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Chapter Four

(Two Weeks Later)

“Hey Kayla, your looking absolutely young and healthy as usual,” Justin grinned, walking into her office.

Kayla looked up from her paperwork, “Lunch time already?”

Justin nodded his head as Joey and Chris came walking in after him.

“Hey Kayla...hurry up so we can eat!” Joey said hopping on her desk.

“Well it’s nice to see you too Joey,” she smiled, nudging his butt off her desk.

“Move aside amateurs...” Chris said pushing Justin and Joey to the side. “Hello Kayla and how are you feeling today? Well I presume? ...Good then get off your butt and let’s eat!”

Kayla sighed, “You guys are quite the charmers, whoever is so fortunate to snag you, I pity them.”

They all smiled until she said her last comment, “Ok, now you’ve done it...”

“All right all right, I’m coming, give me a sec and I’ll be ready,” she said grinning. She filed the papers she had been working on and grabbed her purse, “Are we going out or eating here?”

“Out,” they all said at once.

“Ok,” Kayla said, grabbing her coat.

“Come on Kayla, it’s almost summer and we’re in Florida, keep your coat here. Why do you even bring one to work?” Chris asked.

Kayla shrugged her shoulders, “Just in case.”

She dropped her coat and walked around her desk, joining the three guys. They walked down to the lobby and out the door, into the Florida sunshine.

“We’re taking my car!” Justin bounced. He ran over to his car and stopped suddenly when he reached it. “Look at them features...aaahhh...” he said running his hand down the side of the car.

Kayla watched him with amusement, “Is he always like this when he sees that thing?” she asked Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes, “You should see him when he doesn't see his car for more than a day, it’s pitiful.”

Kayla laughed.

“Did I hear you call my car a ‘thing’?” Justin asked, staring at Kayla.

Kayla stopped laughing and looked up, “Who are you talking”

Justin nodded his head, “You called my car a ‘thing’?...How could you?” he choked out dramatically.

“Ohmi--...ok I’m sorry,” she said holding her hands up.

Chris and Joey laughed at her expression.

“I’ve never seen someone so obsessed...” she started. She caught Justin’s glare and stopped. “That’s a nice color...I didn’t know they made those kinds of cars in that color.”

Justin smiled and nodded his head proudly, “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

He stood up straight and motioned to his car, almost like he was showing it off.

“Gorgeous,” Kayla commented, rolling her eyes. “Can we leave now?”

Justin nodded his head, “Ok, but first...the rules.”

“You have rules for your car? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Kayla exclaimed.

Justin put his hands on his hips, “RULES FIRST!”

“Ok, ok, I’m new at all this...remember,” she said shaking her head.

“First, check your shoes...I don’t want any dirt in my car,” he said looking down at her shoes.

“Justin I have heels on, I don’t track dirt...” she started.

“CHECK!” he demanded.

Kayla rolled her eyes and Chris and Joey laughed, watching the scene.

Justin turned around and stared at them, “You too!”

“Come on J, we know the rules to your car...” Chris started.


“Oh your so lucky your paying for lunch or else...” Chris grumbled, looking at the bottoms of his shoes.

Joey didn’t say and word and checked the bottom of his shoes obediently.

“Ok your highness...what next?” Kayla asked sarcastically.

Justin smiled, “Your highness...I like should--”

“Don’t even think about it,” Kayla cut in. “It’s called sarcasm I’m sure you’ve heard it before,” she said sighing. “I’m hungry and I want to eat...let’s hurry up with these rules.”

Justin stuck his nose up in the air, “Fine, pushy rule, DO NOT touch anything in my car without my permission...except the seats because you have to sit on them.”

“Thank you for that obvious factor...can we go now?”

Justin stared at her again, “Well, well.”

“Justin I’m about to walk to a restaurant, by the time we leave we’re going to have to turn around and come back...LET’S GO!” Kayla said. With that she pushed by Justin and opened the car door, “I’ve got shot gun!” she yelled, hopping into the passengers seat.

