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Chapter Forty Four

Everyone gathered in Elaine's room that night. They were so excited to see her sitting up already. "It's amazing how good I feel you guys. I just want you to know I really appreciate the prayers you offered up."

They visited a while and then Elaine asked if she and Lance could have a few minutes together alone and then she wanted them all to come back. Once everyone was out of the room, Lance looked at Elaine as if to ask, what was going on.

"Lancelot, I don't know about you, but I have spent a better part of the day thanking God for sparing you and allowing me to come back to you."

Lance took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. "You are my life Elaine. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you. Baby, you're my heart and soul. When you 'left' I felt you by me somehow. It chilled me to the bone. Then after a while, it was like you were back by my side. I felt this overwhelming love consume me and there was this incredible feeling of peace. Somehow, I knew, you were going to be okay."

Elaine looked at the remarkable man that stood before her. He would be an excellent husband and a wonderful father, she was sure of that. If he could remember to always share his feelings about things, they would always be in touch with one another. "Lance, I felt the most incredible sense of peace and I felt like I came back smarter than when I left. And that is why I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes before we talk some more with the rest of our friends."

"What is it baby?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"Our engagement."

Lance almost looked panicked as he thought she might want to break the engagement, and she immediately sensed this and assured him that was not the case. "I was just wondering how long you wanted it to be?" she asked shyly.

He looked at her and leaned in to kiss her deeply. When he withdrew, he looked at her with every bit of honesty in his body and said, "If I had my way about it, I would get the hospital chaplain up here right now and marry you this very minute. I almost lost you. I don't want to waste another moment away from you. I want to love, honor and cherish you for the rest of my life. I want to protect you and comfort you and do my best to keep you from harm. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy." His touch and the look in his eyes told her all she needed to know.

"Lance, I feel the same way. When I came back, I had a sense of when we should get married, I tried to convey it to you and I don't know if I succeeded or not. Do you have any idea of when we should get married?"

He shifted on his feet and then looked into her eyes. "Why don't we say it together?"

"Okay, let's."

Together, they said, Christmas.

Her eyes smiled at him and she reached out to hold him. She never wanted to let him go or be far from his embrace. All she could say was, "You heard me!" She cupped his face with her hand and kissed him long and deep. When they finally broke from it, they were both breathless.

Reluctantly, Lance pulled away from her so that he could call the others back in. As everyone came back into her room, Stacy looked at her brother and knew that something was up, but she decided to wait and see what happened. Lance returned to sit by Elaine's side on the bed. They both had wicked looks on their faces and Chris was the first to speak. "Okay you two, what is going on? I can tell you are up to something. What gives?"

Lance and Elaine looked at one another and then at their friends and together they said, "We're getting married Christmas."

Everyone's mouth fell open. They looked at the couple on the bed and then at one another. "Did we miss something here?" asked JC. Rickii was nodding in agreement as were the others.

"Yeah, what happened to not rushing things?" asked Justin.

Lance looked down at his hand holding Elaine's and he smiled and answered, "Divine Providence y'all." They proceeded to share with them what had determined their reasoning.

"Well, we were planning on being in Orlando anyway for the Holiday Special at Disney, what's one more festivity to attend," offered Joey.

"Oh, you are going to do more than attend this, you are going to be a part of it, all of you. Lance and I could not possibly start our lives together without the most important people in our lives being there. You guys have been like brothers to me and I love you all."

They all sat and talked and discussed the basic details. Elaine knew what she wanted and the colors would be purple with red and royal blue. The girls looked at her and she assured them that she had her reasons. She told them to start thinking about the style of the dresses they wanted to wear and when she got out of the hospital, they would start putting this wedding together.

After the discussions were over, everyone left Lance and Elaine to be alone. When he came back into her room after saying good night to everyone, she was sitting up with her hand out to him. She wanted him by her side. She wanted him ever near. They had both experienced a near loss and with their love so fresh and new, it was scary to think how either one of them could have gone on without the other.

