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Chapter Five

Kayla woke up around noon the next day, still tired from the night before. She had stayed a lot longer than she planned to and when she came home she found Bryce and Casey fast asleep. Casey in her own bed and Bryce on the couch she had slept on the previous night. She felt guilty for being so late, but she had lost track of time at the party.

She spent the night with the guys and Alyissa, becoming betters friends with all of them. She had forgotten about the plan of being thrown in the pool until Chris and Justin snuck up behind her while she was standing by it, and pushed her in. The only problem was she was so thrown off by the surprise she ended up grabbing the only person nearby to catch her and that was Lance. They both flew into the pool together and came up for air, laughing. Of course the whole party turned around and looked at them with amusement, but for once Kayla wasn’t embarrassed. She felt like she really belonged there, people were talking to her like they had known her for ages. She was being who she really wanted to be, fun. The bottom line was, she was living a part of her life she missed out on, the past two years of her life.

Now it was around noon and she was smiling to herself, remembering the previous night. She forgot about how tired she was and got up, humming a tune to herself. She jumped into the shower and got out, dressing in a pair of shorts and a matching tank top. She walked into the kitchen to meet the smells of breakfast wafting through the small apartment.

“Good morning!” she said brightly.

She signed good morning to Casey and gave her a kiss on the cheek, while sitting down.

“Well someone’s in a good mood,” Bryce said smiling.

“Yeah...well it’s a beautiful day and I’m energetic,” Kayla said placing her napkin on her lap. “The table looks great and whatever your cooking smells good!”

Bryce grinned and walked over with the plate of French toast, placing it on the table. “Thank you.”

Kayla placed a piece of French toast on Casey’s plate and started cutting it up. She placed a piece on her own plate and Bryce helped himself. They ate breakfast together, while Kayla told Bryce about the night before.

After breakfast was over Kayla was washing the dishes when Bryce brought up a topic he had asked the night before.

“ going to be able to look at that apartment with me today?” he asked, cleaning off an invisible spot on the table.

Kayla stopped washing a plate and turned around to look at him. She hesitated for a second, “I guess so.”

Bryce looked up and smiled, “You won’t regret it...I promise!”

“I didn’t say yes to the whole thing yet,” she said.

“I know, but you’ll fall in love with the place once you see it!” he said standing up. “We have to leave soon though, we have an appointment with the land lord at 1:30.”

Kayla looked at the clock, “Bryce! It’s 12:45!”

“I know, I’ll go get Cass ready,” he said walked out of the kitchen.

He gave Kayla a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out of the kitchen.

Kayla sighed and placed a dish on the drying rack. She glanced up at the clock again and shook her head, “I need to get a guy who knows how to tell time.”

“Hello Miss Dudley...are you Mr. Dudley?” the land lord asked, shaking hands with Kayla.

Bryce opened his mouth to respond when Kayla cut him off.

“No...just a friend,” she cut in quickly.

Bryce shut his mouth and looked over at Kayla. She didn’t look at him and went on talking to the land lord. Casey looked up Bryce and tilted her head to the side, knowing something was wrong. Bryce just smiled at Casey.

“And who is this little girl?” the plump lady asked, bending over to greet Casey.

Casey smiled shyly and buried her face into Bryce’s shirt.

“She’s a little shy,” Kayla explained.

“I have a few of my own...I know how it is,” the lady smiled. “Well are you ready to see the place?”

Kayla nodded and smiled.

“By the way I’m Tracy, the land lord,” the woman said leading them to the elevator. “I live right here on the first floor, so if you do decide to get the place you know where you can find me.”

Kayla didn’t say a word, just nodded and looked around, checking out the building. It was a huge building with a white marble floor in the lobby. Gold metal mail boxes were lined up along the walls with room numbers on them. The sunlight was shining brightly onto the white floors, lighting up the big room. Their footsteps echoed throughout the place and their voices seemed to bounce off the walls, disappearing.

When they boarded the elevator, Kayla looked over the old wire design. She touched the metal and looked at it with fascination. Tracy watched her and smiled to herself, Kayla had a look of pure delight on her face, walking through the building.

