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Valentine's Day - Joey and Kelly's Wedding Day

St. Nicholas Catholic Church

Bride's Ante Room

All the girls were gathered with Kelly getting her ready to walk down the aisle to marry the man she had loved for years and whom she had bore one child, a daughter, Brianna.

Dani was sitting with her feet propped up on the chair looking painfully uncomfortable in her last days of her pregnancy. Junior Kirkpatrick was giving Mom a time of it.

Elaine and the other girls were helping Kelly to put the finishing touches on her hair and makeup. She had worked like crazy helping Kelly when she got back from her honeymoon. Once Elaine started pulling things together, it went smoothly. She was a dynamite organizer. All the loose ends that were driving Joey and Kelly crazy were gone after a few days.

In Father Kelly's office the guys were trying to get Joey squared away. Lance was forever wiping the sweat from his brow and talking to him.

"Lance, man. How did you manage to stay so calm?"

"Who said I was," laughed Lance. "MY stomach was doing belly flops, until I saw Elaine at the end of that pathway."

"You two really seem happy."

Lance took a far away look and told Joey that, "Married life is the best life."

"I can remember when you got back from your honeymoon. Both of you all tanned and lovey dovey. And even now, the two of you can't seem to keep your hands off one another. It's like you're still on your honeymoon."

"Yeah, and the good Lord willing, fifty years down the road, we'll still be sneakin' a feel of each other." Joey and Lance howled with laughter.

Father Kelly came to let the guys know that it was time. "Lance, you got the ring, man?"

Lance checked his pockets and pretended he couldn't find it. "Man! Don't even joke about this."

With a sly grin on his face, Lance pulled the gold band from his vest pocket. "Here it is, you don't have to panic."

Joey eyed him and they headed to the sanctuary. The wedding proceeded and the girls looked great in their red dresses. Elaine still had her island tan and Lance took pride in his beautiful wife. All through the ceremony, they made eyes at each other. It was like they couldn't stand being this close and not being able to touch one another.

When the ceremony concluded, they all marched out behind Joey and Kelly. Lance offered his arm to Elaine and she licked her lips and grinned as she took his lead. At the reception, his hand rested on her knee and on occasion, traveled up her leg a short distance.

It was time for the toast and Lance stood with glass raised. "Joey and Kelly, I pray that you are half as happy as Elaine and I have been, and continue to be. Enjoy your lives together and never take one another for granted."

While Joey and Kelly danced their dance, Lance was whispering to Elaine how he wanted to get home where they could be alone. But, that was not to be. As they were waving bye to Joey and Kelly as they left on their honeymoon, Dani grabbed Elaine's arm as a contraction hit her. "OOHHHhhh...I don't think I can hold out any longer. We need to get me to the hospital...NOW!"

Chris just about lost it, and if it had not been for Lance and Elaine, he would have. Elaine, Lynne and Rickii helped Dani to the car when Lance brought the 4Runner around. As soon as Dani and Chris were in the back seat and Elaine was in the passenger seat, Lance burned rubber getting out of the parking lot.

Elaine couldn't help but smile at her husband's nervousness. Everytime Dani had a contraction, she could feel Lance press the accelerator down a little more. She reached over and touched his leg and gently squeezed a reassuring squeeze. He looked at her and felt a calmness come over him. She had that affect on him. She was his calming force. "Honey, we don't have to go so fast. We don't need to get there IN an ambulance."

Lance smiled at her and placed his one hand on hers and slowed down a bit. Elaine called ahead to the hospital and when they pulled up to the emergency entrance, there was a nurse with a wheelchair waiting there. Elaine helped Chris get Dani out of the back seat and into the wheelchair. Lance went to park the 4Runner as they headed inside. She helped Chris take care of the check in information and tried to help keep him calm. They were waiting for someone to come get Chris when Lance came into the waiting area. "How is she?" he asked.

"There's no word yet. They're getting her settled into a room and they will check her out and then send for Chris to go to her."

They both looked at Chris who was bouncing off the walls. He was like a kid on a sugar high. "Oh Lord, I hope I'm not that bad when we start having kids," Lance said as he shook his head.

Elaine gave him a big hug. "I'm sure you will be as calm as anything and a pillar of strength," she said with a grin. She could almost picture him like a nervous ninny worrying and panicking everytime she had a contraction.

