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Chapter Four

The ceremony began and the Class of 2005 entered to "Pomp and Circumstance" and were seated at the front of the church. There were greetings given and welcomes by Pastor Jeremiah and Principal Dennis. Each graduate was recognized for various accomplishments throughout their school career. Elaine had excelled in Science, thanks in part, to the help that Lance had given her during the summer and via the internet during school. Lance loved Science and was a big help to her.

Last summer, before her tour visit was cut short by her brother Lee's accident, Lance and Elaine were working on ideas for her Senior Science Project, a display of the Solar System that actually moved was what they came up with. It was a lot of work and frustrating with Lance and Elaine constantly on The internet via email and phone, getting instructions on setting everything up. Lee was able to help and it turned out to be good therapy for him.

When she was presented the "Science Excellence Award," Elaine was ecstatic. She thanked God for everything, her family and for giving her "special" friends to help and encourage her, especially one in particular. "I would not have this award right now if it were not for the encouragement and help and support of one special individual in my life. Lance, this is half yours," she exclaimed to heaven as her voice cracked and a tear slipped down her cheek because he was not there to hear her thank him for all the long distance calls and the emails and just being there when it all seemed hopeless.

Little did she know that he had heard every word and felt almost embarrassed by her glowing words about him. "Man, she thinks you hung the moon and stars, literally," Justin ventured. "That girl is so gone on you."

"You don't know what you are talking about," Lance came back at him. "She's just thankful for the help."

Justin stood and looked at Lance for a few minutes and then he sneaked a look out at Elaine as she was moving back to her seat. He recalled many times over the last five years seeing Lance and Elaine huddled together talking, planning projects and just sharing movies, books and other things. He recalled Lance talking to Elaine when he would talk to no one else when he went through some rocky and disastrous romances. For someone as young as her, Elaine was amazingly mature and level headed.

They all knew that Gwen had had a rough time of it raising Elaine alone, but she had apparently done something right, because they knew her to be sweet, loving and caring about everything and especially about their friendship. Justin remembered how close Elaine became to Lance after the incident with her brother Wesley. They really didn't think much of it then, but, now Justin was looking at things differently. He remembered the birthday parties they would throw for her on the road. The first and last dance were always with Lance. Justin just kind of kept his thoughts to himself, for now. It was getting close to time for them to surprise her with their appearance.

Before the diplomas were given out, the class sang "Amazing Grace" together. They had worked so hard on making it sound the best they could and it was beautiful. Elaine and a few of the others had very well blended voices and they carried the rest to make it a most moving a cappella rendition.

The guys watched from behind the screen as each student received their diploma. They almost broke out in applause when Elaine received hers. It was a proud moment for all of them because she was "family."

Lance watched as she walked across the stage with confidence and pride, and he felt a sense of pride in all they had accomplished over the years. It had been so rewarding to work with this remarkable young lady who wanted to learn everything she could. He remembered their talks out on balconies while they looked through telescopes at the stars and planets and talked about the dream he once had about going into the Space Program. For someone of such tender years, she was amazingly mature. He was amazed by her.

Justin nudged his shoulder. "It's about time guy."

"OK, let's get this show off the ground." Lance went to his spot and picked up the microphone he was to use.

The applause ceased after the last diploma was handed out. Now was the time that the students favorite songs were played. The class, as a whole, had chosen "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" to dedicate to their parents, especially their Moms. Gwen had gotten a copy of the video for them to play for this part. What the audience did not know was that there was only the music track playing on this video and the guys were behind the screen and they would be singing, live. At the appropriate time, they would walk out from behind the screen and surprise Elaine and the others.

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