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Chapter Fifty Two

Thanksgiving dinner was out of this world. Everyone ate until they felt like the turkey at the end of the meal. The food that was left over was covered and placed on the sideboard for snacking from later.

Next was football in the family room and some of Lance's friends came over to watch the games with them. Elaine watched Lance as he laughed and joked with his friends. He was renewed and looked so relaxed. More relaxed than she had seen him look in a long time.

Every now and then, she would catch him just staring at her. When she did, he would pucker his lips at her in a mock kiss. She couldn't help but smile at this. He was the most incredible man she had ever known. Everytime he looked at her with those penetrating eyes, she felt all tingly inside. And that smile could melt an iceberg.

The next couple of days were spent visiting family and friends. Lance was so excited to introduce Elaine as his future wife. He was so proud of her and it showed in the constant smile on his face and in the looks he gave her when he thought no one was looking.

Their last day in Mississippi started with church at Lance's family church. He had sung there in the choir before he went off to join *N SYNC and it was so awesome to come back and visit. His pastor was still there and he and Elaine had discussed having his pastor co-officiate at the wedding with Pastor Jeremiah. He intended to speak with him about that on this visit.

They went for Sunday School and then worship services and when the Invitation was given, Lance went forward to rededicate his life to the Lord. He asked Elaine to go forward with him and she was honored to be a part of such a personal moment between Lance and his Lord. "It's because of you that I am able to do this, finally. I've wanted to so many times, but just held back. Not since I got saved have I felt such an urgency to get my life right with Him," he said as he looked heavenward. "Maybe it's the awesome responsibility of taking on a wife and, someday, a family that has made this more important than it has ever been before."

After church, they went to Jim and Diane's for lunch so they didn't have to mess up the kitchen before they left to return to Orlando. Packing was done and all they had to do was wait on the limo to pick them up. After lunch, they said their good-byes and headed to the house to do last minute things.

Elaine encouraged Gwen to go and rest before the trip and she went to lie down. Lance took her for a walk around the property. It was so peaceful there in Mississippi. It was nice to know they had their own quiet, peaceful retreat to come to when they needed it. When they headed back to the house, they stopped on the back patio and looked out at the wooded area behind the house. "Elaine, are you ready for this?" Lance said as he put his arms around her.

"Ready for what, honey?"

"Ready for the houses, the travel, the craziness? All that goes along with me? Are you ready to tackle this chore?"

Elaine turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. She looked him straight in the eye and smiled from ear to ear. Then, her right hand caressed his face and she spoke ever so softly, "I love you, how could this be a chore? Sweetheart, I'm here for the long haul. As long as we are together, as long as we remain strong in our faith and love, we can do anything. We can handle anything that comes along."

"Oh Baby, I love you so much. I feel as though the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I want to share so much. I can't wait to see this back yard full of kids playing and down the road, our grandkids playing out there. God help me, I want it all."

Elaine looked deep into his eyes. "Why Mr. Bass, are you trying to tell me something here?" she inquired with a wicked grin on her lips.

Lance leaned and kissed her pouty lips full and hard. Then he focused into the very depths of her brown eyes with his own piercing pale green gaze. "And what if I were trying to tell you something here? Would you be receptive to what I have to say?"

"All depends on what you're trying to tell me, Lancelot."

"I know we've discussed maybe waiting a while to start a family. But Sugar Bear, I really don't want to wait. I want to start our family as soon as possible. I want to have those babies for Granny Dorn to spoil rotten. I want miniature versions of us crawling around and creating happiness in our home. I don't want to have to use a walking cane to push the baby buggy," he laughed. Then he became serious. "Sugar, there is no greater expression of love than when that love creates children within the bonds of marriage. Please consider our starting our family soon?"

His eyes were so intense and she felt the same feeling he was talking about. She closed her eyes for a moment of silent prayer. 'Lord, what would you have us do?' Suddenly, a calm peace came over her. She looked into Lance's eyes and smiled, "All in God's time."

The limo picked them up on time. All the luggage was loaded in the back and they made sure everything was locked up. Lance knew that Stacy would check on everything later and reset the alarms. As they drove through town on their way to the airport, they went by Granny Dorn's house. Lance asked the driver to stop for a moment and assured him he would not be long. He and Elaine ran to the door and Granny Dorn came to answer it. "Well, if it ain't my Baby Boy and Baby Girl. You kids leavin'?"

