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Chapter Eight

(Later That Night)

The first concert blew Kayla away. Never had she experience so much energy and power from the music the guys dished out. She had special box seats with Alyissa and a few other people traveling with them, still she envied the people in the front row. She felt a little foolish squirming in her seat, itching to get up, clap her hands, dance around, and just have a good time in general. Alyissa caught her edginess and giggled, remembering her own first concert. She stood up and started dancing in place, looking around to find the rest of the people sharing the box, looking at her curiously.

“Oh come on you know you want to get up and dance,” Alyissa said staring back at the faces.

Everyone hesitated for a second before jumping up and joining in dancing. It was a funny sight to see grown adults dancing around and singing along with the lyrics of *N SYNC, but everyone enjoyed themselves and most of all, they enjoyed the music.

When the concert ended Kayla didn’t want the fun to stop. She watched the stage and waited for them to come back out, hoping for an encore. Her thoughts were finally broken by Alyissa pulling her arm gently.

“Come on...we’re traveling with them, remember?”

Kayla smiled sheepishly and nodded, “That was...that...was...” she trailed off.

“I know the feeling,” Alyissa said laughing at her expression. “Though, this was my first time seeing their new show for the tour and I must say I’m impressed.”

“Impressed? I’m blown away! Dumbfounded! Flabbergasted!” Kayla rambled excitedly.


“ means...oh never mind, it was great!” Kayla laughed.

Alyissa smiled and nodded her head, “We gotta go get ready for the after party!”

Kayla giggled and let Alyissa lead her down to the back and onto their bus. The bus took everyone back to the hotel and allowed them to shower and change. As the two girls were stepping off the bus they spotted the five guys running off their bus and to the hotel.

Kayla searched for Lance and found him, beads of sweat dripping down his face from the previous performance he had just given. JC and Chris followed after him while Joey and Justin were already inside. Kayla couldn’t help but stare at Lance as he jogged into the hotel lobby with an excited and tired expression on his face. He ran a hand across his forehead and turned his head to Chris who had said something to him. He laughed and nodded his head, entering through the swinging door.

Alyissa noticed Kayla staring at Lance and a smile crept across her face. She grinned to herself and her mind started to click with thoughts. She gently grabbed Kayla’s arm and tugged her towards the swinging door the guys had just entered. Kayla was brought out of her thoughts and blushed, wondering if she had been caught staring.

When the girls reached their room Kayla let Alyissa get in the shower first. Kayla sat down on her bed and looked at her layout of clothes for the night. She picked invisible flint off her skirt and hummed a tune from the concert.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. She got up and answered the door, finding JC standing there, freshly showered and changed.

“Hi,” Kayla greeted him.

“ did you like the show?” he asked smiling.

“Oh it was great...I couldn’t sit in my fact I didn’t,” Kayla laughed.

JC chuckled and nodded his head.

“Was there something you needed?” Kayla asked.

JC shook his head, “Not really...I was seeing if you ladies were ready, I’m guessing Alyissa is still in the shower.”

Kayla nodded her head. At that moment the water turned off and they could hear Alyissa moving around in the bathroom.

“My turn,” Kayla said backing away from the door.

A few minutes later Alyissa opened the door, dressed for the night with her hair wrapped in a towel. She jumped when she saw JC standing in the doorway.

“Jesus! You people have to stop coming in when I’m in the shower...give a girl a little warning will ya?”

Kayla and JC both laughed.

“Sorry,” Kayla said scooping up her clothes and walking into the bathroom.

The door shut behind her and a few seconds later they heard the water start to run again.

“Well, are you gonna come in or just stand there all night?” Alyissa asked JC, walking over to the dresser.

JC stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “I take it Kayla enjoyed the concert.”

Alyissa nodded her head and smiled, “She was so cute squirming in her chair.”

JC smiled and sat down at the end of a bed.

“Is there some specific reason your here?” Alyissa asked, looking at JC through the reflection of the mirror.

“And you say it seems like no one is ever happy to see you?” JC asked.

Alyissa laughed, “I was just wondering.”

“Not even an apology,” JC shook his head.

Alyissa rolled her eyes playfully, “Are you gonna answer me or what?”

JC laughed to himself and nodded his head, “I shouldn’t have expected an apology...that would be too polite...or even worse...NICE.”

