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Chapter Twenty Nine

Walking across the back yard, in the late afternoon sun, were three of the most beautiful creatures they had ever seen. Rickii was wearing a soft yellow chiffon dress that came down to her knees and the material flowed like water around her. She wore yellow strap heel sandals. Lynne's dress was soft, baby blue chiffon and came just below mid thigh and she had baby blue strap sandals. But the vision of beauty that caught Lance's eye was Elaine in a purple satin slip dress, very similar to the dress she wore for graduation, except this dress was long and had a slit up the side to just above mid thigh. She had a matching wrap and purple sandals.

All Lance could do was stare and lick his lips that had suddenly become dry. He fidgeted with his ring and it seemed he had to struggle to breathe. As she walked the distance to him, she seemed to float on air. Her hair was exquisite and flowed like the mane on a graceful stallion running along a beach in the wind. Eyes of fire sparkled at him as she focused in on him and did not venture anywhere else. And those lips were absolutely sinful. They were so inviting, and they were his, he just knew it.

"Do you think we've hooked them?" asked Rickii softly, as they approached the guys who had their jaws on the floor.

"Honey, hook, line and sinker, I would say," offered Elaine. "And don't they look mighty fine, too."

"Well, you ladies are definitely worth waiting for. You all look stunning," complimented JC as he reached out and took Rickii's hand.

"Yeah, what he said," Justin was completely speechless as he walked up to Lynne and gave her a hug and kiss and looked deep into her eyes, licked his lips and said, "You are beautiful." Then he planted a kiss on her that took her totally by surprise.

Lance walked right past everything that was going on and straight to Elaine. He had thought that she was stunning on graduation night, but that night paled in comparison to the exquisite creature that stood before him now. All he could do was stare. His eyes traveled from the top of her beautiful head down to her toes and back up to her face. Her eyes were focused on him alone and she smiled just for him. "Do you like?" she asked as she slowly turned to let him see everything.

His breath caught in his throat as she turned around, for the back of her dress dropped to just above her waist, just like the towel had done. He felt as if the breath was completely sucked out of him. Her beauty this night was overwhelming.

"Oh Baby, God must have definitely spent a whole lot more time on you. Elaine you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

"Why, Mr. Bass, you definitely know how to turn a girl's head. And, may I say, you look mighty dashing tonight, yourself," she commented as she touched the bottom of the V-neck in his sweater. Where her delicate fingers touched his skin, it felt like it was on fire.

A gentle breeze stirred and Lance caught her fragrance and it made him want to melt in his boots. "What is that your're wearing? It's not your usual fragrance," he asked.

"I didn't know that you noticed, but it's a new fragrance I thought I would try called DESIRE. Do you not like it?" she asked reluctantly.

"Oh, no, no, it is a wonderful fragrance. I like it very much," he stuttered as he put his arm around her waist and led her to the table in the gazebo.

Cook had prepared a delicious meal with salad, vegetables, roast beef, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits and chocolate cake. Everyone was eager to dig in, but they stopped long enough to thank God for all they had and what they were about to have.

During dinner, soft music, mostly instrumentals, played on the sound system that Justin had set up. The girls had helped Justin and JC pick out music that Lance and Elaine liked. Most of what they chose were slow songs. "They are going to be in each other's arms almost all night long," said Lynne, as she looked over at Elaine and Lance at their table.

"Yeah, that means we will be, too," said Justin, as he smiled and winked at her. "This is a twofold mission tonight. Tell me, can I win the fair maid's heart, do you think?"

Lynne was speechless as she looked into Justin's deep blue eyes. "It just might be that you already have," she said shyly as she continued to sort through the CD's.

Justin had a smile from ear to ear at that and thought to himself that he had never been so lucky to find someone like Lynne. She was everything he had hoped to find in a woman and because she and Elaine were so close, he felt he knew her so much already by knowing Elaine as he did. They both thought alike and had the same feelings about their faith in God. Lynne was perfect, as far as Justin was concerned. He wasn't sure yet that he was ready to use the "L" word, but darn close.

Lance and Elaine were finishing their dessert and talking about anything and everything. Several times Elaine had caught him just staring at her and she felt a little uncomfortable, at first. Then, he had caught her staring at him and she was embarrassed. She was constantly drinking water, because her mouth was so dry and she knew it was from where she was panting, at time. He just looked so good in that red sweater.

For some reason, his eyes seemed greener tonight. He seemed more relaxed than she had seen him in a long time. All the lines that had been above his brow were gone. The old Lance was back and he was enjoying life again. He had finally gotten over Vivica.

Lance picked up the dessert dishes and put them on the sideboard set up in the gazebo. He got two cups of coffee and brought them to the table. About that time, he heard a Faith Hill song come on. "How about we work off some of that delicious food? Would you like to dance?"

"I thought you would never ask," she said as she got up to join Lance on the dance floor.

(If you have Faith Hill's CD "BREATHE", you might want to listen to track # 4)

I can feel the magic floatin' in the air

Being with you gets me that way

I watch the sunlight dance across your face

And I've never been this swept away.

Lance took Elaine in his arms. She placed her left hand up on his shoulder and offered him her right hand to hold, the traditional dance mode. Instead, Lance took her right hand and put it up around his neck and then wrapped both of his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.

All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze

When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms

The whole world just fades away, the only thing I hear

Is the beating of your heart.

Elaine could smell the combination of after shave and soap. As a gentle breeze blew through the gazebo, she felt as though she were floating on air in his arms. There was safety near him in the haven he created around her.

And I can feel you breathe, it's washing over me

Suddenly I'm melting into you

There's nothing left to prove

Baby all we need is just to be

Caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush

Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be

I can feel you breathe, just breathe.

Lance closed his eyes and just inhaled her scent and was almost intoxicated from it. When he wrapped his arms around her, his hands touched her bare back and her skin felt so soft. It was like touching velvet.

In a way I know my heart is waking up

As all the walls come tumblin' down

Closer than I've ever felt before and I know you know

There's no need for words right now.

Elaine could almost feel Lance trembling as he pulled her close. "Oh God, this is where I want to spend the rest of my life. Right here in his arms is where I want to be." She felt his gentleness, but there was a strength about him that completely overwhelmed her.

And I can feel you breathe, it's washing over me

Suddenly I'm melting into you

There's nothing left to prove

Baby all we need is just to be

Caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush

And baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be

I can feel you breathe, just breathe.

Lance and Elaine pulled form the close hold they had on one another. He looked deep into her eyes and she looked into his. There was a contentment there. A peace and an understanding.

Caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush

And baby, isn't that they way that love's supposed to be

I can feel you breathe, just breathe

I can feel the magic floatin' in the air

Being with you gets me that way.

The music had stopped, but Lance and Elaine were still dancing. Song after song, they continued to dance.

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