"Yes, ma'am. Granny, we just wanted you to know that you're invited to the wedding next month and you're gonna come with Momma and Daddy to Florida for it," said Lance.

Granny Dorn looked as though she would cry. She hugged Lance and Elaine and pulled them all together for a group hug. Elaine still could not get over how strong she was. She said her good-byes and walked back to the limo. Lance leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek and looked at her and smiled. "We're gonna start on them babies for you to spoil rotten on Christmas night. Is that soon enough for you?"

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "You mean I'm gonna have some little babies to love up on? Oh, Baby Boy, you don't know how much I am lookin' forward to that." She hugged him big and he scooted back to the limo. He turned and looked at her standing on the porch waving, then he threw her a kiss. She reached in the air and grabbed it and put it on her face.

Their flight returned to Orlando late after a delay at the airport in Mississippi with mechanical problems. They dropped Gwen off at her apartment and Lance helped with her bags. He informed her that he wanted her to give her landlord notice that she would be moving the first of the year and he was NOT taking no for an answer. She only agreed if she could stay in the new guest house he had built for out of town guests of FLE. That way she could keep it up and ready at a moments notice for guests and she could still maintain her independence. He agreed and it was settled.

When they got back to Lance's house, there were a ton of messages on the answering machine in Lance's study that he used for his FLE office. There were pages of messages that Lynne and Rickii had taken while they were away. Organized lady that Rickii was, she had them grouped in order of importance. There were final fittings for the dresses for the wedding and more confirmation calls for other engagement parties and showers that were being thrown for them. "Oh God! I miss Mississippi already," Elaine groaned.

Lance came up behind her and put his arms around her. "Welcome back to the real world." He hugged her close and nuzzled her neck. "Wonder where the girls are?"

"They're out with the guys. Something about some plans for an event that needed last minute work. You know, I'm so glad that they have hit it off so well. I can't get over the difference in Justin these last months. He is like a new man. That Britney episode back a few years ago almost did him AND the group in."

Some people described her as the Twenty-first Century Yoko Ono. Justin's attitude and health went right down the toilet. People started looking at her differently when a recording of her potty mouth was put on Napster after they did the Rock In Rio show in 2001. She professed to be one thing, but her actions spoke louder than her statements. She was sending out so many mixed signals it was confusing to everyone. The more she tried to deny that she was responsible for the way she acted in her performances, the more parents held her accountable. The more she commented that she "wasn't their parent," the deeper she dug herself. She failed to understand that she WAS a role model by the profession she chose and she WAS responsible. Justin's career was almost ruined along with *N SYNC's.

Since Rickii and JC had been seeing each other, he had calmed down quite a lot. He seemed so happy with his world as it was now. In the few months they had been together, she had helped him finish several songs he had pushed aside some time ago. Rickii inspired him to finish these beautiful pieces and several had been chosen by prominent artists to be recorded.

In Elaine's world, all was well. She and Lance took a stroll through the garden and noticed the work was almost complete on the large two story guest house on the back side of the property. "I am so glad you talked Mama into moving out of the apartment and out here with us. And, thank you for understanding her need to be independent. That means a great deal to her and me." Elaine kissed Lance's cheek and hugged his arm she held on to.

"Sugar Bear, I would do anything for your Mom. She gave me you," he spoke softly and gently turned her to him for a kiss. It felt so good to be back in their garden. He loved it in Mississippi and he loved his home here. But now, home would be wherever they were together. His heart felt as though it would burst with pride in the woman at his side. With God's help, he would love her, cherish her and keep himself only to her for the rest of their lives. He would work daily to make sure she NEVER regretted loving him and trusting him. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

Elaine smiled and looked at him as if she could not believe someone could love her this way and this much. "Only about every half hour, all day long. I do get the message," she grinned and touched his soft cheek. "And, by the way, I love you, too."

With that, they returned to the house to finish unpacking and Lance told her when she was finished putting her stuff away, to come to his room because he had something to show her. When she was done, she lightly tapped on his door.

"Just a minute," she heard through the door. She could hear him moving something around but had no idea what awaited her. Suddenly, she heard the lock click on his door. That was strange, the door locked?

"It's about time, what are you doing in there? Hiding the bodies?" she grinned. The door opened and Lance stepped back and waved her in. The room was a mess. There were pieces of wood and shelving stacked in the corner. "What is going on, sweetheart?"

"I'm having the closets redone so that you will have some space when we're married."