“JC I would watch yourself boy...I know a few people who would LOVE to get their hands on a possession of yours that I have access to,” Alyissa warned.

JC gave her a questioned look, “What are you talking about?...I have nothing to hide.”

Alyissa laughed and shook her head, “That’s what you think.”

JC raised an eyebrow in curiosity but decided to play it safe, “Ok, ok, you win...I don’t know what you have on me but from that look on your face, I see that it’s not good on my part.”

Alyissa smiled mischievously and shrugged her shoulders, “I know more about you boys than you know about yourselves.”

JC gave her a cautious look, “That tone of voice and comment scares me.”

Alyissa raised an eyebrow slyly, “It should.”

They both stopped and noticed that the water had been shut off. A few seconds later Kayla stepped out of the bathroom, letting a cloud of hot steam follow her.

She fanned herself and walked over to the sliding door, “Whew, it’s hot in here.”

“I can think of a reason why,” a voice said from the doorway.

All three of them jumped and turned around to find Joey standing in the doorway grinning.

Alyissa rolled her eyes and went back to applying her make-up. JC turned back around while Kayla stared at Joey.

“What reasons?” Kayla asked in a confused tone. “I just took a shower...and it was hot in there...” she trailed off.

Alyissa and JC both turned to look at each other at the same time and laughed.

“You HAD to ask didn’t you?” Alyissa asked.

Kayla gave a questioned look and turned back to Joey, “I’m lost.”

Joey grinned, “It’s hot in here because YOUR in here.”

Alyissa and JC broke out laughing again and Joey stood there with a suave, but goofy grin on his face.

Kayla blushed and giggled, “A pick up line?”

Alyissa and JC nodded their heads, “That’s Joe’s famous trademark.”

Kayla giggled again and walked back to her suitcase. “That was...creative?”

Joey bounced over to the other bed and flopped down on it. He bounced a few times before finally settling on the bed.

“Creative? Please!” Alyissa laughed.

JC laid back on the bed and placed his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “I’m so tired, I don’t think I can make it to this after party.”

Joey crept up next to him and sat face to face with him. He grinned and kept quiet.

“Joey get away from me,” JC said without opening his eyes.

Joey gave a confused expression, “How’d you know?”

“I can feel you breathing on me,” JC replied casually. “Which isn’t the best thing may I add.”

He opened his eyes and pushed Joey’s face away with a hand. JC sat up and rubbed his eyes, groaning from exhaustion. Joey sat on the bed and looked over at Alyissa who was putting finishing touches on her make-up, then tried to check his breath by breathing into his cupped hand and sniffing quickly. Kayla had started on her own face and had her back to the rest of them.

Chris burst into the room and scared all four of them. “WAZZUUPPPP?” he asked in a raspy voice.

Alyissa gripped her eye liner and turned around to glare at Chris.

Chris caught her look and shrugged his shoulders innocently, “Damn ‘Liss what’s that look for? I haven’t even done anything...yet.”

“Do you see this?” she asked pointing to the spot under her eye.

There was a black line underneath it and Chris giggled. “How’d you get that?”

“Oh don’t even....” she started. She took a deep breath to compose herself and spoke again, “If you guys don’t stop scaring the SHIT out of me when I’m trying to get ready to go places with you...then I will personally hunt each and every one of you down.”

With that she turned around and walked back to the mirror.

“Hey guys,” Lance said walking through the open doorway.

Alyissa turned around immediately and pointed her eye liner at Lance. “YOU!”

Chris slipped off to the side, climbing onto the bed silently. He snickered and watched Lance look around in confusion.

“I JUST got done explaining to everyone what will happen if you keep on scaring me while I’m trying to get ready!” she exclaimed.

“Sorry?” Lance said backing up a step.

“DON’T let it happen again,” Alyissa growled, turning back around.

Lance stepped off to the side and Justin walked in casually after him, “HEY! PARTY IN HERE!” he yelled jokingly.

Lance dove for the bed and Justin looked at him curiously. When he turned back around Alyissa was already running towards him. She tackled him on the ground and started drawing on his face with her eye liner. The guys broke into hysterical laughter as Kayla turned around to see Alyissa and Justin rolling around on the floor, fighting for the eye liner. She couldn’t help but giggle, watching the two play around.