Lance went straight to her side and took her hand in his. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed each finger, never losing eye contact with her. It was the most sensuous moment of her life. Not even the kiss on their balcony was as intense as the look in his eyes at this moment. Elaine felt warm all over and she felt like the most loved woman on the face of the earth.

He kissed each and every finger and then he kissed the back of her hand and then he slowly turned her hand to where he could kiss the palm of her hand. The tiny kisses were given around her palm and then he stopped and looked at her. There was so much love, devotion and passion in his eyes that she gasped. His lips slightly parted as he slowly lowered them to the center of her palm and he traced a circle in her palm with his tongue. The shock that went through her body was mind blowing. Her heart felt as though it would pound right out of her chest.

Elaine gently pulled her hand and Lance to her. Her hand trembled as it traced his face. Green eyes that were more beautiful than any Peridot she had ever seen, looked at her in wonder. Her finger traced the outline of his lips and as she did so, her tongue gently moistened her lips as she starred at his lips in anticipation.

Lance opened his mouth and gently nipped at her finger playfully. Then he looked at her lips as she ran her tongue out to moisten them. They looked so inviting to him. As he drew nearer to them, she closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss and she slipped her hand behind his head to draw him nearer to her. Their lips met in the tenderest of kisses, the most innocent of kisses. No one could have known the electricity that went through their bodies at that moment. Elaine's hand pulled him closer to her and deepened the kiss. Her lips parted and Lance's tongue found a haven with hers.

When she moaned into his mouth, he almost lost it. Her innocence was so incredibly sexy to him. He pulled back from her and looked at her angelic face. "I love you so much. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. Oh God, help me! I want you so much and it scares me to death.

Elaine looked at him with understanding in her eyes. She was reeling from that kiss, too. She felt so feminine at that moment. She felt she was desirable. She wasn't a Miss Goody Two Shoes like Vivica slammed, but a woman with morals and self respect, but could still turn a man like Lance on and have him want her like he obviously did.

The feelings she had experienced on their retreat seemed to have intensified ten fold. They were so overwhelming that they took her breath away. If it was possible, Lance had become even more handsome and he was definitely a turn on.

He looked into her eyes with eyes full of passion and said, "I love you my Sugar Bear and right now, you better be glad that you are in this hospital bed, because I don't know if I could pull back if we were anywhere else. My heart is so full of love for you, I can't stand it."

Tears rolled down her face as she thought of the torture he must be feeling. After all, he knew what sexual pleasure was. When he saw the tears in her eyes, he immediately put his arms around her in a protective hug. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you in pain? Do you need some medication or something?" Lance was so concerned about Elaine. "You've overdone it today, haven't you?"

Elaine looked at Lance with so much love in her eyes. "I was wondering if it...hurt pull back...after being..." Her voice was very timid and her eyes fell to her lap.

Lance thought for a moment and suddenly realized what she was asking him. She was concerned for him. "Sometimes," he answered, not wanting her to feel bad at his dilemma.

She continued, "It's just that...I know that you know...what you...are missing...I know enough to know that men...are affected...differently than women are...when they...are aroused. I know that you experienced that with...her."

Now he understood. Vivica's remarks were getting to her and she thought that he missed that part of a relationship. Well, that answered his question from earlier. He needed to tell her about his relationship with Vivica and assure Elaine that he would bring NO ghosts to their relationship. Now was the time to be totally honest with her. To admit that there was a lot he didn't remember of the physical aspects of his relationship with Vivica. Most of the time she had him drugged. When he had finally come out of the drug induced fog he was in, he could not believe some of the things she had him do. Things that if he were not drunk or drugged, he would never do.

"Elaine, I have debated for a while whether or not to tell you about that fiasco in my life. Now I know I have to."

"Lance you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to...I was just concerned about what I...might be doing to you. I wouldn't hurt you for anything in this world. Lance, I'm so sorry."

"Baby, you have nothing to apologize for. I want you to know anything and everything about me. We are, after all, going to spend the rest of our lives together. We can't start off on lies, can we?"

"I know it was a very difficult time for you. I don't want you to have to relive that."