Elaine walked into the huge closet area. He had obviously had this done while they were gone. The closet had organizer shelves and drawers added. There were rods hung at different levels for blouses, skirts, dresses and long dresses. He had thought of everything. She was impressed. "Lance, honey you didn't have to do this. This is awesome. You've thought of everything. But, what about all your clothes? This is not all that you have," she wondered as she noticed half of his clothes missing.

"That's what I wanted to show you." Lance walked over to the light switch and turned a knob. All of a sudden, the walls started turning. There were more shelves and rods full of clothes coming into view. These were his *N SYNC clothes that he wore for appearances and outings with the guys. The other side was his regular clothes, jeans, plaid shirts, boots and all his 'normal' clothes.

She turned to Lance. "Baby, you didn't have to do this. I don't have that many clothes."

"Sugar, when we get married, you're gettin' everything that I can possibly get for you. Besides, we need to start looking for clothes for all the awards shows we're gonna be goin' to after the first of the year. My wife is going to have the best that I can provide for her. And now, you'll have a place to put them."

"Lancelot, you are so good to me. I am THE luckiest woman on the face of the earth and I have the most wonderful man on earth lovin' me. What more could I want?"

"Maybe this," Lance whispered as he pulled her into his body and held her close as his lips softly grazed on her cheeks. His hands rubbed up and down her back and with each pass, he pulled her closer to him. Elaine just closed her eyes and let herself go.

She moved with him as he danced with her around the room. Suddenly, she realized there was music playing softly through an amazing sound system in the room. It was so relaxing and there was the sound of the ocean in the background. The look on her face caused Lance to speak. "I had this put in too. We can lay here at night and be lulled to sleep by the sounds of the ocean and soft music. It's all through the house or by individual rooms. Isn't it incredible?"

Her eyes took in every feature of his face. He looked into her eyes with half closed dreamy eyes that sparkled in the soft light. The green somehow seemed deeper in his eyes tonight. Maybe it was because there was such an intensity there. Such a passion. But there was also that peace that had taken over that morning. He was, once again, her Lancelot who had rescued her years ago from her brother's anger. "You are my world Lance. You are the very heart of me. God saved you for me and I am the most blessed woman on this earth. Thank you for loving me."

"Oh Baby, you are entirely welcome. It is my pleasure to receive your sweet, sweet love."

Elaine kissed him and hugged him so tight. "I really need to get to bed. Have to get up early tomorrow and get with Johnny about making arrangements to see Vivica."

"I'll come with you, if it's okay?" asked Lance. "Let's try and see her before the interview. I would really like to be done with that when we discuss our future with a reporter."

"Sounds good to me. Good night sweetheart."

"Goodnight Sugar Bear. I'll sure be glad when you don't have to leave me at night," he said seductively. Elaine left and went to her room.

The next day dawned bright and sunny and so did Lance. There could have been a hurricane pounding Orlando and he would have still been on top of the world. Everyone met in the kitchen and shared their holiday adventures with one another. When Elaine shared with Lynne and Rickii what she and Lance were going to do, they were hesitant to give their blessing on the venture until they found out what they planned to do.

Rickii grabbed their hands and Lynne joined in for a quick prayer circle to pray for the wisdom, the understanding and the grace to do what they wanted to do. Then everyone headed to their different destinations.

Lance and Elaine headed to Johnny's office. He had called Johnny earlier to let him know they were coming and why. Johnny assured him he would get on it right away and maybe have something for them by the time they got there. Sure enough, when they arrived, Johnny was on the phone with the hospital that Vivica was at. Apparently this was one of her better days and they were interested in seeing what she would do if confronted with her obsession in a controlled atmosphere.

Elaine and Lance looked at one another. Today. The doctors wanted them to come today. Elaine took Lance's hand. "Baby, are you okay with this? We need to do it. It might as well be now. I'm ready and I'm there for you. And most important of all, I love you Lance Bass." She slipped in a kiss and a quick pat to his butt.

This took Lance by surprise, but it also brought him out of his panic. He looked deep into her eyes and drew his strength from the love he found there.

His chest rose as he took a deep breath and looked at Johnny and told him to tell the doctor they would be right out.

As Lance drove out to the hospital, he fidgeted and constantly raked his hand through his hair. Finally, Elaine reached over and put her hand over his. Her look to him was full of love and comfort. She smiled and he melted and took her hand and raised it to his lips and gently placed kisses all over her hand. He turned her and placed a soft kiss in her palm and quickly darted his tongue out and caused her to jump. He grinned at her and said, "Thank you Sugar." Nothing else was said, the smile and the kisses said it all.

