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Chapter Three

Eight years, Elaine's thoughts were that he could never feel for her what she felt for him. By the time she was "legal", he would have found someone and gotten married and probably have a house full of kids, he was that kind of a guy. But, so far, he was still single. He had been through some trying relationships and some had been very hurtful. Elaine was thankful that he had considered their friendship strong enough to confide in her and ask her opinion from a "woman's point of view." It broke her heart to see Lance hurt, but she was glad to be there for him.

This summer, she would be a woman, a "legal" woman. She was graduating high school tonight and then leaving on tour to learn her new responsibilities. This would be Gwen's last full tour as she needed to cut back on the traveling. She was going to supervise from Orlando and Elaine would be fulltime tour secretary for the guys.

"Elaine, are you ready to go to the church?" called her Mom from the front of the house, "it's time to go get you graduated."

"Coming Mom." Elaine looked at her refelction once more in the morror. Oh how she wished that Lance could see her in this dress that showed off just how much of a woman she had become. The white satin slip dress clung to her every curve and she was proud of how she had turned out. Working out with her oldest brother when he was going through rehab from an injury really did wonders for her. Lee was a totally different brother than Wes was. He encouraged her when Wes did not. Elaine hurried out of the door and they were off.

They got to the church about an hour before the ceremony was suppose to start. This was the largest graduating class in the school's history, 6. Elaine and her friends were so anxious for the summer to begin. Her best friends, Rickii and Lynne, especially knew what "this summer" meant to Elaine. In six weeks, she would be 18 and then, Lance Bass had better watch out. It was gling to be open season on the guy.

Meanwhile, in a limo hidden behind the church, the five guys of *NSYNC sat waiting for everyone to go in for the ceremony. They had been working with Gwen and Mr. Dennis, the school's principal, on this surprise for Elaine and her friends for several weeks. Some of their music had been chosen for the ceremony and little did Elaine and her friends know, but instead of CD's playing, the guys would be singing to them.

Finally, Mr. Dennis came to the backdoor and signaled for them to come in and slip in the back way to the stage. They would wait behind the partitions set up to create a wall on the back of the stage. The guys were wearing the white suits they wore in heir "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" video and they looked so handsome. "Oh my, God has sent His angels down from Heaven for this day. You boys look so good," Gwen exclaimed. She had slipped back to help get them coordinated in getting to the stage without being seen.

"How is everything?" Lance asked as they each gave Gwen a hug and kiss hello.

"Everything is going surprisingly well. The girls and guys are nervous, but that goes with the territory tonight," she commented.

"Does Elaine suspect anything?" JC asked.

"Not a thing. In fact, she is very disappointed you could not come, but, she understands it's for the tour."

"Boy will she be surprised," said Joey. "I hope it is a pleasant one for her."

"Oh, it will be for everyone," Gwen exclaimed.

They slipped the guys into place and Gwen went back to the auditorium to sit down and wait for the ceremony to begin. "Oh God, please let everything go well tonight for everyone," Gwen prayed under her breath.

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