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Chapter Forty Eight

Beep...Beep...Beep. The clock said 6 AM and Elaine could not believe it was time to get up yet. The alarm started making that awful noise again and she swatted at it to silence it and then rolled onto her back to stretch.

Lying there, a smile came across her face as she remembered last night and how beautiful Lance had made their evening. That is until she messed things up. But Lance had been so wonderful and took the blame himself. After the fiasco on the patio, they had walked the grounds and then returned to extinguish the candles on the patio before going to bed.

Lance's family was going to be leaving in the morning so they called it an early night, Elaine to his room and him to the family room. She wanted to get up early and fix breakfast before Jim and Diane and Stacy and Ford left and before she left for her doctor's appointments.

She looked at the clock again and it read 6:15. "Elaine, it is time to get up," she reprimanded herself. She slipped on some sweats and hurried to brush her teeth and comb her hair before going down to the kitchen.

There was fruit cut up in the fridge and Elaine pulled out the other fixin's for breakfast. She was just about done when she felt those familiar arms slip around her waist from behind and draw her in to his body. "Good morning, Sugar Bear," he whispered into her ear as he kissed her neck.

"You know, I could get use to this every morning," Elaine said as she turned in his arms and gave him a kiss. He returned the kiss with so much passion, it took her breath away and she leaned back against the sink for support.

He pulled back from the kiss and looked deep into her eyes. "I had the best dream this morning and it was all about you and me and a honeymoon in the islands. You were so purdy," he drew out with his Southern drawl and snuggled into her neck with more tender kisses as his hands rubbed up and down her back.

"Okay, Tiger, you better settle down," she grinned. "Your folks are going to come walking through that door at any minute and I have breakfast to finish and you need to go up and help your Dad with the luggage."

"You don't have to fix breakfast again, the fruit will be enough," Lance said.

"Your Mom and Stacy have a big meeting at FLE when they get back and they may not have time to get anything else beforehand."

Lance stood and looked at the woman in his arms. How could he be so lucky to have her love him? Each day he breathed, he was amazed. He could never love her enough compared to the joy that she brought to him.

About that time, Jim and Diane and Stacy and Ford walked into the kitchen followed by Rickii and Lynne. "My goodness, a body could get spoiled staying in this house. Look at the big breakfast, again," gushed Jim.

"I knew Diane and Stacy had a meeting as soon as they get back and I didn't know if they would be pushed for time or not, so, we're feeding you before you go," said Elaine.

Breakfast was light and fun and everyone was happy that all was well. Jim and Diane and the rest got off to the airport and Rickii and Lynne headed to the kitchen to clean up and Elaine headed to get a shower and get ready for her doctor's appointments.

Elaine was in Lance's room pulling out clothes to wear when she heard a knock on the door. "Just a minute," she called as she slipped her robe on and went to answer the door. Lance was standing there looking very sheepish. "What do you need sweetie?" she asked him with a kiss.

"The stuffed animals you want to go to Ronald McDonald House are under the table in the big box, right?" Elaine shook her head yes. "I'm going to load them in the 4Runner and I can take them over while you're at the doctor's office. Please may I take you?"

He looked so pitiful and so forlorn that she could not refuse him. Besides, her shoulder was still bothering her a little and it would give them some time together and she did want to clear out the family room. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss and said, "If you promise to behave and not go spastic on me, okay. We can meet up at Susie's office afterward."

"Yeah, I need her to check this other stitch and see if it can come out. It's driving me crazy," Lance commented. "Okay, I'll go load the truck," he smiled. He gave her another kiss and turned to leave.

Elaine got ready, Lance loaded the 4Runner with Rickii and Lynne's help. Then they went up to help move Elaine's things across the hall to the main guest room so Lance could have his room back that night.

"I appreciate you girls helping me out with changing out beds and doing the laundry today. Lance and I have a lot to do today and this is his last full day off for a while."

"It's the least we can do, my goodness. He's letting us live here rent free and he won't take anything towards food and other stuff. Elaine, you are so lucky to have him," cooed Lynne.

"Yeah, he's a charmer all right," chimed in Rickii, "but then again, so are all of them. Every one of the guys is so sweet."

"I guess you could say, we are ALL lucky," sighed Elaine. "Thanks again girls, all my stuff is in the bags, boxes and suitcases there to be moved. I'll see you later." With that, she left.

As they drove to the doctor's office, they laughed and talked and commented about having time to make plans for their life together. Lance made a comment that surprised her. "I love my family to death, but I am so glad they are gone so we can be alone. Well, as alone as we can be with Rickii and Lynne there," he grinned. He reached over and put his hand over hers in her lap.