A few minutes later Alyissa stood up and threw her eye liner pencil in the trash. She walked over to Kayla and started rummaging through her make-up bag. Justin stood up after her and looked around. The guys started laughing even harder causing them to fall off the bed, onto the floor, holding their stomachs from laughing so hard.

Justin walked over to the mirror and stared at his reflection. Eye liner was streaked all over his face, making him look like he got into a fight with a pen, which he did, kind of.

“How do you like it?” Alyissa asked smugly.

“Like what? I didn’t do anything to you!” Justin said, rubbing the marks with his finger.

“Well I warned you...” she started.

“If you can recall...I WASN’T PRESENT FOR THE LECTURE!” he said, taking a tissue and trying to wipe off the black marks off his face.

“Well...well...” Alyissa stuttered. “Next time ask one of them!” she finally exclaimed pointing at the guys on the floor.

Remind me and I will,” Justin replied sarcastically.

“Oh no you didn’t just...” Alyissa started.

She walked over to Justin but before she could do anything Justin grabbed her arms and planted a kiss right on the lips. He kissed her long and hard, finally pulling away, leaving them both breathless. Justin let go of her arms and Alyissa stumbled back a few steps.

She was speechless for a few seconds before finally uttering a word, “Whoa.”

Justin flashed a million dollar smile and grabbed her arms again to support her, “I hate it when we fight.”

Alyissa gave a goofy grin and hugged him. “We don’t fight...we have FUN.”

Justin laughed lightly and nodded his head, hugging her back. “True dat. True dat.”

“Ok, ok, enough of this mushy business, we have a party to attend,” Chris said standing up and brushing himself off.

The other guys got up and started heading for the door. Kayla stood up and they all looked over at her. Their mouths dropped and Lance grinned. She was dressed in a semi-short black skirt. She had a long sleeved red shirt that was a stretchy material, which fit loosely. She had black heels to match the outfit and stockings on to make her seem darker. Her hair was thrown up with pieces falling her eyes and her make-up was done with a hint of shimmer. She smiled shyly and pulled her skirt down.

Alyissa grinned at their expressions and watched Lance stare at her in awe. She smiled to herself, satisfied with the choice of clothes she had picked for Kayla. She pushed Justin towards the door and opened the door.

“We’ll be down soon, go greet your fans,” she said pushing them all out of the room.

“Save a dance for me!” Joey called over his shoulder to Kayla.

Kayla smiled and waved, “No problem.”

Alyissa shut the door and grinned at Kayla, “Did I TELL you they would like that outfit or what?”

Kayla blushed again and nodded her head, “What can I say? Your a fashion goddess!”

Alyissa batted her eyelashes and sighed, “Yes well...I don’t like to brag or anything...”

Both girls stared at each other and burst into giggles.

When they had calmed down and got the rest of their things together, they headed downstairs for the after party.

Kayla walked into the dark room and looked around at her settings. This was all new to her and so far she was having a blast. If the next two weeks meant concert hopping and partying afterwards, she had no problem coping with that schedule at all. This was like a vacation from heaven.

Alyissa walked in casually, dressed in a pair of black flare pants with a baby blue tube top on. She had black clunky shoes on that clomped silently on the carpeted floor. Her hair was blow dried and her make-up was done perfectly.

When the two girls entered, they turned a few heads. Kayla smiled and looked around the room to try and find the guys. She guessed that the big circle of people in the middle of the room, was their location.

Alyissa spotted them also and grabbed Kayla’s wrist, pulling her through the crowd. She pushed her way through a few people and finally landed in the middle of the circle where they found all five of them dancing with different girls. Alyissa crossed her arms and smiled. Kayla expected her to lash out or start yelling, one or the other, but Alyissa did neither. Instead she leaned down to a little girl next to her and whispered something in her ear. The little girl replied with a innocent grin, but Kayla couldn’t make out what she said over the loud music. Alyissa winked at her and held her hand.

The song ended and before anyone else could get out there to snag one of the guys, Alyissa grabbed Kayla’s wrist again and led the little girl into the middle of the circle. Alyissa pushed Kayla towards Joey and walked up to Justin, little girl still by her side. She said something to Justin but Kayla was too far away to hear what she was saying. Justin smiled and nodded his head, squatting down to talk to the little girl. He said something that made the little girl giggled shyly and blush. Justin laughed lightly and scooped her up into his arms, dancing with her. He held her, supporting her legs and spun around while the little girl shrieked with excitement and laughter. Alyissa laughed and watched them happily.