They waited for a while and then Justin and Lynne and JC and Rickii showed up. They were starting to attract a crowd so Elaine asked if they could please wait in the waiting room on the floor where Dani was so that they wouldn't cause trouble in the ER area with fans. The girl was giving Elaine a hard time when Susie came by and overheard Elaine's pleading to wait in a less public area. "What seems to be the problem Elaine?" asked Susie.

"Oh Susie, thank God you're here. Dani is here to have her baby and with all the guys here, it's creating problems for the ER area here and this young girl can't seem to see the need for us to wait in a less public area."

Susie turned to the girl and spoke to her in a stern, authoritative voice and advised her she WOULD make arrangements for the group to get to the private waiting area on Dani's floor and she WOULD notify Dani's attendants where her husband could be found. "There you go sweetie. Anything else I can do for you?

"Give Chris a sedative before he drives us nuts," Elaine laughed as she looked over to Lance trying to calm his friend down.

Susie gave Elaine a big hug. "How is my sweet girl? I haven't seen you since the wedding, everything going okay?"

Elaine looked at Lance with such longing. "Oh Susie, I'm so happy. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be. Our honeymoon was Heaven on earth. We were in a garden paradise. I came back with a tan that a model would kill for, no tan lines," she said as she nudged Susie.

"Oh girlie, sounds like you made your own Heaven, sweetie." Susie looked over to Lance. "He's a hottie and I'll bet he kept you satisfied, huh?"

"SUSIE!!!!" Then they both broke into laughter.

The evening progressed with Dani getting closer and closer to delivery. Chris was surprisingly calm once he was with Dani and knew that she and the baby were doing fine. Chris came out to get Lance and Elaine to come in to see Dani, she was asking for them.

They went back to the labor/birthing room and found Dani sitting up in the middle of a queen size bed with soft music playing in the background. Dani's eyes lit up when she saw Elaine and Lance come in. "Hey guys, it's SO good to see some different faces here. Is everyone here?"

"Well, everyone, except Joey and Kelly. We didn't want to ruin their honeymoon."

"Oh no. I wouldn't want to interfere with that. Did they get off okay?"

"Yeah, How are you doing Dani?" asked Elaine. "You look better than what you did when we brought you in." They laughed and Dani had a contraction and Lance looked nervous.

When the contraction had passed, Dani and Chris looked to Elaine and Lance. "We have something we would like to ask you."

Lance looked at the two of them as they looked very seriously at them. "What's up Chris? Is everything okay with Dani and the baby?"

Chris looked to Dani and then back to Lance and Elaine. "Yes, they are both fine. We have something to ask you though." Chris went to sit by Dani on the bed and indicated for Lance and Elaine to have a seat there as well.

Dani looked to Elaine and Lance with pleading eyes. "We have a very important request to make of you and it concerns the baby."

Lance and Elaine looked at one another and then back to Chris and Dani. Chris spoke, "We want you to be little Allen's godparents. Would you please?"

Lance was stunned. "Chris, are you sure about this?"

"I've never been more sure. You're the only one out of the five of us who really has his act together. And Elaine is your rock and we would feel very good to know that should something happen to us, he will be well taken care of."

Elaine took Lance's hand. They looked into each other's eyes and they each smiled to the other. Lance spoke first, "You sure you don't mind him being 'Southernized'?" Lance giggled his famous giggle.

"Lance, this is serious."

"Well, I'm BEING serious," he grinned.

Elaine turned to Dani and Chris. "Are you sure about this for real?"

"Yes, we are. We would be honored if you would be Allen's godparents," panted Dani as another contraction overtook her.

Everyone panted with Dani through it. Then Elaine took Lance's hand again and nodded slightly to him and he closed his eyes to her and nodded back indicating he agreed.

"Dani, Chris, we would be honored to be your baby's godparents," Elaine conveyed.

Once that was settled, Dani got down to the business of delivering Christopher Allen Kirkpatrick, Jr. While she was doing that, everyone waited for word of the birth. Elaine and the girls went down to get coffee for everyone while they waited.

While in the coffee shop, Elaine ran into Dr. Cobb and shared with her a problem she had been having since she had returned from her honeymoon. "Elaine, I don't think it's a thing to worry about. Sounds like what is often referred to as 'Bride's Bladder,' but you come by my office and we'll check you out. In fact, I have some time now if you want to come by and I'll get you started on an antibiotic. First we will need a urine sample so I know what kind of antibiotic to give you. You're going to be here a while with waiting on the baby, so I will know something and give you your meds before you leave."

