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Chapter Fifty Five

Everyone came to Lance's house the night the interview aired. He got a lot of ribbing from the guys for the honeymoon moments and he and Elaine lit the room with their blushing. All in all, the interview went very well, Instead of half an hour, they expanded the program to an hour.

The article that Sheryl wrote for the Orlando Sentinel was AWESOME. She left everything as it was and even put a public apology to the couple for her assumptions and wrote of how Elaine asked that the article remain unaltered, even after she offered to leave that out. In all her years as a journalist, she had never interjected her personal feelings into an article, she had always remained objective. However, at the end of this article, she inserted a COMMENTS section.

COMMENTS: In my twenty plus years of journalism, I have never interjected my opinion into any of my work and I feel I have remained objective and provided the best reporting possible. I have done my best to look at all situations from all angles and provide as many possibilities as possible to conjecture. After this interview, however, I feel I must express my opinion in light of the letters, emails and calls I have received from fans of *N SYNC and Lance Bass, in particular.

After spending hours with this incredible couple, I feel I have either been superbly duped or, as I chose to believe, they are the most in love couple I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Their love is based on a loving and caring relationship, not on sex and other pleasures. They are very grounded in their faith and that will be the cornerstone of their marriage.

Elaine is an extremely bright and intelligent young woman and a match for anyone to go against, but she loves her man and respects him and herself to the point of living what she "preaches." A graduate of the "True Love Waits" program through her church and school, she is a firm believer in waiting until marriage for sex. So for those who have age difference issues and sexual conduct issues, get over it!

For the fans who claim to "love Lance," and "how dare she take my man!" First of all, he is not your man. And if you love him as you claim to, I would think that you would want him to be happy. Well, believe me, he is deliriously happy. For the better part of a day, I talked with and observed these two beautiful young people. Even when they thought no one was watching, they looked at one another with love, devotion, honor and respect. They were always considerate of one another and extremely supportive as you could see in the MTV Special. Each touch was meaningful and caring and they are there for each other 110%.

I am not a betting woman, but I would be willing to lay odds that THIS marriage WILL LAST. These two people know the meaning of love and commitment. I, for one, wish them every happiness and a long and happy life together and lots of children to share that love with. We at the Orlando Sentinel send our very best to these two and look forward to hearing from them after the honeymoon.

Lance and Elaine were so impressed with what Sheryl had done in her article, that they ordered flowers to be sent to her at the paper. They also sent a personal invitation to her for the wedding, which she happily accepted.

The next couple of weeks went by quickly enough for Lance and Elaine. Their longing to be together was making things increasingly difficult. They tried to stay busy with other activities to keep their minds off being together. Elaine had school, the tour office and FLE work to keep her busy along with the final fittings for the dresses a couple of weeks before the wedding. Lance, of course, had FLE and Happy Place Productions work to do along with *N SYNC work, but, every night they climbed the stairs together and kissed each other goodnight and turned and went to their separate rooms. Each night it was harder to let each other go, but they knew it was the right thing to do.

The weekend before the wedding, the girls had their final fittings for their dresses. Lance had some last minute things to take care of, so he took Elaine's car and let her use the 4Runner to take the girls and meet Dani and Kelly at the dress boutique.

Dani was coming along in her pregnancy and it had been confirmed via sonogram that it WAS a BOY! Chris was bouncing off the walls and more attentive than ever to Dani. It was so cute to watch them together.

Kelly was all excited as the date for her and Joey's wedding drew near. She felt so unorganized and Elaine promised to give her a hand in finalizing everything.

Everyone put on their gowns and were individually fitted and then sent to the waiting room. All the girls were there in their gowns and talking when the door opened and in walked Elaine in her beautiful gown. It was very simple, but extremely beautiful on her. She made the dress elegant. They had haphazardly pulled her hair up on her head and tendrils fell by her face. The veil fit into the pile of curls on her head and flowed softly over her shoulders.

The girls were in awe of the bride that stood before them, proud and tall. She held her head high and her shoulders back and she looked as though she had walked off the cover of Bride Magazine. She was a radiant beauty.

Dani spoke first. "Merciful Lord! Elaine you are beautiful beyond words. Lance is NOT going to know what to do when he sees you Christmas Day. You could not have picked a more perfect gown. Oh sweetie, he's gonna flip when he sees you."

The other girls were in as much awe as Dani and they were so taken with how beautiful she looked. They had her to walk for them and she looked like an angel on a cloud. "Lance is not going to know what to do with himself when he sees you girlfriend," smirked Rickii. "He's gonna want the wedding to hurry and be over." They all laughed.

Elaine walked over to the huge wall mirror to look at the final results. She stood in awe herself. The gown had turned out beautifully. She had designed it from a picture of the dress her Mom had worn the night she was conceived.