Chris and Joey laughed, hopping into the back seat of the car.

Justin stood there with a shocked and appalled expression on his face, “Just remember those two rules...their very important.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, COME ON!” Kayla urged. “I’m gonna start touching stuff if you don’t hurry up!” she threatened.

Justin ran to the driver’s side and hopped into his car, “NO!”

Kayla laughed at his facial expression and leaned back in the seat of the car. “I must admit...this is a nice car,” she commented, looking at the system.

Justin beamed proudly, “It’s my baby.”

Kayla laughed while Justin started up the car and backed out of the parking space. When they reached the first light he looked down at the stereo control pad and started pushing buttons. Within a matter of seconds his speakers were blaring with the sounds of Busta Rhymes. Kayla tapped her fingers to the beat and looked around to find they three of them bobbing their heads and rapping along with the song. She was amazed that they could keep up with the words, but then again they were trained as singers and it probably came a lot easier to them then it would to her.

They finally got to a Wendy’s and Justin pulled into a parking spot. He turned the car off and the music stopped suddenly. The silence that followed was filled by a slight ringing from the previous sound of the loud music. Kayla shook her head to get the annoying ringing sound out of her ears and climbed out of the car. She shut the door and followed the rest of them into the restaurant. They walked up to order and Kayla got her money out to pay, when Justin stopped her.

“I got this one covered,” he smiled.

“I think I can pay...” she started.

Justin shook his head and pushed her hand back in her purse, “What do you want?”

Kayla saw that he wasn’t going to let her pay, so she let go of her money and closed her purse, looking up to study the menu. When they had all ordered they found a table tucked back in a corner of the restaurant.

“So where’s JC and Lance?” Kayla asked, chomping on a fry.

“What? You don’t like hanging out with us?” Chris asked offended. “Their the boring ones!”

“Did I say I didn’t like hanging out with you guys? stop trying to put words in my mouth,” Kayla said casually, shoving another fry in her mouth.

Chris grinned, “That’s what I thought.”

“Don’t start with me Chris...” she warned.

“Who me?” he asked innocently, batting his eyelashes.

“So is anyone going to answer my question or what?” she asked, looking at Joey and Justin.

“They were in the studio working on something last time I checked,” Joey said swallowing a mouthful of food and gulping down soda.

Kayla nodded her head, satisfied with the answer she received and went on eating. Justin looked around cautiously and stared at a few girls standing in line, waiting for food.

Kayla followed his gaze and looked back at him, “Your checking out those girls when your out with me?” she asked playfully.

Justin snapped out of his gaze and looked over at Kayla. He grinned playfully, “No... never!”

“Uh-huh sure,” she said nodding her head slyly.

“You know your the only one for me!” he laughed grabbing her hand.

Kayla dropped her fry she was holding and looked over at Justin, “All right I forgive you! Stop making me drop my fries.”

Kayla looked over at Joey and saw him looking back over at the girls in line. “Jeese! What do I have to do to keep your eyes from wandering???”

Joey looked back over at Kayla and grinned, “I was just thinking about how much more beautiful you are then them...”

“Nice save,” Kayla smiled.

“I think we should go,” Chris said in a low tone.

Justin and Joey nodded their heads and stood up immediately. Kayla looked up at the two, confused.

“What? Why? I’m not finished eating...” she started.

“Come on Kayla, time to leave,” Joey said, pulling on her arm gently to get up.

They all grabbed their trays and walked over to the trash can, dumping everything out and making a quick exit out to door. Kayla looked after them helplessly and stood up, throwing her trash out and following them out the door.

When she got back outside the three of them were already piled in Justin’s car and were waiting patiently for her to catch up.

She opened the door and was about to get in when Justin stopped her, “You don’t think you can bring that in my car do you?”

Kayla looked down to the frosty she had in her hand and sighed, rolling her eyes. “No...what was I thinking?” she asked in a mono tone.