When they reached the apartment room, Tracy opened the door for them and let them in first. Kayla was the first person to enter and her mouth dropped when she stepped into the door. She walked into the large living room and stared at the big white couches. She turned to her left and found a huge kitchen, compared to the one she had now. She glanced over to her right and found a hallway, leading back to the bathroom and three bedrooms. She wandered down the hall and peeked into the four other rooms, she almost passed out. These were some of the nicest rooms she’s ever seen. She walked back out into the living room where Casey and Bryce were looking out the window at the extraordinary view. She sat down on the couch and touched the couch lightly, almost like she would break it if she touched it the wrong way.

Casey ran over to her and grinned, ‘Can we live here?’ she signed.

Kayla seemed to snap out of her fantasy world when Casey asked that. ‘I don’t know Cass,’ she signed back.

She looked up at Bryce, “What did you say the price was for this?”

He took out a piece of paper and handed it to Kayla. She opened it carefully and peeked at the amount, “Oh no...I can’t afford this...”

“We’re going to split it remember?” he said sitting beside her.

“Oh...well then...” she trailed off in thought. “But moving is such a big deal...and...”

“Come on’s a nice place and the price isn’t too bad,” Bryce pleaded, grabbing her hand. “It’s closer to work for you and you can take my car because now I’m in walking distance of school.”

“I don’t want to take you car,” Kayla said slipping her hand out of his. “This is like a dream place to me...but I don’t...”

Casey tugged her shirt and looked up with pleading eyes, ‘Please!’ she signed.

Kayla sighed and looked around, meeting the smile Tracy had watching the three of them.

“I guess we can try it--” she started.

Bryce smiled and stood up laughing. He grabbed Casey and swung her around. Casey giggled with excitement and grinned happily.

“When can we move in?” Kayla asked, standing up to talk to Tracy.

“Today if you like, you just need to sign some papers and then the place is all yours,” Tracy smiled.

Kayla sighed, “Well, I guess we could start packing...and maybe by next Saturday--”

“Next Saturday?” Bryce asked, putting Casey down. “Come on Kayla, there’s furniture, beds, and sheets, everything we need...let’s just pack tonight and move in tomorrow!”

“Tomorrow?” Kayla asked.

“Yeah...why not? What’s stopping us, we’ll start at your place, then go to mine...and end up in OUR place,” he grinned.

Kayla sighed and looked around the apartment. Then she narrowed her eyebrows, “By the way...why do we have sheets and everything?”

Tracy’s smiled fell and she glanced at Bryce, “Oh...well...all the rooms come like can change everything if you like, just give back the sheets and everything,” she explained quickly.

Kayla studied her carefully, then looked over at Bryce, “No...I like the decorations.”

She turned around and Tracy let out a sigh of relief.

“Ok...we’ll take it,” Kayla said turning around and smiling at Tracy.

Tracy smiled warmly and nodded her head. “Ok then I’ll go get the paperwork,” she said heading towards the door.

“I’ll come with you,” Bryce said walking towards the door.

Kayla gave him a questioned look and Bryce blushed, “I’ll take care of the paperwork and just give you all the things you need to sign.”

Kayla shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head, “Ok.”

With that Bryce ushered Tracy out the door and into the hallway.

“That was close Bryce, your friend there is very observant,” Tracy said shaking her head.

“I know, what can I say...she’s bright,” Bryce smiled.

Tracy laughed lightly, “Well good for you...does she know your paying twice the amount?”

Bryce shook her head, “And she’s not going to find out is she?” he asked staring at Tracy.

“Of course not, just have the rent in every month and you’ll be fine,” she said reaching the elevator.

“I will,” he replied.

When the paper work was done and Bryce was heading back to the room, Tracy called out to him.


He turned around, “Yes?”

“What your doing is good...I’m very proud of you,” Tracy said smiling.

“Thanks,” he blushed.

“Oh and Bryce...”


“Tell you dad I said ‘Hi’...and that I miss him,” she said looking down at her fingers.

“I will and Tracy?”


“Thanks again...” he smiled.

“Anytime,” she replied with a weak smile.

The rest of the afternoon was spent packing. Bryce went back to his place and told Kayla he would pack and move in that night. Kayla agreed and went to go find boxes for her and Casey’s belongings.

Casey was sorting through her things neatly, packing a few things in her small book bag, when Kayla walked into her room. She sat beside her and looked over the things she was planning on packing.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ Kayla signed.

Casey looked up and nodded her head.

‘This will mean know that right?’ Kayla asked.

Casey smiled and nodded, ‘This means I’m going to have a mommy and daddy again.’

Kayla stared at her for a long time before she responded, ‘Mommy and daddy?’

