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Chapter Twenty Four

Everyone gathered in the cafeteria at JIVE and chowed down before getting on board the buses. Families gathered to say their good-byes. Danielle was there with the girls, Christina and Patricia to say good-bye to Chris. She would be joining Chris in a few weeks after the girls went to visit their Grandparents when they got back from their trip.

Justin's whole family was there. His brothers Jonathan and Steven were really nice looking young men and so proud of their brother. His Mom was so sweet and so happy to see Elaine again. "You keep my Justin in line Elaine."

"Mrs. Harless, no one can do that, but maybe Lynne can give it a try," she pointed over to Justin and Lynne as they finished up.

"She seems like a real sweet girl."

"You couldn't ask for anyone sweeter or better as a friend than Lynne is," confirmed Elaine.

When everyone was done, they gathered outside to get ready to load the buses. Johnny called everyone together to make a few last minute announcements. As he was ready to send everyone to their buses, Elaine spoke up and asked if they could pray before leaving out. Johnny looked around to everyone and Lance, JC and Justin were the first to agree. Elaine joined hands with Lance and Johnny and then it went around to everyone, families included. Elaine offered a simple prayer and asked God's blessings on this special tour and especially Lance, JC, Justin, Joey and Chris.

When the prayer was over, there were last minute hugs and good-byes. Lance's Mom and Dad came and gave him one more hug and kiss good-bye. "Son, she's special. You better grab a hold of her," Jim whispered in Lance's ear as he hugged his son one last time. "She is the ONE."

"We'll see Dad."

Everyone started heading to their assigned buses and Lance motioned for Elaine and the girls to come with him and the guys. "You still have a couple of days R & R before you start working, so come with us."

The guys gave the girls a grand tour of the bus and it was really interesting. The new remodeling really gave them so much more room. Suddenly, the horns blew and everyone headed to a window to wave good-bye to family and friends. Lance and Elaine shared a window and when Jim Bass saw them, he gave a two thumbs up to his son.

"What was that all about?" asked Elaine as she demonstrated the two thumbs up his Dad had done.

"I don't know," he lied, "but, isn't this GREAT?" Lance was so pumped, he grabbed Elaine and gave her a big hug.

"Lance, you owe me a play-off game," shouted Justin as he headed to the back of the bus. Lance grabbed Elaine's hand and pulled her with him as they went to the TV room in back.

JC and Rickii stayed out in front and sat together at one of the tables and talked. Joey and Chris followed Justin and Lynne and Lance and Elaine to the back to cheer on their player. Chris was pulling for Justin and Joey pulled for Lance.

They fired up the TV and got out the Playstation and the racing games. Justin and Lance got on the floor with the girls behind them on the couch. They played and screamed and yelled forever. The game was starting to wind down and Lance's shoulders started cramping. Elaine sat forward and started massaging his shoulders and cheering him on to victory.

"Hey, no fair," yelled Justin as he saw Elaine working on Lance's shoulders. "Come on Lynne, help me out here." Lynne began working on Justin and he battled Lance and then, suddenly, Lance WON.

Lance had won and could not believe it. He jumped up and started dancing around the small area, looking down at Justin sitting on the floor, not believing HE had LOST. Lance looked down at Elaine as she clapped and praised the "Mighty Lance" for his victory. He reached and grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the couch and danced around in a circle with her in his arms. When they finally stopped, he looked deep into her eyes. His heart was racing ninety miles an hour and he couldn't resist kissing her any longer. "Thank you," he said simply as he lowered his head to gently kiss her lips.

Elaine's eyes fluttered closed and it seemed the kiss was over before it began. She opened her eyes and looked into two of the greenest eyes she could ever remember seeing and they were filled with panic. He suddenly turned and ran out of the TV room and Elaine stood there looking as if she had been slapped. She dropped on the couch with her hand over her mouth as if to hold that kiss there and never let it go, and tears fell down her cheeks. Lynne ran to her side as Chris and Joey ran after Lance to see if he was all right. Justin stood there in a state of confusion. "What happened?" he asked.

Lance had run to the front of the bus and he was hyperventilating. JC and Rickii ran over to him and wondered what was wrong. He was desperately gulping for air when Joey and Chris ran up behind him. "What in the world is going on?" JC screamed to get someone's attention.

"Lance kissed Elaine," Joey quipped.

JC and Rickii looked at one another and she excused herself to go check on Elaine.

"Lance, sit down man," JC pulled on him to sit down before he collapsed. "What's going on?"

Lance raised his head and looked at JC with tear filled eyes. "I kissed her, C. I kissed her and it scared me to death," he panted.

"Breathe deep, Lance, I don't need you passing out on me."

Lance took several deep breaths and sat up to try and get the air deep into his lungs. JC was so concerned at Lance's state of mind, that he put an arm around him for comfort so he would not feel he was alone, that there was reassurance and support there.

"Are you better now, Lance?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay, but, I've probably scared Elaine as much as I scared myself." Lance proceeded to tell JC what had happened. He told him how he couldn't resist kissing her, and then, when he did, how all these feelings came flooding in and he panicked and ran.