She walked over to the trash can and threw the cup out, still mostly full. She climbed back into the car and shut the door. As soon as she shut the door, Justin pulled out of the parking spot and sped away. Kayla clutched onto the door handle and quickly locked her door.

“God Justin...what the...”

Chris and Joey were looking in the back window and finally turned around. “Ok J you can slow down, we made a safe get away,” Chris said getting more comfortable in his seat.

“Can I ask why the hell we just ran out of there without finishing lunch?” Kayla asked, looking around at the guys. “I was hungry.”

Justin slowed his pace and stopped for a red light, “We got spotted.”

“Excuse me?” she asked, confused.

“Those girls in the line recognized us, we had to get out there as quickly as possible...especially since we were with you,” Justin explained.

“Why? I’m not dating any of you guys,” she said, not understanding.

“They don’t know could be anyone and the first thing people think of when they see us with a girl our age is...‘Oh that must be their girlfriend’...especially if she’s attractive like you,” Joey cut in.

“Well, I’m very flattered,” Kayla smiled. “But I didn’t think it was that serious.”

“We’re told to uphold a certain image and it’s hard when we actually have female friends,” Chris said almost hostily.

Justin nodded his head and sighed, “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about me dating Britney Spears right?”

“Yeah...I’ve heard a few,” Kayla admitted, remembering back to the day when she had asked Lance and JC about that.

“Well their all untrue, but what’s the use of me trying to explain that to the public? No one seems to listen to what I say,” Justin said stopping for another red light. “I mean they listen to what I say, but they twist it and turn it so much that it’s the total opposite of what I originally state.”

Kayla nodded her head, taking in the information.

“Like if I say Britney and I are just friends, a journalist or DJ would twist it up as ‘Oh Justin and Britney are just friends now, but what were they before?’...You know? And it’s really frustrating,” Justin said checking both ways to make a turn. “Then everything grows from that and I’m helpless in the situation because by the time I hear the rumor, it’s already blown out of proportion and I can’t do anything about it.”

Kayla noticed the frustration in his expression and she sensed a hint of sadness in his voice. She valued her privacy more than anything and here were these guys, as normal as her, who had people digging into their lives and blurting out anything they could find, to the public.

“Relationships never work with this business, unless you are strictly friends,” Joey said, cutting into Kayla’s thoughts.

Kayla looked back at Chris and Joey who had the same expression Justin had.

“I have a girlfriend,” Chris said suddenly.

“And how have you done with maintaining a relationship?” Kayla asked.

Chris thought about it for awhile, “’s not easy but people know. I think it’s a little easier because she’s not famous.”

“Well that’s good...right?” Kayla asked.

Chris shrugged his shoulders, “Things could be a lot better, but I’m satisfied with what I have.”

Kayla gave him a questioned look.

“I mean everything is going great between us, but I don’t like disappointing fans. Then again it’s not fair to me if I stay single just because of my public image,” Chris tried explaining.

“I see,” Kayla said, taking this all into thought. “Well I have to admit that I didn’t know all this went on behind the smiling faces of all you guys, but I’m glad I have a better understanding.”

Justin smiled, “Thanks for listening.”

Kayla gave a surprised look, “Thank you for telling me.” She turned around to Chris and Joey, “And I promise my lips are sealed, I value privacy as much as all of you do.”

“We trust you,” Joey smiled.

“Thank you,” Kayla smiled in return.

“Well I need a pick me up...let’s go shopping!” Justin suggested, turning on the stereo again.

“I HAVE TO GET BACK TO WORK!” Kayla yelled over the sudden loud music.

Justin shook his head, “DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT! YOUR WITH US!”

Kayla gave an uneasy look, as much as she enjoyed spending time with these guys, she wanted to keep her work record perfect. This shopping spree might put a dent in her performance.

“IT’LL ONLY TAKE A FEW MINUTES!” Justin promised, yelling over the music.

“OK...I’M PUTTING MY TRUST IN YOU!” Kayla finally agreed.