Casey nodded her head and pointed to Kayla. Then she signed the name Kayla had hoped she wouldn’t, ‘Bryce.’

(Monday morning)

“Hello Kayla and how was your weekend?” Mr. Collins asked, breaking Kayla out of her daze.

“Hm? Oh very nice, thanks,” she replied without much enthusiasm.

“Well it looked like you had fun at Johnny’s house, now aren’t you glad you went?” he asked smiling.

Kayla smiled, remembering the night and nodded her head, “Very glad.”

“Well good, there’s company parties all the time, so for now your officially invited to all of them,” he said reaching his office door.

“Thank you,” she said in return.

Mr. Collins nodded his head and entered his office without another word. Kayla looked back at the paperwork in front of her, but couldn’t seem to concentrate. Her mind kept drifting back to when Kayla called Bryce daddy. Kayla didn’t mind Casey liking Bryce or being close to him for that matter, but if something were to happen between Kayla and Bryce, what would she tell Casey? Ever since their parents died, Casey started calling Kayla mommy, because she couldn’t remember their own mother. Then Bryce became the only other authoraitive male figure in Casey’s life. Kayla assumed now, that Casey thought Bryce was daddy.

“Still traumatized from Friday?” Lance asked, breaking into Kayla’s thoughts.

Kayla looked up startled and smiled when she saw who it was.

“A little, but I think a few therapy sessions will cover it,” she replied.

Lance chuckled, “And how have you been Kayla?”

“Ok...” she said uneasily.

“Just ok?” he asked, catching her mood.

“Huh? Oh...” she blushed. “No I’m fine.”

Lance smiled, not believing her, but not wanting to push the subject.

“Was there something you needed?” Kayla asked, looking at him.

“Yes actually, I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch,” he said smiling.

Kayla glanced at her wrist watch, “It’s 8 o’clock in the morning...”

Lance laughed lightly, “I know...I meant at lunch time.”

Kayla laughed, “Oh...sure, for a minute there I thought you told time like Justin.”

“No, fortunately I know how to tell time,” Lance smiled.

Kayla giggled and looked up, staring directly into Lance’s eyes. For a brief second Kayla’s heart seemed to stop beating, trapped in a trance. Her dark brown eyes burned into his crystal clear green ones and they both seemed to be caught in a haze.

She broke herself away and blushed deeply, “So pick me up around 12?”

Lance blinked and nodded his head, clearing his throat, “I’ll be here.”

Lance then walked out of the room without saying another word. Kayla looked after him and scolded herself for staring so intensely.

Lance strolled into Kayla’s office around 12 with a broad smile on his face.

“Hello Miss Kayla and how are we this fine afternoon?” he asked in a deep voice.

Kayla looked up to see who it was and smiled when she saw Lance standing in front of her desk.

“Fine thank you Mr. Bass,” she replied giggling. “Let me wrap this up and grab my purse, then I’ll be ready.”

He nodded his head once, “Take your time, we’re in no rush.”

Kayla smiled and looked back down at her papers. She finished typing her last paragraph and signed off her computer, after saving everything she had just worked on. She filed the rest of the papers in a folder and left it lying on her desk. She grabbed her purse and walked around the desk to join Lance.

Lance held out his arm and smiled. Kayla blushed and took his arm, letting him guide her out to the hallway.

“Anyone else coming?” she asked, looking around.

Lance shook his head, “Just us, I hope that’s ok.”

“Oh fine,” she said immediately.

Lance smiled in return and led her down to the first floor and out the door.

“Let’s take my car,” he suggested.

Kayla nodded in response and followed him to the parking lot. When they were in the car and on their way to a restaurant, they picked up their conversation again.

“So tell me what kind of business your hoping to start up,” Lance said turning at a light.

“I’m not really sure yet, I’m really into the arts, so maybe something in that category,” she said gazing out the window.

Lance nodded his head.

“What kind of business are you in again?” she asked.

“I have a company called Free Lance Entertainment, I manage musical artists and help them get record deals.”

“And you co-own it with your manager you have now?” she asked, turning to face him.

He nodded his head, “Johnny Wright...he’s a great guy, knows a lot about what he’s doing.”

“I’m envious of you two, how do you handle all that business aside from your own life?”

“That’s one reason I’m glad electronics were invented and brought into our society,” he laughed.

Kayla smiled, “It must be hard huh?”

“Well any business you start is going to be hard, I was kind of lucky,” he said.

