watched the two hold hands, it seemed perfect. The picture fit together and so did they. Now the only thing was, would they last? Alyissa had all confidence that their feelings for each other would continue to grow and that they could last if they worked at it. But that meant Lance had to talk when he had something to say and Kayla would follow her heart and not her mind. Only time could tell.

“I’m going to be coming home tomorrow,” Kayla said, holding the phone between her ear and her shoulder, folding another shirt and placing it neatly her suitcase.

“So our plan is to meet at the gate you get off at?” Bryce asked, searching for a pen and piece of paper. “When did I accumulate so much junk?” he asked, shuffling through papers.

“I don’t know, I haven’t been home for the past two weeks, remember?” she asked, smiling.

“I know, I know, that’s why you need to come back, this place is a pigs sty from all the wild parties I’ve had,” Bryce laughed.

“You better not have trashed that apartment or done anything to Cass!” Kayla said, stopping her re-packing and placing a hand on her hip, taking the phone into her other hand.

“I can’t promise either,” Bryce said cunningly.

“That’s not funny Bryce!” Kayla warned. “I’m serious Cass better be healthy kid with her innocence still intact when I get back there!”

Bryce laughed again. “She will, she will...or will she?”


“I’m just messing with you Kay, Cass is fine and the place is a little messy, but no wild parties...promise,” he said seriously.

“Ok, you were starting to worry me there! I was almost not wanting to come home!” she said.

The truth was she DIDN’T want to go home. She wanted to stay on tour with these new people she had come to love like family and respect as people. She wanted to stay in the fun life and attend the rest of the concerts, she wanted to spend time with Lance and have more late night chat sessions with Alyissa. Sadly, she knew she had to return to her old life and the only reason she DID want to return, was to see Casey.

“Hello!? What’s your gate number again?” Bryce asked, trying to get her attention.

“Huh? Oh!’s...umm...38B,” she said breaking out of her thoughts.

“Your going to be home for the weekend right?” Bryce asked.

“I’m going to be home from now on...except for when I have to go to work,” Kayla replied. “Why?”

“Just making sure, so we can all spend some time together, you know, catch up,” he said.

“Oh, yeah of course,” Kayla said.

She heard footsteps in the hallway and a knock on the door.

“Look I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow ok?” she said hurriedly. “Bye!”

“Bye,” Bryce said quickly, before Kayla hung up.

Kayla shoved her phone back into her purse and walked over to the door. She swung it open to find JC standing there.

“Hello Mr. Chasez and what can I do for you this lovely day?” she asked in a bright tone.

JC grinned, “Well well, look who’s a good mood!”

“I’m ALWAYS in a good mood,” Kayla protested. She stepped back, “Come in won’t you?”

JC held up his hand and shook his head, “I can’t, I’m on my way out, but I’ve been sent here to tell you to meet your secret admirer in room 248 as soon as possible.”

Kayla raised and eyebrow, “And who would this secret admirer be?”

“Well then it wouldn’t be a secret now would it?” he asked in a low tone. “After all, secrets aren’t meant to be told.”

Kayla almost shuddered at his words. She knew he had no idea what his words did to her, but they made her mind race in a million different directions. She smiled to hide her sudden discomfort.

“Well then, tell my secret admirer that I’ll be there in a few minutes, just let me change into some normal clothes,” Kayla said.

“All right,” JC agreed.

JC walked away and Kayla shut the door after he left. She walked back to her suitcase and started digging through it.

“Lance are you sure this is gonna work?” Justin asked.

“I’m sure, she has no idea,” Lance said in return.

“All right...but then--”

“YES, we have everything worked out and then no more favors,” Lance said with an exasperated sigh.

Justin shrugged his shoulders, “All right man, whatever you say.”

Kayla walked down the hallway and looked at the door, reading all the room numbers. She had wondered why the room she was being sent to was so far down the hallway from her own, and all the guys’ rooms for that matter. She decided to ignore that and started to hum a tune to herself, while trying to find room 248.

She finally reached it and checked the number to make sure she had the right place. She raised her hand up and knocked on the door softly. No response. She knocked harder. Silence. Just as she was about to knock a third time she heard a muffled response.

“Come in.”

Kayla opened the door and peeked in. She couldn’t see anything because one of the walls, jutted out and blocked her view. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her. She made her way around the wall and gasped when she came into full view of the room.

The shades and curtains were pulled shut and candles were lit everywhere. Laid on the floor was a small blanket with places set for two. A rose lay at her feet and more led to the blanket, where the rest of the dozen were placed in a vase. Soft music was drifting out of speakers from a small portable cd player. Kayla’s eye traveled around the room and finally down to the person sitting on the blanket, waiting for her. She looked at him startled and gave a look of wonder.

“Justin...what are you doing?” she asked, confused.

