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*FAQ and INFO*

Ok everyone, I was surfing the net and noticed a lot of the people who create their sites tell a little about themselves, so I thought "Why not me too?" So here goes, I decided to put FAQ and INFO all in one page and save a little space and trouble.

Let's start with INFO:

I need to address the Copyright issue. It never occured to me that people might steal ideas, characters, or even stories and call them their own. But I guess it happens since a lot of people seem to have warnings and things on their sites about it. I don't really want to find out someone took my story or one of my hosted stories and called it their own, getting all credit for the writing skills.

So just for the record I'd like to say, all stories on my site are Copyrighted to the authors! So please, no stealing stories, if you'd like to know if you could use something similar to their idea, just write to them and ask them, I'm sure they'll be fine with it!

Also, if your going to take any pictures off my site, I don't mind! The only thing I ask is if it has a logo on it (i.e. *NSYNCLAND) please give that site or person credit, I have permission from all the sites and owners! Thanks!

With that pushed out of the way, let's move on. We're going to get into the FAQ's now!

Q: What's your real name?

A: Yes I know, I am secretive about my real name aren't I? I'm not really sure WHY, just a personal issue with myself and I'd like to remain nameless, I think all of you understand and I thank you for that.

Q: So what am I supposed to call you if I e-mail you?

A: Well I have a little banner at the bottom of *MY STORIES* and it says "ALL STORIES WRITTEN BY: -:|:- asian sensation -:|:-. So you can call me that as a nickname or just "Hey girl!" even works, whatever suits you best!

Q: Do you have AIM and can I IM you?

A: Of course! I love meeting new people and I'm always up for chatting! So feel free, just IM me and introduce yourself! Or if your too shy, e-mail me with your sn and I'll IM you next time we're both on! Here's my sn: KuteKorean (can you tell I'm asian yet?)

Q: How do you get all your story ideas?

A: Good question, I think of things by myself, but also with A LOT of help from a few of my close friends. I don't brag about my site or my stories but two close friends of mine know about it and support me in my FAN FIC writing, one of my friends even does a little herself. I basically get a plot and ask for help with details and they help me out a lot.

Q: Could you help me out with a plot idea?

A: OF COURSE! I always encourage people to try and write, especially if you want to but think your not good enough. E-mail me and let me know! I'll be more than happy to help you out, then if you'd like I'll host your story on my site!

Q: Why did you decide to make this site?

A: One late night during spring break (April, '00) I was bored online and decided I wanted to build a site and see what it would turn out to be like.

So my lucky friend Mike was on and he knows a lot about computers, web sites are a breeze to him. He started to explain things to me and I began experimenting with different pictures and colors.

I finally figured everything out well enough to fend for myself without his supervision and decided first of all that I wanted a FAN FICTION site. I then decided wanted to have hosted stories on my site, I e-mailed some of my e-groups and got a few repsonses. As my site grew so did all the stories, I ask a few people and others e-mailed me! (Which I'm grateful for because then I would have never discovered some of them!)

Then came MY story. I was currently writing WTHI and I wasn't feeling very confident about. When I saw my hits starting to increase I got excited and felt a little more motivated to write.

So I did, I posted chapters and didn't really get a response and wondered if it even mattered that I was writing and posting. I even sent the links and first chapter through my lists until the one day when one person responded, I'll never forget that. (Karlie, that's you girl). I was so estatic and overjoyed by her compliments that I began writing immediately, knowing at least ONE person out there was reading my fiction and they actually thought it was GOOD.

Q: How did you get into writing FAN FICTION?

A: To tell you the truth, I was thinking one day about writing a story (I write everything, poems, songs, short stories, long ones) and thought "I wonder if anyone has ever written a story about *N SYNC?".

So I decided to try it out and I did, of course it's a typical first story, meet them coincedentally and hit it off. Then I realized I needed to find out more about these certain guys I decided to write about.

So I went online and started to read biographies, articles and I discovered so many things, FAN FICTION being one. As time went by and I improved in my writing, I learned about the different KINDS of FAN FICTION, sci-fi, visuals, romances, deaths, and all the different plots.

All this fascinated me and so I mentioned it to my best friend and she encouraged me to try it out since she knew I liked writing and I liked *N SYNC so why not mix them together?

I finally started to write more and tried out different things, of course only showing them to my best friend who shares the same interest. As I grew I became more confident and decided to let other people read my FAN FICTION, but NEVER did I expect such a great outcome!

So I'm proud to say that I write FAN FICTION and people like it! :o). I want to thank all of my readers, your words truly do inspire me and encourage me to keep on writing. I hope I can give something back to you for all the things you've given me! :o)

Q: Are you a teeny bopper?

A: NO. Nothing against teeny boppers, don't get me wrong! I have the utmost respect for the members of *N SYNC. I love their music, their personalities, and hearts of gold. I do not want to marry them and I do not think I WILL marry them. I doubt I'll even meet them, it's always peaceful to admire from afar.

With that all said and done, I think I've covered most of the FAQ's, but if you have any questions you'd like me answer that I missed, e-mail me and let me know, I'll be more than happy to answer it and I might even post if up here (Not that, that's really exciting or anything)*hehe*.

Take care and keep reading and writing,

-:|:- asian sensation -:|:-

E-mail me!