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Chapter Forty Five

When Elaine woke that morning and found Lance still holding her, she felt such peace and contentment and then drifted back off to sleep until they were awakened by the breakfast cart clanging in the hall. Shortly afterward, Jim and Ford arrived. They sat and watched the news while Lance got a shower. They started taking things down to the 4Runner in the garage and Lance showed Ford where the car was parked.

As they approached Elaine's suite, there were several men with Johnny Wright standing outside the suite doors. Johnny turned to greet Lance and his family and explained that they were there to give him and Elaine an update on the situation with Vivica and to instruct on information for the press conference. They went into the suite as Elaine was coming out of the room into the sitting area. She went over to Johnny and he gave her a big hug and told her how well she looked.

Everyone sat down and Johnny introduced the attorneys from their legal team and they began their little conference. It seemed that Vivica had completely gone off the deep end and was under twenty-four hour suicide watch. She was convinced that she had killed Elaine and she couldn't understand why Lance had not come for her yet. They were doing extensive psychiatric evaluations on her and they were doing their best to keep the sordid details out of the public eye.

Lance let Johnny look over his statement regarding their announcement of a date to be married and he gave his approval. They discussed what to and what not to say regarding Vivica and he was assured there would be questions. They decided that once Elaine was settled in at home they would get together and prepare another statement for the media and they could announce that to the press during the meeting this morning.

Susie came in and checked Elaine over and gave her the green light to go home. She gave Lance strict instructions of what Elaine could and could not do. He promised that Elaine would be a good girl and do what the doctor ordered. They set a date for Elaine to come in for follow-up.

As she started to leave, Susie paused. She turned and looked at the couple surrounded by family and friends. Did they realize how lucky, how blessed they were? If they just stuck together and stayed strong for one another, they would be all right.

Elaine noticed Susie looking at them. She went over to her and asked her if they could talk privately for a few minutes. They headed for the bedroom part of the suite and Lance looked up in concern as he thought something was wrong. Elaine assured him it was a girl talk thing and she and Susie left the room.

"Do you realize just how blessed you are?" asked Susie.

"He is wonderful, isn't he?"

"Sweetie, he is more than wonderful. He is perfect for you. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

Elaine explained to her that since she was going to be getting married in a few months, she thought she should have a physical by a Gynecologist to make sure everything was okay.

Susie looked at Elaine. "You and golden boy in there aren't messin' around, are you?"

"Oh no, Susie, I am still very much a virgin, and pray for strength to be one on my wedding day," she replied. "It's so hard sometimes to keep a cool head on my shoulders when I have all these strange, new feelings swirling around inside of me. Susie, he is so wonderful and understanding of me and my stand to wait for marriage. God has blessed me so well."

"Elaine, you have always been a very level headed young woman. You were given the values that sex is an important part of a MARRIED relationship, not a single one. Without commitment, sex is an empty thing.

I will get you the name of a lady doctor for you to see and I will speak to her for you. We will have her do the marriage prep course for you, okay?"

"Susie, you are so good to me. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family." Elaine gave her a long hug and they went out to the sitting area.

Before she left, Susie winked at her to let her know that she was going to do something crazy since only Lance and Ford were there now. "I'll be sure and get you the name of that doctor and I'll have her give you the 'Instruction Book' to help enhance the experience, okay?"

Elaine felt like she wanted to crawl under the carpet. "Sure Susie, thanks for ALL your help." Lance and Ford turned and wondered what she was talking about and Lance saw Elaine turn about ten shades of red.

After Susie left, Lance walked over to where Elaine was separating cards from the flowers that were going to the children's ward and the cancer ward. "What was Susie talking about, 'Instruction Book' to help enhance the experience? Enhance what?"

Elaine looked at Lance with a teasing smile and touched his cheek with her hand. "Baby, that's for me to know...and find out...on our honeymoon." She grinned from ear to ear and walked back into the bedroom, leaving Lance standing there with his mouth open.

"Ford, do you understand women? Have you figured my sister out after all these years?"

"Man, the day we men figure out women, will be the day the world ends."

The papers were brought for Elaine's release and the obligatory wheelchair rolled in to take her to the press conference. They made a final sweep of the suite to make sure nothing was left behind. Before they went down to the conference, Elaine had Lance to put her rings back on her fingers. "I have felt like I was half dressed without these on." She looked into his eyes and said, "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

He looked at her and kissed her cheek, "yeah, but you just keep on tellin' me and I'll keep tellin' you how much I love you, too."

Elaine sat in the wheelchair and Lance pushed her down the hall toward the elevator. The ladies at the nurses station came out to say good bye to their favorite patient. Elaine had Lance give the nurses one of her vases of roses. "You nurses have been so good to me and I want you to know, you have an invitation to our wedding." She gave them each a hug and told them she would see them soon.

