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Chapter Thirty Four

No one slept really well that last night. No one wanted to leave this haven of rest. No one wanted to go back to the public scrutiny, just yet. Elaine was plagued with "her dream," which was happening more and more often. After the kiss, she and Lance had shared last night, it just added to the frustration. She was really confused by some of these new feelings and she needed someone to talk to. Normally she could talk to her Mom about anything, however, this was something totally different. She was thinking that maybe if Dani was still there with Chris when they got back, she would talk to her. she was like a big sister and she knew that Dani wouldn't make fun or tease her.

Lance had tossed and turned all night long. If he relieved that kiss once, he must have relived it a million times. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see her face and he could feel her lips on his face and neck and her hands rubbing his back. Well, if nothing else, she had answered another question he had. She had good hands for scratching his back. That was one thing he had said in an interview years ago that the woman he married must be a good back scratcher and love it.

The woman he married?!!! Who said he was going to marry her? He hadn't even admitted to the "L" word, unless it was lust, of course. She was the most desirable creature he had ever laid eyes on. And there seemed to be a definite spark there between them. Her kisses had been like fire on his skin last night and he had never wanted anyone the way he wanted her. After a restless few hours, he had finally fallen asleep.

Now, in a couple of hours, they would be leaving to go back to the others and back to the real world. They ate their breakfast and then went back to their rooms to finish packing and make sure they had not left anything. All their bags were placed in the hall and the workers took them out to the van.

Elaine made a sweep of the room and bathroom and found nothing left behind. She had her vase of roses with her purse and decided to take one more look from the balcony. The morning fog had cleared and the valley was green and brilliant in the morning light.

Suddenly, she felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her back against a solid body. Lance had seen her taking a last look and he couldn't resist being with her again on "their" balcony. He nuzzled his face in her neck and pulled her back against him more. He trembled as he held her. If he were to die at this very moment, he would die an ecstatically happy man. They looked at "their" valley together, then he turned her to him. He was taken aback when he looked into her eyes and there were tears flowing down her cheeks. His heart ached at seeing those tears. "What is wrong Elaine? Did I do something wrong here?" If it was possible, he pulled her closer to himself.

Elaine had so many feelings racing around in her head at that moment. All she knew was that she wanted to stay right where she was, forever. She never wanted to leave his arms. If it was possible, her love for this incredible man had grown to monumental proportions in the last three days. She had to go back to reality now and share him with everyone else. She had made herself a promise during her soul searching last night that on her birthday, she would get him alone and sit him down and tell him just how she felt. Right now, in his arms, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him, but she had to wait. Instead, she touched his face ever so gently and assured him he had done nothing wrong. "I'm just going to miss this place so much and 'our' view here."

He looked deep into her eyes and assured her that they would come back every chance they could. They hugged again and then he leaned in and gave her the gentlest of kisses. "Now, we need to get downstairs. Do you need any help?"

"All I have is my purse and flowers and I'm ready to go."

JC and Rickii were sitting on the porch and Justin and Lynne were coming back from the barn when Lance and Elaine came out. They all gathered around the van and held hands for prayer before getting on the road. Everyone hugged the housekeeper and thanked her for everything she had done. Lance slipped her a small box and told her it was a little something for the favor she had done for him getting Elaine's roses.

In a couple of hours they were on the outskirts of Memphis. Lonnie had phoned ahead to have another van meet them so they could put the girls into that van and have them arrive separately from the guys. Lance hated this. It was so stupid to let the fans rule their lives. Well, it would be no more once Elaine turned eighteen. He had decided that if she would have him, they would become a couple when she turned eighteen. There would be no hiding it, either. Fans or no fans, he would not let them run his personal life anymore. He wanted to be able to have their relationship grow and it couldn't do that in hiding. He was tired of being ALONE even with everyone around him. The fans that truly loved him would be happy for him and support them, the others, well, they would lose out. Elaine was an important part of his life and he would not give her up.

