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Hey everyone! This page is especially dedicated to all the author's stories I host on my page! They are very talented people and have a gift for writing and to show for that, they've won awards.

Now since some people don't have web pages to post their awards on it, I've created a special page for their awards. You can visit their story if you haven't read it by clicking on the title of the story! Or you can just check out what they won and read their thank you's! :o)


This award was won by our talented author *GWEN* who won the award for "Best Portrayal" based on her story "WORTH THE WAIT". Congrats Gwen!


"First of all, I would like to Thank *N SYNC for being the terrific guys that they are. Without them, we wouldn't have this crazy world of *N SYNC FICTION. Second of all a big Thank You to Kute Korean for taking a chance on hosting my first attempt at writing. I hope you will never regret taking this chance.

Now for the serious Thank You's. First to Shanna who is my Elaine. She is the most important young lady I know and she does love her Lance. We have had so much fun going to see *N SYNC and looking at pictures and drooling and all that fun stuff.

Next, I would like to thank a very special friend that I have made through writing and reading *N SYNC fiction, Sues, author of Secrets & Lies. Sues has been instrumental in helping me overcome writers block and just plain burnout. She has helped me to stay forcused and given me countless ideas and been there when I thought I didn't have it in me to put another word down on the keyboard. Thank you Susie Q for being the fantastic friend that you are.

And another new friend I just made who was a jewel and helped me to write a song that "Lance wrote" for my story, Shakira from London, thank you so much for being as talented as you are."

come check it out!

Another hosted author, *SHELLY* won for the "Best Original Character in a Crossover Story" based on her story "THE DREAM I ALWAYS WANTED". Congrats Shelly!


"Wow. I never thought I'd actually win an award for this story, let alone best original character... And to think, I'm no where NEAR done with this story, haha. I want to thank ALL the readers who send me great feedback consistently. I have to thank my best friend, Mary Beth (my #1 Fan...haha), who is often the reason I continue to write chapter after chapter. She doesn't know it, but I get most of my inspiration from the stories she writes SO well. I also have to thank Laura, who writes the some of the best stories I've read. And even though I know he won't read this, or my story (haha), I have to thank my friend Eric who got both Mary Beth and I into this big world of "boy bands." Now we're more obsessed than he is, and we have him to thank for it. Last but not least, and this is the cheesy part, I want to thank *N SYNC and the Backstreet Boys for being talented, sweet, gorgeous, and over all, wonderful human beings who don't let a zillion fans writing fictional stories about them scare them off." =)

"To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes."

-Akira Kurosawa