JC gave Lance a reassuring hug and just let him get his breath. "How was it?" he asked calmly. "Not the emotions, but the kiss itself."

Lance looked at JC and stuttered, " a...was nice. It was...very nice." He closed his eyes as if to remember. "Her lips are so soft and sweet. She is so innocent and she was so trusting of me and I ran out on her. What is wrong with me, JC?"

JC sat and looked at Lance and shook his head. "It's exactly what I told you after the incident on Grad Night. You're seeing Elaine in a whole new and different light, we all are for that matter. You two just happen to have a closer bond because of all the things you have in common and all the time you have spent together over the last five or six years.

"I'm so confused, JC. I found myself all excited the day we were waiting for them to get into Orlando. When she's around, I feel like laughing again. But, then when I think of opening myself up, I get so scared. I'm still 'gun shy' I guess.

"Lance, give her a chance. Give yourself a chance to be happy. I believe that if you give it a chance, you won't regret it," JC counseled.

"But what if she doesn't feel the way that I do?"

"Trust me, man, that girl is head over heels in love with you. I would bet my life on it," JC said knowingly, because he and Rickii had been doing a lot of talking. They had confided to each other about their respective friends' feelings. But he didn't want to make it completely easy or there would be no real romance, the game of pursuing and winning and being chased and caught.

Meanwhile, back in the TV room, Lynne and Rickii were concerned about their friend. "He kissed me and then he looked at me like I was something to be afraid of and then he ran out," cried Elaine in sobs that tore through her body.

"He IS afraid of you. You're making him feel things he didn't think he could feel. You told us that after the disaster with that other girl he cut himself off from having any relationships, except close friends, right? Well, honey, he is looking at you in a whole different setting. The guy is in love with you whether he realizes it or not."

"How could he love me and do what he did?" asked Elaine.

"His feeling are scaring the hell out of him. Elaine, from what you have said, he has major 'battle scars'. The kind of hurt he has endured is going to be hard to overcome."

Elaine looked at her friend. "How did you get so smart?"

"Just lucky enough to have good friends like you and Lynne, I guess." The girls all gathered and gave each other hugs.

As they were in their group hug, there came a light knock on the door to the TV room. Rickii went to answer it and it was JC. She excused herself and stepped outside to speak with JC. "How is Lance doing?" she asked.

"He finally started breathing again. The poor guy has got it bad, but he is so afraid of what MIGHT happen. I tried to tell him to give himself and her a chance at some happiness. I tried to convince him that she loves him without telling him I know she loves him."

"I've been doing the same thing in there," Rickii said tilting her head towards the TV room. "She feels like she did something wrong to make Lance run out like that."

"We can't have that. I'm going back up front and persuade Lance to come back and talk to her. You get everyone cleared out so they can talk alone. Okay?"

"Sounds like a plan Mr. Cupid Man," rhymed Rickii. "You are so sweet to do this."

"I'm just trying to bring some happiness to people who deserve it. Those two love each other and they need to be together. I'm an incurable romantic, what can I say?" JC beamed from ear to ear and gave Rickii a hug.

"Well, I'll try and get Elaine a little calmer and everyone out so they can talk." Rickii went back in and motioned to Justin and Lynne to go up front. She sat down next to Elaine and put an arm around her shoulders. "Are you better?"

"I'm getting there. What did JC want?"

"He was worried about you."

"Is Lance okay?"

"He said that Lance was upset with himself, but he was okay, too." Rickii stood up and headed to the door, "I'll be right back, Okay?"

"Okay, Rick."

As Rickii was coming out the door, Lance walked up and was going to knock.

"Go on in Lance," Rickii encouraged.

"Thanks," Lance whispered. He gently opened the door and stood there looking at Elaine as she looked out the window at the passing scenery. He thought how beautiful she was and he closed his eyes and remembered the kiss on Grad Night. It had blown his mind.

Elaine suddenly felt as if someone was watching her and she turned to see Lance standing in the door way with his eyes closed with a smile on his face. She wondered what he was thinking about and if she had anything to do with it. Elaine turned back around before Lance could catch her watching him.

Lance came out of his daydream and lightly knocked on the door. Elaine turned to the door and when she saw him, there were mixed feelings on her face. His face was full of confusion. She stood and started walking toward him and he started walking toward her. They came to within about two feet of one another and stopped. "I am so sorry if I did something to make you angry Lance. Please forgive me," Elaine asked pleadingly.

Lance looked at her looking so pitiful waiting for his forgiveness. "There is nothing for you to be sorry for. I'm the one who should apologize for being so forward in kissing you like that. I took advantage of the situation and you. Will you forgive me?"

"You didn't take advantage of me. In case you forgot, I was celebrating with you, too."

Just about that time, the bus swerved and Elaine and Lance were thrown off balance and he reached out to grab her to keep her from falling and getting hurt. They both went tumbling to the floor in each others arms. When everything settled, they looked at one another and laughed. "What do you say we just agree to forgive each other and forget about it," said Elaine.

"That's fine with me," said Lance. They hugged and went to join the others.

The next few days were full of fun and excitement. The girls had a ball at the concerts and the different parties. Then the work started.

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