The van took the girls to the hotel they were staying at to unload all their stuff. The guys were taken to the venue for rehearsal for the concert that night. When Lance, JC and Justin arrived inside, Chris and Joey were sitting talking close together. When they looked up and saw the rest of the crew, Joey broke out in a big grin and went running towards his best buddies. As they came together, they embraced and greeted each other. They walked back to where Chris and Joey had been sitting and grabbed seats to sit and talk.

"Okay you guys, I've got something to talk to you about," said Joey as he pulled his chair in the middle. "First, I want you to know how much I appreciate the prayers before I left. I thought it was kinda cheesy, but they really helped. And when I see Elaine, I'm giving that girl the biggest hug and kiss I can muster. Guys, Kelly and I had a very good three days. We did some serious talking and sharing and we've come to a decision. "We've decided it's time to settle down and we've decided we want to be together for the rest of our lives."

Everyone sat and looked at Joey as if waiting for him to crack up in a joke. Instead, they looked into the calm and serene eyes of their best friend who had always been the wild party animal. JC was the first to say anything. "Joey, do you love her, man?"

Joey turned to JC and looked directly at him. "JC, I never realized what she meant to me until I started thinking of what my life would be like without her in it. I did just what Elaine suggested I do. I had Kelly do the same thing. Kelly's my rock, she's my anchor. I love her more than any woman I've ever known.

"How did she react to you?" asked Lance.

"Well, at first, she thought I was joking. She kept asking me what the punch line was and suddenly, it hit home how frivolous I have been with my life. But, once she knew I meant business, she got serious with me. There are a lot of changes I've got to make if it's going to work, though. I still need your prayers and your help as my best friends."

"You've got it Joey," piped up Justin, "we will be there for you always." He got up and gave Joey a big brotherly hug and congratulated him on his decision as did the rest of the guys.

After they were done with Joey, Chris turned and looked at Lance. "And how about you my friend, how was the time off for you guys?"

Lance looked at JC and Justin and then back at Chris. "Well, I don't know about these guys, but I did some serious thinking and soul searching these last few days. First of all, I want to apologize to all of you for being such a jerk over the last few years. I am so sorry for the short temper, the tongue lashings and anything else I may have done. All I can plead is temporary insanity. I'm sorry guys." The guys all answered him that it was forgotten.

Lance continued, "This was time that was badly needed to regroup and refocus on what's important. None of us is getting any younger guys. We have allowed the fans to rule our private lives. I, for one, am tired of it. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans to death, but, they don't keep me warm at night. They're not there to share the good and the bad with. The only one here who has reached that pinnacle of success is Chris. He has Danielle and the kids. That's what it's all about, someone to share your good fortune with.

I really got to know Elaine this last three days, and JC, you were right, she's very special to me. Don't know if I'm ready to call it love yet or not, but I know she's important to my life. My hands are kind of tied right now with her not being eighteen yet, and, even when she turns eighteen, I'm sure there will be raised eyebrows everywhere. But, do you know what? I don't care anymore. I want to be happy. I want a chance for a family and someone to grow old with. I'm praying real hard that she is the one."

Justin leaned over and put his arm around his friend. "We will all pray for you, Lance. It's funny, I know how you feel about that special someone in your life. I've only know Lynne, what six or seven weeks and already she is so special to me. If you ask me, I think God worked a miracle when we went for Elaine's graduation. The idea to go and sing there came from Him. JC and Rickii have hit it off pretty well, too."

Chris sat and shook his head. "Well guys, if nothing else, this will test our fans loyalty. They either love us for our music or this has been a complete joke." The guys agreed and gathered for prayer before rehearsal.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Elaine checked in with her Mom and they went over all the things that had gone on while she was gone. "You look rested and there's' a glow about you, baby," observed Gwen. "What's going on?"

"Oh Mom, we had such a good time. The view from our balcony was incredible. The air is so sweet and the nights are heaven. And sunrise, oh my goodness, Mom it will take your breath away."

"Sounds like you communed with nature. So, how was your time with Lance and the others?"

