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Chapter Forty Seven

The next day dawned early and Elaine was up before everyone else. She didn't do much sleeping after Lance left the room. She tossed and turned all night and had "The Dream" again. At the first glimpse of light, she was up and went to make coffee. She took her Bible and a cup of coffee onto the patio for some quiet time with God.

As she had passed through the family room to go out on the patio, Lance had been tossing and turning on the couch. She walked over and knelt by him and put her hand on his face. Almost immediately, he calmed down, just from her touch.

After her time alone, Elaine headed to the kitchen. Everyone had been doing for her, now it was her turn to do for them. She got out the bacon, eggs and sausage and bread and started breakfast. She made French toast for Lance and pancakes and waffles for everyone else. She had asked JC and Justin to call Joey and make sure he and Kelly were there and to call Chris and make sure Dani and the kids came for the day.

Stacy and Ford were putting off leaving until the next day so they could be there for the pool party. Lance and Elaine wanted them there. This would be a time they could work on the preliminaries for the wedding. There was really less than five months to get everything together, but Elaine knew what she wanted and she wanted it short, sweet and simple. She had talked to Lance about having the wedding in the Rose Garden behind the house and he was thrilled she wanted to have it there.

She wanted the girls to wear red and blue and the guys wear red and blue tux accessories to correspond to their female counterparts and then Lance would have purple and she would have purple accents in her arrangements.

As she finished up setting the table for breakfast, she stopped and just looked out the back window from the kitchen. This view was so beautiful, this view was breathtaking and it was hers. The trees and flowers were gorgeous. Suddenly, she felt two arms wrap around her and pull her back into a hard body. His lips attacked her neck and ear and she got weak in her knees.

"Good morning Sunshine," came his deep sexy voice. "What are you doing in the kitchen? You should be taking it easy."

Elaine turned to him and looked at him and proceeded to place butterfly kisses all over his face. In between kisses, she told him what she was doing. "I'm just...showing you...that you...won't starve...when we...get married."

Lance was completely taken by the beauty in his arms. "Beautiful, smart and talented too. Man, I get luckier every single day."

He gave her a big hug and about that time, Jim and Diane came to the kitchen door. They watched their son and Elaine and they both were so happy for them. The look on Lance's face was priceless to Diane. Her son was finally happy and now that she had gotten over the initial shock of the age thing, she thought that she could not have found anyone better than Elaine for him herself. Elaine had exhibited, visibly, more maturity and love for her son in the last couple of months, than all the women he had dated before put together.

They were in the midst of a deep, passionate kiss when Jim and Diane made their presence known. Elaine seemed a little embarrassed and Lance just pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

"Good morning you two," said Jim as he gave Lance a hug and Elaine, too. "Something smells awfully good in here."

"Just letting your son know that he won't starve when we get married," Elaine smiled.

"As long as you keep him in French Toast and Tacos, he'll be fine," said his Mom as she gave them both a hug.

About that time, the doorbell rang and Lance went to answer it and found the guys and gals all waiting. Chris sniffed the air and questioned, "What is that heavenly aroma I smell?"

"Elaine has fixed breakfast for everyone and she is all set up in the kitchen area."

Everyone piled in the kitchen and ate and ate and ate until they were miserable. The girls helped Elaine clean up the kitchen and the guys went out to help Lance put out stuff for the pool. They put the small toys in the kiddy pool for Chris and Dani's kids and pillows were put around the Jacuzzi for the girls later.

Christine and Patricia could not wait to get their Daddy in the kiddy pool with them. Chris was just a big kid himself and his girls loved him so much. Lance stood and watched Chris with his girls and thought, "Will Elaine and I be blessed with kids to love and nurture?"

Lance went over to the kiddy pool and jumped in with Chris and the girls. "I wanna pway," he shouted.

Chris looked at him like he had lost his mind and then the girls giggled and jumped all over Lance. "Uncle Lance, Uncle Lance, play with us and daddy."

"I got to help daddy, he's out numbered by you girls. You just run all over him," Lance laughed.

"Well, hopefully, not for long," Chris slipped in.

"What are you talking about?" asked Lance.

"Well, Dani is telling the girls today, so I might as well tell you guys, we're pregnant and please pray for a BOY," he begged.