Kayla gave him a questioned look.

“Well I have the name to start this company and the people to stand behind it, I also had two acts to start myself out on it...I was very fortunate, other people need all of the above and it’s very hard to come by,” he explained.

Kayla took in everything he was telling her, “I bet.”

She turned back to the window and stared out, watching the scenery zip by in a blur of colors. Her mind drifted back to Casey again and what it was going to be like living with Bryce. It probably wouldn’t help the situation of Casey thinking of Bryce as daddy at all, but it would be a convenience to both her and Bryce, besides she already made the first payment and couldn’t back out with that kind of money at stake. In fact she knew she had to stop going out to lunch all the time and throwing money around, she had bills to pay and a child to feed, along with herself. She just felt weird saying no to the guys whenever they asked her out to lunch because then she would have to think up an excuse why she couldn’t go, and they somehow could always find a solution to her excuses.

She glanced over at Lance who was concentrating on the road and smiled to herself. Her stomach had little butterflies in it and she noticed for the first time that they were going to be alone together, she wasn’t quite sure what think about that. In fact she couldn’t decide if she should think anything about it at all, overall she was just confused about her whole life.

“We’re here,” Lance said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Kayla looked up at the restaurant they had pulled up to and smiled, getting out of the car. Lance waited for her and they walked in together, silently. They were seated immediately and given menus. After they looked over the menus and ordered, they finally had a chance to talk again.

Kayla sighed and looked around the restaurant.

“You look a little distressed, anything you’d like to talk about?” Lance asked, studying her face.

Kayla looked over at him and smiled shyly, “Am I being that obvious?”

Lance shook his head, “I just notice a lot of things about you.”

Kayla looked at him for a second, trying to determine what he meant by that. Finally she shook her head and tried to flush out all of her confusing thoughts.

“I moved this weekend,” she finally said.

“Oh,” Lance said. “I’m not going to ask you where you live,” he grinned.

Kayla laughed lightly, “It’s ok, I know you a little better now so I feel safer.”

“Well do you like your new place?”

Kayla nodded her head, “Yeah it’s a beautiful apartment.”

“So why are you so worried?” he asked curiously.

She hesitated for a second, “No reason...just nervous about how everything’s going to work out I guess.”

Lance nodded his head, but knew she was holding something back from him. He didn’t like prying so he accepted her answer.

“So when do you guys go back on tour?” Kayla asked, trying to change the subject.

“May,” Lance said taking a sip of his drink. “We end in late July.”

Kayla nodded her head, “Does this mean you guys won’t get any sleep for about 2-3 months?”

“Not any really good sleep anyway,” he said smiling. “But it’s worth it, it really is.”

Kayla watched his features as he spoke and listened to his deep pitched voice. His face looked smooth to the touch and the dim light of the restaurant gave him a look of mystery. His eyes seemed to stand out because of the green shirt he was wearing and his smile made Kayla relax. His deep voice seemed to soothe her nerves and make her more at ease.

Her shoulders fell at little and her expression went from uptight and worried to relaxed and comfortable. She usually didn’t feel this open around anyone, not even Bryce at times, but there was something about this Southern Mississippian that made her smile.

“Kayla?” he asked.

Kayla sat up and looked at him, “Yes? I’m listening.”

Lance looked at her for a second and smiled to himself. There was something about her that made him nervous but calm at the same time. Her eyes were always moving around, looking at things as if she was seeing them for the first time. She seemed fascinated with what people said, when she wasn’t in her own little world. Her eyes sparkled with life and almost told a story, but you could only see it if you looked close enough. The only problem Lance was having, was that she wasn’t letting him get close enough to read what was inside of her. He respected her privacy but the look she gave when one word that effected her was mentioned, made his curiosity burn inside of him.

The waitress came back with their entrees and placed them down in front of them. They thanked her politely and dug into their meals. They continued their conversation, eating and laughing. When lunch was over, they were both in good moods. They declined dessert and decided to head back to JIVE.

They got back to work and Lance escorted Kayla back to her office.

“Thanks that was a lot of fun,” Kayla smiled.

“Yeah, I had a good time,” Lance grinned. They both sat in a moment of silence before turning around in opposite directions. “Well, I’ll see ya around,” Lance said waving.

Kayla waved in return and walked into her office. She shut the door behind her and sighed, she was really starting to like this guy. She shook her head and scolded herself again for even thinking about him in that way.

