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Chapter Thirty Seven

The guys pulled into the Orlando venue at a little after four and headed in for the sound check and costume checks. Lance was sure to let Lonnie and Mike know that there would be a delivery for him at around 5:30 and it was to be made directly to him. So they told him they would come and get him when the package arrived.

It was just after 5:30 when Mike came and got him and took him out back to meet the gentleman that was there with the secured briefcase. Lance asked to see the merchandise. The man unlocked the briefcase and pulled out a purple velvet pouch. He carefully untied the gold tasseled drawstring and emptied the contents onto a black velvet cloth in the case. There in the light was the shimmering sparkles of emeralds, rubies and diamonds in a heart shaped ring. It was exquisite.

Lance had designed the ring one night and faxed the design to a jeweler he knew. The setting was gold and white gold. Half of the heart was covered in emeralds, his birthstone. The other half of the heart was covered in rubies, Elaine's birthstone. There was a silver ribbon and bow with diamonds joining the two halves together. The ring was gorgeous and Lance was very pleased. "Did you bring a box for the ring?" he asked, not wanting to present her with a pouch for her birthday.

"Most assuredly, Sir. We have black, blue, red and purple velvet boxes, sir. Which do you prefer?" the gentleman asked.

"She likes purple, I'll take the purple box." The ring was placed inside the purple box with black velvet interior. It looked breath taking.

"Are you pleased, Sir?" asked the gentleman.

"I am very pleased. Please tell Armando that, as usual, he has outdone himself. I do hope that she likes it."

"Very well Sir. If you will sign here on the dotted line, I will be on my way." Lance signed for the ring and walked the man out to the back entrance of the arena. They spoke for a few minutes. Lance stepped outside with the gentleman, and, the fans waiting for a glimpse of any of them went wild screaming his name and waving.

Lance turned and looked at the fans lined up along the wall and the barricades by the back entrance to TD Waterhouse Arena. In ten years, it had not changed. Young and old alike were waiting for a chance to see their favorite member. Orlando fans were special because this was HOME. He waved to everyone and the crowd went wild. As he turned to go back inside, he thought, why not and turned back to the crowd. "I hope you all enjoy the show tonight. Thank you for coming for this special show."

He was about to head inside when the limo with the girls pulled up. He slipped the purple box into his pocket and walked over to the limo. Before the girls could get out, he stepped inside and sat next to Elaine.

Immediately he took her in his arms and gave her a big hug and kiss. "God, I have missed you."

"Lancelot, it's only been an hour since I saw you at the house, but, I've missed you, too," she grinned sheepishly. "How did sound check go?"

"Everything went great. Are you nervous about tonight?"

"Just a tad, yes. But, you'll be there and I know everything will work out."

"Sugar, I plan on making it work out. By the way, have I told you lately that I love you?"

Elaine smiled and placed her hand on his face and pulled him to her. "No, but you can tell me anytime you want, because, I love you, too, and I never get tired of hearing you say it."

"Guys, we need to get inside," interrupted Lynne. "It's getting late and don't you have a Meet and Greet, Lance?"

They finally pulled apart and went to get out of the limo. Lance got out first and then reached for Rickii's hand, then Lynne's and then Elaine's. He escorted them inside the venue while the fans outside looked on in wonder as to who the girls were. One fan in particular caught the look, again, that Lance gave to the last girl out of the limo. She was the same one in the van earlier and the fan was wondering what was going on.

Inside the venue, Lance took the girls to wardrobe and told them what they needed to do for the show. Dani and Kelly came in to be wardrobed and made up, too. The girls were to be dressed in evening wear and the guys would be in tuxes for the last number. The girls all gave each other hugs and settled in for picking out what they were to wear. Lance left for the Meet and Greet and just caught up with the guys as they were leaving the toy room. Chris asked if the girls had arrived and Lance informed them all that all the girls had arrived and were in wardrobe.

The Meet and Greet went great and the guys were able to meet with some very special kids afterward. Since Elaine had taken over the web site and took care of the fan mail, each concert Meet and Greet was followed by a special Meet and Greet with handicapped kids and terminally ill kids. This was an extra special time for the guys. They always came away with tears in their eyes, but, their hearts were full of love and a renewed spirit.

As the guys came from the Special Meet and Greet, the girls were coming out of wardrobe and make-up. All five of the guys stopped dead in their tracks. The vision before them was heavenly, there was no doubt. Never had they seen such loveliness.

Dani was dressed in a soft yellow, flowing gown. Chris could not believe how beautiful his wife was. Her hair was pulled up on her head with tendrils of blonde hanging by her face.

Kelly was glowing in her emerald green dress. With her dark hair, she almost looked like Snow White. Her skin was smooth and Joey could not believe the beauty coming from this girl in front of him. She was gorgeous.

Rickii wore a dark blue gown and JC was completely mesmerized by her. He looked at her and could not resist holding her in his arms. It suddenly hit him how much she really meant to him.

Well, Justin was just absolutely floored when Lynne walked out in Baby Blue chiffon. Her hair was pulled up much like Dani's and she looked like an angel. He thought she was about as beautiful as she could be at the retreat, but he was wrong. She was more beautiful now.