Meanwhile inside, Dani was busy helping clean up the kitchen. She was cleaning out the pan that the bacon had been cooked in and suddenly felt a wave of nausea come over her that almost sent her to her knees. Elaine looked at her as she turned almost white as the color just drained from her face. "Dani, what's wrong sweetie?"

Dani figured this would give her a good lead in to telling the girls that she was pregnant. "Oh, just a little nausea," she said with a grin.

"You're not coming down with anything are you?" asked Elaine.

"Well, actually it is something. It's gonna take me about seven months to get over," Dani said with a sly grin on her face to Elaine.

Elaine looked at her and then it hit, "You're pregnant! Oh when is the baby due?"

"February 12."

All the girls were gathering around Dani and hugging her and congratulating her. "You can have it on the 10th. That's my Mom's birthday," said Elaine.

"How does Chris feel about it?" asked Kelly.

"Of course, he is praying for a boy. He's starting to feel outnumbered by us girls," she laughed.

"A wedding and a baby, this has got to be a good sign," proclaimed Lynne. "Sounds like we got a lot to do here today."

"Well, I want to go out to the pool first for a while and spend some time with my man," Elaine said with an evil grin.

When the girls went outside, the guys were all over Dani giving her hugs and kisses and congratulating her and the girls gave Chris kisses and hugs. "We need to announce that we're pregnant everyday," he said with a big grin on his face and an arm around Elaine and Kelly.

They all spent some time around the pool and then the girls went in to fix lunch. Everyone came back out except Elaine and Lance went in to check on her. She was on the phone with her Mom and Gwen was telling her she was not going to come to the house to stay because there were enough people there already and besides, she trusted her daughter to be responsible.

Lance slipped up behind her and put his arms around her, and kissed her neck and shoulders. He pulled her gently against him and she soon relaxed her body against his.

She told her Mom about Chris and Dani's news and she was telling her that she had an appointment with the doctor the next day and that Susie had set everything up for her. And, Lance kept rubbing her tummy with his hands and she was starting to get those strange tingly feelings again.

She ended her conversation with Gwen and turned in Lance's arms and planted a big kiss on him that completely took him by surprise. "You need to go jump in the pool, Romeo," she said with her wicked smile. "We have company and you don't need to be in here distracting me. I will be out in a few minutes to have lunch with you, then the girls and I will work on that stack of gifts in the family room."

"Save some for us to do tomorrow while I have the day off and I'll help you and we can have some fun," Lance offered.

"We will see, okay? I love you, Lancelot."

"I love you, too, Sugar Bear."

After lunch, the guys laid around the pool and Dani put the girls down for a nap up in Lance's room. Then, they grabbed a couple of garbage bags and headed to the family room. They opened, tagged and cataloged presents for two hours and managed to get the packages down to the ones from the birthday party. "Okay guys, let's leave these. Lance wants to help open some tomorrow while he is off. He has something planned, so I promised to save some for him. Thanks you guys for helping. Maybe Lynne, Rickii and I can get out some thank yous now."

There were a lot of stuffed animals and she wanted to keep some of them and the rest she wanted to give to Ronald McDonald House. She wanted to be sure that those people knew that they would be passed along.

Dani wanted to go out and harass Chris in the pool but she had to stay where she could hear the girls. Diane told them all to go on out and drown the guys and she would listen out for the girls. Dani asked if she was sure she didn't mind and Diane told them to get on out.

The guys had a game of water basketball going and they were splashing water all over the place. The girls headed for the jacuzzi and slipped into the bubbling water. Elaine went and turned up the whirlpool so they could really relax. They settled in and laid back in the sun.

After a while, the guys finished their game and came over to where the girls were. Chris leaned down and gave Dani a sweet kiss and patted her tummy. "How's junior doing there?"

"You're so sure it's a boy, huh. We will just have to see," smiled Dani.

JC snuggled next to Rickii and they whispered to each other, their own little language. Justin and Lynne were lost in each other, Joey and Kelly were just wrapped up in each other. Lance lowered his lips to Elaine's ear and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Sugar Bear. You are so beautiful today." He nudged her neck and kissed below and behind her ear.