"Sugar, I have you now, I don't have to be afraid of that part of my life now. Actually, I can look at it very realistically now. I'm not in a drugged fog anymore."

"Please don't do anything that will cause you pain, I don't need to know everything."

"Baby, you're worried that I miss the sexual pleasures, when actually, the major part of that part of our relationship was induced by drugs. She played with my head so much in the beginning. I had wanted to wait for marriage, but when she couldn't break me down mentally, she resorted to drugs to get what she wanted. Then she did things to me and had me do things to her that I wouldn't have done otherwise. Sugar, what I'm trying to say to you is, my desires were NOT my own. That is why I told you that my feelings scare me to death, because, these ARE my feelings, they ARE my desires, ALL for YOU. In essence, this is my first time. A time I have control over."

Elaine understood what he was saying and she assured him that she did. He had been virtually raped by that woman. How could she do that to him and then claim to love him?

The next several days were spent with Elaine in therapy for her shoulder and her recovery was remarkable. Lance spent every waking moment with her and sometimes went to her therapy with her so he could help her when she got home. They talked about their lives together and he even managed to share some of his dreams for the future with her.

They both agreed they wanted kids, to be a family. There was so much love to share with a child born of their love for one another. They agreed they wanted at least three. Then they would see what happened.

The night before Elaine was to leave the hospital, Dr. Rent came in to check her over and she talked to Lance about the therapy that Elaine needed to continue. Lance let her know that he had a small gym in his house and asked if they could arrange something to be done there. If there was equipment needed, he would get it. Susie made arrangements for the therapist to visit Lance's gym and see what could be worked out.

As Lance and Elaine discussed a schedule for the therapist to come out to the house, Susie stood and watched this young woman and man. They were so right for one another. The love was so evident and very obvious in the way they looked at one another and in the way they touched.

Lance and Elaine looked at her when they noticed her watching them. "What's wrong Susie?" asked Elaine.

"Oh, nothing is wrong at all. You two are so right for each other. Don't ever lose that specialness to one another. Don't ever lose the love for one another. Don't ever lose the need to be with or touch one another. And, I expect a special invitation to that wedding whenever it is."

They had decided to wait until she was out of the hospital to announce the wedding date. In fact, there was a press conference in the morning when she was to leave the hospital and they were going to announce it then. They looked at one another and smiled and Elaine told Lance to go ahead. He walked over to Susie and took her hand in his and had her join him and Elaine by her bed. "Well, if a special invitation is what you want, well that is what you will get. You may consider yourself officially and specially invited to our wedding December 25th."

Susie's mouth fell open. She looked back and forth between them to see if they were joking and it was evident that they were not. "This December 25th?" she asked.

"Yes, Susie, this Christmas," grinned Elaine.

After Susie left, a few folks from the crew came by to see how Elaine was doing. During the visit, Elaine would spot Lance looking at her with such longing in his eyes. She knew he wanted time alone with her and she knew that after tonight, things were going to change. Once she went home to his house, they would be together all the time. And she also knew the temptations would be greater. At least his Mom and Dad were going to be there for a few days to help get her settled in. Then there was talk of her Mom moving out to the house. But at least she would have Lynne and Rickii there, too. They would definitely keep her from going nuts. And with Justin and JC hanging around with them, it would never be dull.

Finally, the last visitor left and Lance looked at Elaine with concern in his eyes because she looked so tired. They were in the sitting area of the suite she was in and he tried to get her to go into bed and rest. "I don't want to go to bed, I want to sit here on the couch and hold you," she said with a smile. "You realize when we get home tomorrow, we won't have any privacy with your folks there and the girls? I just want to be held in your arms Lance, please."

She didn't have to tell him twice, he headed for the couch and turned out a few lights on the way so they could cuddle on the couch. Elaine had all the pillows down on her end of the couch. She had him to sit behind her on the couch. Once he was in place behind her, she leaned back against him and he wrapped his arms around her. They had the radio on and the DJ came on with a special request.

"Well, we have one of Orlando's finest citizens on the line tonight, Justin Timberlake. Of course we are always glad to hear from any of the guys from *N SYNC. I understand you have a special request tonight."