"I'll be to your office in a little bit. Let me get the coffee for the guys first."

Elaine took Lance his coffee and told him she was going to see Dr. Cobb about her problem. He wanted to go with her, but she persuaded him to stay and be there for Chris if he needed him. She went down to Dr. Cobb's office and gave a urine sample and Dr. Cobb examined her and gave her a prescription for an antibiotic. "Don't get it filled until I get the results of the tests to make sure we have the right one. When I have the results, I'll let the nurses station know to tell you."

"Thanks Dr. Cobb. I really appreciate this. It hurts when I go and it's getting old real quick."

"You might want to hold off a few days on any sexual relations until it has a chance to heal, okay?"

"Thanks again Dr. Cobb, I knew you could fix me," Elaine said as she hurried back to the waiting room.

Christopher Allen Kirkpatrick, Jr., was born at 8:08PM and weighed in at 8 pounds and 8 ounces. In attendance was doctor, nurses and the proud godparents. Dani wanted them there so they could bond right off. Lance was nervous at first and then the wonder of birth took over. His arms were around Elaine or he was holding her hand. She was never far from him and he thought ahead to a time that it would be them awaiting the birth of their child.

He watched Elaine as the baby was born and the look of wonderment in her eyes was incredible. Without a doubt in his mind, he KNEW she would be a wonderful Mom. He KNEW, together, they would be wonderful parents. He couldn't wait.

After Chris and Dani held the baby and bonded for a while, she handed the baby to Elaine to hold. Lance noted that she positively glowed and her smile lit up the room. He let her hold the baby while he played with him. Allen was a very alert baby and they could tell he was going to be another Chris, hyper. "Oh Lord, give Dani strength to handle both of them," Elaine prayed.

While Lance and Elaine bonded with the baby, the doctor took care of Dani and got her ready to be taken to her room. Dani was on such a natural high. She positively glowed. She was taken to her room where the others could come and visit.

Everyone was ooohing and ahhhing the baby when a nurse came in to speak to Elaine. "Dr. Cobb would like to see you in her office right away." Elaine was a little concerned and told Lynne that if Lance asked, she had gone to Dr. Cobb's office to get her prescription. All the way down on the elevator, she thought of a million things that could be wrong. By the time she got to Dr. Cobb's office, she was a nervous wreck. The moment she walked in, she knew something was wrong. Susie was there. "Hey Dr. Cobb. Susie what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was called in on a consult. I hear Dani had a beautiful baby boy."

Elaine just glowed at the mention of her Godson. "He is the most precious baby."

Susie looked to Dr. Cobb and gave her a little smile. "I'm sure he will be spoiled rotten," Susie said.

"No doubt about that. So you're consulting with Dr. Cobb. Is it a serious case?" she asked imploringly. Her heart was beating ninety miles an hour. She just knew that something was wrong with her.

"No, nothing serious. Dr. Cobb just needed to know if some injuries a patient had sustained could cause a problem for a pregnancy, that's all."

"Oh. Well, hopefully, they won't for this woman."

"I don't think these injuries to her lungs will be of any consequences to her being able to have a normal pregnancy and have a natural delivery around the end of September," Dr. Cobb shared.

"Lungs?" Elaine touched her chest where her surgery scar was. "Pregnancy?" She moved toward the two doctors. "The end of September?"

Elaine looked at Susie and could see she was about to jump out of her skin. Suddenly, realization set in. "ME!!!" she looked from Dr. Cobb to Susie and back. Both doctors looked at her and smiled.

"Baby, congratulations," gushed Susie as she came around the desk to hug Elaine.

Elaine was speechless. "I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, I'd say roughly six to eight weeks along," Dr. Cobb shared.

"What I want to know is how you're gonna tell that major hottie of a husband of yours that he's gonna be a father. Huh?" asked Susie.

Elaine stood there for a moment and then a wicked smile came over her face. "I'll tell you later. I've got to go."

"I want you in here next week so we can start you on vitamins and set up your prenatal care. It's important for your baby's well being to get proper care early on. Here is a different prescription for your bladder infection. Call me next week, okay?"

Elaine smiled big. "You bet I will," she said as she left the room.

Elaine walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. The smile on her face was from ear to ear. 'Oh Lord, you have truly blessed us. A baby.' She stood there with her hands on her stomach and closed her eyes and thought of the blessing He had given. All the way up to Dani's room, she smiled and prayed.