Elaine turned her head and reached to pull his mouth to hers. "I love you, too, Lancelot. Now give me a real kiss," she grinned as her mouth covered his and she pulled him in to her. He almost fell into the jacuzzi and had to pull himself up.

"Is there room for me there?" he looked at her with such pleading in his eyes.

"If not, I could always sit in your lap," Elaine offered with an evil grin.

"Now that sounds like a winner to me. Get on up woman," he ordered with a grin on his face from ear to ear. He sat far back on the ledge and pulled Elaine into his lap. She was sitting on the very edge of the ledge and it was very uncomfortable. Lance lifted her and sat her on his lap side ways so that he could kiss her and whisper in her ear. His arms were around her waist and his hand on the back was softly stroking her back, trying to help her to relax. All he was succeeding in doing was creating sensations in her body that were driving her wild.

Lance was getting carried away with Elaine squirming around in his lap from what he was doing to her. He finally stopped rubbing her back so that she would be still while she was sitting on his lap.

The guys and gals had some really nice fun while it was quiet, except for some soft music playing in the background. "Can we come out here tonight after dinner?" asked Elaine softly in Lance's ear. "Just you and me?"

Lance assured her they could and would. He was looking forward to tonight with great anticipation. He loved spending time with Elaine, the more the merrier. He wanted tonight to be special so his brain went into overdrive to figure out what he could do to make it even more beautiful.

Everyone had a wonderful time and went home sunbathed and full and happy. Jim and Diane were packing to go home the next day as were Stacy and Ford. After everyone had left, Lance made Elaine go take a nap. She wanted him to take one with her, but he told her he had an errand to run and so she went up alone to lie down. Before he left, he spoke with Stacy and Ford about helping with Elaine's surprise that evening. They assured him they would take care of things on their end and he left and was gone for a couple of hours.

When Lance returned, Elaine was still asleep in his room. He gave the packages he had to Stacy and she and Ford went to fix Elaine's surprise. His sister assured him that Elaine would love it.

Diane and Jim were in the kitchen putting dinner together and Lance gave both his parents hugs as he passed through. He was on his way to wake Elaine up for dinner and he was so thankful they would have a quiet evening at home.

JC and Justin had already picked up Rickii and Lynne for the evening, so after his folks and Stacy and Ford went up to bed, it would just be him and Elaine. He couldn't wait for their time alone.

He quietly opened the door to his room and found her not in the bed. He listened and heard her in the bathroom with the water running. Suddenly, the door opened and out came Elaine in only a towel. Boy, was he surprised. "Lance!! What are you doing in here?" Elaine asked in shock.

"I came wake you up. I just...came in," Lance stuttered.

She smiled at the different shades of red he was turning and she smiled at the look of appreciation on his face. "We're gonna have to quit meeting like this sweetheart," Elaine spoke, thinking back to the night they got to Orlando before the tour started. Her hair was up in a towel and she was still flushed from the heat of the shower. Lance thought that he had never seen anything lovelier. Even in a towel, she was gorgeous to him.

"Baby, don't forget to wear your suit for after dinner. I've got something special planned," he whispered into her ear and kissed her neck and shoulders.

"Well, if you get out of here, I can get dressed," she grinned. As he started to turn away, she grabbed his arm and pulled him back for a long, deep kiss. When they pulled apart, they were both breathless and looking into each other's eyes with such longing.

Lance smacked himself in the face and made himself leave the room. As he walked back downstairs, he took deep breaths to calm his heart down from beating so fast. "Oh God, help me to remember to behave myself," he prayed to himself.

Dinner went very well. Elaine wore a purple suit with a soft lavender wrap skirt and a white button shirt tied at the bottom just above her waist. Her hair was pulled up loose on her head with strands softly touching the sides of her face. Lance did not think he had ever seen her look so confident in herself.

After dinner was over, Lance and Elaine were told to leave the kitchen while his folks cleaned up before going up for the night. Stacy whispered to her brother to give her and Ford five minutes and then he could take Elaine out to the pool. He gave his sister a hug and thanked her and told her he would see her in the morning.