When they arrived at the hospital, they were both surprised at how nice the place was. It wasn't your usual mental hospital concept. Lance pulled into the visitor's parking area and turned off the engine. He turned to Elaine, "Well Baby, this is it." He searched her face for the reassurance that he was doing what was right and found it in her smile and in the look of intense love in her eyes. After all these months, that look could still take his breath away.

Elaine took a firm hold on his hands and she prayed. "Heavenly Father, I come before you humbly asking your blessing of strength and wisdom on your servants here. Help us to reach a lost soul in torment. Give us the wisdom and understanding to reach her. I ask all these in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen." When the prayer was ended, Lance's trembling hands were steady and Elaine gazed into pools of green that were peaceful now.

They walked hand in hand into the hospital and went straight to the information desk. When the receptionist checked her notes, she found where Dr. Hylton was expecting them. "If you will have a seat, Dr. Hylton will be out shortly."

They found a love seat away from the main entrance and sat there until a tall, dark haired woman in a white lab coat approached them. She reached for Lance's hand and introduced herself. "How do you do, I'm Dr. Kira Hylton," she said with a very British accent.

Lance stood and shook her hand and turned to introduce Elaine to her. She then led them down the hall to her office. It was a nice office, almost homey in it's decor. Certain to place patients and their families at ease and not feel too terribly intimidated. They sat and discussed everything about Vivica's past and the treatments they had been trying with her. Dr. Hylton needed Lance to fill in the blanks as to the way things were during their relationship. She was a bit apprehensive to discuss their 'relationship' with Lance in Elaine's presence, but Lance assured her that Elaine was very aware of what had happened and he wanted her present.

"Ms. Lawrence has been convinced that you are dead, that she killed the both of you and she has been suffering bouts of anxiety and depression. I want to have her put this behind her. She needs to realize that you are alive and well and that she needs to move on with getting better. If she can see you and know that you're not someone trying to fool her, we might be able to break this barrier we're against. She keeps saying that you died before she could ask your forgiveness."

Lance froze right in place and his hand gripped Elaine's as they looked at one another. "God does work in mysterious ways, doesn't he?" Elaine whispered.

The air seemed to rush out of his lungs as he looked back to Dr. Hylton. He proceeded to tell her what they had come for. Dr. Hylton even was stunned by the coincidence of the happenings around her. She felt they were on the threshold of a major break through with Vivica's treatment.

Dr. Hylton made a call to the nurse to get Vivica ready for her visitors and to take her to the solarium. Then she explained that she would talk to Vivica and tell her they were there to see her, and then she would leave and observe from a two way mirror in a room next to the solarium.

"Let's go down to the room and be in there when she is brought in. I would like for you to observe her for a few minutes. I also want to warn you that she has lost a lot of weight. She refuses to really take care of herself. When we found out you were coming, the nurses bathed her and got her some clean scrubs to wear. Also, she does not like making eye contact. She says she's not worthy."

They left Dr. Hylton's office and walked down the hall to the solarium. Just past the main door in was another door that she opened for Lance and Elaine to go through. It was just a small room with a table and some chairs there and the window that served as a mirror in the other room. She indicated they could sit and watch while she talked to Vivica and prepared her for their visit.

As they were checking out the room, a nurse came in with a very frail looking woman with stringy looking hair. She walked kind of humped over and carried a CD player and had her headphones on. As she shuffled along, she looked at the floor and never at the nurse's face when she spoke to her. When the nurse placed her at the table near the mirror, Lance gasped when he realized that this emaciated remnant of a woman was Vivica. Elaine took his hand and put her other arm around him.

She seemed to be mumbling something, but then he noticed she either played the same song over and over again or she had only certain ones she listened to. When the nurse left her to sit, she started 'singing along' with the song. Lance did his best to try and figure out what she was listening to. At one point, she stopped singing and just listened. Then she said 'there's no me without you,' and she started to cry. Lance looked at Elaine, "You know what she's listening to, don't you?" Elaine indicated that yes she did know. "Oh God, give me strength," he cried out in a whisper that only Elaine could hear. She reinforced his plea with a hearty "Amen."

