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Chapter One

His eyes were dreamy looking. Almost half closed, but, the green eyes sparkled as they took in every feature of her face and then settled in on her full lips. She trembled as his fingers traced her jawline and circled behind her head to pull her closer to him. Their lips touched, softly, tenderly, with an almost shyness.

Then suddenly, the passion took over, she couldn't get enough of his lips, of his touch. It was like she couldn't get close enough to him. He was her world and she wanted him so much.

Suddenly, she remembered, "True Love Waits". She pulled away and looked deep and longingly into his beautiful green eyes. "Please, we need to stop," she groaned just above a whisper.

"But, I love you. I want you so much," he gasped.

"I love you, too. But, this would be wrong like this."

"Why would it be wrong if we love one another?" he asked.

His hands moved down her back and pulled her closer into him. She could feel his body tremble against her as hers did to him. Their breathing became heavier and heavier and their hands explored each other and ......

Elaine sat straight up in bed. She was fighting to catch her breath and calm herself. Her emotions were raw and she was about to scream with desire.

"Oh my God," she thought, "this dream is going to drive me crazy. Why did I have to have this dream again, and now, of all times?"

She jumped off her bed and ran into the bathroom. As she closed the door, she pulled off her gown and hung it on the back of the door. "A shower," she gasped, "that is what I need, and a cold one at that."

The water pounded against her body. Elaine just let the water try and relax her body back to normal. She trembled with each thought of him. He was the center of her universe and had been for five years, only, he did not have a clue how she felt about him. As far as he was concerned, she was like a little sister to him.

Well, this year she turned 18 and she would show him she was no "little sister." It had been over a year since he had last seen her and a lot of things had changed with her. She had filled out quite nicely and slimmed down, losing the "babyfat" that some girls hold onto until they stop maturing. Elaine was a knock out and every guy wanted her to be his. But, there was only one man for her and one man only, Lance Bass.

The best day of Elaine's life came the day her Mom was offered and accepted a job as personal, private secretary to five of the nicest guys in the world, *NSYNC. It had meant her Mom leaving Pablo Beach and moving to Orlando and commuting on the weekends, when they were not on tour, but, it also meant that during the summer and during holiday breaks, when the guys were on tour, she could go and join her Mom on the road with the guys. It was an experience she treasured. The guys had welcomed her with open arms and looked after her like they would for their own sister. In fact, their nickname for her was Sissy.

As the water relaxed Elaine's body, she recalled the first summer tour she went on. She was so excited when she arrived in the LA airport and she was met by her Mom and all the guys. They each introduced themselves to her and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. It felt as though her knees would buckle underneath her. she had tons of magazines and articles that her pen pal in Germany had sent her a couple of years ago about this group of guys from America who were taking Europe by storm. They sure had grown up themselves and filled out nicely, too.

Chris greeted her first and she couldn't help smiling as he shook his braids around as he chattered like a magpie. He was sweet and "childlike." She wondered if he was all there or not, but he proved to be a true friend as time went by.

Then Joey had pushed his way in. Ever the flirt, but oh so careful when he hugged her and kissed her cheek. His eyes sparkled with life and you could tell he enjoyed everything about life. "Welcome to the family young lady," was his comment to her and she felt he meant it.

Next was JC. His smile and those dropdead gorgeous blue eyes were just overwhelming. He was a lot thinner than she imagined him to be, but he was so full of energy. It was like he was overflowing with energy. He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek and grabbed some of her bags she was carrying.

"These guys have no manners where a lady is concerned. Come on guys, help out here," he ordered. The others started grabbing at her bags and soon she had nothing on her shoulders or on her arms. "Give me your ticket and we will go and look for your luggage downstairs and meet you at the van."

Chris, JC and Joey were off on their mission and Elaine turned to face a tall, lanky framed individual with a brillo pad for hair. In all her life she had never seen so many curls.

"Pleased to meet you, finally Elaine. Your Mom does nothing but talk about how proud she is of you. We were beginning to think you were a figment of the imagination."

"You must be Justin, of course. Curly, the Baby, what are some of your other names?" Elaine asked with a grin.

"Those are sufficient. Let me see if I can push things along with the guys." He was gone like a flash. Elaine looked at her Mom and shrugged her shoulders.

They turned to walk down the hall to go out to the van and she walked right into a solid mass of flesh and muscle known as Lance Bass. She looked square into tow of the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen and a dropdead gorgeous smile that was to die for.

"Well, hello there, you must be Gwen's little girl."

"Little, Mom really," Elaine turned to her mother and was really upset with her over this. "Yes, I am Gwen's daughter, Elaine. It's a pleasure to meet you Lance."

"Did you have a good flight?" Lance seemed genuinely concerned as they continued to walk out of the airport.

"It was okay for my first cross-country flight" was Elaine's remark.

"You've never flown before?"

"Only in a small plane."

They had continued the small talk all the way to the van and then on the ride to the hotel they were staying at. The buses would be pulling out after the concert the next night so a lot of Elaine's luggage was put on the bus her Mom rode. That bus was a source of a lot of fun that summer.

The steam in the bathroom was like in a sauna, but Elaine finally felt relaxed. today was Graduation Day. Her Mom had come home a few days earlier to help her get things ready for tonight.

"Are the guys coming for my graduation?"

"Sweetie, they said they couldn't make it because of rehearsals for the summer tour. But, they are going to have a special party for you when you join the tour."

"I wanted them to be here, especially Lance." Elaine was really upset that the guys would not be at her graduation, but, she also understood that the tour would be starting in three days and there were always last minute adjustments to be made and checked. And the choreography had to be tight. It had not changed over the years, always the best for their fans. They had sold millions and millions of records, made movies and won Oscars and Grammy's, but it was still special every time they went on tour.

Gwen hated to see the disappointment in her daughter's eyes, but she had promised the guys that she would not spoil the surprise they had for her.

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