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Chapter Thirty Two

The next morning dawned fresh and clean after the cleansing rains the day before and during the night. The smells of a full fledged all out breakfast made their way to the occupants upstairs. Elaine and Lance's doors opened simultaneously, and half awake, they walked down the hallway mumbling "coffee, coffee, gotta have coffee."

They made their way to the kitchen and poured themselves each a cup of coffee and added their various extras to their cups. Each took a long sip of the hot brew and then exclaimed pure pleasure at the first taste of the liquid hitting their taste buds. "Oh yes, just what I needed," exclaimed Elaine. Then she looked over at Lance, who was still trying to wake up. "Good morning, Wancey," she smiled.

At the sound of her voice calling him that name, he looked up and broke into a huge grin, "Good morning, Sugar Bear. How are you this morning?"

"I think I may survive if I can get some more of this delicious coffee down. How are you this morning?"

"I didn't sleep too well last night. Didn't have my 'buddy pillow'." He stopped and looked deep in her eyes. "I missed you last night. I really missed you a lot," he said as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh dear Lord, what a way to start the day," thought Elaine as she pulled back from the kiss and smiled at him. "It's good to be missed."

Everyone eventually made it down to breakfast and as they ate, they made plans for the day. There was an Antique store near the retreat and Lance and Elaine wanted to check it out, so they took off in the van after breakfast. Justin and the rest of the group went for a picnic on horseback. This time, they went down into the valley by the lake. They planned on swimming and sunbathing and then having a nice picnic lunch under the trees.

The antique store was magnificent. Lance found an old Bowie knife that was very well taken care of and completed a collection he had. Elaine was checking out the furniture and antique clothing. It was amazing how the clothes were made at the turn of the twentieth century. Corsets and bustles were the confines a woman existed in back then. Elaine did, however, admire the woman of that day.

Lunch was at a little diner in the small town near the retreat. It was a left over from the fifties and sixties. There was an old Wurlitzer jukebox in the corner with old songs such as "Jailhouse Rock" and "Teen Angel" on it.

Elaine and Lance sat in a booth in the back and talked and shared and just got closer and closer.

Justin and the rest of the crew were having a ball on their picnic. They had gone swimming and played football and laid out in the sun. The food was great and the company was even better.

"I have had a blast today and I've really enjoyed our time together," said Justin, as he put more suntan lotion on Lynne's back.

"It has been terrific, hasn't it? I just wish we didn't have to go back tomorrow. This place is heaven, I could stay here forever," she commented lazily as she enjoyed the feel of Justin's hands rubbing lotion on her skin.

"I could stay here forever, too, just like this." Justin leaned around and gave Lynne a soft and gentle kiss and pulled back to look deep in her eyes. Her eyes were the most serene eyes he had ever looked into. He could get lost in them and they drew him back in for another kiss, this one longer and more passionate.

Rickii and JC were on the other side of the tree and she was reading to him and playing with his hair as he laid his head in her lap. "This place calms me like no other," offered JC. "I remember the first time we came here, it was after one of our extended tours. We were all so keyed up and when we got here, it was like we were in a different world. But THIS is so much nicer, especially this," he said as he reached for her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss it.

Justin and Lynne came around the tree and sat near Rickii and JC. "Well, do you think we accomplished our mission here?" asked Justin to the others.

"I've never seen Elaine so closed mouthed about her feelings. It's like she's not sure of what she's feeling," exclaimed Rickii.

"Well, Lance is sure tight lipped," interjected JC. "He won't give up anything about what went on that first night."

"We have to make sure this is a done deal guys," pushed Justin. "Elaine will be eighteen in less than two weeks and then there should be no boundaries, except the ones they impose."

"Oh, no!" Is it less than two weeks until her birthday?" questioned Lynne.

"Yeah," Justin came back, "why?"

"We're supposed to leave after her birthday," she said running her arms around his waist to hold on for dear life.

"That's right," said JC.

"It can't happen yet, it just can't," Justin yelled to the air. "I don't want you away from me," he said softly to Lynne's face. "We have some serious talking to do when we get back."

"It's hard to believe that we have to leave this beautiful place tomorrow." Elaine was taking in the view from the balcony as she and Lance had returned from their jaunt into town. "This is a place that dreams are made of."

Lance came out and stood beside her and looked out over the valley. "It is incredible, isn't it?" He had his cell phone in his hand and started dialing his folks number. "I need to call and check on things, okay?"

"Sure," she smiled.


"Dad, is Mom there?"