As Lance rolled Elaine into the press conference, the members of the press and media stood and applauded the couple. It was evident that this embarrassed Elaine from the blush to her cheeks. As he helped her from the wheelchair to the seat at the conference table, he expressed that he was nervous. She assured him with a gentle touch that all would go well, she had confidence in him. The look they gave each other said volumes for their relationship, and it was evident that this was a match made in heaven. There were cameras flashing all around them, but they only saw each other.

Lance sat down to make their statement. "First of all, we would like to thank you on behalf of ourselves and the hospital, for your cooperation in not being difficult with the updates. I think everything has been pretty much kept current on the conditions and circumstances here. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who prayed for Elaine's recovery. As you can see, those prayers were answered abundantly. She has had a miraculous recovery but is still having to undergo physical therapy for a while. We would like to thank the countless numbers of people who sent cards of well wishes to the both of us. It means a great deal to us that you wished us well.

And, the flowers have been amazing. We would like you to know that when flowers were delivered, they were cataloged and we will attempt to acknowledge everyone's expression of love and good wishes. Due to the number of flowers she received on a daily basis, it was impossible for all of the flowers to stay in her suite, therefore, each day the flowers were rotated and sent to be shared with others in the hospital. Mostly on the children's ward and the cancer ward. At this time, we would ask that flowers NOT be sent anymore, but that if you wish to express your love and well wishes that you do so by donating whatever would be spent on flowers to the Ronald McDonald House here in Orlando.

As you can see, Elaine is being released today to go home. I thank God for this day that I have waited for, it seems like forever. We will be taking some time off and getting her back to a hundred percent recovery. We also have some planning to do.

At the first press conference after the incident, I was asked if we had set a date to be married and I said no, but I hoped to be able to soon." Lance stopped and took Elaine's hand in his and then turned back to the media. "I am proud and honored to announce that we have set a date of December 25th to be married." Cameras started flashing as they smiled at one another and then leaned in for a kiss.

Lance indicated that they were ready to take a few questions and then really needed to leave and get Elaine home to rest.

"Sheryl Campbell, Orlando Sentinel. Lance and Elaine, we would like to say first, congratulations on your recovery, your engagement and the setting of the date. This must really be exciting for the both of you. May I ask why so soon?"

Elaine indicated to Lance that she would like to answer. "This experience has shown us just how precious life is and how fleeting it could be. None of us are guaranteed another day past this one. I love Lance Bass with all my heart and soul and I believe he loves me the same. We've known each other forever. We're just carrying our friendship to another level and we want to start as soon as we can."

"One more question. Will the wedding be here in Orlando or your hometown Elaine, and, may we see your ring?"

Elaine looked at Lance and commented in general, "I love this gal, you see how she slipped that other question in?" Everyone laughed. "Orlando is my home now. Of course, I want my friends from back home to be here and we will try to accommodate everyone. We're still planning, so nothing is final. And yes, you may see my ring. It was Lance's Grandmother's ring and I am honored that his father wanted me to have it." Elaine held up her hand to show the ring to everyone. Again, cameras flashed everywhere.

"Kendra Marshall, Miami Herald. What is the latest disposition on the Vivica Lawrence issue?"

"We are not really at liberty to comment on that at this time. All I know is that she is being monitored 24/7," said Lance.

"Shanna Douglass, MTV News. Everything seems to be moving along quickly with you two. Fast courtship, fast engagement, now marriage. What are your plans for a family? Wait or start right away?"

Elaine and Lance looked at each other and smiled. Elaine answered, "Well, we have discussed the issue of kids and we agree we would like at least three and if the Good Lord blesses us with more, then we'll be happy with that too. But, it will all be in His timing. Whenever He decides to bless us with the family we want."

"Ernie Douglass, Florida Times Union, how do your family's feel about the speed this relationship has taken?"

Lance spoke, "Well, both of our families are very supportive of our relationship. In fact, my Dad was surprised that it took me so long to realize what I was feeling for Elaine was more than mere friendship. But once I did, I was like a bull in a china shop. My Dad giving me Granny Bass's wedding rings was the confirmation that I needed that this was right."

Jim Bass stepped behind Lance and Elaine and placed a hand on each one's shoulder. "These two young folks have something rare and very beautiful, a pure and innocent love. Elaine demonstrated the depths of her love for my son the night she risked her own life to save his. No parent could ask any more for their child. We very much approve of this marriage."

Sheryl spoke up as she saw Lance was ready to leave. "Lance, is there a chance of getting an in depth interview with the two of you?"

