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Chapter Twenty Two

"What do you think?" asked Jim.

"What do I think of what?" replied Diane.

"What do you think of those two over there?" he nodded and pointed at Lance and Elaine.

Mrs. Bass looked and saw the contented look on her son's face. It was a look she had not seen in a very long time. He looked so at peace dancing with Elaine. And, Elaine looked equally happy. "Has Lance told you something?"

"No," Jim replied, "but, I noticed on the drive over here that he was interested in the conversation you and Elaine were having and when Elaine spoke to him, he lit up like a Christmas tree. The girl has a definite affect on him. She has really blossomed since we last saw her."

"Yes, she has. But you know she has always been more mature for her age. But Lance is so much older than her and she's not even eighteen yet, is she?" asked Diane.

"She'll be eighteen in a few weeks. Lance told me when we were talking. They have a big surprise planned for her. From what he was saying, she is going to be completely blown away when she gets the guy's birthday present to her."

"You know Jim, Lance has seemed more alive this trip than in our visits over the last couple of years. Is it possible he is getting over this horrible depression he has been in ever since the disaster with that Vivica woman? What is going on with him?"

"I think our son is coming back to life and I think we have Elaine to thank for this change."

"She's too young, Jim!"

"I don't care how old she is as long as she makes our son happy. When we get home tonight, I think I am going to have a little talk with our son and find out what is going on because they look so happy and content together. Just look," Jim said as he pointed at the couple lost to the rest of the world except their little space they were dancing in.

The last song of the evening was an old Christina Aguilera song "I Turn To You". Lance and Elaine were oblivious to anything going on around them. All they knew was each other. They stared into each others eyes and sang along with the song and just held one another.

Finally, the party was over and everyone headed home. Jim insisted on riding in back with Diane so Elaine could ride up front with Lance. He watched as Lance and Elaine talked and laughed with each other. "Look at them, Diane, if they don't belong together, I don't know who does."

"But, she's so young!" pleaded Diane.

"Will you forget the age part? She has put a spark back in his life. He has that fun loving attitude again."

"I just don't want to see him hurt again," said Diane.

"I don't think she would hurt our son. Look at the look on her face. She is as happy as anyone could be."

They arrived back at Lance's house and Elaine and Diane said goodnight and went upstairs. Lance made the rounds to close up the house and his Dad went with him outside to check the grounds.

"Son, are you ready for this tour?" Jim asked, hoping to ease into a conversation to come around to Elaine.

"As ready as we can be, Dad. Every tour is as exciting as the first one was.

"It's amazing that after all this time, we still get so pumped...and this one is our 10th Anniversary Tour. It's just incredible," Lance conveyed to his Dad.

"Did I understand correctly that this will be Elaine's Mom's last tour on the road?"

"Yes, sir. Gwen's health just is not up to being on the road all the time. She will be coming back to Orlando and supervising everything from here."

"Well, who will be taking over as secretary?"

"Elaine will be taking over. She just about knows the job already from traveling with us all these years. She will be very efficient, I think."

Jim felt this was a perfect lead in to discussing Elaine. They were heading back to the house and he asked Lance if they could sit outside for a little bit, so they sat at the table on the patio below Lance's room.

"Your mother and I were commenting on how much Elaine has changed since we last saw her. She has really grown up, quiet nicely, I might add," Jim stated and then watched Lance for his response.


"Just as I thought. What is going on with you two, son?"

Lance sat there and looked at his Dad like he was lost. "What do you mean Dad?"

"I'm talking about you and Elaine. The two of you were pretty cozy tonight on the dance floor. And, I noticed how you listened to her and your Mom talk on the drive over to the party tonight and when she's around, you come alive. Lance, we have been so worried about you these last couple of years. Naturally, we are delighted to have our 'ole' Lance back. You've been 'missing' long enough," his father said.

"Dad, I'm too old for her. She could never care about me that way."

"Lance, are you BLIND or something? Haven't you looked into that girl's eyes? I can remember when another girl I know had that same look and it had nothing to do with age, it had to do with LOVE."

"What are you talking about, Dad? Who are you talking about?"

"Your Mother had the same look in her eyes that Elaine has in hers when she looks at you. Lance, the girl loves you. And from what I saw tonight, you care for her, too. Am I wrong?"

Lance sat for a minute and then he slowly raised his eyes to meet his Dad's. "She is special Dad. She has helped me through a lot, of course, I care about her. We all do," Lance added, almost as an after thought.

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it Lance," his father said with a real edge in his voice of total frustration. "I'm talking about real, genuine feelings here. I'm talking about LOVE. I'm talking about you finding that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. Son, I have a feeling if you were to be totally honest with me, you would have to admit that Elaine means more to you than just a "sisterly" feeling. Lance, I see love there. Admit it for goodness sakes. Be honest with yourself for once."

Lance just looked at his Dad and he lowered his head. When he looked back up, there were tears running down his cheeks. "Dad, I'm so scared of my feelings for Elaine. She's so sweet and so loving and she's everything a man could want in a woman, but, I'm so afraid of opening my heart to anyone again, even Elaine." Lance broke into a sob.

Jim Bass looked at his son and his heart broke for the pain his son was still in. 'This has got to stop NOW,' thought Jim. "Lance, you have got to let go of that vile woman and go on with your life. Vivica Lawrence was a snake and not worth one tear shed for her. Don't give her anymore power over you, son," Jim pleaded. "Don't let her think that she is still wreaking havoc in your life."

"Dad, I'm not even sure of what my feelings are for Elaine. I know it's different from what I felt for Vivica."

"GOOD! That was nothing but lust anyway. You need someone who can love you honestly and I believe that Elaine is that person."

"But, Dad, I'm eight years older than her."

"You're starting to sound like your mother. Age don't mean anything when you're in love. That girl has got more maturity in her little finger than Vivica had in her entire body. Let that part of your life go Lance. Allow yourself to be happy like you deserve to be. Open yourself up to the girl. Give her a chance to show you what a real love can be," Jim encouraged as he got up from the table and walked over to his son and put his arms around him with a hug of comfort. "I love you, Son."

Lance looked up at his Dad with teary eyes and said, "I love you, too, Dad. Goodnight. Give Mom a kiss for me."

"Will do son. You get some rest, 5:30 AM will come mighty early." Jim turned and went into the house leaving Lance to sit and think and pray.

Meanwhile, just above Lance on the balcony, Elaine slipped quietly back into the bedroom. "Lord, forgive me for eavesdropping on Lance and his Dad. Thank you for the sign," Elaine smiled shyly as she crawled into bed to grab some much needed sleep.

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