Joey spun Kayla around and broke her gaze at what was going on across the room. Kayla looked up and smiled at a grinning Joey.

“I can’t dance that well, I was unfortunately blessed with two left feet,” Kayla warned.

Joey smiled in return, “I think I can lend you a right foot for the night, just promise you’ll bring it back by midnight.”

Kayla laughed and nodded her head, “Yes fairy god mother.”

Joey spun her around again and rocked her back and forth to the soft swaying beat of the music. Kayla looked over Joey’s shoulder and took a sneak peek at Lance standing in the middle of the circle. Girls were waving and shrieking all of their names, while JC looked like he was about to fall over where he was standing. Chris was dancing slowly with an older fan, Kayla guessed she was about 17 or so. Kayla looked away and back at Joey who started to say something.

“Oh! Oh! Lance over here!” Alyissa shrieked with fake enthusiasm.

“Yes miss?” Lance asked, playing along.

“Ohmigod...I’m your biggest fan...can I...? Ohmigod! Can I have this dance?” she said excitedly, fanning herself.

Lance laughed and nodded his head. He pulled Alyissa close and started to sway back and forth to the music.

“Now just calm down miss...we don’t want to cause a scene or anything,” Lance chuckled.

Alyissa giggled and looked up at Lance, “You were always so good at that game.”

“I learn from the best,” he replied.

Alyissa noticed Lance’s gaze drift over towards Kayla’s direction.

“Cute girl over here?” she asked softly.

“Very,” Lance mumbled in return.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized what he said and looked down at Alyissa, who was grinning broadly.


He smiled weakly and sighed.

The song ended and the group of girls around them started to shriek again.

Alyissa pulled away from Lance and whispered in his ear, “Go ask her to dance.”

Lance gave a grateful smile and walked away without another word. He walked up to Kayla politely and held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

Kayla blushed and giggled, “Yes you may.”

She placed her hand in his and he pulled her out to the dance floor. He pulled her close into his grip and she hugged his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. She sighed contently while her heart fluttered slightly. Lance tightened his grip around her waist gently and leaned his head against her lightly.

Kayla knew she couldn’t try to convince herself anymore, she was crushing on this particular *N SYNC-er and she didn’t know what to do about it. She swayed to the music and closed her eyes, trapped in the moment.

Lance kept his eyes open and stared down at the back of Kayla’s head. He inhaled her scent and smiled to himself. He didn’t ever want to let go of Kayla and prayed that the song would last forever.

To both of their dismay the song ended and they both pulled away unwantingly. Kayla looked up at Lance and their eyes locked automatically. A fast song came on and Chris came bouncing over, pulling Kayla away. Kayla glanced over at Lance one more time before turning around to join Chris and make an attempt to dance. Alyissa ran over and grabbed Joey to join in the circle of dancers.

Later that night when everyone was ushered out of the room they were partying in and everyone had cleaned up, Kayla wearily made her way up to her hotel room. Justin followed her, carrying Alyissa in his arms while she slept peacefully. It was a funny but romantic sight to see Justin walking down the hallway with Alyissa resting in his arms and her shoes hanging from his hand. Alyissa’s eyes were closed and she was breathing steadily as Justin walked, tired but proud.

When Kayla and Justin reached Kayla’s room, she opened the door, turning on a dim light. Justin walked past Kayla and over to Alyissa’s bed. Kayla walked over to Alyissa’s bed, leaving the door open, and pulled back her covers. Justin laid Alyissa on the bed and tucked her legs under the covers, pulling the blankets up to her chin. She groaned lightly and turned to her side, still asleep. Justin placed her shoes by her bed and knelt by her bed. He watched her sleep for a few moments before smiling to himself and leaning over to kiss her.

He kissed her softly on the cheek and whispered, “Sweet dreams.”

He stood up, taking one last look at her affectionately, before heading for the door. He whispered a good night to Kayla who was already half asleep in her own bed. Kayla mumbled a response and Justin chuckled tiredly, closing the door behind him.

The last thing Kayla remembered was the light go out and her fall into a deep sleep.

(End of The First Week)

“Ok...who stole my gummy bears because I’m gonna have to start getting mad soon,” Kayla said, throwing pillows and clothes in the air. “This is the LAST time I ride on this bus with you guys!”