Elaine sat in front of her Mom and took a deep breath, "Lance is the most incredible man I have ever known. He makes my heart flutter when I hear his voice. He listens to me and shares with me. He's gentle, he's strong. He is so smart. I feel safe with him, like he would do anything to protect me, and I would do the same for him. Mom, I didn't think it was possible to love him anymore than I did, but I do.

We had so much fun horseback riding, swimming, watching movies, just sitting and talking. Lynne and Rickii are thinking about going to UCF if they can get in. We're going to check on the tutorial programs."

"Sounds like there are some changes coming. It appeared Lynne and Justin hit it off and what about JC and Rickii?" asked Gwen.

"Oh there definitely is something there, but you know JC, he's slow and cautious."

Elaine and her Mom talked for a long time, and then she asked her Mom if Dani was still there. Her Mom told her yes and that she should be down in her and Chris's room. Elaine excused herself and went to see Dani.

When she got to their room she knocked on the door and was greeted by a big hug and welcome. Dani offered her something to eat or drink and then Elaine asked, "Can we talk? I really NEED to talk to you."

"Are you okay, honey?" Is something wrong?" asked Dani very concerned.

Elaine didn't know which way to start. "It concerns Lance and me," she finally blurted out.

Dani's eyebrows lifted considerably. "You and Lance?" She had known there was something there on Lance's part, but had no idea that Elaine felt anything. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Oh Dani, there's nothing wrong at all. It's just that I am confused by some things concerning Lance...indirectly. Does that make sense?"

"Honey, why don't you start at the beginning."

"Well, we had a wonderful three days at Justin's retreat. Oh Dani, the view from our balcony was absolutely incredible. It was like...woah!"

"You say 'our,' what does that mean?" inquired Dani.

"Well, Lance and I shared a balcony and the view was wonderful."

"Oh, I see," said Danielle.

Elaine proceeded to tell her about all that happened. Danielle listened closely and asked questions every once in a while. Finally, Elaine told her the biggest secret of all. "I've loved Lance for over five years, ever since I was thirteen years old. He was my hero. He still is. It's not a silly 'fan infatuated love,' it's something that has grown over the years.

I don't have much experience in men, but I know enough that Lance is the kind of man I want in my life. He makes me feel...things. Thinks I've...never felt before."

"What do you mean, sweetie?"

"I mean just what I said. He makes me feel things I've never felt before. Dani, when he kisses me, I feel light headed and giddy. When he touches my skin, it's like I'm on fire. It's wonderful and scary all at the same time. The tinkling sensation when he really kisses me makes me feel like I am going to lose my mind. It makes me feel like crawling inside of him and being safe and warm. Dani, am I making any sense at all?"

Dani sat there trying to take in everything Elaine was sharing with her. She thought to herself, Lance "really kissing her"? What is he doing?

"Dani, when he looks into my eyes and holds me in his arms, I could melt in my shoes. My heart feels like it will jump out of my chest. And when he kisses my neck, oh my God, Dani, I could scream at the top of my lungs."

Dani was thinking maybe she should scream, period. What was he thinking? "Really kissing her...kissing my neck...Lance buddy, you better be careful," she thought.

"You know what is really scary?" asked Elaine.


"When he holds me and kisses me...well...there are these...sensations that I feel that I have never felt before. What is it and why? Dani, I can't go to my Mom about this, but I feel I can trust you. What's wrong with me?"

Danielle sat and looked at Elaine. She could not believe what she was hearing, so she ventured to ask, "Elaine, are you a virgin?"

Elaine looked at Dani and thought, 'what does this have to do with this?' "As a matter of fact, I am. Why?"

"Sweetie, it's called passion, lust, whatever. As women, our bodies are made in a way that helps us to prepare for womanhood. You body is responding to the stimulus that kissing and touching can cause. Then when you're ready for the physical part of love, it will help prepare your body for that."

Elaine sat and thought for a moment. Then she asked about specific things. Dani answered her as best as she could. After they talked for a while, Dani stopped and looked at Elaine, long and hard. "What is it?" asked Elaine.

"You. I didn't think there were any of you left."