Justin grinned and swerved to the right, heading for the mall. Kayla wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, but she was getting to know these guys better and she admitted she would like some free time to have some fun, she just hoped she wouldn’t get in trouble for it.

“Do you gentlemen know where Kayla is?” Mr. Collins asked Lance and JC, who were standing in the recording studio.

Lance and JC looked up from what they were doing and shook their heads.

“Last I heard of her, Joey, Justin, and Chris took her out to lunch,” Lance said.

Mr. Collins sighed and rolled his eyes. “No wonder...she’s usually not late. Thank you,” he said turning around and leaving the room.

“They better hurry up and get back...Lonnie is about to kill them for leaving without him,” JC said, looking over at Lance.

Lance nodded his head in agreement. Just as they were about to look back down at their work, the four of them burst into the room.

“I’m so gonna get fired because of you!” Kayla exclaimed in a worried voice.

“Relax Kayla, Mr. Collins won’t mind...your not that late,” Justin replied in a casual tone.

“Justin you said a FEW MINUTES...I don’t count an hour a few minutes,” she said crossing her arms over her chest.

Justin ducked his head down and shrugged, “I lost track of time!”

Chris and Joey laughed. “Yeah you just couldn’t help yourself in foot tried on almost every shoe in the store!”

“I did not!” Justin protested. “I didn’t try on any of the girl’s or kid’s shoes.”

Kayla pushed him, “Your all coming up there with me and telling Mr. Collins you kidnapped me and that’s why I’m an hour late coming back from lunch.”

Justin dropped his shopping bags, “Ok, ok, we’re coming.” He stood there for a second and looked at her.

Kayla placed her hands on her hips, “I’m waiting!”

“Hey Poofoo!” Chris said walking over to Lance and JC. “What’s up?”

Lance studied him, then let his gaze travel to Joey who was standing there watching Kayla yell at Justin with amusement. His eyes finally rested on Kayla and Justin who were arguing playfully.

“Don’t get too comfortable Chris, your sorry ass is coming too,” Kayla said walking over to Chris and pulling him towards the door. “Joey come!” Kayla said snapping her fingers and pointing to the floor in front of her.

“I love my women feisty!” Joey said grinning. “Grrooowwwllll.”

Kayla shot him a look, “Enough out of you.”

Joey grinned and placed his head on her shoulder, “I love you too!”

Kayla rolled her eyes and stared at Justin. By now she had Chris by his arm and Joey leaning his head on her shoulder.

“Let’s go afro boy,” Kayla said to Justin, motioning for the door.

Justin crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. “Your hands are ya gonna make me?” he challenged.

“How much do you really love that car?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Because I can get some mud tracking shoes and run fingerprints all over the interior.”

Justin’s arms fell and his mouth fell open, “Not my baby...”

“Well then get moving!” she said pointing towards the door.

“Fine! But only because you threatened to hurt my baby,” he huffed.

“Joey, get off my shoulder and start walking!” Kayla said pushing his head off. “Come on Chris, one foot in front of the other, it’s called walking...TRY IT.”

Lance and JC burst out laughing at the sight, causing Kayla to turn and blush.

“I’m sorry I didn’t even notice you guys in the way HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME WITH THEM?”

“Sorry about that...” JC laughed.

Kayla shook her head, “We’ll talk about that later, for now I have to go save my job...see ya around!” she said with a wave.

She turned around and walked out the door, pushing Joey and Justin in front of her and dragging Chris along by his arm.

Lance and JC turned to each other, still laughing.

“She’s fitting in just fine,” JC laughed. “Just fine.”

“Come on’s Friday, come out with me!” Justin pleaded.

“I don’t trust you after that shopping incident...I have a lot more to learn about you and your habits before I can go out with any of you guys,” she said placing some papers in a folder. “And what you really mean when you say things.”

“I’m sorry about today! I’ve said it a billion times! Come on...Johnny is having some party thing over his house and I need a date!” Justin pleaded again, pouting out his lower lip.

