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First Off I'd Like to thank the members of *N SYNC for spreading their music around the world and inspiring people, young and old, to follow their dreams and never give up.

Though I doubt they will ever read this, I'd just like to say thank you for everything you are and everything your becoming. You have inspired many people around the world and without your music and wise words, many people would be left lost and alone. Thank you.

Next on my Thanks You's, I would like to thank my best friend Manda who supports everything I do. Girl, without you I'd be lost :0) Thank you for everything you've done for me, set my head on straight, and all the laughs and memories we've shared...there will be many more I'm sure...remember...I believe in you!

To 'Leen! One of my other best friends! Who helped me with my story idea! I don't know what I would do without you! Love ya girl! Feel better!!! :o)

For anyone who has encouraged my writing and told me to pursue my thirst for words. That's most of my friends and they know who they are, thank you!

For the people who let me put their links and stories on here! You rock!!!

For my readers who send mucho feedback! Your words inspire me and make me want to write forever! Thanks for your time and for reading my story! It means the world to me!!! :o)

For Brooklyn, Jessie, and Karly who helped me with making, creating, designing my banners! Brooklyn your the best! :o) Thanks Karly and Jessie for pics and logo's!

For Karlie for nominating me for my first FAN FIC award, let's hope something happens! :o) Thanks girl, your my first reader and your e-mail changed my life!

Also Steph for letting me use her pics! *Check out her site *NSYNCLAND!*

Don't forget NSYNCGAL for letting me use her pics too! *Check out her site also! *NSYNC STUDIO!*

(see LINKS)

And most importantly, thanks Mike! Without your help I'd still be at block one! Look how much we've gotten done! Also for being patient with my pickiness and my petty requests! Only you could have put up with me! Love yas!

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

-Anais Nin