"What are you talking about?"

"Virgins. I thought they were a thing of the past. You know it seems like kids think they have to rush themselves to grow up."

"Actually, there are a lot of us around. I belong to 'True Love Waits', as does Lynne and Rickii. We have vowed to one another and God to save ourselves for marriage."

"True Love Waits? I've never heard of it."

"It was part of our Youth Program at church. We had a Bible study on the virtues of saving ourselves for marriage. Our bodies are the greatest gift we can give to the 'special someone'. Sex is something that is SUPPOSED to be within the confines of marriage."

"Well, I for one, am proud of you and your friends for the stand you have taken. More young people need to realize that there are values in life worth having. I know that sounds odd coming from me, after all, Chris and I were together before we were married, but I look back on our wedding night and there was something missing. There was no newness. Don't get me wrong, Chris found some new and 'strange' things for us to do, but it wasn't like being together the first time. Trusting your heart and soul and body to someone for the rest of your life."

"That's it exactly," chimed in Elaine. "I'm no prude, but I respect myself enough to save myself for the one and only man I hope to spend the rest of my life with, at least, that's the choice I made for myself. You know, I had heard the term "got the hots for someone" before, but I guess I never really understood all that went with it."

"Oh Elaine, making love with the man that you love more than life, is the most beautiful experience a woman can have. It's a complete surrender of your very being to another. But, you have to also realize they are surrendering themselves, too. And men are probably more fragile with their egos than women will ever be when it comes to sex." Dani looked closely at Elaine. "Sweetie, you are head over heels in love with our Lancey aren't you?"

Elaine thought for a moment, then she raised her gaze to Dani's eyes. "I guess I am. He's all I have ever wanted. Even when he was with that horrid woman, I never stopped loving him. None of what happened was his fault. She took advantage of him and she hurt him deeply. No one will ever hurt him like that again, if I have anything to say about it." The look of determination in her eyes was apparent, but, overwhelmingly more visible was the love she felt when she spoke his name.

Dani spoke softly, "Lance is one lucky man. Does he know how you feel? Do you understand the complications of this relationship, at this time?"

"I know I'm not eighteen yet and yes, Lance is eight years older than me, but love has no boundaries, except those we set for ourselves. Because of my age, I haven't told him how I feel, yet. But, when my birthday gets here, I'm going to tell him how I feel. The kisses we have shared have rocked my world. I don't know how they affected him, except his breathing was very heavy, as was mine. I have prayed for him for five years. I asked God to save him for me if it was what He wanted for my life. Lance is still single, so I take that as a big yes for my life."

Elaine and Dani talked some more and then Elaine had to leave to get ready for the show that night. "Dani, thank you for talking to me. I couldn't talk to Mom about this."

"I'm glad you felt you could come and talk to me about this. One word of advice, be careful with those kisses. They will melt your resolve faster than a snowball in hell."

"Thank you Dani. Love ya," and Elaine was out the door. As she approached her room, the elevator doors opened and the guys stepped out hot and sweaty from rehearsal.

Chris was the first one out and he grabbed Elaine and gave her a big bear hug as he spun her around. "There's my girlie. How ya doin' sweetie?"

"I'm doing just fine, Chris, and what has you in such a good mood?"

"LOVE is in the air and all around. Did you know Joey and Kelly are engaged?"

Elaine looked at Joey and gave him a big smile. "It worked, didn't it? You made your decision?"

Joey swept her up as soon as Chris put her down. "I owe it all to you. You made me realize I was wasting my life. You pointed out what was important and for that I will be eternally grateful, and, Kelly wants to know if you will be her Maid Of Honor? Okay?"

Elaine started to cry, "I would be honored Joe Joe. You tell Kelly to give me a call and we'll work out the details. Did you set a date?"

"Not yet. One step at a time."

Joey finally put Elaine back down on the floor and she felt arms circle her waist from behind. Without looking, she knew who it was and she broke into a huge smile. all the guys stood there and looked at the happy expression on their best friend's face. He was as happy as they had ever seen him and they were happy for him.

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