"She's not back from the meeting with Stacy and the people from Nashville, yet. How's your trip?" Jim asked.

"Just great Dad. Don't want to leave tomorrow, but, we have to get back to the tour. Are you going to be at the concert for Elaine's birthday?"

"I wouldn't miss it, Son, and speaking of that lovely young lady, how is she?"

Lance felt his cheeks blush hearing his Dad talk about Elaine. "She's fine Dad."

"Tell your Dad hello for me," whispered Elaine.

"Elaine says hello, Dad."

"Well, that is sweet of her, tell...let me speak to her."

Lance looked at the phone and then to Elaine. "He wants to talk to you."

Elaine took the phone and smiled at Lance. "Hello Mr. Bass, how are you?"

"I'm just fine Elaine and how are you? All rested up and ready to get back to work? We've missed you this last few days."

"It's nice to know that I'm missed, and yes, we're rested, but, I don't want to leave this beautiful place. You would not believe the view we have from our balcony. God must have spent a whole lot of time on this place, it's incredible."

"I guess we'll be seeing you in less than two weeks at your party. Are you excited?"

"Yes, sir. It's not everyday you turn eighteen, although, I must admit I'm a little leary of what these guys have planned for me."

"I'm sure it will be special. Well, I'll see you then."

"Okay Mr. Bass, you take care now," she said as she handed the phone back to Lance.

"Okay, Dad, I need to go and check my emails and then I'm going to try and talk Elaine into going horseback riding."

"Son, she's the one."


"She's THE one. You will be foolish to let her go."

Lance stood and looked at Elaine as his father spoke to him. "Don't worry Dad, I won't," was all that Lance would say. "I've got to go, give Mom my love, okay?"

"Okay Son. You guys be careful riding."

Lance put his phone away and went to check his email. He wasn't on that long and he got an IM from a screen name he was not familiar with.

YrMyn4Eva: Hi, Lance!

ImPooFu95: Hello?

YrMyn4Eva: How are you today?

ImPooFu95: Fine

YrMyn4Eva: What are you up to?

ImPooFu95: Not much

YrMyn4Eva: Are you being good?

ImPooFu95: Always...gtg, ttyl

YrMyn4Eva: But.....

The screen went black where he turned off the computer. He changed into some jeans and a shirt with boots and then went to get Elaine. He knocked on her door and she answered letting him know she was going to be a few minutes and to come in and sit down while she finished putting her hair up. As he waited, he looked around at her room. She already had some things out getting ready to pack to leave. He thought how he DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE this place. All he wanted to do was stay here and get to know her better.

He watched as she brushed her hair and put it up in a loose ponytail. Her simple beauty still took his breath away. In less than two weeks, she would be eighteen years old. Then no one could complain. She would be an adult. Much more of an adult than a lot of people her age. He closed his eyes and thought of their first night there. Suddenly, he excused himself for a few minutes and went to see the housekeeper, but was back in no time at all.

Elaine was ready when he got back to her room. They walked out to the barn and the horse handlers brought their horses out. Lance asked which way everyone had gone and they headed towards the lake. Yelling and laughter could be heard as they neared the trees that surrounded the lake. Everyone waved as they drew the horses up near the others.

"Well, did you buy out the store you two?" asked Justin as he noticed how they walked hand in hand now.

"No, I only got a Bowie knife. You know the one I've been trying to find? Well, I now have it and it is beautiful and well kept. I talked Elaine out of buying corsets and bustles so we pretty much left the store in tact," Lance joked.

"Looks like you guys are having fun. How long have you been here?" asked Elaine.

"We left right after you guys did. Come on and grab something to eat," offered JC.

"Nah, we already ate in town," said Lance, "Thanks anyway."

"Hey guys, we got to do some serious talking here. Rickii and Lynne are supposed to leave after Elaine's birthday bash. I, for one, don't want them to leave. In fact, we have been talking about making some connections to get the girls enrolled at UCF so they can stay in Orlando. There's plenty of work for them to stay for the rest of the tour, too." Justin went and put his arms around Lynne and pulled her to him. "I want my woman near me."

Everyone's mouth fell open at the "my woman" comment. Justin was sounding very possessive and very committed to Lynne. JC seconded Justin's remarks when he grabbed Rickii in a big bear hug. They all agreed that something needed to be worked out. Elaine was not ready to be without her friends, yet. They were her strength and kept her level headed when things got rough.

Something definitely needed to be worked out, and knowing the guys as she did, Elaine had no doubt in her mind at all that they would come up with a solution.

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