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Chapter Forty

Jim was to gather the parents together in a small room off the main area where the party was held. Lance slipped the rings into his pocket for later and returned to Elaine and the rest of the group. As he approached the group, he saw Elaine laughing and talking with his friends. He saw his friends approval of Elaine. All was right in his world.

When he reached the group, he had Justin help him gather everyone in the small room. He took Elaine's hand and pulled her to him. "I have a special surprise for you tonight. You know you told me about signs from God? Well, tonight, I have been given one."

Elaine looked at him with a questioning look. Lance smiled at her and kissed her sweetly. They put their arms around each other and headed to the room to meet with family and best friends.

They were the last ones to enter the room, so when they did, everyone turned to look. Elaine looked at Lance and hugged him close. Her heart was so full. Suddenly she felt a need to pray so she asked Lance if they could pray before they told everyone the news and he told her yes.

"Hey everybody, would everyone please join hands for prayer?" asked Lance. "Honey, would you lead us?"

"Our most gracious Heavenly Father, we just want to thank You for this day and for this night. Lord, we ask Your blessings and protection on this party this evening. Thank You, Father for the friends and family you have given us. We are so blessed by You, help us not to forget Your many blessings. Help us to remember You in good times and bad. And tonight Father, I pray that you prepare hearts for coming events. Keep us safe in your love and mercy. Thank you for Jesus, Your Son. Thank You for His sacrifice. Thank You for Your constancy. We ask all these things in Your precious name, amen."

Everyone Amen'd and then looked to Lance and Elaine. Lance asked everyone to sit down and then he and Elaine walked to the front of the room. Lance helped her to a seat and he turned to speak to their family and friends.

"I'm so glad we could get together before the party got started. Elaine and I have something we want to share with you. I know that we just announced that we are a couple tonight, but, something has happened to make a difference in that situation." Everyone looked shocked and started to speak, but Lance held his hand up to quiet them down. Then he continued.

"On the drive to the party, Elaine and I talked and shared a lot. I had said that I did not want to push her to what I wanted in this relationship, and I haven't. But, we had a rather unique experience on our way here. We found that our dreams are one and the same. In essence, she asked me to marry her and I asked her to marry me and we both said yes."

Every mouth, with the exception of Jim's fell open. The girls screamed their excitement and ran to Elaine to give her hugs and congratulate Lance. When everyone settled down, Lance's Mom spoke.

"Lance, are you sure this is what you want? I mean you two just became a couple. Don't you think this is rushing it a little?" asked Diane Bass.

He looked at his Mom and smiled. "Mom, I have never been more sure of anything in all my life. It's not like we've just met, we've known each other for years. We probably know each other better than most couples know each other when they get married. I want a family while I'm still young enough to enjoy them. Elaine told me tonight that God has provided signs to her that this relationship is meant to be, well, he provided a sign to me tonight through Dad."

"What do you mean?" asked Gwen.

"When we got here, I spoke with my Dad about having things ready for Elaine's birthday surprise. When we were done talking, he shared with me something he had done, on his own. Mind you, this is before I told him about the decision we had made. But, he had taken Granny Bass's wedding rings and had them resized for Elaine so that when we decided to take that step, Elaine could wear a family heirloom. He didn't know I had already asked Elaine to be my wife when he gave me these."

Lance pulled the rings out of his pocket to show everyone. Then he turned to Elaine and took her left hand and removed the heart ring and put it on her right hand. He got down on one knee, again, and asked her to marry him, again, and she said yes, again. He slipped the diamond cluster ring on her finger and it was a perfect fit. He held up the diamond wedding band that went with the cluster ring and informed Elaine he would hold onto it until it was needed. Whenever she gave the word.

She placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled him to her. As she gazed into his sparkling green eyes, she told him, again, how much she loved him and how honored she would be to become his wife. Then she kissed him ever so gently.

Lance stood up and looked at their family and friends as he held the hand of the woman he loved more than life. "Please tell us you are happy for us. Please be as happy as we are. Can you do that?"

The guys and girls were excited for them. Gwen came up and looked at her little girl. "I'm losing my baby."

"No, you're not, Mom, you're gaining another son." Elaine looked deep into her Mom's eyes. "Mama, please be happy for me. I am so happy. My dream has come true."

Gwen looked at Lance. "Do you really love my baby girl? I mean really love her?"

Lance took Gwen's hand and looked her straight in the eye. "Mama Gwen, you're daughter is my life. I would die before I would let anything happen to her. I love her more than my own life."