“Get real Kayla, he’s one of the biggest heartthrob's in the world and he’s not interested in you so get over it,” she mumbled to herself.

She sighed again and sat down at her desk, pulling out a new file to type up.

Lance walked into the dance studio, whistling a up beat tune. JC and Justin were talking to Darren when they heard Lance enter. They all turned around to find Lance stroll in with a huge grin.

“And where have you been little Lansten?” Justin asked slyly.

“Out to lunch,” Lance said casually, ignoring Justin’s looks.

“With who?” Justin asked, walking over to Lance.


“And who else?”

“Just us, why?” Lance asked, pushing by Justin.

“Just it was just the two of you huh?” Justin pried.

Lance nodded his head, “ was nice.”

“I bet.”

Lance turned around and looked at Justin, “Isn’t it possible for two adults, one male and one female, to have lunch together as friends?”

Justin thought about it for a moment, “Nope.”

JC and Darren laughed at Justin’s little act. Lance rolled his eyes and walked over to JC and Darren, trying to join their conversation.

“Come on Lance...details...what happened?” Justin asked, following him.

“Nothing...we went out to lunch and came back here, you’ve done it before,” he replied.

“Yes but Chris and Joey were with me,” Justin shot back.

“And that makes it better how?”

Justin raised his eyebrow, “Ok Poofoo round one goes to you for now, but count on there being round two.” He turned around to walk into the middle of the dance floor, “And count on me finding out what happened!” he said loudly, voice echoing around the studio.

“What happened where?” Chris asked, walking into the room.

“At lunch with Kayla,” Justin said turning to face Chris.

“Who went out to lunch with Kayla?” Joey asked, walking in after Chris.

“Lance,” Justin said casually.

“So what?” Chris asked. “We go out to lunch with her all the time.”

“But Lance went out with her alone,” Justin hinted, looking back at Lance.

Lance rolled his eyes and walked back to where his duffel bag was laying on the ground. Joey and Chris nodded their heads slowly.

“ Poofoo’s pimpin’ it to Kayla?” Chris asked looking over at Lance.

Lance sighed and shook his head, “We went out to lunch, that’s it.”

“Uh-huh is that what they call it these days?” Joey laughed.

Darren finally decided to cut in, “Ok boys, playtime is can all pick on Lance after practice.”

Justin gave Lance a grin and walked over to his place in front of the mirror. Joey and Chris walked over, while JC was already standing there. Lance finally stood up and joined them as Darren started to place cd’s in the cd player.

The music started playing and the guys cleared their minds to concentrate on the dance moves they were working on for the upcoming tour.

Lance looked around at the guys, relieved that they all got off his back about Kayla, because he wasn’t sure that he wanted to tell them yet. He was really starting to like her.

(1 week later)

“Kayla?” Mr. Collins said through the intercom.

“Yes Mr. Collins?” she responded.

“Can I see you for a minute?”

“Yes sir, I’ll be right in.” Kayla stood up and walked into Mr. Collins office, “You wanted to see me sir?”

“Yes, have a seat please,” he said looking up from his work.

Kayla sat down.

“As you know, *N SYNC’s tour is coming up in two weeks,” he began. “Now I know you’ve only been working here for about a month, but I have a huge favor to ask of you...actually it’s more like a request.”

Kayla sat and waited, not sure what to expect.

“I would like you to go on tour with them,” he said, watching her closely.

“Me?” Kayla asked.

“Yes, it would only be for the first two weeks, usually a secretary goes with them and the one that’s assigned for their tour can’t go right away.”

“Oh...” she said in thought.

“I think it would be great for you to go, the guys seem to get along with you very well and you need to experience the tour life in case your ever chosen for the whole tour,” he said studying her face, watching for a reaction.

“Are you sure you want me...?” she asked.

“Of course I’m sure,” he said. “But this is all up to you, one is going to force you to go, but I would really recommend it.”

“Can I have some time to consider it?” she asked hopefully.

Mr. Collins nodded his head, “Take a few days, but please let me know by the end of the week.”

“Of course,” she said. “Is that all?”

“Yes, that’s all.”

“I’ll get back to you soon,” she said standing up and heading for the door.

She left the room without another word and sat back down at her desk. Go on tour? With *N SYNC? This was another big change she would have to consider. She actually wanted to go more than anything. She wanted to see the crowds and attend the concerts every night, to have fun and relax with the guys. She wanted to see the country, see the fans and share a small portion of the experience that the guys talked so highly about. The only thing that was holding her back was Casey. Now, since they all moved in together, she was sure Bryce could take care of her, but she didn’t like leaving and not being able to take care of Casey herself.