“So go get a girl,” Kayla said, ignoring his facial expression. “I’m sure you could get anyone you’d like and if that doesn’t work, call 1-800-DATE...I’m sure they can fix you up with a real nice girl,” she grinned.

Justin stood up, “Oh...ok, so that’s how it’s gonna be?”

Kayla laughed, “If you want it to be.”

“Mr. Collins didn’t care! I got the lecture, not you! Pllleeeaaassseee,” he whined.

“Good lord boy, do you ever quit?” she asked, looking at him.

“Am I weakening you?” he asked with a grin.

“No your annoying me,” she said with a sly smile. “Go with one of your buddies.”

“No offense...but I’m not like that, I like girls,” he grinned.

Kayla sighed, “No Justin.”

As much as she would love to attend some party with these guys, she couldn’t. She had to go home and take care of Casey. She sighed sadly and shook her head.

“Plllleeeaaaaasssseeee!!!” Justin whined again.

He flashed his best puppy dog eyes and jutted his bottom lip out even more. He got on his knees and put his hands together, almost like he was praying.

“I’m begging you! I never beg!” he pleaded.

“Justin...go...away...” she said giving him a look.

Mr. Collins walked in and found Justin on his knees begging about something. He wasn’t sure what Justin was doing and frankly didn’t want to know.

“I hope your begging for her forgiveness after today’s little escapade you created,” Mr. Collins said, looking down at Justin.

Kayla blushed and Justin looked up at Mr. Collins.

“She won’t forgive me...I don’t know why,” Justin grinned. He stood up and brushed his pants off, “I’m trying to get her to be my date for Johnny’s party tonight.”

“Ah yes...that reminds me Miss Dudley, I would like for you to attend that event,” Mr. Collins said placing a file on her desk.

“I don’t think...I can...” she stuttered.

“Oh but you’ll be good for you and you can meet more of our staff,” he insisted.

“Look! Mr. Collins is telling you to when should I pick you up?” Justin asked, cutting in.

Mr. Collins turned to give Justin a questioned look. He ignored him and turned back around to Kayla, “I would like it if you attend that party, it starts a 8 and ends whenever. Dress casually and bring your suit if you like, he has a pool.”

Kayla stared up at Mr. Collins, “I...I...”

“I’ll write down some directions for you,” he said, ignoring her small protest. “I’ll forget this whole lunch incident if you come tonight.”

Kayla sighed and let her shoulders fall, “Ok...I’ll go.”

Her thoughts raced back to Bryce and Casey. She wondered how she was going to pull this off, maybe she didn’t have to stay long.

“When should I pick you up?” Justin asked, leaning against her desk.

“I’ll meet you there,” Kayla said, pushing his body off her desk. “Good Luck on getting a date,” she added with a wink.

Kayla walked into her small apartment and found Bryce and Casey in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

“Hey! I’m home!” she called.

Bryce signed to Casey and she came running into Kayla’s arms, almost knocking her over.

“Oof!” Kayla exclaimed, grabbing the doorway to brace herself. She regained her balance and hugged Casey.

She dropped her stuff by the door and walked into the kitchen with Casey still in her arms.

“Smells good what are you cooking?” she asked, walking over to the stove and sniffing the air.

“Spaghetti,” Bryce said, stirring the sauce in a pan.


She kissed Casey on the cheek and placed her down on the floor.

‘How was school?’ she signed.

Casey grinned, running over to the table to pull off a big piece of paper. She ran back to Kayla and handed it to her. Kayla looked over it and saw the bright colors smeared across the page.

‘Beautiful!’ she signed, gazing at the picture.

Kayla walked over to the fridge, clipped the picture up with magnets and stood back to gaze at the painting.

‘Perfect,’ she signed.

Casey nodded her head vigorously and smiled.

“Bryce I have a huge favor to ask of you,” Kayla said turning to look at Bryce.

Bryce looked up, “What is it?”

“I was invited to a company party...and I kind of have to go...” she started.

“I’ll watch Casey for you,” he replied, looking back down at the pan.