Lance and Elaine walked into the family room and he could not believe how much the girls had gotten done that afternoon. They were down to the presents from Elaine's birthday party and they would tackle those tomorrow. Right now as he watched her walk over to look at what was left on the fireplace, he wanted to tackle her. She was so beautiful and she was his.

"Come on, Baby, we're going outside," Lance coaxed. As he led her to the patio doors, he looked beyond and saw Stacy and Ford still putting things in place. He suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her to him and planted a kiss on her that curled her toes. It was long, deep and passionate. Lance turned her to where he could look out the door. He saw Stacy and Ford slip into the house.

As the kiss ended, they were both breathless and looked into each other's eyes. "What was THAT for?" asked Elaine, trying to pull herself together.

"I love you so much. I can't seem to get enough of you. I just want to hold you forever in my arms, Sugar. You're my life," whispered Lance into her ear.

"Oh Lance, I love you, too. Let's go have some time together." They walked toward the patio doors and when Lance opened the doors, Elaine could not believe her eyes. There were candles everywhere. There were candles around the jacuzzi, all around the patio and the pool and there were even candles floating in the pool. There was music playing softly and the atmosphere was extremely romantic. "Oh Lance, it is beautiful out here. Baby, thank you," she said as she turned in his arms and hugged him to her.

They walked around looking at everything and then FOR THE GIRL WHO HAS EVERYTHING came on and Elaine turned into Lance's arms and put her arms around his neck to dance. He pulled her close and they danced slow and close. Elaine hugged him close and kissed on his neck and played with the hair on the back of his neck. Lance's hands were rubbing up and down her back and they were getting lost in each other.

When the song was over, they headed to the jacuzzi. As they walked, Elaine took off her shirt and the wrap sarong. Lance was amazed at the woman before him. They slipped into the bubbling water. The candles around the jacuzzi were vanilla scented and were so relaxing. The water was warm and soothing to their tired aching bodies.

Lance and Elaine sat and looked at the stars and talked about plans for the wedding and plans for their life together. The more they shared, the more that Lance was amazed by the young woman who sat beside him. "Thank You Lord for blessing my life with this heavenly creature." He closed his eyes as he silently prayed.

Then he felt a soft hand on his face and he opened his eyes to see Elaine right in front of him. She leaned in and kissed him. As they kissed, he pulled her into his lap and held her so close to him. Their tongues explored each other. As the kiss ended they continued to kiss faces, necks, shoulders and hands.

As they continued to worship one another, she turned so that she was facing him in his lap. As she kissed him and rubbed his back, she could feel his excitement and thought "he does love and want me."

Lance was going nuts. Elaine's kisses and her hands were driving him crazy and he didn't know if he could hold back any longer. Suddenly, she stopped and looked into his eyes. He couldn't figure out what he saw in her eyes. Was it fear, love, passion, what? She started to tremble in his arms. "Baby, what is wrong?"

"I'm doing it again. Lance I am so sorry," she cried as she jumped out of his lap and out of the jacuzzi. She ran to get a towel from the chair and cried into it.

Lance jumped out and ran to her and wrapped his arms around her and held her as tight as he could. Every sob from her tore at his heart. "Baby, what is wrong?" Lance was frantic. He turned her in his arms so he could look at her. "What are you doing again?" he pleaded. Elaine frowned, "What do you mean YOU started it?"

"I'm the one who laid the liplock on you before we came out here. If anyone did any teasing, it was me. I teased you and myself and I'm sorry, Sugar Bear."

"Now, who was it that told me not to apologize for being me?" Elaine came back. She gave a slight hint of a smile.

Lance pulled her closer to him. "I don't want you to ever be sorry for loving me. What we have is too rare and special. I love you Elaine and I am not sorry for loving you and wanting you. That is a feeling I thought long dead. You've made me come alive and I am so grateful." He cupped her face in his hands. "I love you Elaine. I want you. I need you. I will not apologize for that." Then he leaned in and kissed her long and hard. His hands pulled her as close as he could pull her and he moaned with pleasure into her mouth.

Elaine could not believe what was happening, but she knew it needed to stop. Her mind knew this, but her heart and her body said otherwise. She pulled back and looked into his dreamy eyes and smiled. "I love you, Lance Bass. I love you."

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