Chris giggled, “Aw come on Kayla, you know the bus rides became more interesting ever since you started boarding our bus.”

Kayla stood up and glared at Chris, “NO...’cause I started to lose my candy stash.”

“You need to go on a diet anyway,” Justin grinned evilly, walking into the front area of the bus.

Kayla swung around and glared at him, “Excuse me?” she asked cupping her ear. “Did you say something potty boy?”

Justin’s mouth dropped open and he gave her a shocked expression. “How did...”

“So I guess it’s true,” Kayla said casually.

She turned away and giggled, throwing another pillow in the air to search underneath it. She sighed exasperated and sat down on the long couch, deep in thought.

“Now where the hell could I have put them?” she mumbled to herself.

“Talking to yourself isn’t healthy,” a voice said breaking into her thoughts. “Especially if there are other people in the room.”

Kayla looked up to find Alyissa standing by her holding her bag of gummy bears in her hand. Kayla snatched the gummy bears up and opened the bag, popping one into her mouth. She chewed happily and finally swallowed.

“Well I wouldn’t really count them as people you could have a decent conversation with,” Kayla said pointing at Chris and Justin.

Alyissa giggled as Chris and Justin gave Kayla a challenging look.

“What?” she shrugged.

“’Liss were gonna have to talk a little later,” Justin said fixing his stare on her.

“Uh-oh what’d I do now?” she asked, catching his look.

“Potty boy,” Kayla whispered in her ear.

Alyissa broke out into giggles and grinned at Justin.

“No no, not funny!” he protested.

Kayla joined in Alyissa’s laughter and both girls ended up grabbing their stomachs from laughing so hard.

Justin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, acting like he was mad.

Alyissa wiped her eyes from the tears of laughter and sighed, “Oh come on...I HAD to tell her...she was dishing out some really good stuff! It’s a golden rule with girls, if one person dishes out something good, the other person has to tell something juicy in return.”

Justin wouldn’t look at Alyissa and studied his disc man like it was the most interesting thing he’s ever seen.

“Baby...come on...I didn’t tell her anything else...” Alyissa tried again.

Justin ignored her pleas and looked out the window.


Alyissa stood up and walked over to Justin, pushing him over at the pull out table, sitting beside him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered something in his ear. She pulled away to watch his reaction, finding nothing. She leaned in again and said something else, this time a smile crept across his face. It turned into a muffled giggle, then into a loud laugh.

Alyissa grinned and Justin wrapped his arm around Alyissa, kissing her on the forehead, “I forgive you this time...but only because if what you just told me.”

Alyissa smiled and rested her head on his masculine shoulder. She laughed lightly and sighed.

Chris raised an eyebrow suspiciously and squinted his eyes at Alyissa.

“What’s that accusing look for?” she asked.

“I’m not giving an accusing look, have a guilty conscience?” he asked grinning.

“No,” she said nonchalantly.

“Well then...” Chris replied.

He stared for a more minutes before losing interest and getting up to go to the back of the bus.

Justin looked in the direction where Chris had just walked to. He turned back to Alyissa, “He really did that?”

Alyissa nodded her head and Justin laughed again.

Kayla gave a confused look, but knew Alyissa had spilled something good.

“Don’t say anything though,” Alyissa warned.

“Oh I won’t,” Justin assured her. “But that was good.”

“I’m too tired,” Kayla complained.

“Aw come more store,” Justin pleaded.

“Justin...we’ve been to every store in this mall TWICE, time to sit down,” Alyissa groaned, dragging her feet.

Justin opened his mouth to protest when he caught both girls’ tired expression and finally gave in. They walked over to a bench and sat down, dropping their bags beside them. Alyissa and Kayla automatically sighed in relief, sliding down in the seat to get more comfortable.

“I thought girls were supposed to be born for this kind of stuff,” he said studying the both of them.

“We are, but we also know when to rest,” Kayla sighed.

Justin smiled and gave a small laugh. Kayla and Alyissa ignored his amused laugh and savored the moments of rest they were receiving. They knew sooner or later they would have to get up again because Justin was going to get restless quickly.

“I think it’s time to head back to the hotel,” Alyissa suggested, not moving.

Justin looked down at her, wide eyed, “’Liss you know I have to make at least THREE laps before I can leave a mall satisfied.”