She stopped outside Dani's door to compose herself. It was important that she not give things away just yet. Lance MUST be the first to know and she must think of a special way to tell him. When she walked into Dani's room, the most beautiful and awesome sight greeted her.

Standing near the bassinet and holding little Allen was Lance. He was beaming from ear to ear and when he looked up to see her enter the room, his heart quickened at seeing her beautiful face. Was it possible? She seemed to positively glow. 'Oh Lord, I love this woman!'

She walked over to him and put her arm around him and rubbed Allen's little head with her free hand. Lance was going to make a wonderful father, she had no doubt about it. Chris came up behind them and put a hand on each of their backs. "Dani and I made the perfect choice," he said as he beamed at Lance and Elaine. They stayed a little bit longer and then Elaine suggested they leave when Dani started nodding out.

On the ride home, Elaine sat and thought as she gazed out the 4Runner's windows. She instinctively placed her hand on her stomach. She wanted to tell him so bad. But not like this. Not driving down I-4 at 65 MPH. She needed to make special plans for the next evening. Lance had work at FreeLance and A Happy Place the next day. That would give her some time to pull everything together. Mr. Bass was in for the surprise of his life.

The next morning, Elaine fixed his breakfast and sent him off to work with a kiss and a pinch on the butt. He thought she was feeling unusually frisky that morning. He considered staying home, but she insisted he get all his work done that afternoon and then he could take Friday off. She let him know that she was fixing something special for tonight.

All day long, Lance had trouble concentrating on his work. At lunch break between FLE and AHP, he called his lovely wife. "How's my beautiful wife doing?"

"She's doing just fine, Lancelot. And how is my sexy husband doing?"

"He misses you and wants to hold you close, oh so close."

"Well, I promise tonight, you can hold me all you want to." She grinned to herself and thought, "and our baby, too."

"Can we sleep in late?" Lance asked.

Elaine smiled, "We can do whatever you want to."

"Wonderful. Do I need to bring anything else home?"

"Just bring that sexy body home to me Sweet Cheeks. That will be enough."

That afternoon, Elaine went shopping and bought a cute outfit to wear for when Lance got home. She picked up some steaks for the grill and fresh lettuce and tomatoes for a salad.

When she had shopped for her outfit, she couldn't resist looking in the baby department. There were frilly little dresses and cute little coveralls. As she looked, her heart filled more and more with love for this baby within her. She closed her eyes and tried to picture a daughter. Then a son. Each time, she envisioned a child of their making. A product of their love for one another. She grinned as she thought, "the fruits of their labors."

As she was getting ready to leave the department, an adorable outfit caught her eye. It was a soft yellow one piece knit outfit. Across the chest, embroidered in green, were the words, "Made With Love." She felt a tear run down her cheek as she touched the soft knit outfit. She knew she had to have it. As she walked to the check out, she held the knit fabric to her heart and it really hit her. "I'm gonna be a Mom and Lance is gonna be a Dad."

When she got home, she put the steaks in some marinade and let them sit while she took a hot bubble bath. As she laid back in the tub, she let her hands rub across her stomach. "My precious baby," she whispered to herself.

Elaine let the bubbles caress her skin and she just relaxed and thought of how she was going to tell Lance the good news. As soon as she got out of the tub, she called to the guest house. Her Mom answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Mom, I need you to do me a big favor."

"Sure baby, what do you need?" asked Gwen.

"I need you to tell Lynne and Rickii to stay there with Justin and JC tonight when they come over. I need time alone with Lance tonight."

"What's wrong, honey?" asked Gwen with growing concern and curiosity.

"Mama, nothing is wrong. I just need an intimate evening alone with my husband and I don't want anyone ruining it. Okay? Please?"

Gwen was not sure how to take this, but, she respected her daughter's request and assured her that no one would disturb them that night.

"Thank you so much, Mama. I promise you will be rewarded for this," gushed Elaine. "Mama?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"I...I love you, Mama."

"I love you, too, honey. You sure you're alright?"

"Yes Mama, very sure."

Elaine hung up the phone and set about lighting the grill for the steaks. While it heated up, she went upstairs and put on the outfit she had bought, just the shorts and top, nothing else.

By the time she got back to the kitchen, the grill was ready for the steaks and she checked the clock. 'I better check and make sure he's not going to be late first,' she thought to herself.

