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Chapter Twenty Two

Kayla looked up at the middle aged man standing in front of her, claiming to be Casey’s doctor. Her eyes turned fearful and she felt tiny compared to the people standing around her.

“Y-yes?” she stammered.

“Casey is all right,” he said softly.

Kayla let out a huge sigh of relief and began getting her normal breathing pattern back again. “Oh thank God...”

“But,” he cut in.

Kayla looked up at him, “But? There’s a but?”

The doctor nodded his head, “But she’s in pretty bad shape.”

“How bad?” Kayla asked.

“She’s looking pretty disheveled, she has a lot of cuts and bruises, including a few bruised ribs. She broke her right arm and sprained her ankle pretty badly,” he described sadly. “It’s going to take a long time for her to heal really well and she’s going to be hospitalized for a few more days.”

Kayla nodded her head, taking in the information with a blank look on her face. “Thank you”

“Dr. Reynolds, nice to meet you Kayla,” he said, holding out his hand.

She took it weakly and shook it. “You too,” she murmured. She finally looked up, “Can we see her now?”

Dr. Reynolds nodded his head, “One at a time though, please.”

Kayla nodded her head and stood up shakily. Alyissa patted her back encouragingly and Bryce looked down at the floor, to ashamed to look up.

Kayla followed Dr. Reynolds into the room Casey was staying in, silently. When Dr. Reynolds moved to the side, Kayla saw Casey lying in the bed, small and frail looking. Her eyes were shut and her face was covered with cuts. Her arm was wrapped in a cast and laying limply beside her body. She didn’t seem to take up any of the bed, all Kayla could see was her small feet sticking up in the covers, the rest of her body seemed sunken into the hospital bed.

Kayla bit her lip to keep back all the tears fighting their way down her face. Casey was asleep, but she looked like she was in pain.

“We gave her a few pain killers, but she can’t take that much because she has such a small body,” Dr. Reynolds explained. “She’s still unconscious, but that’s because we’ve given her some medication to make her sleep, she needs all the rest she can get.”

Kayla nodded her head numbly and mumbled another thank you, as she walked over to the bed cautiously. Dr. Reynolds decided to let her be alone with the little girl and slipped out of the room silently.

Kayla pulled a chair beside the bed and stared at the sleeping girl. Her blonde hair was matted around her face and all over her pillow, dull looking and flat. She was breathing at a steady pace, but seemed to be almost struggling. Kayla looked down at the little girl’s hand and noticed the small bruises on her fingers. She touched them gently, scared to hurt her. She ran her own pointer finger down the little girl’s fingers and let a tear fall from her eye. She gently and cautiously, picked up Casey’s hand and grasped it in her own. She looked back up at Casey’s face and let the tears fall.

“I’m so sorry,” she murmured. “I’m so sorry Cass, I...” she trailed off.

Flashback’s of her parent’s death started to flood her mind and wash over her thoughts. She couldn’t handle this all over again, she couldn’t lose Casey too. Her tears continued to fall but her face was set in determination.

She looked over at Casey affectionately and took a deep breath. Everyone always said whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger and Kayla guessed this was one of those things. She wasn’t going to lose Casey, she was going to be by her side every step of the way during her healing process and for the rest of her life for that matter. Never again would she let her own life interfere.

Kayla kissed Casey’s forehead and whispered, “I love you.”

She let go of her hand slowly and walked towards the door. Once she walked out of the hospital room Alyissa automatically stood up. Bryce looked over at her, then hung his head in shame.

“I-I-I’m so sorry Kayla...” he trailed off in a broken form.

Kayla held her hand up to interrupt him. “Bryce...” she began. “I’m not saying this is your fault and I’m not saying this is the other person’s fault. I just hope the people in the opposing car are ok. I don’t blame anyone for this accident, after all that’s why their called accidents.” Kayla took a deep breath and continued, “BUT...I put the care of my sister and legal daughter into your hands and the results show up like this. I don’t know what happened and right now, I don’t want to know. I will never blame anyone for this accident, but I can’t afford to lose another family member in a car accident.”

Bryce looked over at her with a pained expression on his face.

“With that said and done, I’ve decided that I don’t want you seeing Casey anymore,” she finished.

“But--” Bryce started.

Kayla held up her hand again, “You may go in and visit her, but once she gets out of this hospital I don’t want you making any contact with her, I can’t continue letting you take care of her in fear of this happening again, besides she’s my responsibility and therefore I should be the one taking care of her all the time.”