Lance spoke to Elaine and then turned to Sheryl. "Give us a few days to think it over and we will let you know, okay? Now we really need to get Elaine home."

Shanna spoke up on that, "Just where will home be?"

"Elaine and her friends will be staying with me and my folks until they have to return to Mississippi. Then Elaine's Mom will be with us," Lance answered. "We really must go."

Elaine was helped back to the wheelchair and Lance pushed her to the front entrance of the hospital where the limo awaited them. The remaining flowers and bags were loaded into the trunk of the limo, then Elaine was helped into the back seat by Lance and they were off.

On the ride to Lance's house, Elaine sat close to him and held his hand. She looked at their hands joined as one and the light shining off her ring glistened in the dim lighting of the interior. Lance lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed the ring on her hand. He looked into her eyes and was swept away by the look of love in her eyes. He couldn't think or speak. She was all he ever wanted in a woman all rolled into one. He leaned in and gave her a kiss. The kiss went on and on and on. They were so comfortable with each other.

As they kissed, Elaine touched his face with the gentlest of caresses. Her fingers trembled as they moved to behind his head to pull him closer to her. She moaned into his mouth and this drove him crazy. His arms circled her and his hands stroked up and down her back. Her hand came from behind his head, down to his neck and then to his chest. He had a strong chest that felt so good to the touch and she could feel him tremble at her touch. He wore a tight knit shirt and it was so soft, it felt like she was actually touching his skin and the sensation to her senses was extremely heightened. Ever since her "experience" she had seemed to feel things a great deal more. Her love for Lance felt as though it had doubled. She was more aware of things around her than she had ever been before. It was as though her instincts had been turned up.

The more she got into the kiss, the harder it was getting for Lance to pull away. He pulled her to him and his hands touched her face, her neck, her shoulders all over, but where he dared to touch. He was lost in her mouth and tongue probing his.

They were so into each other that they did not realize the limo was pulling up the driveway to Lance's house. Suddenly, the door opened and Lance's parents and sister and brother-in-law were standing there with their mouths open. Lance and Elaine pulled apart and the embarrassment was evident by the ten shades of red they turned from the already flushed looks on their faces.

Everyone smiled and gave the couple a knowing grin. Lance got out of the limo and then turned to help Elaine out. Everyone hugged the couple. Jim gave Elaine an extra hug and whispered to her to keep that smile on his son's face and he would be happy.

They went into the house and into the dining room where Diane and Stacy had set up a wonderful lunch. "Real food, finally, real food," Elaine cried. "Thank you Diane and Stacy." Everyone laughed and sat at the table. They heard the front door open and it was the girls along with Gwen. They all had a very enjoyable lunch with lots of laughter and talk.

After lunch, Elaine was taken up to her room, Lance's room, and made to lay down and take a nap. "Only if you take a nap with me," Elaine implored to Lance.

"I really shouldn't stay, there's lots I need to do," said Lance with a nervous tone to his voice.

"Please. Pwease Wancey, take a nap wit me," Elaine came back with her little girl lost routine and when she put her thumb in her mouth, Lance lost it and couldn't refuse.

Lance grabbed the throw blanket from the foot of the bed to pull over them once they laid down on the comforter. Lance had all intentions of going back downstairs after she fell asleep. They laid on the bed looking at one another, Elaine's eyes full of dancing lights as she gazed on the man that she loved so much and wanted to be with for the rest of her life.

His eyes seemed to drink her in and never want to look anywhere else. He had almost lost her. What would he have done if she had not "come back" to him? He would not allow himself to think about that and shook if off. Elaine saw the look of fear that crossed his face momentarily.

"What is wrong, Lancelot? What has my baby so scared?"

"Nothing at all, now," assured Lance.

"But there was a look on your face just now. Please tell me what was wrong."

Suddenly, Lance grabbed hold of her and pulled her to him tightly. The tears freely flowed from his eyes and he cried out to God thanking Him for sending her back to him. "Baby, if I had lost you, I don't know if I could have gone on. You are my everything. You are the air that I breath. You walk into a room and I feel whole, when you leave, part of me is gone. You touch my heart and soul in a way no one ever has. When you touch me, I am hypnotized by you. Your touch is like a soft rose petal that lays gently against my skin. You laughter makes my heart sing with joy and love like I've never felt before. Your kisses are so full of innocent passion, a passion that is so pure and honest that it almost frightens me that it's all for me."

He released his hold on her slightly and pulled back to look into her eyes. "My sweet, wonderful, loving Elaine. My Sugar Bear, I love you with every ounce of my being and I never want to lose you."

He leaned down and kissed her long and hard then gently placed butterfly kisses all around her face. They snuggled together and fell asleep until late evening.

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