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Chaoter Twelve

All the way back to Orlando, Lance was restless. He couldn't sleep because every time he closed his eyes, he could see Elaine laughing, smiling and, oh those soft lips, how sensuous they were. Every time he remembered their kiss in the limo, he felt himself becoming breathless. No woman he had ever know had affected him the way that Elaine was affecting him. He was walking around in a daze, oblivious to what was going on around him.

JC really noticed how distracted he was and asked him what was wrong. "Hey man, what's wrong? You seem like you are somewhere else. Usually you're on top of things keeping us all straight. What's going on?"

Lance suddenly felt a little self-conscious and didn't know quite what to say to his friend. "I've got a lot on my mind what with needing a new liaison for my company. I'm hoping that Gwen will be able to help me find a replacement before she goes back to Orlando from the tour. There are so many things going on there now. I had no idea that my company would grow like it has. It's overwhelming sometimes."

"I know what you mean. My production company is the same way. I've got more people wanting me to produce their songs than I can keep up with," remarked JC, with a sigh of frustration of his own. But, he knew that was not Lance's problem. "Lance, c'mon tell me what is eating at you. This isn't business that has you distracted."

Lance thought for a moment. "Should I talk to JC or will he think I'm nuts" he pondered? "Well, actually there is something on my mind and I just don't know what to do."

"Okay man, talk to me," JC perked up at finally getting Lance to open up.

Lance proceeded to tell JC what had happened the night before and about all the crazy thoughts and feelings going on within him. JC listened knowingly, because he had seen the same things the others had last night. In fact, they had talked about it before Lance came in that morning, looking like death warmed over from a lack of sleep. He felt for his friend and hated to see him so upset over these feelings that were coming out for Elaine. It was still apparent that Lance was still afraid to love again after what Vivica had done.

When Lance was through talking, JC sat back and took a long look at him. "Seems to me that you are falling for our Elaine, big time. You have all the classic signs."

Lance looked at him like he was out of his mind. "I'm eight years older than her," wailed Lance.

"Love knows no boundaries of age or anything else, for that matter," commented JC. "Do you realize that you probably know more about her than any other woman you have ever dated? I know you two have probably spent more time together than any woman you have dated. My God, man, Elaine is more mature than most of the women you have dated. And, she doesn't play games," JC said, stressing the later in reference to Vivica, without mentioning her name.

Lance sat there and looked at JC. "She's like a sister. But, she has changed so much. I couldn't believe how good she looked at her graduation. I was so proud of her forgetting that award in Science." He rambled on and on and JC just sat there and watched his face as he talked about her. There was a constant smile on his face and his eyes looked more alive than they had since the whole Vivica fiasco. They were bright and sparkled at the mention of her name. His eyes seemed even greener now and that lost look was gone. And, he was now looking forward to the tour beginning.

"Oh God, please let Lance find happiness," JC silently prayed for his friend. "And God, it wouldn't be a bad thing for it to be with Elaine, would it?"

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