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Chapter Seventeen

Being this close to Lance was taking its toll on Elaine, as well. She could smell his after shave and he smelled so good...she just wanted to gobble him up. Her heart was beating so fast and loud, she thought surely Lance could hear it. She wanted to feel his arms around her so bad. Just to feel safe and secure in his embrace would be heaven.

Just then the meteors seemed to really start flying past and Elaine was so excited. "Lance you have to see this!" She slipped over a little and he slipped down on to the floor and looked through the lens. Her perfume was heavier down here than above and behind her. "Do you see what I was talking about?" she asked.

"Oh yes. That is incredible." He was quite a moment and then, "Guess what I just spotted?"


"Saturn and it's turned just enough that you can see the rings," he said all excited. He slipped over and she moved right next to him to look.

"Oh Lance, how incredible. I've never seen Saturn like that before." She was so excited that she turned and gave Lance a big hug. It felt so good in his arms. It felt right in his arms. She pulled back and looked deep into his eyes and never wanted to leave that spot.

They both turned at the same time, to avert each other's stare and bumped heads, hard. "Are you all right?" questioned Lance as he looked at Elaine's forehead for any sign of a bump or bruise. "We hit pretty hard, are you sure you're okay?"

Actually, Elaine was seeing stars, but she assured him she was okay, but, when she went to get up, she became dizzy and started to fall. Lance reached out and grabbed her and pulled her close to him. Then he picked her up in his arms and carried her in and put her on the bed. He ran into the bathroom and wet a washcloth and brought it back to put on her forehead. "Elaine, are you okay? Let me call a doctor," poor Lance was panicking.

"Lance, I am fine. I probably tried to get up too fast after we collided."

"I am so sorry. I would never hurt you intentionally. You scared me to death. I know I have a hard head, but..."

"Will you stop it? Please, it was an accident. I will be fine."

Lance removed the washcloth and in the light from the lamp, he could see a nice goose egg bump rising. Panic hit his eyes again. He started rubbing her forehead as if to rub the bump away. "What can I do to make it better?"

Elaine was becoming amused by Lance's panic attack. "Kiss it," was Elaine's reply.

Lance looked at her funny as if to ask her what she was talking about.

"You asked what you could do to make it better. My Mom always kisses the boo boo to make it better," she said in her best little girl voice.

He sat there looking at her looking so innocent and thought to himself, "I want to kiss more than the boo boo." She was so gentle and loving and she was making him feel things he never thought he could feel again. He found himself slowly leaning toward her forehead. As his lips touched her forehead, her fragrance overtook him again. He was lost in her and his eyes fluttered closed.

His lips lingered on her forehead and then he felt her soft hand on his cheek, caressing it. He slowly pulled back to within inches of her face and looked into the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. Her eyes had always been a focal point of hers, but he attributed it to her makeup, which was never overdone. Now, there was no makeup and he saw the richness of the brown in her eyes. There were even streaks of green there and something else...

Elaine's eyes seemed to search his and look deep into his soul. She was thinking to herself, "why can't he see my love for him? Why can't he see the passion I feel for him?" His face was soft to her touch and she wanted to kiss those soft lips so bad.

His eyes dropped to her parted lips and saw how inviting they were. It was like they were begging to be kissed. He started leaning in and as his eyes closed, he felt Elaine's other hand on his cheek pulling him to her...

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