"Danny, I've got the best special request tonight. As you know, Lance and his fiancee were involved in a situation several nights ago and thank God, they both came out of it okay. However, it was touch and go for a while with Elaine. Well, tomorrow she gets to come home from the hospital and I know that she and Lance are listening right now and I just want to say to you Lance, you've been like a brother to me since we first met and you'll always be my best friend. And Elaine, you've been the little sister I never had and I love you with all my heart, Sissy.

Folks, these two wonderful people are very special to me and the others. They have something very special and very rare. They have a pure and honest love. A love that even a bullet could not bring down. That's why I want to dedicate an oldie but definitely a goodie. 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You." Good luck Scoop and Sissy, we love you and we wish you every happiness in your life together."

*********PLAY GOD MUST HAVE SPENT NOW***********

Tears were running down Elaine's face and she told Lance she was going to get Justin for that after she gave him a great big hug. She got up off the couch and held her hand out to Lance. "Please dance with me."

"Anything for my Sugar Bear." He took her in his arms and she felt so good there. Her head nestled into the crook of his shoulder and as they danced, she placed tiny light butterfly kisses on his neck. Finally, he could stand it no longer and he leaned around and kissed her gently. This seemed to appease her and they continued to dance. He held her one hand in his and brought it up between them. Every so often he would dip his head to kiss her hand.

As their bodies swayed to the music, Lance hummed into her ear and this sent goose bumps all over her. She raised her head off his shoulder and looked into his sparkling green eyes and felt as though she would faint. "I love you, Lance," she whispered as she looked deep into his eyes.

He searched her face trying to figure out what she might be thinking and all he could see was her love for him. "God how did I get so lucky."

"Elaine, I love you, too. More than anything." He held her closer to him and they continued to dance until the song ended. "Guess we'll have to thank Justin for that tomorrow."

"He will definitely get my thanks. I love dancing with you. I love being held in your arms. I love being able to hear and feel your heart beat. I love being close to you and being able to touch you."

Elaine's soft hands touched his face. As she did this, his eyes closed to her touch and he leaned in to her touch. Soon, she had pulled his face to just in front of hers. When he opened his eyes, he was looking directly into hers. The impact of the look in her eyes made him weak in his knees. He stumbled to her and held her as tight as he dared to. He inhaled her fragrance and felt even more unsteady.

Looking at Elaine was his own personal drug, his own high. She was breath taking to him. Her simple beauty intoxicated him. At this very moment he wanted to pull her into himself and protect her from any hurt or harm. He gazed on her face, the sparkling eyes, the perky nose that wrinkled up when she smiled. And those lips. The lips that would break into a smile the moment she saw him, the lips that said "I love you, Lance" and caused his heart to quiver, the lips that seemed to beg for his attention and when it was given, his toes curled clear up around his ears.

"Oh God, what did I ever do to deserve this beauty before me? What did I ever do to warrant Your favor on my life in this way?"

Elaine was gazing on the drop dead gorgeous man in her arms. A man with a heart of gold that loved her and needed her in his life. The man she had loved with all her heart and soul for almost six years, now was hers. She had been patient and prayed and God had been faithful to give her the desires of her heart. "Thank You, Lord for this man You have given me."

It was getting late and Elaine needed to get some rest, but she didn't want Lance to leave. She wanted to feel his arms around her all night. When the song was done, she looked at Lance and gave him the old puppy dog face and he looked at her and said, "What?"

"What do I need to do to persuade you to spend the night with me?" she asked with a seductive grin on her face.

"Keep looking at me like that and you won't be able to get rid of me," Lance said as he nuzzled her neck. "Why do you want me to stay?"

"I know I'm going home tomorrow and we will be together there, but we will have everyone else there too." She looked into his face and put her arms around him. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but I just need to feel you close to me tonight. I want to fall asleep in your arms on the couch, fully clothed and all, just like we did on the retreat in the lounge chair. If you want to leave after I am asleep, you can, but please stay with me until I'm asleep. Please."