Elaine loved the way Lance was a touchy, feely type of person. Always wanting to cuddle and just be close. She laced her fingers with his and brought his hand to her lips and kissed it over and over. Then she held it to her heart and looked at him and said, "I love you, Lance."

Just that short, simple statement filled his heart with even more love for Elaine. Was it possible to be so consumed by so much love that you almost couldn't breathe? If that was the case, that was exactly how Lance felt. He could be in a room full of people and Elaine could walk in and it was like the sight of her took his breath away. It wasn't outer beauty either, although she was a very attractive woman, but her inner beauty far exceeded her outer beauty. Her realness and her sincerity were her crowning glory.

They arrived at the hospital and he dropped her off while he went to Ronald McDonald House to drop off the stuffed animals and they agreed he would meet her in Susie's office.

When Elaine went in, to catch the elevator, Susie was coming in from the patio. Elaine gave her a big hug and they got on the elevator together. She told Susie how Lance had been acting and they had a good laugh. She told Elaine she would talk to him when he came in and try to see what the problem was. Susie had her suspicions, but she wanted to wait until she spoke with Lance.

Susie took Elaine to Dr. Cobb's office and introduced them to each other and she explained to Dr. Cobb that Elaine was going to be married and that she needed the whole marriage physical workup and instruction in preparing for the physical relationship in marriage. Dr. Cobb assured Susie that she would help Elaine in anyway possible. Elaine verified with Susie, she would see her afterward.

Dr. Charlene Cobb was a close friend of Susie's and Elaine liked her immediately. She was a devout woman and admired Elaine's commitment to TLW. Elaine felt very comfortable with Dr. Cobb and opened up to her about the strange feelings she was having when she was with Lance and how it both scared her and made her feel good all at the same time. Dr. Cobb assured her that this was all normal and a part of her sexual awakening and that she just needed to get in touch with her body and how it should respond.

"First, we will go in for the physical exam, then we will discuss any concerns you may have and I will be glad to answer any questions you might have. There is an information pack for you and your fiance each to read over and then sit down and discuss with one another. But first, the physical and I will talk you through so that you know everything I am doing and not be afraid."

Elaine had her physical and it was definitely nothing like she had ever had for school. Dr. Cobb was very patient and understanding of how Elaine was feeling and at every turn assured her that everything was normal. When Elaine came in to Dr. Cobb's office after dressing, she saw two stacks of pamphlets and books sitting on her desk. Elaine thought that she had never seen so many booklets in all her life. She sat down across from Dr. Cobb and waited for her to finish writing in her chart.

"Well, Elaine, you are a very healthy young woman. I see no problems with your being able to have children, naturally, unless there is an underlying problem we are not aware of at this time. As far as your honeymoon, I foresee no problems there. The hymen is still intact, however, you may notice a slight blood stain today. When we did your pelvic exam, the hymen did tear a little bit. That was what the little bit of burning sensation was that you felt.

There were no lumps detected in your breasts and we suggest that you examine your breasts every month after your cycle for lumps just like I showed you. There is a card to hang in your shower with instructions for women on one side and men on the other.

You're not getting married until December, so you have plenty of time for you and Lance to read through the materials we have for you. And if you have any questions after you have read through, please don't hesitate to call me. Now, do you have any questions now that you can think of?" asked Dr. Cobb.

"Right off hand, I can't think of anything."

"Have you given thought to birth control?"

"Lance and I have talked about having kids, but we've never discussed that."

"Maybe you should because if you want to use birth control for a while until you are settled in the marriage, you really need to start soon so that your body can adjust and adapt to the pills or you can research other means of birth control. Those are all explained in this book," she said as she pointed out one of the books in the stack from the pink bag.

Elaine stood and shook hands with Dr. Cobb, gathered up the two bags of books for her and Lance and left to head to Susie's office. Thank God she did not have far to go. Maybe it was a good thing that Lance had brought her.

She hurried to Susie's office and when she arrived, the receptionist jumped up to help her with everything. Then she announced her to Dr. Rent and told her to go on in. When she walked in, Lance was sitting in the chair across from Susie. As soon as he saw all the bags, he jumped up to help.

"What is all of this?" asked Lance as he grabbed the pink and blue bags.

"Homework," grinned Elaine. "We have a lot of reading to do and talking to do. Sounds like we're going to need a lot of quiet time together, doesn't it?"

Lance wiggled his eyebrows at her with a wicked look on his face. "Yeah, I always loved doing homework."

