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Chapter Twenty Three

Lance closed up the house and went to change for bed and realized he had forgotten his bag for in the morning and left it in his room. He thought that if he were quiet, he could slip into his room, get his bag and slip out again, without disturbing Elaine. So, he slipped upstairs, quietly, and gently opened the door to his room.

He had remembered putting the bag outside the door to the bathroom, but, when he went to get it, it wasn't there. He felt along the wall and nothing. Lance decided to open the bathroom door enough to slip his hand in to flip the light on and let enough light into the room to look for his bag and hopefully, not bother Elaine's sleep.

After he had turned on the light he adjusted the door so he could see. As he turned back into the room, his eyes fell on Elaine asleep in the middle of his big King sized bed. She looked so peaceful and lovely. He walked over by the bed and looked down at her and watched as she breathed in and out. Suddenly, her eyes started darting back and forth beneath her eye lids. He could tell that she was dreaming. As he watched, she puckered her lips and then smiled. Her smile could melt your heart and his was racing ninety miles an hour.

Lance was totally mesmerized by her. He could still smell her perfume and it was hypnotic. Her simple beauty was breath taking. As he watched her sleep, he wondered if she could really love him and not out of pity for him and all he had been through.

Elaine shifted in the bed and her hand grasped at the covers. Lance sat on the side of the bed and gently put his hand over hers. He immediately felt her hand relax beneath his touch. Gently, he stroked the back of her hand. She rolled toward him on the bed and her other arm fell across his arm. He was so taken by her peaceful face, he just wanted to lay there all night and watch her sleep.

Lance suddenly snapped back to reality and remembered why he was there, his bag. He tried to pull his hand out from under Elaine's arm and couldn't. As he slipped closer to see how to get out of this situation, Elaine shifted again and her arm ended up around his neck and pulled him down next to her. She snuggled into his warm body and sighed a contented sigh and whispered Lance's name.

Did he hear correctly? He tried to slip around and get out from under her arm, but every time he moved, she snuggled in closer to him. Finally, he just stopped and thought that maybe he would just lay there for a little while and then get up after she was more asleep.

Lance laid and listened to Elaine's rhythmic breathing. She would occasionally emit a contented moan and he wondered what she was dreaming. As she continued to shift around, she ended up with her head resting on his chest and that was how Lance found her at 5:30AM when his alarm on his watch went off.

"Oh my God, I ended up falling asleep here with her. She can't find me here, I've got to get up and out of here now," he thought to himself. He looked over at the clock by the bed and noticed that she had the alarm set for in about ten minutes.

Lance managed to slip out of her grasp without waking her. He went and turned off the light in the bathroom and then slipped quietly out the door. No sooner had the door clicked shut, then he heard the alarm go off inside her room and the room across the hall and the rooms down the hall.

Inside Lance's room, Elaine was slowly coming awake. She hit the snooze bar and groaned, "just ten more minutes." As she laid there, she could detect Lance's after shave stronger than she had last night. As his smell overwhelmed her, she laid back and a slow sensual smile came over her face as she remembered the dream she had last night. Then she remembered Lance's conversation with his Dad.

She sat up in the middle of the bed and thought, "He is scared of his feelings for me. Oh God, my feelings for him scare me to death sometimes, too. Oh Lord, help me to be sensitive to his needs and to not let my wants overshadow him. I don't want to hurt him, I just want to love him and make him happy."

Just then, there was a light tap on the door. Elaine pulled the covers up and called out, "Who is it?"

"It's Lance. Are you decent?"

"Just a minute," she replied as she grabbed her robe and put it on. "You can come in now."

Lance gently opened the door and saw her by the bed with her bag pulling out clothes to get dressed to leave. "Good morning, or should I just say morning for now?" he asked.

"Oh it is a good morning. I slept the best last night I have in a long time. I felt so relaxed this morning, that I didn't want to get up. As little sleep as we got, I should be dragging. Oh well, how about you? Did you sleep well?"

Lance smiled and commented that after he endured a wrestling match, he was finally able to get off to sleep. "I left my bag up here yesterday and I need it to get ready this morning." He looked around and Elaine pointed over by the bedroom door into the hall.

"I put it over there last night."

"Thanks. See you downstairs. The vans will be here shortly. We'll be eating breakfast at the studio." As Lance went to leave, Lynne and Rickii ran into him at the door. They looked at him and then at Elaine, in her robe, and then at Lance again.

Elaine got this really evil grin on her face and winked at Lance. He knew something was coming. "Lance, it was really good last night," she said in a sexy, seductive voice and wiggled her eyebrows at him as she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a smack on the butt.

Lance bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud. He put on a look of contentment and put his arm around Elaine and pulled her to him. "It wasn't good, it was GREAT," he said as he looked deep into her eyes and planted a kiss on her lips that took her by surprise. He pulled back and they looked at each other. They looked at Lynne and Rickii who were standing there with their mouths open and then back at each other. Then, they broke out into laughter.

"Girls, you can close your mouths now," Elaine teased. "We got to get ready, The vans will be here in about forty-five minutes." Everyone scattered and got dressed and were ready when the vans came. Lance's family followed in their vehicles.

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