Bryce hung his head shamelessly and nodded his head reluctantly, “All right Kayla...” He lifted his head and looked at her with glassy eyes, “I just want you to know that I’ll never forgive myself for this and that I’m truly sorry, I hope one day you’ll find somewhere in your heart to forgive me.”

“I don’t blame you for this, I just think this is best and I need to take control of my life again and my life is Casey,” Kayla replied. “Now if you excuse me I need to go make a phone call.”

Kayla spun around on her heels and grabbed her purse in the process, walking down the long hallway by herself. Bryce looked after her painfully, finally hanging his head down again and trudging quietly into Casey’s room. Alyissa sat still in the chair and crossed her arms, not knowing what to do next, but feeling that it wasn’t her place TO do anything.

Kayla punched in the familiar number and placed the phone to her ear, waiting for the other line to pick up. She looked around the long corridor and sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly.


“Lance?” Kayla said.

“Yeah...Kayla is that you? What’s wrong honey?” he asked, tone becoming worried.

Kayla sighed, “Something happened...”

“What? You sound like you’ve been crying,” Lance cut in. “Sorry I cut in, tell me what happened.”

“Casey....and into a car accident,” Kayla said slowly, beginning to shake again.

“Ohmigod...did this just happen?” he asked. “Dumb question,” he mumbled quickly.

Kayla shook her head, “It’s not dumb, but yes not too long ago. When I got off the phone with you at work, I got a call from the hospital telling me Cass and Bryce were here.”

“Oh my...” he trailed off. “Are you all right? Oh honey I wish I could be there for you,” he said in disappointment.

“It’s ok, your on tour right now, I understand and ‘Liss is here,” Kayla assured him.

“Well it’s good ‘Liss is with you...but I still want to be there,” he said.

Lance felt sick when he heard Kayla utter the word’s car accident and Casey all in one sentence. There was no way Kayla needed to lose another family member, the only one left at that, in a car accident. She sounded shaken up and Lance longed to be there with her to hold her and comfort her.

“Is she all right?” he asked after a short silence.

Kayla sighed, “Yes she's going to make it.”

Lance let out a sigh of relief.

“She’s bruised up pretty badly though,” Kayla continued. “She’s got a few bruised ribs and she broke her arm. She’s got cuts and bruises all over her body and she sprained her ankle from what the doctor said.”

“Oh Kayla...I’m so sorry...” Lance said sympathetically.

Kayla took a deep breath, shaking again. “I don’t know what to do now, she has to stay a few days in the hospital and I’ll probably be here most of the time, except to go back to your house and check on it every now and then.”

“Kayla...I wish I could be there...” Lance said sadly.

He hated hearing the sad and worrisome tone she was using. He could just imagine her face, twisted up in concern and fear. His heart ached, not being able to be there for her, instead being stuck on a bus.

“I know...I thought I’d call you because I needed someone to confide in,” she said quietly.

More than anything in the world, Kayla wished Lance was beside her in this. She knew he was in mind and heart, but for now that wasn’t good enough for her. She was hurting and she needed his embrace to make the pain die down.

“I’m always here to listen,” Lance replied softly. “I’m speechless though,” he admitted.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do now,” Kayla whispered, almost whimpering.

“Your going to make it through all of this and so is Casey, your going to call me whenever you feel the need to, and even when you don’t, your going to call me. I’M going to call you every chance I get and make sure your eating right and getting sleep,” he said in a firm tone. “Your going to make it through this and I’m going to be by your side every step of the way.”

Kayla cried softly and nodded her head, “Thank you...”

“No need to thank me, your my girlfriend and one of my best friends now, we’re going to get you through this, but promise me you’ll hang in there until I can get down there.”

Kayla nodded her head again and continued to cry, “Y-yeah, I’ll hang in there.”

“Good, that’s what I like to hear,” he said encouragingly.

“I-I have to go,” Kayla said, still crying. “I have to go back to Casey’s room, Alyissa’s waiting for me.”

“All right honey, but rememeber...I’m always here for me,” he replied, not wanting to hang up the phone yet.

“I know...thank you...” she trailed off, mumbling now. “I’ll call you later,” she said.

“Ok, take care, bye,” he said.


Kayla hung up her phone and placed it back into her purse. She stared outside through the hospital door and let her remaining tears fall. What she had to do wasn’t going to be easy but it had to be done. She just hoped everyone would understand.