Susie watched the two young people in front of her. The electricity between them was rampant. You could see the sparks flying. She thought to herself that these two were a powder keg ready to explode. "You two better behave yourselves. Elaine you know what your brothers would do to Lance if they found out you two are too chummy? That mess with the she devil will look like a picnic compared to what they will do," Susie grinned, but meant it seriously.

Elaine looked at Lance and winked and then turned to Susie. "Lance and I know what our boundaries are and now that I have talked to Dr. Cobb, I understand a lot more about myself and my body to know when to pull back. Now, would you please check me out and let us go home?"

Susie just shook her head and had Elaine go into her exam room while she pulled her chart. Lance sat and started going through the bag that Elaine indicated was for him. He looked at some of the titles of the books and shook his head.

Elaine was checked over and Susie removed some of the outer stitches for better healing. "The sun is a good healing agent for surgery areas. Looks like you've been getting some."

"Yeah, we had everyone over yesterday and just hung out around the pool and the jacuzzi. Just takin' it easy."

"That is good. Don't forget to keep up your physical therapy for your shoulder," Susie encouraged. "Now, to discuss Lance."

Elaine looked at Susie with concern. "What about Lance? Are his injuries healing okay?" asked Elaine with a hint of fear in her voice.

Susie came and held Elaine's hand. "Sweetie, his physical injuries are healing just fine, but his emotional injuries are still very raw. He almost lost you and he is so afraid something will happen to you. I was surprised that he opened up to me, but very glad that he did. He is suffering from PTSS, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This happens often after a serious injury or emotional upset. From what I can gather, he was pretty much emotionally dead due to what happened with the 'she devil' and thought he would never be happy again until you woke up something in him. Honey, he loves you so much and it is scaring him to death."

Elaine was in tears. "Susie, what do I do for him?

"Just love him and be understanding that he is going to be very sensitive to things until he gets past this. All the love and understanding you can give him will be his best medicine," assured Susie.

Elaine hugged Susie, "What would I do without you?"

"Honey, you would do just fine, I have no doubts about that. Now, you plan on seeing me back in about four weeks and if you are real good, I just might release you guys."

Susie and Elaine walked back into her office and Lance looked at Elaine with a questioning look. "Everything is fine, honey. I passed with flying colors," laughed Elaine.

"You both did, now go home and relax for the rest of the day."

Lance started to leave and then turned to Susie and gave her a giant sized hug. As he held her tight, he whispered in her ear, "Thank you for giving me back my life. I love her so much."

"No problem Lance. You just take care of my girl over there and be good to her. And you won't have any problems with me," laughed Susie.

Lance gave her a kiss on the cheek and a wink and replied, "You can count on it. It will be my pleasure."

Elaine and Lance left to go home and spend an afternoon together, alone. They had plans to make and things to do. Today they would start planning for the rest of their lives.

Lance pulled the 4Runner into the garage and turned the motor off. He sat there, as though he were deep in thought. "Sugar Bear, I'm so sorry."

Elaine was completely confused. "What are you talking about?"

"For being so crazy lately. I know I must be driving you nuts, but I love you and I don't ever want to lose you. Can you understand that?"

Elaine touched his face and looked at the most wonderful man she had ever know. "Baby, you do NOT have to apologize for loving me. I am so lucky that you care so much for me. I love you, Lance." She leaned forward and gently kissed his soft lips. "Come on, we've got lots to do this afternoon."

When Lance and Elaine got inside the house, the house was quiet. There was a note from Lynne saying that they would be gone until late afternoon or early evening with the guys. "How about some lunch in the family room and we can start on the packages?" asked Elaine.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll go ahead and put these bags in the family room and put some music on."

"How about some Garth Brooks?" she asked.

"Got the Double Live CD, want that one?"

"Super! Great! Turn it up."

(Two Of A Kind, Workin' On A Full House by Garth Brooks)

She's my lady luck and I'm her wild card man

Together we're building up a real hot hand

We live out in the country

She's my little queen of the South

Yeah, we're two of a kind

Workin' on a full house.

Elaine smiled at the first verse of the song and she started singing at the top of her lungs right along with the music. Lance came in and started helping her to bring stuff into the family room.

She wakes me every morning with a smile and a kiss

Her strong country lovin' is hard to resist

She's my easy lovin' woman

I'm her hard workin' man, no doubt

Yeah we're two of a kind

Workin' on a full house.

Soon Elaine followed him into the family room and when she put the try down on the table, he grabbed her into his arms and they danced around singing along with the song at the top of their lungs.

Her pick up truck is her limousine

And her favorite dress is her faded blue jeans

She loves me tender when the goin' gets rough

Sometimes we fight just so we can make up

Lord I need that little woman

Just like the crops need the rain

She's my honeycomb and I'm her sugar cane

We really fit together if you know what I'm talkin' about

Yeah, we're two of a kind

Workin' on a full house.