Dr. Hylton excused herself and went to talk to Vivica as Lance and Elaine watched. When she entered the room, Vivica gave no indication of being aware of her presence. As the doctor took a seat across from her, she reached and touched Vivica's hand. At the touch, Vivica withdrew and almost seemed afraid like a frightened child or animal. Dr. Hylton took Vivica's hand and held it in hers and kept reassuring her that everything was all right.

She started talking to Vivica about nonessential things like how did she sleep, what did she think of the weather outside and would she like to go for a stroll later, possibly. Then, she eased in to the having visitors part. Vivica started seeing a little purpose to the conversation and she tried to withdraw. Finally, Dr. Hylton just told her, "Vivica, Lance and Elaine are here to see you."

Vivica's head shot up and the look of terror in her eyes scared Lance to death. He saw her eyes for the first time and saw that they looked 'dead, frightened, NO, more terrified.' "Why do you do this to me? I told you I killed him and that girl. Dead people can't visit me." Then her eyes dropped and she continued, "Only...when I'm they see me. Lance is angry with me. He...only comes in my dreams. I try to tell him...I'm sorry, but he' angry. He screams in my...face. He...hates me Dr. Kira...he hates me. I'm not worthy of visitors...have them see someone else."

As Dr. Hylton attempted to calm her down and assure her that Lance was indeed there, Lance watched through the window and Elaine noticed a tear roll down his cheek. " right about her. How know? She is in sooo much pain. It's not like her. It doesn't even look like her. My God in Heaven...what has happened to her?"

Elaine held on to him and let him sob this confusion out. She hugged him and kissed him and assured him that everything would be all right. When he had composed himself, he wiped his face with his hands. Elaine looked at him and asked if he was all right. He slowly nodded his head and looked into her eyes. "You ARE going in there with me, right?"

"I will be right by your side Lancelot."

"Then, let's do this. Let's not wait any longer."

Lance opened the door for Elaine and she stepped into the hall and waited by the door to the solarium. Lance tried to get Dr. Hylton's attention through the window in the door. she saw him and indicated for him to wait one minute. After she finished talking to Vivica, she left her at the table and came to the door to let them in.

They stepped inside the door and Lance took Elaine's hand into his and squeezed. Dr. Hylton explained that she was going to take them to the table and see what, if anything, Vivica would do. As Lance and Elaine approached the table, they could see Vivica tense at the sound of their footsteps. She pulled her CD player closer to her chest and turned to the wall. She had turned the player back on and she was singing along with the song that he immediately recognized, again.

Dr. Hylton spoke to Vivica. "Vivica, Lance and Elaine are here to see you. They've come a long way to see how you are and to talk to you...Please turn off the CD player and listen."

When she kept singing, Dr. Hylton reached for the player and turned it off and took it from her. Vivica tried desperately to hold onto the player. "Vivica, you'll get it back after you talk to Lance. Okay?"

Vivica began to cry and get angry, "I told you...he is DEAD! I...KILLED...HIM. He's never going to some and...see me. He's gone to Heaven and...I'm going to hell for what I him and...Elaine."

Lance could not stand it anymore. He knelt on the floor by Vivica's chair and took her hands into his. He pulled her around to where she had to look at him. The look he had seen in her eyes earlier was there still and it was even more frightening than it had been before. He bowed his head and prayed as he held her hands in his next to his heart. "Lord! Please help me. Please help me to reach her." He reached for Elaine's hand and took it into his and Elaine put her other hand on Vivica's shoulder and joined him in prayer. "Lord! Help us to reach her. Open her mind to receive what she so desperately needs...FORGIVENESS. Lord help us to do what we must." He lowered his head further and Elaine reinforced his prayer, again, with a hearty "Amen."

As Lance began to try to talk to her and bring her into reality and realize that he was who he said he was, she kept looking at Elaine and Elaine looked at her with such compassion. Elaine searched her face for something to reach to her. Suddenly, she knew. "Dr. Hylton, may I have the CD Player please?" She took the player and pressed the play button and there was the song, EVERYTHING I OWN. "Vivica, who is this singing? Who are the guys singing on this song?"

Vivica hesitated at first. Elaine put the headphone near her ear so she could hear it. Lance stepped back to allow Elaine to do whatever she was being led to do. He had learned to give way to her 'feelings' since her 'experience'. Vivica made a half attempt at a smile, but then she just whispered..."*N SYNC."

Elaine smiled and agreed with her. Then the song came to Lance's solo and she put the headphones up to her ear again. "Who is this talking?"