“What happened?” Justin asked anxiously. “You have that look on your face, did something happen to Kayla?”

Lance shook his head sadly, “Her sister got into a car accident.”

“Oh my...” Justin trailed off.

Lance nodded his head in agreement, “That was my same exact reaction.” Lance sighed and ran a hand through his hair stressfully, “I wish I could be there for her.”

“You are being there,” Justin said softly.

“I mean there in body, not just mind and heart.”

Justin nodded his head thoughtfully, “Well we’ve only got about a week left of the tour and then you’ll be back there.”

“I need to get back there sooner, like NOW,” Lance said shaking his head. “How can...” he trailed off in thought.

“Take a trip back home,” Justin suggested.

“When?” Lance asked.

“In a few days, we have a few days off before the charity softball game, you could take a flight down there for a day or so and then come back up in time.”

Lance thought about the idea and liked the thought. That meant he still couldn’t be down there for a few days, but he needed to get down there as quickly as possible and this was his only chance to be there for at least a little while.

“It’ll be tiring most likely, but you could do it,” Justin added.

Lance nodded his head, “Well I’m willing to suffer through fatigue if that means I can be there for the girl that I care the most about.”

Justin smiled knowingly and nodded his head in agreement. He knew Lance had already fallen in love and he liked the fact that Kayla felt the same about him in return. It had been a long time since he had seen Lance happy with a girl, ever since Lance's ex, and he hoped this happy Lance would stick around for awhile.

“Well then we’ll talk it over with Johnny and security and see what happens,” Justin said in a low tone.

Lance nodded his head, but he was already making plans of what he was going to do when he got back home. First on the agenda, let Kayla know how much he cared about her. Let her know he loved her.

(3 Days Later)

Kayla sighed deeply and filled out another form. She had been on the phone all day and scribbling down notes. Casey had been brought home for the first time the previous day and Kayla was just happy to get her back into a house and tucked into a safe and comforting bed.

Casey’s ankle was all wrapped up and she limped along slowly. Her arm was fixed into a cast and she had a little trouble signing things to Kayla, but they both seemed to manage. Her cuts were starting to heal and the bruises didn’t hurt as much, though Casey was still in a great deal of pain.

Kayla sighed again and looked at all the papers strewn across the kitchen table. She was lucky enough to talk to Mr. Collins and explain to him what happened, along with everything about Casey. He understood completely and even worked out Health Insurance issues with her. So in the end Casey’s hospital bill was paid for by the company, compliments of Mr. Collins. She made a mental note to thank him personally for everything he had ever done for her.

She listened for Casey to ring the little bell Kayla had left by her bed in case she needed anything, but she heard nothing. The past few days had been stressful and she had only let two people know what she was about to do. Casey being one of them.

Kayla felt so guilty putting this five year old through half of the trouble of her own life. She couldn’t go back and undo the past, but she could fix the future to come. At least she hoped she could.

Lance had been antsy for the past few days. He was hurriedly awaiting the day he could go home to stay over night and to see Kayla. He talked to her on the phone as much as possible and even more. He was worried about her and he had a funny feeling inside his gut. Something was going to happen and he was anticipating it.

Kayla had informed him of her speech to Bryce and he felt proud of her. She let everyone else speak for her, even himself at times, and for once she stood up for herself. He encouraged her to stay in his house until Casey was fully recovered, but was unsure on her thoughts about it.

Every time he talked to her on the phone she seemed so distant and sad. She had every right to be, but he wished more than anything he could see her smile again. He hoped his trip down there would surprise her and make her at least crack a half smile. He missed her so much.

“Only a few more days,” he whispered to himself. “Only a few more days.”

(2 Days Later)

Kayla knew Lance would be home from the tour soon and she smiled at the factor. She sighed, deep in thought and her mind raced to what she was about to do. Her smile turned to a frown and she looked around Lance’s house thoughtfully. She wished she didn’t have to do this so suddenly and so quickly, but this was the only thing she could think of that was logical and this time, her chance had to be taken by what her mind said.

She looked around his house once more and sighed wearily. She had a long trip ahead of her and she needed all the energy she could get. She hoped she had left the house clean and tidy, the way it was when she got there the first time. She took one last deep breath and shut the door behind her.