There was nothing he wouldn't do for this woman and this was such a simple request. He walked over to the phone and called his house. His Dad answered and Lance told him he was spending the night at the hospital. There was a press conference in the morning and he told him he would need fresh clothes to change into. There was a bag on the bed in his room with clothes for Elaine, so his Dad could just put him some clothes in that bag and bring it to the hospital early. He told his Dad to drive the 4 Runner so that he could bring all the bags and some of the flowers home in it. Elaine was sharing a lot of her flowers with the children's ward and cancer ward, but there were special ones she wanted to take home. He asked his Dad to bring Ford with him to drive the Spyder home so he could ride with Elaine in the limo.

After all arrangements were made, Lance took a deep breath. "Dad, thank you for doing all of this for me on such short notice."

"Son, you know that I would do anything for you and Elaine. You two spend some special alone time tonight."

"We will Dad. She just wants me to herself for a while, I guess."

"I can imagine she would son. When she gets home, it's going to be non stop around here."

"Home. Dad, that sounds so good to hear. Elaine coming home to the home I hope we spend the rest of our lives in."

Lance said goodnight to his Dad and his Mom got on for a moment and sent her love. When he got off the phone, he went to see about getting a toothbrush from the nurses station. While he was there, Susie stopped on her way out from rounds. When she found out he was staying the night, she got him some scrubs to change into so he wouldn't have to sleep in his clothes. He thanked her and promised that they would be returned in the morning. She assured him they would not be missed and to consider them an extra benefit from the hospital stay. They put the toothbrush and some tooth paste and the scrubs into a ditty bag for him and he started back to Elaine's suite when he thought of something. A devilish smile came to his face and he called to Susie, "Hey Susie, can I borrow your stethoscope?"

Lance went back to the suite and went into the bathroom to change. When he came out in the scrubs, no shoes and Susie's stethoscope draped around his neck, Elaine lost it. She laughed so hard she cried. When she was finally able to speak without cracking up she put on her best Southern drawl, "Why Dr. Bass, I do believe I'm sufferin' from heart palpitations." Then she cracked up again.

As Lance sauntered over to the couch, he let her know that he would get her for this, then he plopped down on the pillows beside Elaine on the couch. Then, with a very serious look on his face, he turned to her and said, "I understand you are madly and deeply in love with this pop star and every time he is near, your heart begins to flutter. Is this true?"

Elaine decided to play along and continued in her Southern drawl, "Why yes doctor, when he gets near me, my little ole heart just goes pitter pat." She looked in his eyes and that look was there again. That look of longing.

"Now Elaine, we just cannot have this happening. I must check your heart to make sure it is strong for you to withstand this relationship. After all, you will have to share him with millions of screaming fans all over the world."

She looked him straight in the eye, "As long as he comes home to my bed at night, I can handle the screaming fans."

Lance's heart began to pound in his chest at her words and he knew she could withstand anything as long as they were together. Together, they were stronger than they were separately.

He took the stethoscope and went to place it on her chest over her heart. As he drew near, she opened her robe so that he could put it on her bare skin. His own heart pounded even more. When he placed it on her chest and his finger brushed her skin, her heart rate jumped considerably. She looked at him and indicated that she may need mouth to mouth resuscitation if it kept going up.

As he gazed into her yes, she faked a fainting spell and the 'doctor' immediately 'went to work.' His lips covered hers and his tongue sought entrance to her mouth and she slowly allowed him to enter and her tongue played with his. His arms circled her body and rubbed up and down her back. Her hands roamed his body as if exploring unknown territory. His chest was hard and firm from the constant working out and performing. She could feel his body tremble at her touch just as hers did to his touch.

Finally the 'mouth to mouth' broke apart and they looked into each others eyes panting for air. "We need to...stop, or I won't be able to say no to you," she said with a break in her voice. "God help me, but I want you so much. Please just hold me, just hold me. I love you, Lance. Please know that."

He did know that and assured her everything was okay. They fluffed up the pillows and after taking several deep breaths, laid down to go to sleep. "Thank you, Lance."

"For what?"

"For understanding."

"I love you too Elaine. Good night."

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