As Vivica listened, a very slight smile came to her face. Dr. Hylton nudged Lance and informed him that his fiance had been able to get her to do something none of them had been able to accomplish. "What kind of training has she had? I want to hire her."

Lance just shook his head and continued to watch Elaine talk to Vivica. Elaine pressed for her to say who did the talking on the song. Finally, Vivica leaned near her and whispered, "Lance."

"Can you tell me who Lance IS?"

Vivica looked at her with a puzzled look. "He's gone," she said softly like she was conveying a secret. "I killed him...I didn't mean to...they just cornered me...I panicked...I killed him and...YOU?"

This took Elaine by surprise. "Vivica, you didn't kill anyone. We're right here," Elaine softly spoke and pointed to Lance who knelt back down beside Elaine. Vivica sat in silence. She looked back and forth between them. Her gaze fixed on Lance's face and she looked deep into his eyes as though searching for something. Lance saw something in her eyes seem to come to life. Was it finally a recognition of who he was?

Vivica began to tremble. Elaine held tight to her hand and rubbed the back of it to try and soothe her. Slowly, Vivica raised her right hand to Lance's face and placed a shaky palm on his cheek as if to test and see if he was real. When she had touched his face and found him to be real, she looked back at Elaine and took her hand from Elaine's and touched her face. She looked back and forth between them again. "You're...real...You''t dead?"

Lance saw tears in her eyes. He looked to Dr. Hylton who was standing there in utter amazement. In the few minutes they had been there, they had accomplished more than she had in months of therapy. Lance looked back to Vivica and now the tears were a stream down her face. He gave her a slow smile and spoke ever so gently to her, "Vivica, it's me, Lance. I'm here to see you and to give you what you want and so desperately need. FORGIVENESS."

Vivica shook her head. "I thought surely...I had killed you...but...I did shoot you...didn't I?"

"Yes, you did shoot me and Elaine, but, we're both fine now."

She then looked at Elaine. Realization hit her of ALL that she did that night. "I shot you...and...I left you a...naughty gift...Oh...I am so bad and hurtful." She rambled on and on until Elaine took her hand and made her look into her eyes.

"Vivica, it's all right. EVERYTHING is okay. I am fine and so is Lance. You were sick and you didn't know what you were doing."

Vivica looked at Elaine, "But I was so...BAD to you...both of you should...hate me. No, I'm NOT be near you or anyone." She started withdrawing again and pulling back.

Elaine refused to let that happen. She put her hands on each side of Vivica's face and held her to a steady stare. Elaine looked her straight in the eye and held her gaze. It was important to her to know that Vivica knew she was being truthful with her and looking her straight in the eye was essential to this. "Vivica, you were sick and you did NOT realize what you were doing. Lance and I both know this now. We forgive you for what happened and we want you to get well. We don't hate you. Please Vivica, understand what I am saying."

"Everyone should hate me for what I did!" she cried. "I know the fans hate me."

Lance spoke up and took over form Elaine as he put his hands on her cheek, something he thought he would never do again. "Vivica, don't worry about what the fans think. Just worry about getting well. Elaine and I don NOT hate you and we care what happens to you. Please, please believe that," he pleaded.

Vivica looked at Lance like she finally saw him for the first time. Tears welled up in her eyes and her lips trembled as she reached to touch his cheek. When her hand finally touched him, she broke into sobs, "You ARE ALIVE!...I'm NOT dreaming it? You are here AND you're here," she cried as she turned to Elaine and touched her face. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for what I did...So sorry...So very sorry...Oh please, can you forgive me?"

Lance looked at Elaine then to Vivica. "We already have forgiven you. You have NOTHING to apologize for anymore. Vivica, please let go of this and start healing. Let Dr. Hylton help you and get your life back. Let her help you make a better life for yourself. Please."

Vivica nodded yes as she broke into healing sobs of redemption. She had received what she thought she would never get, FORGIVENESS. Lance and Elaine both embraced Vivica to show their support of her and joined in on a good, and much needed, cry. Even Dr. Hylton could not contain the tears that overflowed in her eyes. She could not believe what she had just witnessed.

They spent another hour with Vivica and Dr. Hylton and felt that there was hope for her down the road for a full recovery.

As they went to leave, Dr. Hylton asked Elaine how she knew what Vivica needed. Elaine looked at Lance and then at her. "Forgiveness is the best healer of all time. There's nothing to compare."

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