"Just so you know, if you hurt her, you will have me and her brothers to contend with," Gwen said as she broke into a big grin.

"Okay everyone, one more thing, the most important thing. We don't want to announce the engagement until the end of the party, so can we keep it on the down low?" asked Lance.

Everyone agreed and then Joey shouted, "let's have a par-tay!!" Everyone left the room to do just that.

As Lance and Elaine headed toward the door, they remembered the diamond, so Elaine turned it under and they slipped the heart ring back over it. Elaine looked into Lance's eyes and told him how special she felt wearing his Granny's ring. He informed her that she was special and he loved her very much.

Elaine noticed Jim Bass heading to the door. She called to him and walked over to him. "Mr. Bass, it means so much to me that you approve of Lance and I. You've proved it by allowing Lance to give me your Mother's rings. I promise you I will do everything in my power to be worthy of this privilege."

Jim gave her a great big hug and said, "Just keep that smile on my son's face, that's all I ask. And, it's Jim, remember?"

"Yes sir, I'll be glad to keep that smile on his face, you can count on it."

They went out to the party and had fun. Everyone wanted to dance with the birthday girl, but she informed them the first and last dance was always Lance's. The first song was Anne Murray's "Could I Have This Dance." Elaine and Lance looked at each other and smiled. "We'll have to remember this one for the wedding reception," chuckled Lance as he pulled her close and they waltzed out over the floor. They were completely and totally lost to the rest of the room. When the song was done and another one started, they didn't miss a beat and just kept on dancing.

Chris decided he was going to have to cut in to get his dance with Elaine, so he took Dani with him and they swapped dance partners. Chris swung Elaine around and they danced off. Dani figured she would take the opportunity to talk to Lance. "So, how does it feel to be an engaged man?" she asked quietly.

He looked at Dani and smiled. "Dani, I'm the happiest man alive. I can't believe how incredibly happy I am." He looked toward Elaine and commented, "She's the most beautiful woman in my life."

Dani thought for a moment and decided she really needed to talk to him. "She's a beautiful young woman, Lance. An inexperienced young woman, so draw in the tongue wolfman. You do know that she's a virgin with convictions, don't you?"

"Oh yes, I am aware that she is waiting for marriage. It's really refreshing to know that there are still some young ladies who respect themselves enough to take a stand. I am so proud of her. That's one of the reasons I love her so much."

"Just wanted you to know that she is 'new' to this romance thing and she is experiencing 'new' feelings that scare her sometimes. She is strongly attracted to you and she is fighting the feelings that this attraction is causing. Know what I mean?"

"I think I know what you mean. I've been fighting those strong urges myself. I don't want to mess this up, Dani. I love her too much. Tonight on the way over here, I just wanted to ditch the party and go somewhere and be alone, but, I won't push her that far. I don't want her to think I'm just in this for the sex. That was Viv's routine, not mine."

"Oh Lancey Pooh, are you past all that garbage? You don't need to bring baggage into this relationship. Does Elaine know everything about her?"

"She knows a lot, I'm just not quite sure how much she knows. But she was around during a major part of it, so she's bound to know most of it."

"Don't assume anything, Lance. You need to talk to her and clear the air about all of that. You certainly don't need anything to come back and bite you in the butt. Just clear the slate. I wouldn't wait too long either."

"Dani, Chris is a very lucky man to have you. You're a smart lady. Thank you for caring and thank you for being there for Elaine and helping her."

"You're one of my favorite people Lancey Pooh. You just take care of that young lady and don't let ghosts from the past hurt your future."

Lance hugged Dani and thanked her for her love and concern. He looked around for Elaine and she and Chris were still dancing.

As Lance and Dani had danced off, Chris was trying to do some fancy footwork. "How's my Sissy tonight? How does it feel to be an engaged woman?"

"It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I love him so much that it scares me sometimes. I want to be able to make him happy Chris, but I am so afraid I will be inadequate for the task. I want to see you guys have continued success, I want him to be successful with FLE. I just want it all for him."

"What about you, Sissy, what do you want?" asked Chris with a concerned look.

Elaine thought for a moment and she looked into Chris' eyes. "Making him happy will make me the happiest woman alive. I want the whole enchilada, house, kids, mini van, you name it, I want it all with Lance."

"EEEWWWW, little Lances running around, that's scary," Chris laughed. Then he turned serious. "Sissy, I know you two will make great parents. I saw how you guys were with our brude when you would baby-sit out on the road. That I'm not worried about. As far as being inadequate for the task, sweetie, just let nature take it's course. The sparks I have seen flying between you two will ignite at the right time and you'll know what to do. Plus, Dani will be glad to talk to you, I'm sure."