She walked over to the small truck she had rented and saw Casey leaning back in her seat with her eyes closed lightly. Kayla smiled with a tear in her eye and blinked it back. She was going to start all over again, leave everything behind.

She climbed into the driver’s seat and Casey opened her eyes slowly to look over at Kayla. She smiled weakly and brushed a piece of bouncy blonde hair out of her own face. Casey looked better, it was almost like she was starting to grow up already. She was so young, yet she experienced so much. Kayla was part responsible for that and she didn’t like Casey being half way robbed of her innocence and childhood at such an early age, but that was all going to change.

Kayla started the engine and smiled at Casey. ‘Ready?’ she signed.

Casey nodded her head with a smile.

Kayla turned on the radio to fill up the silence in the car and drown out the loud rumble of the engine. She backed out of the driveway and looked back once more at Lance’s house. She kissed her finger tips and blew the imaginary kiss towards the house.

“Good-bye Lance,” she whispered.

Lance fidgeted in his seat for the millionth time that day. He was glad he wasn’t sitting by anyone or else he would have probably driven them insane like he did with Justin that one time. He was anxious to see Kayla and most of all nervous to tell her how he really felt about her.

Love. Love was such a funny word. Filled with so much meaning, yet so tiny in form. If the word was thrown around it could do so much damage, but then again if it was used the right way it could light up people’s lives. Lance hoped this would light up Kayla’s life, he hoped she would discover she loved him in return. He hoped.

Lance gazed out the window and sighed deeply. His mind went over the past few months that he had lived through and the meaning through all of it. He had gone through so much to be with Kayla and Kayla had gone through so much in her life to survive.

It was amazing how people could cover up their past or their pain, especially the way Kayla did. Though he was observant about her reaction to certain words and mentions of the past, never once did she show HALF of what she had lived through.

She was such a special girl and Lance hoped he would never lose her. She needed someone and so did he, they needed each other and he was happy that they were there for each other. Kayla had so much pain in her heart and Lance wanted to take that away. Even though he would never thoroughly remove it, he knew he could at least make is bearable.

His eyes closed tiredly and he leaned back in his seat, folding his hands and placing them on his stomach comfortingly. He sighed once and smiled, knowing he would be home soon, he was almost there, almost to Kayla.

Kayla rubbed her eyes tiredly and blinked a few times to see the road more clearly. She knew she should pull over and check into a motel for the night, but she wanted to get just a little farther.

Casey had been sleeping almost the whole car ride and Kayla flipped through channels to different radio stations as they changed by the states. She didn’t know how many times she heard an *N SYNC song on every radio station, she was about to start counting. She didn’t mind hearing their music because it was so soothing with the melodies and their harmonic voices that blended together so well. The only thing was, every time she heard a song she thought of her concerts she attended to and the tour she had traveled with them. She thought of Lance and his smiling face with his caring and affectionate looks that had those soft and sensitive eyes. She wanted to cry every time she let her mind drift back that far and she couldn’t seem to get her thoughts out of that category. All in all, she already missed Lance.

Kayla wondered if this was the right choice she was making, but every time she looked at Casey she was reassured that she was making the right decision. At least she hoped so.

Kayla finally turned off on an exit and started to look for motel’s. After about another good ten minutes, she found one decent looking motel and parked in the parking lot. She got out of the car, trying not to wake Casey up. She walked into the main office and checked into a two bed room and took the key.

She walked back outside to the truck and opened Casey’s door, scooping her up into her arms and carrying her towards their room.

Kayla entered the room with slight difficulty and hip bumped the door open the rest of the way. She turned on the light and carried Casey over to one of the beds. She laid her down and tucked her in carefully, trying not to cause her any pain.

When Casey was safely tucked in and still sound asleep, Kayla walked back out to the truck to grab her overnight bag and lock up the vehicle. She made her way back into her room and shut the door, locking it after her.

She walked into the bathroom and changed into pajamas. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, pulling her hair back in the process. When she was finished she turned off the bathroom light and walked over to the other bed. Kayla crawled under the covers and turned off the light.

She spent the next twenty minutes staring at the digital clock on the little table in between the two beds. Her eyes hurt from staring at the faint neon red that the clock was blinking and she finally broke her gaze away, rubbing her eyes. She rolled on her back and looked up at the ceiling.

Kayla wasn’t sure what had happened to her life when she thought she had just started to get things into order and control. Why did every misfortune possible, have to happen to her and the ones she loved and cared about? She wasn’t exactly sure, but she was determined to give Casey a good life, even if it meant giving up her own life.