Justin grinned, “Surprising you.”

“Umm...YOUR my secret admirer?” she asked.

“Secret admirer? Huh?” he asked obliviously.

“ I’m REALLY confused,” she said.

There was a knock on the door and Kayla turned around to answer it. She opened it and there stood Lance with a grin on his face. He took her hand and walked in, “Hey Justin...’Liss is in the other room waiting for you...our rooms got mixed up.”

Justin grinned, “Well it’s a good thing I didn’t strip before she came, I might have embarrassed Kayla.”

Kayla laughed, “Gee thanks...”

Justin winked and made his way out the door, shutting it behind him. After he left Lance lead Kayla into the room again. He picked up the rose at her feet and led her all the way to the blanket spread out on the floor, picking up every rose as he went along, handing them to her. He sat her down and walked over to sit across from her.

“I’m sorry about the lack of night time setting, but I didn’t have much power over that detail,” he said quietly.

Kayla smiled, “I think I can bear without that minor detail.”

He smiled softly and opened the picnic basket set up. “I knew you weren’t going to be that hungry, so I decided to make something small, kind of a snack.”

Kayla nodded her head in approval, “Good thinking.”

She gazed around the room again and couldn’t believe this was all set up for HER. No one had ever done thing this sweet for her, she didn't even think anyone even THOUGHT about doing something this nice for her.

“All this is...” she trailed off.

“For you,” he finished for her.

“This is so great, your so sweet,” she said, looking back at him.

Lance smiled, “Well it’s your last night here and I had to do SOMETHING since I won't be seeing you for awhile.”

“I know,” Kayla said sadly. “I wish I could stay longer.”

“I wish you could too, but you can’t, so let’s make the best out of the time we have left, ok?” he said.

Kayla nodded her head, “Deal.”

Lance brought out a tray of fruit and placed it in between them. It had pineapples, kiwi’s, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and even a few mango.

“Now where in the world did you get those things?” Kayla asked, pointing to the mango’s.

“I have my ways,” he smiled secretively.

“And their very good ways at that,” she laughed.

They proceeded into eating while talking quietly, just enjoying each other’s presence. Kayla took deep breath’s and gazed around the room, over and over again. She was trying to imprint all these things in her mind, in case she never had the chance to experience something this wonderful again. Especially with this particular person sitting across from her.

Lance watched her gaze around the room in awe. He was overjoyed that she liked the surprise and the set up. It was a last minute idea, but thrown together quickly and well. He had Justin to thank for that. The soft candle light reflected off her face and made her seem like she was glowing. Lance wasn’t sure if it was the candle light or her true expression. Her hair was glossy and almost shimmered in the light whenever she moved. Her smiled seemed to make the room ever brighter and her look of pure happiness made Lance smile to himself.

“Dance with me,” he said softly, breaking the silence in between them.

Kayla nodded her head and he stood up, holding out his hand to help her up. She took it and he pulled her up slowly, drawing her right into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started to dance slowly. Kayla drew her arms up and around his neck, pulling herself into closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed contently. They swayed back and forth together as one, letting the music move their bodies in unison.

When the song ended, Lance pulled back some to looked down, face to face, with Kayla. He smiled when he saw her face and the dreamy look she had on her face.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked in a low tone.

“Hm? Oh...nothing, why?” she replied.

“Something’s on your mind, tell me,” he urged gently.

Kayla sighed, “I must sound horrible asking this, you know...’we’...will work?”

Lance thought about her question, “I think we’ll both have to work at it and we have to trust each other openly. But to answer your question, yes, I think we can make this work.”

Kayla smiled at his answer, “Don’t think I don’t want to be in this, but I have some doubts...maybe there more fears...”

She wanted to kick herself for saying to him, she sounded like she wanted break this off before it even started. Of course those weren’t her thoughts at all, she didn’t know it, but she was making the first step, she was being openly honest and telling him what she really thought.

“Tell me about them,” he said, ready to listen.

“I mean, your going to be on tour...and I’ll be back home...and we won’t be able to see each other for such a long time...but I don’t want to give up easily...I’m just scared I guess,” she tried explaining. “Did that make any sense?”

“More than you think,” he said. “I have my fears too, fears of getting hurt, of you finding someone else, of you even forgetting me.”

“How could I forget you? Your my boyfriend...” she trailed off. That was the first time she used that term with him and she liked the way it rolled off her tongue. “Your my boyfriend,” she repeated softly. “I don’t want anyone else but you and I’ll never hurt you intentionally.”

“I know you won’t hurt me intentionally, but you have to remember, don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he said, looking at her intently. He saw the hurt look on her face and tried to explain what he meant by that last comment. “I mean, you can’t control who you fall for or who falls for you...and I know you wouldn’t hurt me intentionally, but you could still hurt me.”

Kayla nodded her head, “I understand.”