Yeah this time I found a keeper

I've made up my mind

Lord the perfect combination is her heart and mine

The sky's the limit, no hill is too steep

We do it for fun, but we're playin' for keeps

So draw the curtain honey

Turn the lights down low

We'll find some country music on the radio

I'm yours and your mine

That's what it's all about

Yeah, we're two of a kind

Workin' on a full house.

Lordy my we're two of a kind

Workin' on a full house.

When the song was over, Lance made a big gracious cowboy bow to Elaine from his waist. As he came back up, he grabbed her to him and kissed her until he couldn't stand it anymore. He had to get air.

They ate lunch and started on some of the larger packages on the floor first. The large boxes and trash were shifted to the garage and on his way back to tackle the smaller gifts, he grabbed trash bags to put everything in.

Where did all the packages come from? It seemed they opened presents forever. They tagged and catalogued everything so that Elaine could send out Thank You cards.

"Lancey Wancey," Elaine said in her little girl voice. "I want some ice cream."

"Don't we have some in the refrigerator?"

"Not anymore Butter Pecan. I want Butter Pecan," she insisted like a little girl throwing a tantrum.

"Well, I guess if you make it worth my time, I could go a get you some, but it will cost you," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"How is this for a down payment?" she asked as she put a lip lock on him that completely took his breath away. When she ended the kiss, he was speechless and fumbled for his way to his keys and out to the garage to go get ice cream.

While Lance was gone to get the ice cream, Elaine continued to open the presents that were left. She pulled some bags out from behind the table. One bag had several smaller bags down inside of it, so she started with that one.

She got down to the last bag and there was a beautiful bag with sparkly paper hanging out of it from inside. Her name was written in beautiful script on the envelope that was sticking out the top of the bag. Inside was a video tape. She thought maybe someone had recorded the birthday party for her until she opened the card to read who it was from.

"To Our Birthday Girl: Elaine

As you reach a very special event: Your 18th birthday.

I thought it would be an important lesson for you to learn, that you NEVER send a girl to do a WOMAN'S job. You may think you've won his heart, when it's really only his sympathy you have. He could never love you, when it has always been me for him. Watch, and maybe you'll learn something. A goodie-two-shoes, country bumpkin is not ever going to be capable of being the woman he needs. You will never be able to have him as I had him as a woman. You'll NEVER make him feel like a MAN. Vivica."

Elaine's hands were shaking when she got through reading the card. Her heart felt as though it would jump out of her chest. The throbbing in her head was unbearable. Would this woman ever be out of their lives? Why? Why was she raising her evil head again? What did she mean by Lance felt sorry for her? Did he just take pity on her? But he had asked her to marry him. He had given her Granny Bass' wedding ring. If he felt sorry for her, he wouldn't do that, would he?

All those times that he looked at her with such longing in his eyes, he missed that closeness he had had with Vivica, whether it was drug induced or not, they had an intimate relationship and that had to create a closeness, of sorts.

She didn't know how long she sat and looked at the tape in her lap, but she suddenly felt pulled to put it in the VCR. The remote was on top and she grabbed it as she went to sit back down. She dropped into a pile of pillows on the couch and sat just staring at the screen. What did she mean I would never have Lance the way she had and that I wasn't a woman, just a country bumpkin? Maybe she wasn't good enough for Lance. Maybe she would hinder his success. Was it possible that their being together would not make him as happy as they thought? So many questions.

'Watch and learn,' what am I to learn thought Elaine as she pressed the PLAY button on the remote. The screen was grainy looking and then black. Soon there were sounds of a man and woman talking, not very clearly, and then there was laughter. As the picture came into focus, it was clear the scene was a bedroom decorated lavishly with lights and curtains.

Suddenly, the man's voice became clear and she could tell that it was Lance's. From the sound of the conversation, it sounded like they were coming back from some social outing and it was apparent that Lance was drunk. Vivica was hanging all over him and doing everything she could to seduce him.

The next thing Elaine knew, she was witness to Lance's seduction, the first time. He pleaded with Vivica, even drunk, to slow down and cool off, that this was not what he wanted at that time. But, Vivica pushed forward. The video showed Vivica putting something in his drink that caused Lance to become someone she did not recognize. He literally tore Vivica's clothes off her. The next thing she knew, Vivica had torn his clothes off and they were engaged in various forms of lovemaking. NO!! It was NOT love, it was angry SEX.