No one was prepared for the vision of loveliness that walked out next. In a dress the color of the roses he had put in their garden, Elaine flowed out of the wardrobe room. With her skin and eyes and dark hair with even more highlights in it, the lavender gown enveloped her form in softness and total femininity. Her hair was pulled up in ringlets and hung in different lengths. There were silver and white butterflies throughout her hair. Lance was speechless. There were no words to describe the beauty in front of him.

Lance walked to Elaine and took her hand in his. He looked from the top of her head down to her silver sandaled feet. Her beauty was so great that his heart filled to aching and a tear rolled down his face from the happiness and joy and pride he was feeling. "You...are...absolutely...gorgeous, Sugar. Baby, you take my breath away," Lance gasped. "Oh God, you're....beautiful!"

Elaine was moved by Lance's emotion. She thought how she loved this man who was NOT afraid to show his emotions. She felt she was truly blessed to have him in her life. Her heart felt like it would burst when she looked into his sparkling green eyes. It was as if he bared his very soul to her in them.

They all headed to the game room and left the girls there while they went to dress for the concert. When they were done, they came back and chilled with the girls before they were taken to where they would sit for the show.

Lance was toying with the idea of giving her the ring before the show. It would look beautiful with her dress. Also, there would be more privacy now than at the party later. So, he had Elaine to go with him back to his dressing room. As soon as he closed the door, he swept her into his arms and breathed in her essence. He was hypnotized by her beauty and her ragrance.

"Elaine, baby, I just can't get over how beautiful you are tonight. I am the luckiest man on the face of the earth to have you in my life. I can't believe that I am so blessed that you said you would be my girl. I have to tell you that right now, this very minute, I love you more than I have EVER loved ANYONE. I want to hold you and NEVER EVER let you go."

Elaine was overcome by emotions and tears of pure joy and happiness fell from her eyes. She clung to him as though he were her lifeline. In reality, she had never know such an all consuming love. It swept over her like a giant wave and she felt as though she could lose control easily. She wanted to be in his arms and no where else. She wanted to be lost in his kisses and no one else's. She wanted to make him happy for the rest of her life. "Oh my Lancelot. How I love you. How I want to be near you always."

They came together in a long, passionate kiss that just seemed to sweep them away. Lance pulled back reluctantly when the knock came on his door. "Come in."

"The guys need you for the hacky sack and the girls need to be taken to their seats," said Mike.

"Okay, man. Give me five minutes, please."

"Hurry up."

Lance looked deep into Elaine's brown eyes. "Do you have any idea what you mean to me? Well, you're my heart and I hope I am your heart, because that's what I'm giving you for your birthday, our hearts ogether." He pulled the box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

Elaine's heart jumped into her throat at the sight of the purple box. Her fingers trembled as they tried to open the top. She took a big deep breath and lifted the lid. The light bounced off the emeralds, rubies and diamonds on the gold heart-shaped ring. Her hand went to her mouth and she thought she would faint. The beauty and the symbolism of the ring brought tears to her eyes.

"Do you like it, Elaine? Is there something wrong? Why are you crying?" Lance was at a loss.

"Oh Lance, it is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. I've never seen anything like it."

"And you won't, because I designed it for you," offered Lance. "I wanted something special just for you, so, I joined our hearts with a ribbon and bow. Look on the back of the ring."

Elaine turned the ring over and engraved on the back were the words, OUR LOVE IS FOREVER. The tears of happiness that she had held in flowed abundantly. "Oh Lord, thank you for blessing me with this wonderful man," Elaine prayed as she hugged him.

She placed the ring in his hand and asked that he place it on her finger. She held out her left hand and he took it in his trembling hands and slipped the ring on her hand and then kissed where it rested. "You have made me happier than I have EVER been," confessed Lance.

"I love you more than my own life, Lance," and Elaine kissed him tenderly.

Mike knocked on the door again and urged the couple to get a move on. As they walked back to the game room, Lance held her close with his arm around her waist. When they reached the others, the guys left to do their thing and the girls all gathered to see Elaine's beautiful ring. Then Mike urged them that it was time for them to be escorted to the VIP section. "I understand there is going to be a very important announcement made tonight that will necessitate additional security for you ladies. We will shift some responsibilities to make sure that you are safe ladies," informed Mike.

Mike, Jerry and Larry made sure that the girls were safely delivered to their seats. Jim and Diane Bass, along with Stacy, were already seated and when they saw the girls come in all dressed up, they were amazed at their beauty. Stacy ran to Elaine and gave her a big hug. "How's my brother's best girl?" she asked all excited.

"I'm nervous as all get out. Stacy, I don't know how much more excitement I can take. Between loving your brother more than my own life and all that has happened tonight, so far, I don't know if my heart can stand anymore."

"What's happened tonight? By the way, you girls look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you Stacy. Well, this...the clothes and the makeup, all courtesy of the guys. And your brother gave me the most beautiful present with such meaning," she said as she held out her left hand for Stacy to see. "Inside, it is engraved OUR LOVE IS FOREVER. Stacy, I am so happy I could just die."

People in the arena were wondering who the three young ladies were with Dani and Kelly. One fan in particular wanted to know what the deal was with the one with Lance's sister. She was holding out her hand for Stacy to see and there was a sparkle and glitter there. This fan's heart began to pound in her chest. "What is going on here?" she said out loud to herself. "Why are Dani and Kelly and those other three bimbos all dressed up, and what is on that one girl's hand?"

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