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Chapter Sixteen

She got out of the shower and wrapped her head with a towel and got dressed in boxers and a tank top. She put on a short striped terrycloth robe so that she was modestly covered. She took the towel from her head and tried to dry her hair as much as possible, then she grabbed her brush and comb and headed downstairs.

As Elaine topped the stairs, she could smell the popcorn and it smelled so good that her mouth began to water. "Is that the famous Lance Bass popcorn I smell, topped with real butta?" she called out as she entered the kitchen.

"You better believe it," Lance grinned, "Can you hand me the large bowl or do you want separate bowls?"

"We can share," Elaine said in her little girl imitation voice. This way she knew that they would be sitting close together to share the bowl. They went into the family room and turned on the TV and checked the channels out.

They hit the Disney Channel and there was an old movie coming on that caught Elaine's eye. It was Justin's first movie, MODEL BEHAVIOR. She laughed as they showed the brief previews and when they saw Justin, they both cracked up laughing. "We gave Justin so much grief over that movie," Lance remembered fondly. "But, not as much as they gave me over 7th HEAVEN."

Elaine remembered the first time she saw Lance on 7th HEAVEN, she wanted to scratch Beverly Mitchell's eyes out for kissing Lance. Now, they all were good friends. She had been a friend to stand by Lance after Vivica left. This was when Elaine realized that they were just friends, nothing more.

They decided to watch MODEL BEHAVIOR and have a good laugh at Justin's expense. When it got to the part where Justin and Maggie kissed, Elaine found herself remembering the kiss in the limo on Grad night. From what she could see, Justin was an amateur compared to Lance. Finally the movie was over and they looked through the movies that Justin had brought over. All of the movies, they had seen recently. "Do you still have your movie collection?" asked Elaine.

"Sure, want to see what we have?" Lance opened the door on the cabinet and hundreds of movies faced her. They looked and looked and then they went to reach for one and they went for the same one, GREASE. It was still a classic love story. Elaine set up the movie and Lance went to get more popcorn and drinks.

When the movie was almost over, Elaine caught herself looking at Lance out of the corner of her eye. He looked so good and he still smelled like he just got out of the shower. His skin was tanned from jet skiing and working outside. He looked so good she just wanted to put her arms around him and squeeze him in two.

Suddenly, she realized that she had forgotten to comb out her hair when she came downstairs. She frantically started looking for her comb and brush. "What is wrong? What are you looking for?" asked Lance.

"My brush and comb. My hair must look a fright!" she exclaimed.

"Actually, you look beautiful." It came out before he could stop it, but she didn't quite hear it and looked at him questioningly. "You're fine," covered Lance.

"No, I'm not," cried Elaine, "I'll never got the tangles out." Finally she found her comb and brush under the cushions on the couch. She started frantically trying to brush her thick hair out. She had beautiful long brown hair with blonde highlights. It fell just to the bottom of her shoulder blades and was layered up.

"Here, let me help you," Lance offered as he took the brush and started to try and get the hair out of its mess. As he brushed, the fragrance of flowers rose to surround him. Elaine was sitting on the floor in front of him between his legs. She settled back against him so comfortably. He brushed and combed and combed and brushed. Finally, it seemed that they had gotten all the tangles out.

They had laughed and talked while Lance attempted the almost impossible. It was so nice to be able to really relax and enjoy being with a woman. Elaine was so wise about some things. He could not believe that she was only seventeen. But, not for long. She would be eighteen in a few more weeks and they had a big surprise for her for her birthday. They were going to spring it on her during their concert. Then they were going to have a private party after the concert that would be the ultimate after party.

Lance had been racking his brains as to what to get her for her eighteenth birthday. It had to be something very special, she was special after all. He was sure if he watched and listened, he would get an idea of what to get.

They were getting ready to go upstairs and Elaine mentioned something about the telescope being set up on the balcony. Lance quickly looked at his watch. It was after midnight. "There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. I thought you might want to see it."

"Oh Lance, that would be wonderful. Let's go." She grabbed his hand and up the stairs she went, into the bedroom and out onto the balcony.

She let Lance have the chair to use to set up the angle for the telescope. It was warm outside and Elaine took off the robe and put it on the other chair, after all, it was no more than moonlight out tonight.

Lance finally had to get on the floor because the meteor shower was almost directly overhead. When he got it lined up, he moved back to the chair and Elaine sat in front of him on the floor to look through the lens. Her perfume floated in the air and Lance felt light headed. As he looked down at her, her skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. She looked older out here in the silver glow. He found himself wanting to hold her so bad. His arms ached to hold her.

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