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Chapter Eleven

The rest of the way back to Elaine's house, Lance's mind was going ninety miles an hour trying to figure out what was happening to him. For goodness sake, he had just turned twenty-six a month ago. He should be past the crush stage. But even this was way past crush.

Lance recalled a couple of years ago when he started dating a girl, Vivica Lawrence, who starred in one of their movies. Elaine had not liked her from the start and had told Lance there was something that just was not right there with her. He had ignored Elaine's warnings, thinking that Vivica was the ONE for him. She played her part well and drew Lance into feeling that he could not live without her. She played him for a complete fool. When everything fell apart, Lance was crushed and Vivica was on her way, with someone else.

For days, Lance was a recluse, except to do a show, and then he was not completely into it. The guys tried to talk to him, but he would not talk. Finally, one night Elaine came to his room to ask him something about the project she was planning for her Science Project. For no reason at all, he had gone off on her ranting and raving about nothing in particular, but berating Elaine, nonetheless. She stood there and took it. Then when he had finished his tirade, she took a deep breath and put her hands on her hips and looked at him like "Who do you think you are?"

"Do you feel better now?" she asked sarcastically. "Do you feel like you have gotten it all out of your system? Because, I'm telling you right now, that is the last time you talk to me that way. I AM NOT VIVICA!! I did not rip your heart out. I am trying to be here for you, all of us are, but you won't let us help you."

"Nothing will help!" screamed Lance, "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"Lance, you are scaring me. You are scaring all of us. I'm not here to say I told you so. I only want your happiness. I don't like seeing you in pain."

His back had been to Elaine and her words of concern for him were so genuine they cut into him and he felt as though the damn would burst. His shoulders began to shake as the tears of pain, frustration and betrayal left his lifeless green eyes.

When Elaine had seen this, she had run to him and he had collapsed into her arms. He had been such a dead weight, they dropped to the floor and Elaine cradled him in her arms as he released all his emotions out of his body. She had rocked him until there were no more tears left to cry. She had brought a wet rag in to him to wipe his face and put on his eyes because they were so puffy from his crying.

When he had collected himself, he had apologized over and over to Elaine. He remembered hugging her and asking for her forgiveness. She had told him "if you quit letting that WITCH Vivica get the better of you, I'll forgive you. Deal?"

She had cared about him then. To his knowledge, she had never told the guys what happened that night, but they had been so happy to see the old Lance back. He had steered clear of any serious relationships since then and had not dared to open his heart up since. Now this innocent girl was making him feel things he had never felt before.

The limo pulled up in front of the house and Lance gently woke Elaine. "Hey sleepy head, we're home."

Elaine stretched and acted surprised to be in Lance's arms. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you," she yawned.

"It's okay, so did everyone else," Lance said pointing to the other four sleeping bodies in the limo.

"You guys have been working so hard, it's a wonder you function at all. Well, I better get in and get to sleep. There's a lot to do before we leave for Orlando. You guys be careful going back," she said as she leaned over and kissed each sleeping face before she got out and headed to the door.

Lance jumped out of the limo and ran to walk Elaine to the door. "Do you have your key?" Lance asked.

"Yep, here it is."

Lance took the key and opened the door for her. "Thank you so much for tonight, for everything. I still can't believe that you guys did all this."

"You are special to us. Your whole family is. We loved doing it. Just wait until you see what we have planned for your birthday."

"Oh no, maybe I should rethink going on tour with you guys."

"You don't get off that easily girlie."

"I'm no girlie, I'm a graduate, thank you very much," Elaine boasted, turning herself around. "You guys are incredible and I am looking forward to this tour. Good night and I'll see you guys tomorrow," she said looking at her watch.

"Goodnight Elaine," Lance's voice was deep and rich as he reached out and gave her a hug, "don't let the beddy bugs bite." He held onto her again, longer than he should have, but he was lost in her fragrance again.

Elaine watched as Lance walked back to the limo and he turned to look back at her before he got in. When he saw that she was still watching, he waved to her and disappeared into the limo. Elaine smiled to herself a very pleased smile. "You're doing a lot of thinking, aren't you, Mr. Bass?" She whispered softly into the night.

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