Her life seemed like two different worlds, when she was at work she was a normal person with her only worries being getting papers and files typed and in by deadlines. Once she stepped into her apartment, she went back to the hectic and worrisome life she had led for the past two years. She had to worry about Casey and if her paycheck was going to cover the bills and expenses she had just brought upon herself. She had to worry about getting Casey through school and getting herself through college. She hardly had any time to spend with Casey because once she came home she cooked dinner, ate, and was out the door to go to her night classes. By the time she came home, Casey was already asleep and Kayla would be so tired she could hardly make it to her room. In the morning she would leave for work before Casey even woke up for school. She felt like she was neglecting Casey and she hated doing that, but she was going through the crazy schedule for Casey, she just hoped Casey would see that someday. She would just have to wait until she went home and talked over all the possibilities with Bryce.

Kayla sighed to herself and shook her head, her mind was wandering more and more these days. Always worrying about something different, whether it be in work, school, or her home life. A huge possibility she was considering, was dropping out of college and maybe applying again when she had more time and maybe even a little more money. The money her parents left her was running out and she needed to pay for Casey’s education. Kayla just wanted to crawl under a rock and disappear for awhile, at least until she got everything under control.

“Kayla? Earth to Kayla,” Alyissa said, waving her hand in front of Kayla’s face. “Anyone in there?” she asked snapping her fingers in front of Kayla’s eyes.

“Huh? Oh sorry,” Kayla said snapping out of her thoughts. “Hi! I haven’t seen you in awhile!” she said finally recognizing who it was.

Alyissa gave her a questioned look and nodded her head, “I’s been a little too long, how’s my boyfriend doing?”

“Fine...he’s been a good boy,” Kayla laughed.

Alyissa grinned and sat down in a chair nearby. She placed her purse on the floor and crossed her legs, “So what have you been up to?”

“Working mostly, where have you been?” Kayla asked placing her arms on her desk.

“School, I’ve been preparing for exams and I’ve been nonexistent for the past week,” she explained.

Kayla nodded her head and almost groaned, she had exams coming up also. “So what brings you here?” she asked.

“Justin,” Alyissa said smiling to herself. “And I wanted to see what you were up to and everything, you up for lunch?”

Kayla looked at the clock and realized it was almost lunch time, “Wow I must have lost track of time...sure I’d love to go to lunch.”

“Great, I’m going down to the dance studio to surprise my curly haired beau, come with me,” Alyissa said standing up and grabbing her purse.

Kayla nodded her head and stood up, grabbing her purse. She looked around her desk and decided to leave things for now. She joined Alyissa and they walked down to the elevator, talking about Justin and his behavior.

They reached the studio and Alyissa walked in casually, “Have no fear...I am here!”

Everyone turned around and Justin’s eyes lit up. He ran over to Alyissa and picked her up, spinning her around.

“Justin put me down! Your making me motion sick!” Alyissa said, punching him lightly.

Justin grinned and placed her down on the ground gently. He leaned down and kissed her long and hard.

Kayla’s eyes opened from surprise at their open affection towards each other.

When they finally stopped kissing Justin looked at Alyissa, “I thought you have exams coming up.”

“I do...where the hell do you think I’ve been for the past week?” she asked, placing her hands on his arms.

“Well then what are you doing here?” he asked.

“Fine, if you don’t want me to risk failing my exams to come see your sorry ass, then I’ll leave,” she said pushing away from him.

“No, that’s not what I meant,” he said grinning, pulling her back. “I’m glad your here,” he said smiling softly.

Alyissa smiled in return, “That’s much better.” She turned around to look at everyone who was looking at the two of them. “What are you looking at? There’s nothing for you to see here.”

“You got that right,” Chris mumbled under this breath.

Joey giggled at Chris’s remark and gave a straight face when he caught Alyissa’s look. “He said it,” he said pointing to Chris.

“I know...Chris your lucky I’m in a good mood and you don’t have dreads anymore or you’d be in some serious trouble,” she said, shooting him a look.

“Bring it woman,” he challenged.

“Oh no he didn’t...” she started.

Justin held her back and laughed, “Let it’s only Chris.”

“What do you mean only Chris?” Chris asked, offended. “I could take both of you...”