"She has been a big help already. Chris, I don't know what I would do without either of you. There are just some things I don't want to discuss with my Mom. Dani is like a big sister along with ALL my brothers." Elaine hugged Chris and then looked back at him, "I love you guys more than you could possibly know."

Chris tried to act carefree, but he looked at her and whispered, "You better hush or you're going to make me cry. You're kinda special to us, too." He hugged her back and then continued. "You know a lot of what Lance went through with the 'mental case,' but there may be some things you don't know."

"Are you sure you should be telling me this?" Elaine asked.

"Sweetie, there is a lot of 'scar tissue' there. I just want you to be prepared if he kinda wigs out. That woman abused him mentally and emotionally. She took something from him that he can never get back and he doesn't feel whole."

"I know Chris. She took his innocence against his will. She drugged him. It wasn't his fault. We talked about it before we got engaged. He was worried he was not a whole man. Chris, he is all the man I need and want. Chris, I've prayed everyday that God would help me heal his heart. I would rather die than hurt him."

Chris shook his head. "Lance is one lucky man. He was right, you are incredible." He hugged her again and Elaine looked for Lance and they headed toward Lance and Dani.

All the guys came over to Lance and Elaine when it was time to present her with her present. They had a microphone set up and several tables to put her present on from everyone else. Lance nodded to his Dad to be ready.

Another group of roadies and their guests showed up as they were putting everything in place. Joey asked a couple of them to help with the large double doors on the side of the room.

Everyone placed their gift bags and boxes on the table for opening later. Even the fan from the third row, front and center left her gift. Then they gathered near the stage to hear what was about to be said. Johnny Wright spoke first after everyone was assembled.

"Lance would you bring the birthday girl up here please?" When Elaine was on the stage, Johnny continued. "You have always been special to this group over the last several years. Now, you are an increasingly important member of this group, but you're still special to us. Today marks a landmark for you as you have turned eighteen. Now you can vote and various other things. I said you were increasingly important, but actually you are becoming increasingly invaluable to us all. You have worked nothing short of a miracle in getting these guys back out to the public and increasing the demand for them. For that, we are ever grateful." The crowd broke into applause.

Johnny pointed to Lance as he continued on. "This guy here, I KNOW, is happy you're with us because, aside from the obvious, he was wigging out about a liaison for FLE. Again, you came through. Now, my people weren't too happy when you put some work back on them, but guess what? I don't care. They have to hustle butt now and that is a good thing. Over all, you have made life for all of us, much easier. Thank you and we love you." Everyone whistled and applauded.

"In conclusion.."

"It's about time," yelled Chris.

Johnny looked and kept on going. "As I was saying, in conclusion, my little gift to you is actually two fold. Not only will it insure that I keep one of the most talented people I know, administratively speaking, in the fold, but it will insure the contentment of one of my people," said Johnny as he patted Lance on the back.

"Anyway, Elaine, Wright Entertainment is paying your college tuition at UCF, as long as you are with us. We will arrange for a tutor, if needed, when we are on the road. Happy birthday, Elaine, welcome to the family." Johnny gave her a big hug when he was done.

Next was Gwen. She came up to the microphone and the first thing, she thanked Johnny for WEG's gift to her daughter. She then turned to Elaine. "Do you have any idea how proud of you I am? Ladies and gentlemen, this beautiful creature has been the light of my life and I'm sure she always will be. She has always made me proud and I am so blessed to be her Mom. When graduation time came this year, the gift I had planned to give her had not come in yet. Well, it's here NOW."

Elaine walked over to her Mom and Gwen pulled a small box out of her pocket. "This was supposed to be here for you graduation, but it took longer and I wanted it done right."

Everyone watched as Elaine opened the box. Inside was a gold band and engraved on the outside was "True Love Waits." Inside, there was engraving also. It said, "When you save yourself for marriage, you save the best part of you, your SOUL." Tears came to Elaine's eyes and she hugged her Mom tight. "I love you so much Mom. Thank you for being my Mom."

Gwen left the stage and Chris stepped to the microphone. "Well, now, it's our turn. We got this fine young lady with us now and we got to keep her happy. One of us has definitely taken on that job, full time," he said as he gave Lance a sideways glance and Lance gave him one right back.

"Now that Elaine has the responsibilities that she does, she is going to be doing a lot around Orlando and nearby areas. We tried to think what we, as a group could get her that would be practical and useful and FUN. Well, after long discussions and deliberations, we made a decision."