The phone rang several times and then, a breathless Lance answered the phone. "Bass here, may I help you?"

"Oh yes, Sweet Cheeks, you can help me by getting yourself home, ASAP."

"I was just heading out the door."

"Good, I've got SUCculent things for you tonight and divine desserts. How long before you get here?"

Lance swallowed hard. "Within half an hour, if you'll let me go and get out of her."

"Okay, but be careful. I don't want anything happening to my baby."

"I'm outta here," he said as he hung up.

Elaine went to prepare their meal and get things ready for the 'revealing.'

While shopping, she had picked up a couple of books which she promptly laid in strategic places. The book on breastfeeding was laying on the dining table and the book on Lamaze was on the coffee table in the family room. If those two hints didn't get through to him, there was the baby outfit in a box on the bed where she fully intended to end her evening. There was a note to Lance on the box.

She stood making the salad while the steaks cooked when she felt his all too familiar arms slip around her and pull her back against him as his mouth ravaged her neck and ears. He had stood at the door and took in the denim short shorts and the white peasant midriff blouse that lay off her shoulders. Immediately, he knew that was ALL she had on and his desire that had been growing all the way home just went full throttle. He had to hold her and feel her next to him.

As he slipped his arms around her waist, he looked over her shoulder at the neckline to the blouse and it was very low cut. "Is this my SUCculent things you were discussing with me earlier?" he asked as he looked at the top of her firm breasts peaking out above the white material.

Elaine smiled and leaned in to his hug and his lips on her neck. "Could be, but that would be more like dessert. Now the steaks are about ready and so is my salad. Why don't you get the steaks and meet me at the table, okay?"

Lance pulled her tighter and ran his hands up and down her sides. "I wanta love on my baby right now, though."

"James Lance Bass," Elaine said as she turned to face him and placed her hands on his butt. "You're gonna need your sustenance tonight my sweet cheeks, trust me, let's eat," she said as she squeezed his tush.

With that, she turned back to finishing the salad and watched Lance as he went out to the grill to get the steaks. He came in and headed straight to the table with the platter and put it down right next to the book on breastfeeding.

Lance noticed the book when he went to push it out of the way for the platter. 'Breastfeeding? Probably something Elaine got for Dani,' Lance thought and didn't think anything more of it.

Elaine was surprised he didn't ask about the book, but then she thought maybe he thought it was something for Dani. 'Well, if nothing else, the Lamaze book should get him,' she thought.

They ate dinner and played and teased each other throughout the meal. Lance noticed Elaine staring at him on several occasions and the look of love in her eyes was amazing. Every morning when he awakened, he was more and more amazed by her. She was truly his life's partner.

They finished eating and Lance helped Elaine clear the table and put everything into the dishwasher. "I have your favorite dessert, sweet cheeks," Elaine grinned.

"Oh, I see what I want for dessert," Lance growled as his eyes feasted on her body.

"Down boy," Elaine laughed. "I've got Old Fashioned Butter Pecan Ice Cream with huge pecans in it and of course, there's chocolate syrup," she said with a sexy tone to her voice.

Lance remembered that night, before they were married, that they 'had ice cream.' How close they had come that night to going too far. Now, there was nothing to stop them, unless someone came up from the guest house. "I think I'll lock up while you get the ice cream and I'll meet you right back here."

"Okay baby. But meet me in the family room where we can relax. All right?"

"Don't be long, Sugar," Lance managed in a lower than usual sexy voice. "I don't want the ice cream to melt."

He made his rounds of the grounds quickly and locked up as he came back in. He drew the blinds throughout the house from the stairs to the family room. He turned on the sound system low to where there was slow relaxing music. Then he thought of the Honeymoon CD and decided to play that. That was more the mood he wanted for tonight. He set the sound to go throughout the house.

When Elaine heard the music start up, she knew Lance was in the family room. She smiled knowingly when she heard the Honeymoon CD start playing because she knew what that meant. Lance wanted some extra special lovin' that night.

Elaine stood in the doorway of the family room and watched as Lance loaded up the sound system with enough music to last all night long. She moved to put the bowls on the coffee table and placed Lance's right by the Lamaze Book.

It was her turn to slip up behind him and put her arms around him. She laid her head against his back and listened to his deep bass voice hum with the music. She loved lying in bed in his arms with her head on his chest listening to him sing or hum with the music. It was so soothing and comforting. He was amazing. She ran her hands under his shirt in front and rubbed his tummy and played with the hair round his navel.