“LUNCH TIME!” Darren yelled, interrupting the both of them. “Get back here in about an hour,” he said walking towards the door.

Lance wandered over to Kayla, who was watching everyone with amusement. Joey and JC walked towards the door to head to the cafeteria. Chris kept arguing with Alyissa and Justin, as they made their way to the door. Lance reached Kayla and they walked down to the cafeteria with everyone else.

“So are you coming on tour with us?” Justin asked Alyissa, taking a bite of his pasta.

“If I pass my finals,” she replied.

“You will, don’t worry,” he assured her with confidence.

Alyissa and Justin were one of the cutest couples that you could find. Alyissa was loud, outspoken, and pushy, while Justin was playful, confident, and caring. Alyissa had her attitude and Justin loved the challenge she dished out. They were affectionate towards each other, while also pushing each other around playfully. You could tell they cared deeply about each other, even when they argued like an old married couple. Justin supported everything Alyissa did and took pride in all of her accomplishments. Alyissa looked at Justin as he was, a normal human being. She stood behind him, strong and sturdy, while telling him his faults, but still loving him for all of them. Justin needed normalcy in his life and that was Alyissa. They were perfect for each other.

Lance noticed Kayla studying Justin and Alyissa enviously. He wondered what she was thinking and what that look on her face meant. He wanted to know more about her. It was almost like he craved to know her, he wanted to know all her secrets, all her fears, all her worries, everything he could find out.

Kayla felt someone staring at her and looked around the table, eyes finally settling on Lance. Lance snapped out of his gaze and smiled shyly, looking back down at his food. Kayla smiled to herself and blushed, feeling a little giddy. She turned back to face the other people sitting at the table and took a bite of her pasta.

“So where is our chill spot this weekend?” Justin asked, staring at Alyissa.

“Oh no...don’t even think about my place, I’m not cleaning up for the next week after you guys come and trash my house,” she said shaking her head. “I’m still digging out pretzels and chips from my sofa from the last time you came over.”

Chris and Justin laughed, “We didn’t make that big of a mess.”

Alyissa shot them a “yeah right” look and went on eating her fries.

“What about your place J?” JC asked Justin.

“Uh-uh, you guys aren’t chilling at my place, my parents are staying there until the tour starts,” he said taking a big gulp from his Wild Cherry Pepsi.

“Kayla, what about your place?” Joey asked grinning. “After all your the new one in our group.”

Kayla froze in her seat, “No my apartment can’t hold a lot of people...” she started.

“It’ll only be us,” Justin jumped in. “We’ll bring everything you’ll need, all you need is a clean don’t even have to clean if you don’t want to.”

Kayla shook her head again, “No really...I can’t...I have...” she trailed off. She turned around to look at the curious faces that were staring at her, waiting for her answer.

“We can have it at my place,” Lance cut in.

Everyone turned around to look at him. Lance glanced over at Kayla and smiled. She breathed a sigh of relief and gave a grateful look.

“All right Poofoo, we’ll bring everything you’ll need, just have food and drinks,” Chris said.

“And what would you bring?” Lance asked.

“The music and people,” Justin grinned. “Duh.”

Lance nodded his head, “Of course, how could I have been so dumb?”

“Tsk, I don’t know...” Chris said shaking his head. “All right party at Poofoo’s on Saturday at 1!”

“One? Why so early?” Lance asked, looking up at Chris.

“Barbecue baby,” he grinned. “You in Kayla?”

“Uhh...I don’t know if I can make it...” she trailed off, picking at her food.

“Yes you can,” Joey urged. “I’ll pick you up if you like,” he grinned.

“No, I’ll pick her up,” Alyissa cut in. “I don’t even want to think about where you would take her Joey....where do you live?”

Everyone snickered in the back round, “Yeah Lance...where does she live?”

“Shut-up,” he blushed.

“I apartment building...” Kayla stuttered.

“Ok...where?” Alyissa asked.

“On 34th and Main,” Kayla finally mumbled. She almost kicked herself for telling where she lived.

“I know where that is, really nice apartments...I’ll pick you up around 12:30 so we can pick up some food for the barbecue,” Alyissa said nodding her head.

Lance looked over at Kayla and saw her troubled expression. Kayla took a deep breath and pushed her plate away, looking down at the floor.

“So about the tour...are you going Kayla?” Alyissa asked.

Kayla looked up, “No...maybe...I don’t know.”

Alyissa gave her a questioned look, “Your not sure?”