“I’ll try to duck out early if I can...I don’t even want to go but my boss said that he wants me to meet more of the people and...”

“You don’t have to explain your reasons to me,” Bryce said casually. “It’s not a problem...really.”

“Ok...thanks,” Kayla said gratefully.

She walked over to the cabinet and started pulling out plates to set the table.

“I have something to talk to you about,” Bryce said, placing the lid on a pan.

Kayla set the plates down on the small table, “About what?”

“I was thinking about it...and if your up for it...why don’t you and Casey move in with me?”

Kayla stopped and looked back at him, “But you live in a dorm.”

“I know, but I’ve been looking at apartments and I found a really nice one,” he explained. “Since I spend so much time over here anyway, we should just move in together and then that way I don’t have to make so many trips.”

Kayla sat down and began to think about what he was suggesting.

“Casey wouldn’t mind and she would have a bigger room,” he said. “You’d have your own room and so would I...we could split the rent and it’s in a nice location.”

Kayla sighed, “I don’t know Bryce...I mean I can’t afford...”

“It’s not that much if we split the’s a little more than this but it’s really nice. You can use my car and stop wasting money on bus fees.”

“Well...” she started.

“Don’t decide now...I can show it to you tomorrow and Casey can come with us, just look at it,” he cut in.

“Ok...I’ll look at it, but I’m not promising anything,” she said looking over at Bryce with a doubtful look.

“Just trust me on this ok?” he asked. “Please?”

“I trust you,” she replied.

Bryce smiled in satisfaction, he looked down at Casey who was watching intently to their facial expressions and trying to read their lips. She looked up at him with a questioned expression and he winked. Casey got the message and smiled in return.

Kayla had borrowed Bryce’s red mustang for the night because she couldn’t really take the bus to Johnny’s house. She finally pulled into a parking spot along Johnny’s street. The street was already jam packed with cars and she had been searching for a spot for the past fifteen minutes. She got out of the car and looked down at herself, checking to make sure no tags or anything were sticking out. She took a deep breath and started walking towards Johnny’s brightly lit up house.

When she reached his house, she stood in awe staring at the house. She walked up on the porch and rang the doorbell, still marveling at the house and it’s features.

JC answered the door, “Why hello Miss Kayla and how are we tonight?” he smiled.

Kayla smiled in return, grateful that someone she knew answered the door, “Fine thanks and you?”

“Great, please come in,” he said moving aside to let her enter.

“Thanks,” she said stepping inside the house.

Her mouth dropped when she saw the inside of the house.

“Impressive isn’t it?” JC commented, catching Kayla’s shocked expression.

Kayla nodded her head and swallowed, “Very...very nice,” she choked out.

JC chuckled, “Well let me show you around a little.”

Kayla nodded and snapped back from her thoughts.

JC led her into the kitchen which was busy full of people walking in and out. The living room was nearby and people were all sitting and talking quietly while music wafted in from outside.

“Can I get you something to drink?” JC asked.

Kayla nodded her head, “Please.”

“Ok...well I don’t know what half these things are but I recommend the colorful drink with the little umbrella in it,” JC smiled, studying a variety of drinks.

Kayla laughed lightly, “All right then, the colorful drink it is.”

JC handed her a drink and grabbed one for himself.

She took a sip and looked up at him, “Mmm...this is good.”

“Told you,” he smiled.

He took a sip and led her out to the backyard where the music was blaring loudly. Kayla stepped outside and seemed to step into another world. The backyard was brightly lit with colorful Chinese lanterns strung up on strings. There were tables set up and a buffet line, filled with various different foods. People were talking and laughing, standing around or sitting at tables. It was a Hawaiian looking theme and the pool’s water was clear and inviting. Johnny had different light in the pool, lighting it up.

“I hope you brought your suit,” JC said, cutting in her thoughts.

Kayla shook her head, “I didn’t plan on staying that long...”

“Well then I hope you plan on getting wet,” he said.

Kayla looked over at him, “Excuse me?”