“Well your going to have to get over your little three lap rule and cut it to two,” she said starting to sit up. “We have to get back and Lonnie is gonna have my ass if I keep you out later than promised.”

Justin groaned and shook his head stubbornly, “If we start now we’ll only be an hour late.”

Alyissa shot him a look and shook her head, “NO J...we’re leaving NOW.”

Justin mumbled something to himself and Alyissa ignored him, standing up slowly. Kayla groaned and got up herself, taking her time like an old lady with back problems.

“You have sound check in...” Alyissa looked at her watch. “A half hour.”


“So we’re leaving let’s go,” she replied.

Justin pulled the rim of his hat down in a huff and proceeded in picking up his bags and following Alyissa and Kayla towards the exit. Kayla walked in the middle of the two people, just in case someone recognized them, they were a safe distance apart. They made their way out into the parking lot and got into the car they came in. Justin revved his engine and pulled out of the parking spot, not taking off any of his disguise.

Lance looked around him to find where the ringing noise he heard, was coming from. He patted his pockets to check for his cell phone and remembered he had lost it awhile ago. He heard the ringing again and checked under a pillow, to find Kayla’s purse. The phone rang again and Kayla’s purse shook slightly from the noise. He pulled the phone out of the front pocket and hesitated. It might be personal, but then again it was probably Mr. Collins.

Lance flipped on the phone and placed it on his ear, “Hello?”

“Hello?” a man’s voice asked on the other line.

“Yes? Who is this?” Lance asked.

“Who’s this?

“’d you get this number?” Lance asked, not replying to the question asked.

“Someone gave it to me, I thought this was my friend’s cell phone...but I think...” he voice trailed off.

“Who’s cell phone did you think this was?” Lance asked.

The way his last comment came out, made him sound obnoxious and hostile, but he didn’t intend for it to be. Right now he wished he didn’t even pick up the phone in the first place.

“My friend’s,” the other person said bluntly.

“Ok...well who’s your friend?” Lance asked.

“Never mind, I’ll try again later, I probably pressed a wrong number,” the voice said. “Thanks anyway and sorry.”

“No pro--” Lance started.


“--blem...bye?” Lance finished. “No don’t be rude about it or anything,” he mumbled to himself.

He debated on telling Kayla about the phone call but finally decided against it. After all, it was a wrong number and she would probably be mad that he answered her phone, even though it was under innocent intentions.

“Hey Lansten,” Joey said, breaking Lance from his thoughts.

Lance looked up startled and shoved the phone back in Kayla’s purse, “Huh? Oh hey man.”

“Daydreaming about Miss Kayla again?” Joey grinned.

Lance blushed and shook his head, “ mind was just in the clouds for a second.”

Joey grinned, not believing him, “Well I came to tell you it’s time for sound check.”

Lance looked up a little hazed, “Sound check? OH! Sound check...yeah ok let’s go.”

Joey raised an eyebrow curiously but decided not to say anything else. Lance stood up and they both walked out the door, to head to sound check.

Bryce hung up the phone and stared at the receiver, he could have sworn he called the right number to Kayla’s cell. When a guy had answer her phone he was thrown off, but he was still sure he called the right number. Then again she was on tour with five guys, plus other workers on the tour and anyone could have picked up. He decided to push his thoughts out of his head and try the number again later, he probably just called the wrong number.

(The Next Night)

Alyissa spun around in front of the mirror and smiled to herself. She was wearing a sleek blue dress, casually yet dressy. It showed off her great figure and lit up her deep blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back gently and clipped with a hair pin. She was wearing heels and they were silent on the carpet of the hotel room, as she walked around. She sprayed perfume and rubbed it on her neck and wrists, sniffing once for herself. Kayla sat on the end of her bed and swung her legs gently, letting them hit the bed softly. She watched Alyissa check her make-up for the last time and straighten out her dress over and over again.

“You look great,” Kayla finally said.

Alyissa smiled nervously and brushed invisible lint off her dress, “Do you think so?”

“I would have never thought you would get nervous going out with your boyfriend of a year,” Kayla giggled.

Alyissa smiled sheepishly, “Neither did I.”

They both giggled and Alyissa sat on the opposite bed, crossing her legs in a lady like fashion.

“Justin said tonight was going to be a surprise,” Alyissa said swinging her purse in her hands gently.

“NOW I see why your nervous,” Kayla laughed.