Tears started to spill down her face silently and Kayla let them fall. Tears ran down the sides of her face and onto the pillow, being absorbed quickly, once they hit. She turned onto her side and buried herself deeper in her covers. There, alone and frightened of the things that lay ahead, Kayla cried herself to sleep.

Lance walked down the boarding tunnel at a hurried pace. He hadn’t told Kayla he was coming home because he hadn’t been able to talk to her for long enough to bring it up, either that or it just slipped his mind.

Lance pulled his hat down over his face and adjusted his sunglasses, looking around the airport and praying that no one spotted him. He scanned the crowd to look for the face he recognized.

He stood in the entrance way and looked around. Finally he saw someone jumping up and down over the heads of the busily moving crowd, he smiled when he saw the person’s face. He started to make his way over as the other person did the same, meeting halfway.

“Hey there,” Alyissa said brightly. “How you doing?”

Lance smiled, happy to see Alyissa, “All right I guess.”

“That doesn’t sound good, but you can explain on the way to Kayla’s house, we need to leave before you get spotted and mobbed,” Alyissa said, grabbing his wrist and pushing her way through the rest of the crowd.

Lance didn’t have any luggage, just the overnight bag he had brought on the plane with him, after all, he was going home.

Alyissa let go of his wrist when they made it to the parking lot and she started to remember where she parked her car.

She tapped her finger on her chin and narrowed her eyebrows in thought, “Now where the hell...did I leave my car...” she trailed off, mumbling.

Lance laughed softly, “You just got here and you don’t remember?”

Alyissa shot him a look, “I got here awhile ago for your information!” she said in a huff. “I came here early like your majesty requested and I was waiting in that stupid waiting area for at least and hour and a half for your sorry ass!”

Lance grinned, “I love you too ‘Liss.”

Alyissa stuck her tongue out in response, then her eyes lit up. “I remember!”

Lance laughed.

She ignored his amused laugh and dragged him up a few flights of steps and into the level she had parked her car. They finally found her car and they both got in. Alyissa revved the engine and brought it life, feeding the car gas. She looked behind her and pulled out slowly. She braked roughly and floored the car, turning quickly, barely missing the cement pole, keeping the parking garage together.

Lance quickly fastened his seat belt and locked his door, gripping the handle. “Do you always drive like this?” he asked with a nervous laugh.

Alyissa nodded and turned on the radio. “I got voted worst driver in high school,” she beamed proudly.

Lance have an uneasy chuckle. “I can see why,” he murmured.

“Excuse me!?” Alyissa said loudly, talking over the load music blaring out of her speakers.

“I didn’t say anything,” Lance said, covering up his last comment.

“I didn’t think so, I was just checking though,” Alyissa grinned, satisfied with his answer.

Lance smiled. “How’s Kayla?” he asked.

Alyissa turned down the radio and her smiled softened. “She’s all right, I haven’t talked to her for about two days though. She was always in the middle of something.”

Lance nodded his head, “Yeah she seemed really distant on the phone, but I figured it was just the whole accident and she was still shaken up about it.”

“It could be, but I think she’s up to something else, that’s why I’m really glad your here,” Alyissa said. “She needs you.”

“I know, I just wish I could have been here sooner,” he said softly.

“But you couldn’t and it’s good your here now, I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to see you.”

Lance smiled shyly, “I hope so.”

Alyissa smiled when Lance began to blush, those two were just so cute together. She turned the radio back up and bobbed her head to the base pumping out of her speakers and grinned while Lance looked at her questioningly.

They reached Lance's house after about a half hour and Lance climbed out, happy to be home. He stretched a full body stretch and grabbed his bag out of the back seat. Alyissa climbed out and slammed her door shut. They walked up the walkway together and Lance got out his house key.

He let them in and they walked in, getting out of the hot Florida sun and into the air conditioned house. Lance placed his keys on a nearby table in the front hall and dropped his bag down by the door.

Alyissa pulled her sunglasses onto her head and sighed. She looked around Lance’s house and walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch. Lance walked in after her and looked around.

“It’s really quiet in here,” he commented.

“Maybe Kayla’s not home,” Alyissa suggested casually.

“I don’t know,” he said uneasily. “Something’s not right.”

Alyissa gave him a weird look, “What are you talking about?”

“Wouldn’t Kayla stay home with Casey?” Lance asked, looking around.