“Oh don't worry I won’t throw you in,” he said, catching her look. “I can’t promise that the other guys won’t...especially Justin...he’s still a little hostile from you turning him down.”

Kayla sighed and rolled her eyes, “Oh come on...please tell me your joking.”

JC shook his head, “It’s kind of like an initiation...something like that.”

“I’ll just stay inside all night,” Kayla said, as if it was an easy solution.

“They’ll drag you out.”

“Your not helping you know,” she said giving him a look.

JC laughed, “I’m telling you what to expect!”

Kayla’s eyes darted around the groups of people to locate where the rest of the guys were. Mr. Collins spotted her and motioned her for her to go over where he was standing.

“Excuse me,” she told JC. “Whatever you do...don’t tell the rest of the guys that I’m here yet,” she pleaded.

“Too late,” JC said pointing to Justin and Chris who were making their way over to her.

“Oh great, well I’m off to talk to Mr. Collins,” she said and walked away quickly.

Justin and Chris were just about to reach Kayla and JC when she had quickly walked away.

“Why is she running away already?” Justin asked, walking up to JC. “I haven’t even said anything to her.”

JC pointed to Mr. Collins, “He motioned for her to go over there.”

JC took another sip of his drink and looked around at everyone else.

“ long have you been talking to her?” Chris asked suspiciously.

“Since she got here,” JC said casually.

“And how long is that?” Justin asked, catching on to Chris’s suspicion.

“A few minutes...” JC said, looking back at both of the guys who were staring at him. “What???”

“You told her didn’t you!?” Justin asked, shoulders falling down.

“It slipped,” JC shrugged.

“Ohhh!!! Man you always ruin our fun!” Chris said giving JC a small push on his shoulder.

“That’s not going to stop you from doing it!” JC protested.

“But part of the fun is the SURPRISE!” Chris huffed.

“Oh well, now we have to play it off until the perfect moment,” Justin said sighing.

“What do you have in mind?” Chris asked, picking up on Justin’s planning.

“Well we could...” he started. He stopped and looked over at JC who was staring at them, listening. “Oh no...not again,” he said grabbing Chris’s arm and pulling him away.

JC sighed and shook his head, “Poor girl.”

Kayla finally came back to JC and looked around to see how close Justin and Chris were. She spotted them and stayed closely to JC.

“You think they’ll touch me if I’m by you?” she asked, ducking beside him.

JC laughed, “Hate to say it...but they’ll get you anywhere you are.”

“Oh great,” Kayla mumbled.

“Hey Kayla!”

Kayla jumped from the sudden greeting and spun around to find Joey and Lance. Joey was grinning broadly and Lance was smiling at her reaction.

“’s only you...” she breathed, relieved.

“ONLY me?” Joey asked offended. “I would think you would be a little more excited to seeing me!”

“Of course...ok let me try this again,” Kayla said. “Ohmigod it's JOEY!” she said enthusiastically.

A few people turned around and stared at Kayla. Kayla blushed and waved, embarrassed. Joey started laughing while JC and Lance tried to hold in their muffled laughter.

“That was not funny!” Kayla said giving Joey a playful push. “They’ll probably kick me out because they think I’m an obsessed fan now.”

Joey burst out into laughter again and hung his arm Kayla, “I’ll set them straight...” he managed to get out.

“Gee thanks,” she said sarcastically.

Just then Justin and Chris walked up casually. Kayla ducked out of Joey’s arm and backed up.

“What no hug?” Justin asked grinning, holding his arms open.

“JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!” a voice rang out over the crowd.

Everyone turned around to see a girl standing in the middle of the yard.

She spotted Justin and smiled, “Oh good I found you.” She started walking over to where he was standing, “Ok people...I found what I was looking for, you can go back to your conversations,” she said walking by them.

“Who’s that?” Kayla asked Lance quietly.

“Alyissa, Justin’s girlfriend,” Lance replied. He laughed when he saw Kayla’s expression, “Don’t worry her bark is worse than her bite...and she’s only like that to Justin.”