Chris directed the others on the side to open the big double doors to the side of the stage. When this was done, a loud noise could be heard. Suddenly lights flooded through the doors and in came Mr. Bass driving a Steel Blue Mitsubishi Spider Eclipse convertible with a white top.

Elaine stood there with her mouth wide open. She could not believe her eyes. Lance stood behind her and put his arms around her from behind and pulled her against his body. His mouth was right next to her ear and he asked her what she thought and then he kissed her ear. The shockwave that went down her back almost caused her to fall. If it had not been for Lance having his arms around her, she would have. She looked at each and every one of the guys. They stood there looking at her and smiling from ear to ear.

Chris was the first to speak. "Well, Sissy, what do you think? It was a tough decision because we had heard you mention this car and the BMW Z3. But Lance said you would feel this was more practical."

She turned her head to Lance and jokingly remarked, "that's going to cost you a Z3 at Christmas. Seriously...I love this car," and she gave him a kiss.

"Woah, what about us?" yelled the guys and they closed in for their hugs. Elaine was overwhelmed by it all. She was escorted to the car to look at it and to sit in it. The guys all stood around the car and watched the look of wonder on her face. This made them very happy.

They walked around the car looking at all the details. Lance was looking at the front of the car and saw the tag he had made for it. It said "Sugar Bear loves Lancelot" on it. He motioned for her to come look. When she saw it, she almost cried. "I know who that is from. I love you Lancelot. I love you so much." She reached and pulled him to her and kissed him deeply. He was lost in the kiss when he felt a hand on his butt and assumed it was Elaine's and moaned into her mouth. Then his hand slid down her back to her tush. She was taken aback at this boldness and in public no less. She pulled back and looked at him in shock. "Lance!"


"Baby, we're in public and here with family and friends."

Lance looked totally confused. "Sugar Bear, I thought when you put your hand on my butt..."

"My hand?! What are you talking about?"

"When we were kissing, you were playing with my butt. Weren't you?"

"No sir I was not. I would not do something like that to you, at least not in public."

"Then we have someone with a butt fetish around here," Lance said as he looked around.

The car was pulled back outside so the floor was clear for dancing. Elaine and Lance decided they would make their announcement after a few more dances, before everyone left. The fan from the third row was on the other side of the room watching Lance and Elaine. She was thinking how good it had felt touching Lance's butt. It felt so good. She could make Lance REAL happy, not like Miss Goody Two Shoes. She could never make him feel like she could. Lance Bass was hers and soon, he would realize it too. No one would have him but her.

She stood there watching them dance together and thought how Elaine better enjoy it while she could because she wasn't going to have him for long. As she watched, she thought, "I can touch him in ways that will drive him wild and make him beg me for more. I will have you again Lance, I will. You are mine and no one else's. Oh those hands, they can drive a woman wild. She will never know THAT touch."

Lance and Elaine motioned to the others that they were about to make their announcement. They headed to the stage and Lance took the microphone from the stand. He stood between Elaine and the audience and made sure the microphone was off. "Do you want me to propose a third time or shall we just announce it?"

She laughed. "Sweetheart, lets just announce it, okay?"

"Then we need to turn that ring around. Here let me help you."

"I want to put my True Love Waits ring on first, that's how it goes, then you put the engagement ring on."

Lance put the heart shaped ring on her right hand, took the diamond off, slipped the TLW band on and then slipped his Granny's ring back on her finger, right where it belonged. He looked at her and told her how much he loved her, then took her left hand and turned around to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention. May we have you attention, please. First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to Elaine's party tonight and helping her celebrate. As it turns out, this is more than a birthday celebration. On our way here tonight, we had an interesting talk and discovered that we have the same dreams in common. It's not like we just met, we've known each other for over five years. Anyway, we had made a decision when we arrived here and that decision was confirmed when my Dad presented me with something very special to our family. You see, he gave me my Granny Bass' wedding rings.

When he placed those rings in my hand, I knew it was a sign from God that we were heading in the right direction so, I turned to Elaine, again, and asked her to marry me...I'm proud to say that she said YES!" Lance held up her hand to show the ring on her finger.

Everyone was in shock. They stood there with their mouths open. Finally, the guys started clapping and the rest of the room joined in. They started offering congratulations and hugs and kisses. All, except the fan from the third row that was across the room. She was standing there, numb to the core. In her head she kept saying it wasn't true over and over.

Chris went over to the DJ and asked him to play THIS I PROMISE YOU. Then he went to announce the couple's engagement dance.