“Well Mr. Collins asked me to go for the first two weeks, but I don’t know yet...” she explained.

“Great! Why should you even think about it? Your definitely going!” Alyissa said enthusiastically. “Now I’m definitely gonna pass my exams so I can go, now I won’t be stuck with all of them,” she said pointing to the guys.

Kayla couldn’t help but giggle when the guys gave her a hurt look.

Alyissa rolled her eyes, “Oh you knew I was thinking it...wah wah, boo hoo, get over it.”

“Just you wait...” Chris threatened.

“Until what? You come after me?” she asked, challenging him. “Right Chris...and who got who last time?” she asked smugly.

“Ok, that was so not fair...” he began.

“What happened?” Kayla asked curiously.

“Oh! Ok...well Chris here thought he was slick and mmphmpmhpm--”

Chris glared at her, “You promised!”

Alyissa pushed his hand off her mouth, “Oh fine...” She looked at Kayla, “I’ll tell you later,” she mouthed. She turned around to find Chris staring at her, “What?” she shrugged. “I didn’t say anything!”

“You better not...or were gonna talk about the time when we were in California and you--”

“Ok Chris, shut-up now,” she cut in. “I’ll keep my mouth shut and you keep yours shut.”

“What happened in California?” Justin asked curiously.

“Nothing,” Chris laughed.

Alyissa shot him a dirty look and shook her head, “Nothing...nothing at all.” She turned back around to Kayla, “Anyway, you should really come, I mean what else are you going to do here? Work in a stuffy office all day while the rest of us are on the road having fun? Come on Kayla...”

“I told Mr. Collins I would think about it...I have until the end of the week to decide,” Kayla said quietly.

“Well then you’ll tell him yes and everything will be set,” Alyissa said.

“’Liss, let her decide,” Justin cut in.

Alyissa looked up at Justin and sighed, “Fine...but I want to be the first person to know your answer!”

Kayla nodded her head and smile, “You’ll be the first.”

Later that night when Kayla got home, she dreaded talking to Bryce about all these dates that she needed him to baby sit Casey.

“How was work?” he asked happily.

“Fine...we need to talk Bryce,” she said uneasily.

“About what?” he asked, stirring something in a pan on the stove.

Kayla sat down at the kitchen table and gazed at it, she still couldn’t believe she was living in this great place.

“I’ve been invited to go to a few places...” she started.

Bryce stopped stirring and placed the top back on the pan, walking over to sit down across from Kayla.

She continued, “Well the first place is this Saturday.”

“Another company party?” he asked.

Kayla hesitated, “Yeah.”

“No problem, I planned on taking Casey to the zoo,” he said casually. “Where else?”

“Well the next one is for a longer period of time,” she said sighing. “Mr. Collins wants me to go on tour with the musical group *N SYNC for two weeks, because the person who’s supposed to go can’t go right away,” she explained quickly.

Bryce sat there for a second, taking in all the information. “So are you going?”

“Well I can’t just leave Casey here because...” she began.

“I’m here and after exams I’ll be here all the time, I can take care of her,” Bryce insisted, cutting in. “When would you leave?”

“In two weeks,” she said looking down at the table.

“Then go, if it’s for work, go.”

“But I mean, I couldn’t leave Casey here for--”

“Of course you can, don’t you trust me?” he asked, cutting in.

“Of course I do, but I don’t like dumping that much responsibility on you,” she said defensively.

“Your not, I’m used to taking care of her,” he said.

Kayla studied his face and noticed something flicker across his face when he stated his last comment.

“I know and I don’t mean to--”

“Just go,” he said standing up. “Go this weekend and go in two weeks, it’ll be good for you.”

“Ok...” she trailed off.

She narrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head, trying to figure out what Bryce was thinking. He seemed happy then it was almost like he snapped, he seemed bothered by her leaving for two weeks. She didn’t want to go, but then again she did. She finally decided not to argue and go on the trip. She turned around and walked back into her room to change for her night classes.

Bryce turned around once he was sure she was out of the room, looking after her. He sighed and shook his head sadly, how was he going to explain this to Casey? He had been telling Casey a lot of white lies to protect her from being hurt. Casey got crushed whenever Kayla wasn’t there on the weekends to join them in doing a lot of activities. Kayla would either be studying or working on something else. Slowly but surely Kayla was starting to push Casey away and Bryce seemed to be the only person who saw it clearly.

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