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Chapter Ten

The guys and girls danced until the club closed. Elaine gave directions to the driver for taking the girls home. She gave him the long way to go. She wanted to spend as much time with the guys as possible.

They had dropped Lynne and Rickii off and were heading back to the beach. Everyone was starting to wind down. Elaine was sitting next to Lance and somewhere along the way, she fell asleep on his shoulder. When he felt her head drop onto his shoulder, he looked down at her and shifted himself around so that she could lay with her head in his lap. Joey handed Lance his coat so he could lay it over her so she would not get chilled.

Lance found himself watching her as she slept and striking her hair with his fingers. She looked so lovely and peaceful laying there. He wondered what she was dreaming as a smile crept across her lips.

Little did he know, but she was dreaming about the dance they had had at the club, but with some differences from reality. In her dream at the end of the dance, Lance leaned down and gently brushed his lips against hers and when he went to pull away, she slipped her hand behind his head and pulled him down for a "real" kiss. Her body shook from the thrill of the kiss in her dream and Lance thought she had gotten a chill, so he pulled her close to give her some of his warmth. When he pulled her into his arms, she nuzzled into the spot between his neck and shoulder.

In her dream, Elaine and Lance were involved in a very passionate kiss. As she reacted in the dream, she did in reality as well. She snuggled deeper into his arms and began kissing Lance's neck with little fluttery, butterfly kisses. Initially, Lance tensed up. He looked around and the other guys had fallen asleep as they were exhausted.

Suddenly, Lance began feeling very strange. Every place Elaine kissed tingled and he found that his breathing was becoming more rapid as she continued. Her hand came up to his face and held it softly. As he looked down at her, he saw that she was still asleep and she had the most entrancing look on her face. Her eyes fluttered underneath her closed lids and her lips...her lips were so full and inviting.

Just then, Elaine pulled herself up to his face and gently brushed her lips against his. It was such a gentle kiss, but then she moved in again and this time, the kiss was more passionate and Lance found himself responding to her sleep induced actions. As their mouths explored each other, Lance felt a tingle run down his spine and to the souls of his feet. He could about swear that his toes curled in his shoes.

Too soon the kiss was over and Elaine settled back into Lance's arms for warmth and comfort. Lance, on the other hand, was far from comfortable.

What had just happened? He knew that she was asleep and that she was just reacting to whatever she was dreaming. What was she dreaming? Who was she dreaming about? That kiss was no ordinary kiss. That kiss was full of passion and love. "Lance pull yourself together. She's only 17 for goodness sakes. At least for six more weeks," he thought.

Elaine snuggled into Lance's arms, and, if anyone were able to see in the darkness of the limo, a contented smile came across her face, with the hint of a wicked grin. That kiss was more than she ever expected it to be. It was more than she had ever experienced in her "Dream".

"Well, Mr. Bass, that kiss should give you something to think about for a while," Elaine thought to herself. "Lord, forgive me for that little lie," Elaine prayed to herself. She had been jostled awake when Lance pulled her closer and she started to sit up and spend the time talking to him, but, she had such a desire to know how it felt, in reality, to kiss Lance Bass. Now she knew. And kissing Lance was much better in reality than in any dream. His lips were so soft and gentle, even as he probed her mouth passionately. He came across with a presence of gentleness and yet there was strength there everywhere. She felt so safe in his arms. Would she be able to convince him that they were meant to be together? That they were so much alike that they could complete each other's sentences? Could she convince him that she could love him the way he needed to be loved?

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