Alyissa grinned, “Yes well...I never know what’s up that boy’s sleeve and this is the only day he gets off during the tour, so it’s making me a little jumpy.”

Kayla smiled, “I’m sure it’s going to be...well...memorable.”

Both girls started to laugh again when they heard a knock on the door. Kayla stood up and walked over to the door, she swung it open to find Justin standing there in a breathtaking outfit. He had a dark blue suit on with a shirt underneath, a shade lighter. A silver tie was tied in a perfect knot by his neck and his cologne wafted through the room, making even KAYLA want to scream his name to get his attention. He smiled and walked in with a small package in his hand. He spotted Alyissa and they both seemed to smile at each other at the same time.

Justin walked over to Alyissa and smiled softly, “You look beautiful,” he whispered.

Alyissa just stood there blushing, then she covered her face with her hand shyly. Justin brought out a rose from behind his back and handed it to Alyissa with a small kiss on the cheek. Alyissa’s gaze softened and her face fell into a look of appreciation and affection.

Kayla watched enviously as Justin held out his arm and Alyissa linked her’s into his. Justin led Alyissa out of the hotel room and they both left with a small wave of good-bye to Kayla. Kayla waved in return, knowing they didn’t even see her response, but understanding why. She stood up and shut the hotel door, flopping back on the bed and sighing deeply. She flipped on the TV and chose a movie on the HBO channel, throwing the remote onto the other bed. A light knock brought her out of her thoughts and she looked up in wonder.

“Alyissa must have forgotten something,” she said to herself.

She opened the door and opened her mouth to say something when she met Lance face to face.

“Uhh...hi,” she said startled. “Lance...”

“Were you expecting someone else?” he asked softly.

“No,” she shook her head. “Come on in.”

She stepped aside and he stepped in. She shut the door behind him and walked back to her bed, sitting on the edge.

“Justin and Alyissa left if that’s who you were looking for,” Kayla said.

Lance shook his head, “Actually I was looking for you.”

Kayla looked up a little surprised, “Me? Why?”

“I umm...” Lance started, digging his foot into the carpet. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out with us.”

“Us?” she asked curiously, looking around him.

Lance laughed, “The rest of the guys...I’ve been sent here to ask for your presence this evening.”

“You make me sound so important, how could I say no?” she laughed.

Lance grinned and backed towards the door, “We’ll be by to pick you up in about a half hour, that ok?”

Kayla nodded her head, “Yeah I’ll be ready.”

Lance smiled once again and opened the door. He paused for a second and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Kayla’s heart fluttered and her stomach did a flip.

Her phone rang and scared her out of her thoughts. She walked over to her purse and pulled out her phone, “Hello?”

“Hey baby,” Bryce said.

Her smiled broadened, “Hey honey, what’s up?”

“Not much, I was just checking on you, how you doing?”

“I’m doing great, tour life is the best!” she replied excitedly.

Bryce smiled on the phone, “That’s good, Casey misses you...and so do I.”

“I miss you guys too, is Casey behaving?”

“Yes...well except for when I throw wild parties and we party all night,” he laughed.

“You better not be...and you better be feeding her the right foods because if I come back and she’s got a permanent stomach ache, then your ass is in trouble,” she threatened playfully.

Bryce laughed, “Of course I am mom.”

Kayla smiled and laughed lightly. She looked at her clock and realized she only had 20 minutes to get ready to go out.

“Bryce I hate to cut this short but I have to go!”

“No problem, I know how busy you are, just don’t forget about us back home,” he said, tone changing.

“Of course I won’t!” she assured him, not noticing the change in his voice. “Love you, miss you more, bye!”

She hung up the phone and shoved it back in her purse. She started humming a tune and walked into the bathroom to shower and change.

‘Who was that?’ Casey signed to Bryce.

‘Mommy,’ he signed back.

Casey’s eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. ‘Is she coming home soon?’

Bryce shook his head, ‘No, in about a week.’

Casey’s face fell to a look of disappointment.

Bryce lifted up her chin, ‘But she says she misses you and loves you very much.’

Casey smiled and hugged Bryce. She ran back into her room and Bryce sat down at the kitchen table. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it carefully. He gazed at the contents of the box and sighed heavily, he hoped Kayla loved him like her loved her. If she did, then he would have a family he’s always wanted, with Kayla as his wife and Casey as his daughter, the perfect family.

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