She thought about his words and the pain and hesitance in his voice made her sad. He shouldn’t be thinking that way and since he was, she wanted to protect him. She wanted to protect him from the world. Even though the public accepted him, they also tore him apart at the same time. They picked apart his life and dug deep into his heart.

She wanted to shield him from all the pain in the world that made him suffer in the past. Though she knew she couldn’t do all of that, she knew she could do one thing for him, she could love him. Love him as the person he was and the person he was becoming. She could love his intentions and accomplishments, while loving his efforts and failures at the same time. She could love him purely and true and if she was lucky, he would love her in return.

She wasn’t ready to declare what they had between them love, because they had just started being together not too long ago. They still had a long and winding road ahead of them and obstacles to overcome. Her doubts seemed to drain out of her mind and her heart told her the man standing in front of her was the right one to pursue a relationship with. He was the one she had been secretly looking for all her life and now was her chance to make them both happy. She just hoped she wouldn’t ruin that chance twice.

Lance watched Kayla’s expression as she was deep in thought. Everything felt so right, having her in his arms, dancing to slow songs, holding each other. He was still hesitant with letting her in his heart right away for fear of being hurt. His past relationship was making him slightly doubtful, but he knew deep down inside that he could make this work. Some things were meant to be and this was one of them, he was sure of it.

“Full house baby, start stripping!” Alyissa declared, throwing down her cards triumphantly.

Justin looked at her cards in disbelief, “How...? Oh come on!”

Alyissa giggled and clapped her hands, “Shirt OFF, NOW!”

Justin sighed exasperated and rolled his eyes. He pulled his shirt over his head and revealed a white wifebeater underneath.

“Are you serious?” Alyissa asked, staring at him. “I have to whoop your ass in another round to get that damn wifebeater off?”

Justin grinned, “Of course...I’m wondering how many layers you have underneath YOUR shirt.”

“Not many,” she said defensively.

Justin nodded his head with a sly smile on his face, “Guess we’re going to have to find out huh?”

Alyissa shrugged and gathered all the cards, shuffling them. “YOU won’t.”

Justin laughed, “What am I gonna do when your not here?” he asked.

“Probably win at poker,” she grinned.

“Well I don’t plan on playing strip poker with any of the guys...not my style.”

Alyissa started to deal another round of cards out. “So what did Kayla think of Lance’s whole set-up?”

“She was surprised, especially when she saw me sitting there,” he laughed.

Alyissa shook her head, “You guys are such dorks.”

Justin grinned, “But you love THIS dork,” he said pointing to himself.

Alyissa sighed, “Unfortunately, yes I do.”

Justin smiled triumphantly and leaned over, planting a kiss on her cheek, “You know you love me and you LOVE loving me.”

“Too many loves on one sentence, especially referring to me loving you,” she said shaking her head and picking her cards up and arranging them.

“’Liss, do you think it’ll work between them?” Justin asked suddenly.

Alyissa looked up from her cards and thought about his question for a moment. “Yes,” she finally said.

“Lance really needs her,” Justin commented. “After...”

“Yes he does,” Alyissa cut in. “But let’s just hope Kayla is who she seems.”

Justin nodded his head on agreement, “Let’s hope.” Justin looked down at his cards and smiled. “Strip,” he declared, throwing down his royal flush.

“Tell me more about your family,” Kayla said quietly.

They were both comfortably lounging on top of the double bed. Lance had an arm wrapped around Kayla, playing with her hair gently. His other hand was intertwined with her hand. Kayla was resting comfortably on his shoulder and chest, holding hands with him.

“Their great,” Lance replied. “They’ve never let me down in my life.”

Kayla sighed.

“Even through all that legal stuff, they never left my side. I remember always talking to my mom about it and how worried I was about it and she would say ‘No matter what honey, I’m proud of you and so is the rest of your family, if you lose all of the things you’ve gained, be grateful that you’ve made the memory to begin with’. I love my mom,” he said proudly and affectionately.

Kayla smiled, imagining Lance talk on the phone with is mom, scared and vulnerable, while she spoke words of wisdom that washed away all the doubts in his mind. Mothers were amazing people.

“What else,” she said.

Lance knew she was asking about his family because she didn’t have hers anymore. She seemed needy, but Lance felt good filling up a small part of that huge gap inside her heart.

“Well, my sister is great, we went through our stages together, hated each other, loved each other, typical sibling rivalry,” he said, reminiscing on his childhood. “Do you have any siblings?” Lance asked.

Kayla tried her best not to stiffen up or panic, “No,” she said.

Lance took that answer and continued in the conversation. “Tell me about your parents,” he said carefully.

Kayla sighed and wasn’t sure if she wanted to go back to the days when her parents were still alive, but she knew she had to eventually and this seemed like a good time to.