As she was mesmerized by the actions taking place on the video, Lance, at different points, seemed to be 'enjoying' himself. The fact that Vivica was 'pleasuring' Lance was obvious and as Elaine watched some of the things she was doing, she wondered if she would ever be that uninhibited. Would she be able to let herself go with Lance, once they were married? Would he be satisfied with her or would he feel he had made a mistake?

As these thoughts were going through her mind, Lance returned home. As he came in the door in the kitchen from the garage, he called to Elaine, "Lucy, I'm home!" with his fake Cuban accent.

Elaine heard him and quickly hit the STOP button and put the remote on the couch as she went in the kitchen to help Lance. As she rounded the corner and saw Lance there, the impact of what she had seen on the video hit her and hit her hard. She looked at him and realized how handsome he was and how ordinary she felt. She wasn't into designer stuff like Vivica and a lot of other girls he had dated were. God help her, she even began imagining him without his clothes. "Lord help me!" she prayed silently.

She started shaking and having serious doubts as to whether she was the one for Lance. As she walked up behind Lance and slipped her arms around his waist, she felt like she was the most lost person in the world and feeling so inadequate. Her emotions were running ninety miles an hour and she was scared of the thoughts and the feelings she was having.

In her agony, she was squeezing him so hard, he could barely breathe. "Baby, what is wrong?" asked Lance.

Elaine suddenly came back to reality. "I just missed you so much while you were gone," she lied.

Somehow, Lance did not believe this. He turned in Elaine's arms and held her face in his hands. Tears were running down her face. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. "Baby, what is wrong? And don't tell me NOTHING."

Elaine couldn't tell him about the video. It would embarrass him, heck, it embarrassed her. She had to think of something. "I just fell asleep while you were gone and when I woke up, I was disoriented and didn't know where you were." Hopefully he would believe her.

"Oh Sugar, I'm sorry. You still want some ice cream?"

"You betcha. Can I help?"

"No, you just relax."

Lance got some bowls and then scooped up the ice cream and they headed to the family room. There was a rerun of I LOVE LUCY on the television and they looked at each other and laughed.

They sat and ate their ice cream and Elaine would look at Lance and wonder if he was really happy. She got to thinking about what Vivica had said in her card. Doubts started creeping in and a serious lack of self confidence set in. The thought of not making Lance happy was driving her crazy.

She watched him as he laughed at Lucy and Ricky on the television. He was her world. She could not lose him. Suddenly, she slipped over next to Lance and kissed his neck and played with the hair on the back of his head. Lance hugged into her. She kept kissing his ear and neck and face like she couldn't get enough of him.

Her hand tugged on his chin to turn his face to hers and she looked deep into his eyes. Her kisses had gotten to him and she could see the longing in his eyes. It was the same longing she had seen in his eyes in the video except they weren't glazed over by the drugs and it was Vivica giving him pleasure. Could she make him feel the same, or, better? She pulled him in for a kiss that she took charge of. Her tongue found his and massaged and battled his to pull him closer to her. Her hands touched his face and neck and shoulders. They caressed him like a fine piece of porcelain.

Lance was wearing a tight mesh T-shirt and when she touched his chest, it was almost like touching his skin. She caressed his abdomen and felt the muscles that had developed from years of dancing and working out. She could feel his body tremble at her touch. 'I must be doing something right; she thought. She still had not broken the kiss.

Both of them were breathing heavily and Lance was becoming very aroused from the kissing and her hands roaming his body. 'What has come over her?' he wondered. Finally, he broke the kiss, more to get air than to stop what was happening. He looked into her eyes and saw love, passion and fear. "Baby," was all he could get out before she pulled him into another passionate kiss and pulled his body closer to hers.

She laid back on the couch and pulled Lance on top of her. Again, he pulled back and looked at her as she panted for breath. "Baby, what's gotten into you? Did you start reading those instruction books without me?" he teased. Finally, they both came up for air only to start kissing and nibbling each others necks and shoulders. Lance was starting to sweat and he pulled up long enough to pull the shirt over his head. He moved to lay it on the floor and he laid it on top of a card on the floor with elaborate handwriting on it. As he moved back to Elaine he looked her in the eye and asked her if she was sure. She assured him she was. He leaned down to kiss her eyes and her nose and her cheeks and finally, her lips, again.

Suddenly, he felt a chill go down his spine and he pulled from the kiss. He looked over at the card and when he reached for it, he caused Elaine's hip to roll and this caused the PLAY button to be pushed on the remote underneath her.

The sounds coming from the television were a bit more verbal than what he and Elaine had just been sharing. "Oh my God, Elaine where did this come from? Oh God no, not again," Lance cried in pain.

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