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Chapter Twenty

The next day was mass confusion due to everyone starting to pack up to move onto the buses and to get ready for the pre-tour party that night out at the compound. A bigger bus had been ordered for Gwen and the girls to use so there was plenty of sleeping space and work space for all on board.

Johnny had the guys' bus remodeled and it was beautiful. They now had larger bunk areas and a larger bath and shower area. It was like a rolling mobile home. The tables and couches had been replaced and the kitchen area was very efficient and stocked with all the guys favorite snacks and drinks.

The vans had made the rounds of everyone's house shortly after lunch to pick up all the luggage to take to the buses to be loaded. The girls had to take out just what they needed for that night and what they would need the next morning. Only one bag would be allowed the next morning.

Elaine, Lynne and Rickii had started their morning off with a short Bible study and prayer, just like they had done for years in school. Lance had joined them after he got off the phone with his folks who were on their way in for the party and the send off. After they were done, he commented how nice it was to start the day off with God. "I use to do that a long time ago, but it seems that with everything, I just got away from it. But you feel so much better when you start your day right," he said.

"We can get together every morning if you like," Elaine offered.

"I would really like that and I'll check with the others to see if they want to join, especially Justin and JC."

After lunch, Lance had gone to the studio to go over last minute check lists before the nights festivities got started. Before he left, he asked Elaine to move her things to his room so his folks could use that room as always and he would sleep downstairs with the rest of the family.

Elaine cleared out the room she had been using and put her things in Lance's room. She made sure that the bed clothes were fresh for Mr. and Mrs. Bass to use. She split out the flowers that Lance had placed in the room and put most of the roses and baby's breath into another vase to put in his room. She had taken one of the roses and pressed it in her Bible to keep and remember this special time.

She had just finished moving and cleaning when she heard horns in the driveway. "That must surely be his folks," Elaine thought. She took some other things over to Lance's room to put away and went downstairs to welcome Lance's Mom and Dad. It had been a while since Elaine had seen his family. They were surprised to see how she had changed and gave her big hugs as she made introductions of her friends to Mr. and Mrs. Bass. Lynne and Rickii both grabbed bags along with Elaine to take up to their room.

Elaine delegated everyone to their rooms and helped Mrs. Bass to get her bags where she could unpack and prepare for that night. As she was checking the bathroom to make sure that she had put out fresh towels, she found she had left some lingerie hanging to dry. She grabbed the hanger and apologized for having left it when she moved into Lance's room. This comment, needless to say, got his Mom and Dad's attention.

"You're staying in Lance's room?" inquired his Mom.

Elaine looked at his Mom and then suddenly it dawned on her what she had said and she immediately clarified the situation. "I was in this room, but Lance asked me to move to his room for tonight and he will stay downstairs with the kids."

Mr. and Mrs. Bass looked at one another and breathed a sigh of relief. Elaine blushed when she realized what they must have thought and she excused herself to go put her stuff away.

Everyone was hungry and it was still a couple of hours until the party. Elaine had prepared some snack sandwiches and fresh veggies and fruit for everyone to snack on until time to leave.

The girls had no idea what they were in for. This party was going to be unlike any party they had ever seen. They fussed and fussed over hair, makeup, clothes, perfume, you name it and they checked each other out. Lance had told them it would be casual, but nice. Together, they figured they would be safe with black slacks and spaghetti strap tube tops in various colors. Elaine wore red, Lynne's was baby blue and Rickii's was royal blue.

Justin and JC came to pick up Lynne and Rickii to escort them to the party and Elaine was going to ride with Lance and his folks. As the guys stood talking, the girls quietly descended the stairs and stood behind them. Justin sniffed the air and looked at the others and grinned. "I smell females gentlemen. And they smell like mighty fine females," he said, winking at JC and Lance and he turned to see three absolutely gorgeous women standing there.

JC smiled from ear to ear and fidgeted as he approached Rickii. "You got your dancin' shoes on tonight?"

"You betcha sweet cheeks," Rickii said as she pinched JC's cheeks and gave him a hug.

"You ladies look mighty fine tonight," said Justin as he looked Lynne up and down and licked his dry lips.

"Well, you guys don't look too bad either," Lynne said teasingly as she moved to give Justin a hug.

Lance and Elaine stood and looked at one another in awe. He was wearing navy blue slacks and a soft green silk shirt that caused his eyes to just jump out at you. "He looks so good," Elaine thought to herself as a feeling of pride in the man that she had grown to love come over her.

"My goodness, she is looking fine," Lance thought as he looked her up and down and he noticed the blush in her cheeks as she looked directly into his eyes. "Oh Lord, help me to behave myself tonight."

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