"Woman, you better stop that, or we'll never get our ice cream eaten and it'll melt all over the place."

"Do I look like I'm worried about that?" she said as he turned to gather her to him.

Lance looked deep into her eyes. There was something there he had never seen before. There was an overwhelming tranquility in her eyes. It was as if it had been placed there overnight. "No baby. look..."

"What?" she asked softly as she pressed into him.

"I...I don't know exactly...what it is. There is something different and...wonderful about you. Just can't put my finger on it."

"Well, why don't we have our ice cream before it melts and then we can do whatever your heart desires."

They moved to sit on the couch amidst the pillows and light blankets on the back of the couch. His eyes were focused on her and nothing else. He didn't even glance at the book on the table. Instead, as the music played, they looked into each other's eyes longingly. Lance wanted her with everything in him, but...what was it.

They had both been moved by Allen's birth and holding him so soon after his birth. Was there a longing to have that feeling all their own? Lance had to admit he could not wait to have a family. He didn't want to be an old man when they had kids. He wanted to be able to play with them and go camping with them. He wanted it all.

He felt ice cream running down his chin and went to wipe it off when Elaine leaned forward and licked from the bottom of his chin to his soft lips and then, she devoured his lips with hers. As she leaned in closer to him, she completely forgot about the bowl in her hand and proceeded to dump her little bit of ice cream into the top of her blouse, as they came together.

They were a bit startled, but Lance sprang to the occasion. He dove down her neck to the top of her breast and started removing the ice cream with his mouth and tongue. He blindly reached and put his bowl on top of the book and returned to the matter at hand. Before long, clothes were discarded and the passion soared.

Lying in each other's arms in the afterglow of lovin', Lance and Elaine held on to each other and drew strength from one another. They could say so much without saying a word. Lance pulled one of the light throw blankets over their bodies to make Elaine feel more comfortable. When they were on the island, it was different, no inhibitions at all. Back here, family could come in at anytime.

Lance nuzzled her ear and spoke in that deep, sexy voice. "Sugar, I love you. I love you so much. I wanta hold you and love you all night long." He pulled her to him even closer.

"Oh Lance, baby, I love you too. I want to be loved by you always, but, I need a shower first, you didn't get ALL the ice cream off me and I'm sticky."

She nuzzled his neck and kissed and nipped him and licked his ear. "I'll go get a shower and you get everything put away down here. I'll meet you in bed, okay?" She grinned.

"Okay, my love. I'll see you in a few. You take the blanket with you, I'll bring your clothes up with me."

Elaine got up and pulled the blanket around her. "Don't be long, Stud," she grinned and then she leaned down and licked his nose and padded off upstairs.

'Surely he will see the book when he cleans up and if that escapes him, there's always the package on the bed,' she thought as she hurried up the stairs.

Lance pulled on his boxers and went to pull all their clothes together in a pile on the couch while he took the dishes to the kitchen to be washed. He picked up their bowls from the table and his had left a wet ring on the book it sat upon and he grabbed his T-shirt to wipe it off. As he tried not to ruin the cover, he noticed the title of the book. It was a book on Lamaze. A book on breastfeeding? A book on Lamaze? What was up?

He gathered everything up and took the bowls to the kitchen and rinsed them in the sink, then, he headed upstairs. All this stuff bombarded his mind. 'Is it possible? No,' he thought.

As he entered the Master Suite, he heard Elaine singing in the shower. He went to the walk-in closet and put the dirty clothes in their respective hampers. As he went to head to the bathroom and join Elaine in the shower, he noticed a package on the bed with his name on it. He walked over to the bed and sat down and pulled the package over to him. Elaine's handwriting graced the envelope and in her precise hand was his name. The package was very light and he was tempted to tear it open first, but instead, he opened the card.

On the front of the card was a "Precious Moments" boy and girl holding hands. He opened the card to see what she had written.

Dearest, dearest Lancelot,

Do you have any idea how much I love you? Do you have any idea how very happy you have made me? I have learned so much from you and you have been my rock. I look forward to having many years with you, baby.

The day I married you was the happiest day of my life. I didn't think that it was possible to be so happy, but I was. I thought nothing could ever come close to that happiness I felt that day, but I was wrong. Something has made me feel ecstatically happier than I ever thought possible. We have so much ahead of us.