***(You will want to play #6 from NSA about now)***

Lance stepped down from the stage and turned to Elaine and lifted her off into his arms. He looked at her with such longing. The look in his eyes warmed her whole body. Elaine felt the intense love that was there for her. He put his arms around her waist and she put hers around his neck. They leaned their heads against each other and closed their eyes to everyone but each other. Elaine softly sang into his ear as he hummed into hers. Everyone stood back and let them have the floor to themselves. Lance held her as close to him as he dared. "Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for my life and for putting this wonderful woman into it." There was so much love in his heart for Elaine that it almost hurt. His eyes filled with tears of happiness and joy and they spilled down his cheeks and onto her shoulder.

When Elaine felt his tears fall, she opened her eyes and looked into his. "What's wrong, Baby?"

He just shook his head. "Sugar, everytime I think it's not possible to love you anymore, I am hit with the realization that my love grows more everyday. There was an old country song many years ago that said, 'I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow.' I love you so much it hurts. I'm so afraid I will wake up and find that it is all a dream and you won't be here."

Elaine's heart was so full at his words, she let tears flow that she had tried to hold back. "Oh my sweet, sweet Lancelot. I am so blessed to have your love. I'm so blessed to have you."

She gently pulled his head down to her and she kissed him slowly and deeply. Their tongues sought each other as the passion rose and she felt like she was being swept away.

As the couple on the floor kissed and danced, a certain woman across the room had snapped when the kiss began. Her heart was racing with intense anger. "She can't have him! She just cannot have him. If I can't have him, no one else will." She reached into her purse and stepped to the edge of the crowd and waited for the song to end.

When the last note had played, she spoke. "Lance Bass, let go of her. You don't belong with her, you belong to me."

At the sound of the voice calling his name, Lance froze and felt as though someone had punched him in the stomach and knocked all the air out of him.

Everyone turned to look in the direction of the voice. It didn't look like her, but it sure as hell sounded like her. Lance's blood froze in his veins.

"Please God no, I thought she was out of my life. Please no."

Elaine put her arms around him to lean support to him. She could not believe the nerve of this woman to show up here. She saw the look in the woman's eyes and it was frightening. She was insane. It was obvious that she had completely gone around the bend. Elaine could feel Lance tremble in her arms. She took her hand and turned his face to her. "I love YOU. She will NOT hurt you again. Baby, don't give her the POWER. Don't let her have that edge on you. You have me. We have each other."

"Get you hands off him, BITCH!!" screamed the woman.

This lit a fire in Lance. "Don't call her YOUR name, Vivica. She is NOT like you."

"No, she's not me, lover, and she can never do for you what I can do for you."

Lance was feeling embarrassed. "Not here Vivica! This is NOT the place to discuss..."

"This IS the place to discuss this. That wench cannot have you. Your mine forever."

Suddenly, realization hit. YrMyn4Eva, that was Vivica.

The guys came up behind Lance, "Who is that?" asked JC.

"It's Vivica," Lance spit the name out distastefully.

"What!" all the guys exclaimed. Chris went to call security and when Vivica saw them moving, she panicked. Her hand came out of her purse and she was holding a gun. The women in the room screamed.

"Everyone get back from her," Lance shouted as he pulled Elaine behind him to protect her.

"That's right, get back, I know how to use Lance, why don't we just leave these losers behind and go back to my place. It's been too long, lover. I really need you," she slurred the words.

Lance took a stance and stared her down. "Vivica, I wouldn't touch you with a forty foot pole. You are disgusting to me. You make me sick to my stomach. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being."

"But Lance, I can love you better than her. I can do things Miss Goody Two Shoes wouldn't think of doing. I know what you like."

"You have NO concept of what I like. You are TRASH. You are a lowlife and you are not HALF the woman that Elaine IS. Don't you get it? I hate you. I hate what you did to me and I will NOT have anything to do with you ever again." He turned to Elaine and kissed her and they started to walk away.

A shot rang out and he grabbed Elaine to him. They turned and Vivica was moving around back and forth. "Don't turn your back on me. If I can't have you, she sure as hell won't have you." She leveled the gun at him, "Make your decision lover, her or me."

Elaine tried to tell Lance to convince Vivica that he changed his mind and get close to her and get the gun away, but, he didn't even want to get close to her. He saw security slipping up behind her and tried not to give them away.

Suddenly, someone moved and she freaked and she took aim with the gun and she fired. Elaine saw what was coming and she pushed Lance to the side with her body.

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