“ nice...” she trailed off.

“Damn woman! Couldn’t you try and find me a quieter way without drawing everyone’s attention to you and me!?” he asked narrowing his eyebrows playfully.

“Don’t give me that...I was fine until I turn around and you had disappeared,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s damn near impossible to find someone at this house, this backyard is like a football field!”

Justin opened his mouth to say something else, but Alyissa cut him off.

“So instead of taking my valuable time trying to find your sorry ass I did it the easy way,” she said picking up a drink off a table full of them.

She sniffed it and took a sip. Satisfied with the taste, she took another sip and turned back to join the conversation.

“Kayla I’d like to you meet my girlfriend and date, Alyissa,” he said pointing to Alyissa.

“Nice to meet you,” Alyissa said, expression softening. “Sorry if I scared you a moment ago, I’m not usually like that until I get around Curly over here...he brings the bitch out of me.”

Justin smiled proudly, “I have a gift.”

“And your proud of that?” Kayla asked, watching Justin.

Justin nodded his head, “It’s hard work, but someone’s gotta do it!”

Alyissa ignored him and walked over to Kayla, “So you must be the new secretary the guys have been talking about.”

“They talk about me?” Kayla asked surprised. “It better be all good stuff.”

Alyissa laughed and nodded her head, “Oh it’ll do just fine.”

Kayla gave her a questioned look.

“Your going to become my new best friend,” she said grinning.

“No..’Liss don’t...” Justin started.

Alyissa held up her hand and stopped him before he could say anything else, “Don’t speak baby.”

The other guys laughed as Alyissa led Kayla back into the house.

“Now let me explain what my new ‘best friend’ is going to do for me,” Alyissa said leading Kayla back to the kitchen counter.

“I’m all ears,” Kayla said sitting on a stool.

“Ok...well as you know, or just found out, I have somehow snagged one of the sexiest males as my boyfriend,” she said dumping the remainder of her drink into the sink.

Kayla nodded her head, “I haven’t really noticed.”

Alyissa looked over at Kayla, “Oh yeah this is so gonna work.”

Kayla smiled innocently.

“Well as you may have noticed...girls scream out my boy’s name any chance they can, in hopes that he’ll turn around and sweep them into his arms, but we both know that’s not gonna happen...not while I’m around anyway.”

Kayla nodded her head.

“Well I can’t be there to keep Justin in line all the time because I have my own life you know,” Alyissa said sitting down on a stool beside Kayla.

“Of course, I totally understand.”

“Well that’s where you come in to keep Curly over there in I’ve seen your attitude and you’ll do just fine in helping me out,” she smiled.

“I’ll try my best.”

“I heard about the lunch incident today and your reaction.”

“Oh they are so lucky I kept my job or else I would have hunted them down,” Kayla said, recalling the time of the incident.

Alyissa laughed, “We’re alike in so many ways...we’re going to get along just fine.”

Kayla smiled and blushed, “Well then since I’m helping you out, you can help me out.”

“Sure just name it.”

“You can warn me about a few habits these guys how they tell time in their own little world.

Alyissa laughed again, “I see you expirenced Justin’s sense of time.”

Kayla nodded her head, “If I only knew...”

“Don’t worry about’ll get the hang of it. The only thing I can’t help you with is the initiation your going to receive’s only fair and I had to go through it.”

Kayla groaned, “Do I have to?”

Alyissa nodded her head, “It’s not that bad...just make sure you have a towel nearby and your lucky you wore a dark colored shirt or you’d be even more screwed.”

“Oh lucky me,” Kayla mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it now...they won’t do anything until later,” Alyissa assured her. “But for now let’s go see where my boyfriend and his four other friends are causing trouble,” she said hopping off her stool.

She sniffed a tray of drinks and picked one up, tasting it. She made a face and dumped the rest of the contents into the sink. Kayla laughed and got up, joining Alyissa. She was starting to feel like she fit in.

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