You've always been my Knight in Shining Armor. The further we walk along together on this journey that is our life, I find more and more about you to love. Now, we can share the only thing that was missing from the real Camelot. The BEST PRODUCTION work you'll ever do, and I get to assist.

Love forever and ever,

Sugar Bear

Suddenly, Elaine's voice changed to a different song and Lance reached to open the box.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word

Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,

Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

Lance pulled the top off the box and laid it to the side.

And if that diamond ring turns brass,

Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,

Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat.

He opened the tissue wrapping exposing the yellow knit baby outfit with the words in green embroidery "Made With Love" across the chest.

And if that billy goat won't pull,

Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull fall down,

'The books, this, could it be?' he asked himself. Then he heard the door to the bathroom open and Elaine stood there singing the last verse

You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."

The look of intense love in her eyes was clear across the distance from the bed to the doorway of the bathroom. Lance felt as though he could not breathe. He held up the little outfit. "A baby? Are we having a baby?" he asked with tears in his voice and running down his face.

Seeing tears flow down her lover's face intensified her already emotional state. Tears sprang from her eyes as she slowly walked toward him, holding her towel loosely around her. He put down the box and walked around the bed to meet her. "Are you...are we?" Lance stuttered.

Elaine could only cry and shake her head yes. Lance placed his hands on each side of her face and wiped at her tears with his thumbs. "Oh merciful God in Heaven, You have blessed me with more than I deserve." Lance fell to his knees at Elaine's feet and hugged her to himself. Then he gently opened her towel to expose her bare stomach to his gaze. His trembling hands softly touched her tummy, the haven of 'their baby' for the next, however long. "Baby, when?"

"September...maybe...I'm not sure...yet."

Lance placed his ear against her stomach as if to hear their child within. He closed his eyes in utter contentment and held the mother of his child close to him.

Elaine stood totally mesmerized by his devotion to her and their unborn child. She held her towel with one hand and ran her fingers through his hair with the other. He clung to her as a drowning man would hold on to anything to stay afloat. Suddenly, she heard a faint voice come from his lips. "Elaine?"

"Yes, Lance?"

"Do you have any idea how happy you've made me?"

Elaine smiled and kneeled down to where she could see his tear stained face. "Well, honey, if you're so happy, why do you look so sad?" she asked as she took a corner of her towel to wipe his face.

"Baby, I never thought it was possible to be this happy. When did you find out?"

"The day Allen was born when I went to see Dr. Cobb about the bladder infection."

Lance perked up and looked at Elaine with worry all over his face. "That won't hurt the baby will it? What about the medication you took? What...."

"'s okay. That's why she had me come back down so she could change my meds....that's when she told me."

"You said September? When...when will you know for sure?"

"I've got to make an appointment to see her next week so she can start me on my prenatal care. Do you....want to go..with me?"

"OH YES...yes, baby...please?"

Elaine smiled, "Why don't we call her the first thing in the morning? We'll see how soon we can get in."

"Oh yes, Sugar. I want to know everything about this....precious gift from God," Lance said as he touched Elaine's bare tummy again.

Elaine was filled with so much love and wanting for this man....the father of this child she carried. The 'fruits of their love.' As Lance caressed her bare tummy, she grew warm with want and desire. She rose to her feet and pulled Lance up with her. The towel fell to the floor at her feet as she put her arms around his neck and softly kissed his lips. A kiss that was so tender, it was unreal. A kiss that soon became so intense that they both found themselves breathless when they pulled apart.

"Are you...sure it's...okay...for us to."

"Oh yes...besides...we already have...remember?" Elaine grinned, reminding him of their ice cream escapade downstairs earlier. "I want to be loved by the father of my child. I want...I be as close to you as we can get."

Lance could not believe the desire her words spurned in him. He swept her up into his arms and he carried her to the bed and carefully laid her down. Gently, he slipped in beside her and his hand immediately went to her tummy and he caressed his unborn child. He moved down to where he could place light, tender kisses all over her stomach.

At one point in time, Lance stopped and just softly caressed her stomach as he looked, seemingly through her at their child. "Oh Baby, do you know how very lucky you are to have this incredible woman as your mother? Do you know how lucky I feel to be married to her? But....most of you privileged I be...your father?"

Elaine was in tears as Lance kissed his way back to her lips and attempted to get as close to the mother of his child as he could. This is where he wanted to be...for the rest of his life. For the rest of his days, he would spend loving her with every beat of his heart.


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