“My mom was kind of hyper,” she started. “In a good way, always worrying about things and talking a lot, making sure everything was safe and ok.” She paused, pictures of her mother flew through her mind. “My dad on the other hand, he was the calm one,” she smiled. “He was always laid back and really smart, I always thought he knew everything, he seemed like he did.”

Lance let go of her hair and started stroking it comfortingly, still listening intently.

“They were a great couple, happy and always getting along,” Kayla continued. “I looked up to my parents immensely, they were my idols and they still are, though that might sound kind of stupid.”

“Of course it doesn’t,” Lance argued softly.

Kayla smiled to herself, she felt comfortable talking about her parents for once, she wasn’t scared of all the memories that would come up anymore. Lance stroked her hair gently and it seemed to calm her nerves. She talked about her past with ease and she liked that.

“My parents were classy people,” Kayla said. “They were beautiful people inside and out, I wish I could still see them and talk to them.”

Lance wrapped his arm around her tighter and kissed the top of her head. “I wish I could have met them and thanked them for bringing one of the most beautiful people in the”

Kayla smiled, flattered from his sweet comment, “Your a good sweet talker Lance Bass, is that a southern trait?”

Lance chuckled, “Something like that.”

Kayla giggled softly and smiled.

They both didn’t realize it, but that whole afternoon had been a healing process for them. They talked openly and said anything that was on their mind, good or bad. Their whole conversation had been non stop and constantly flowing. Talking and getting out all their troubles and worries was good for both of them and let them settle a lot of haunting issues of the past, but they also shared all the good memories they had, together or apart. They shared their past lives.

Kayla didn’t speak of one part of her past though, what happened AFTER her parents had died and what she had gone through to get to where she was today, with a five year old child to take care as her own. She couldn’t bring it out then, it was too soon, if it was going to be ever.

The phone loudly beside the bed causing Lance and Kayla to both jump from the sudden loud sound.

Lance picked up the phone, “Hello?” He listened, “Yeah...uh huh...ok...all right I’ll be right ‘Liss staying here? Yeah she’s in here,” he said looking down at Kayla. He turned his attention back to the phone. “Huh?...oh yeah...ok I’ll be down there in a few minutes.”

Lance hung up the phone and turned to look at Kayla, “I have to go to sound check, meet and greet, then perform tonight, your coming to the concert tonight right?”

Kayla nodded her head, “Yeah I’ll be there, it’s my last concert after all.”

Lance smiled and paused, cupping her cheek in his hand and looking at her. He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly and softly, driving Kayla’s senses wild.

He pulled away and grinned, “See you tonight.” He stood up and walked towards the door. He turned back around, “Don’t worry about this room, you can just leave it like this if you like.”

Kayla nodded her head and waved again. Lance smiled and walked out the door, shutting it softly behind him.

After the door shut, Kayla leaned back in the bed and squealed with excitement, she felt like she was in grade school again when you find out your crush likes you back and the way it makes you feel. She didn’t care though, Lance made her and smile and she loved that.

A knock on her door caused her to stop making little squeaking and squealing noises.

“Come in!” she yelled.

Alyissa opened the door and walked in, “Hey girl!...Whoa!” she said, gazing around the room.

“Tell me about it,” Kayla laughed.

Alyissa walked over and bounced on the bed, causing Kayla to bounce with a giggle.

“Soooo...? What happened!?” Alyissa asked anxiously.

Kayla blushed deeply and grinned, “Nothing really,” she said casually.

Alyissa pushed her playfully, “Don’t try that one on me! THIS time something happened and your gonna spill or else!”

Kayla laughed, they were both giddy with happiness and giggling like little girls.

“Well he surprised me with this and we spent the afternoon together, talking, eating, dancing, everything,” Kayla said dreamily.

“Awww,” Alyissa gushed. “How cute!”

Kayla looked up and blushed again, “Stooooopppppp.”

Alyissa laughed and folded her legs in Indian style to get more comfortable. “Anything else happen?”

Kayla shrugged her shoulders, “There were some minor kisses every now and then.”

Alyissa clicked her tongue, “There are never MINOR kisses with any of those guys!”

Kayla laughed and nodded her head, “From experience with Lance...I can say no there isn’t.”

Both girls burst into laughter.

“So tonight’s your last concert, that means we have to blow them away with our skills of knowing how to dress,” Alyissa grinned. “Let’s get started!” she exclaimed, grabbing Kayla’s wrist and pulling her towards the door.

Kayla let herself get dragged off the bed and to the door. “Hey ‘Liss,” she said.

Alyissa looked back, “Hm?”

“Thanks,” she said softly.

“For what?” Alyissa asked, confused.

“For...Lance...for...everything,” Kayla said with a shy smile. “Thanks.”

Alyissa smiled to herself, “No problem, that’s what we’re here for...each other.”

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