Alyissa sat for a moment in thought. She finally shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe she had to take her to a doctor’s appointment or something.”

Lance didn’t think that answer was right, but he hoped so. “I’m going to see if she’s here anyway, she might have fallen asleep.”

Alyissa nodded her head as Lance walked back into the front hall to the staircase. He ran up the stairs, two at a time and started peeking into the extra bedrooms, wondering which one Kayla slept in. He looked through all the rooms and even the bathrooms. Something wasn’t right. There were no bags and none of Kayla’s things, or Casey’s for that matter. The beds were all neatly made and the sheets had been freshly washed because Lance could smell the scent of the detergent and fresh air, from hanging the sheets outside to dry.

He turned back around and thumped his way downstairs. Something just wasn’t right. He should have found at least one messy bed. There should have been cosmetics in the bathroom or clothes in one of the bedrooms. He should have found boxes in another room of her stuff that she stored in his house until she moved into her own place. He looked in the downstairs room, getting more and more discouraged.

Alyissa stood up and slowly walked into the kitchen, going to find something to drink. The heat had been killer that day and she felt like she was going to pass out, she kept getting light headed, but she always got like that in the extreme heat.

She walked into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge, swinging the door open and standing the coldness. She closed her eyes and sighed in satisfaction from the cool steam that was coming out of the fridge.

“’Liss!?” Lance called.

Alyissa jumped and shut the door quickly, her mom used to always yell at her for keeping the refrigerator door open.

“Yeah?” she called back.

“Something’s not right,” he said, walking towards the kitchen.

“What to you mean?” she asked.

“Kayla’s not here.”

“So? Maybe she went out, she didn’t know you were coming home so she wouldn’t leave a note or anything,” she replied.

Alyissa opened the refrigerator door again and pulled out the pitcher of iced tea. She walked over to the other counter with it and pulled out a glass from the cabinets. She poured herself a glass of the sweet liquid and took a long sip.

“No, none of her things are here,” Lance said, finally walking into the kitchen.

“What do you mean, none of her things are here?” Alyissa asked, stopping midway of taking another sip.

“Just what I said, there’s no clothes, cosmetic’s, boxes, nothing,” Lance said, starting to chew his finger nail in thought. “The bed’s are all neatly made and they look the same as they did when I left them, except maybe even a little neater.”

Alyissa narrowed her eyebrows in thought. “Ok, well then where the hell would that girl go out of nowhere?”

Lance shrugged. He walked over to the counter and sat on a stool. He looked around in thought and back down at the counter, looking for something.

Alyissa walked over to the fridge again and swung the door open, to put the iced tea back. Lance looked up and noticed a piece of paper stuck in the refrigerator door, held in place with a magnet.

Lance stood up cautiously and plucked the piece of paper off the door. Alyissa shut the door and looked over at him curiously. She walked over beside him as Lance read the note. He threw it down in frustration before she could even read it.

“NO! No, no no!” he yelled out.

Alyissa looked at him with wonder and bent down to pick up the note. She looked at him the whole time, until her eyes traveled down to the piece of paper.


This is probably one the hardest things I have to do, but it has to be done. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I was doing this, but I know you would have talked me out of it and I couldn’t bear to see your face when I told you.

I’m leaving. I’m leaving for good and never coming back. After the accident, I started to think and I realized Casey needs me right now. I want to start over again so I’m moving, one last and final time. I have to put my life in Florida behind, though I can never forget you and your friends.

You have done so much for me I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you, but I thank you for everything. Please don’t think this is your fault, because it’s not. It’s my decision and trust me, it’s killing me to have to leave you. Your so wonderful and I don’t think I could have made it without you. I know this isn’t the time or place to tell you, but I love you. I’m so sorry to do this to you and I hope someday you’ll forgive me once again. Please don’t ever forget me.

My heart is with you, but my life is with Casey. Right now, I need to take care of Casey before I take care of myself. Maybe fate will bring us back together one day, I sure hope so. Remember, I love you.

Love always,


Alyissa’s mouth dropped when she finished reading the note. Lance looked up with a look of determination on his face. Alyissa looked at him with sad eyes and was speechless. She hadn’t expected Kayla to up and leave without letting anyone else know.

Lance dropped his head back in his hands and sighed deeply. He looked up at Alyissa again and said, “Remind me to never surprise her anymore, something bad always seems to happen when I do.”

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