There was a pang of loneliness that hit her when she thought of how her Dad had left her Mom and her when she was only three years old.

He had promised her Mom that they would be together as soon as things worked out in his life. Then one day, he just up and left with someone else. That was another reason for her stand on waiting until marriage because she knew firsthand the struggles she and her Mom went through.

After her Mom took him to court to make him help support her, she got an occasional birthday card and Christmas card and every few months, he would send her a note with the check. Sometimes, he would go months without a word.

There were times she missed him and other times she thought she was better off that he had not been around. Of course, she missed the father figure in her life, but she had Lee and Wesley, two super terrific half-brothers to be there for her. And, of course, she had Chris, Joey, JC, Justin and Lance. Still, there was that small yearning that her Dad would want to walk her down the aisle, if for no other reason than to celebrate the end of the child support early.

Dani noticed the lone tear that rolled down Elaine's cheek and her heart went out to the young woman before her. Stacy saw the same tear on her cheek and was bolder by going to Elaine. "Hey Sis, my brother can be a handful sometimes, but there's nothing to cry over."

Elaine was brought back to the present and laughed a small laugh. "It's not Lance I was thinking of, Stacy. I was just thinking of my father." She turned and went into the dressing room to change, leaving Stacy and Dani staring at one another.

Stacy moved to Dani and spoke softly to her. "I think I need to talk to Lance about this. What do you think Dani?"

"I think you're right."

Everyone went in to change and Stacy invited everyone back to the house for lunch. She figured if everyone was there, Elaine would be busy and she would have a chance to talk to Lance when he got home. He had to know something about Elaine's Father.

They got to the house and Stacy started helping pull things together for lunch. As they all laughed and talked, Stacy kept watching for Lance to return so she could talk to him in the garage before he came in.

Finally, she saw him and slipped out to the garage. He pulled Elaine's car into the spot nearest the door to the house. "Hey Sis, what's up?"

"What do you know about Elaine's Father?"

"Why?" Stacy proceeded to tell her brother about what had happened at the dress fitting. "I'll talk to Gwen and see what's going on. Thanks, Sis."

That evening, Lance asked Gwen to help him in the kitchen while Elaine and the girls worked on their school work. He asked her about Elaine's father and she told him basically the same thing that Elaine had told him. "That was the biggest mistake of my life. But, I do NOT regret having Elaine. She is my joy. I guess she was meant to be."

"Well, I for one, am glad you had her or I would never have found my soul mate. Lord knows we all make mistakes that we have to live with. But, she is one beautiful woman and no mistake at all."

"Lance, I've not had a chance to really talk with you since everything that happened. We've talked, but I've not been able to say the things I want to say to you."

"Come on, let's go for a walk in the garden. I want to check out the paths they've been puttin' in for the weddin'."

They headed outside. It was a beautiful December evening and the weather promised to be beautiful over the next ten days. As the lights came on along the path, Lance was pleased with what had been done so far.

"Lance, this is going to be the most beautiful wedding. You are making my daughter very happy and I want you to know how much I appreciate what you've done. There is nothing to compare to the fulfillment of a love longed for. Elaine has loved you almost forever. I didn't encourage her feelings for you, but by the same token, I didn't discourage her either. That was her dreams and I was never one to squash someone's dreams.

I tried to be positive with her and let her make her own decisions. She's made mistakes along the way, but nothing major like me. There is a levelheaded young woman there. Honestly, she tried dating guys at school, but they only had one thing on their mind and she told me she wanted someone to share with and dream with and love with, not just someone to sleep with. She's always loved you.

Even when you were with someone else, all she wanted was for you to be happy. She prayed constantly that God would save you for her. Please don't let her know I told you about this but she called me when the news first came out about you and Vivica and she was devastated. She begged me to persuade you to leave that woman alone that she would do nothing but cause you heartache. Lance, I'm so sorry I did not listen to her and do what she asked."

"Gwen, you had no way of knowing, don't worry about it," Lance hugged her shoulders.

"But a lot of heartache and bad stuff could have been avoided if I had listened to her, Lance. You boys are like my own kids. Instead of two boys and a girl, I have seven boys and a bunch of girls. I love each and every one of you."

"Well, Gwen," Lance stopped a moment, "what am I going to call you after Christmas Day? Mom would be a little confusing cause that's what I call my Mom."

Gwen smiled at his effort to be more family oriented but yet remain respectful. "Well, the other kids call me Mama Gwen or just Mama."

"Mama? I like that. Would you mind if I called you Mama?"

Gwen smiled up at him, "Of course you can...son."

Lance was moved by her acceptance of him as a son. They gave each other hugs and continued to talk about Elaine and her father.

"From what Stacy told me, she was a little down at the fitting today and was in tears and she told Stacy that I wasn't the reason, but that she was thinking of her father. He does know about the wedding doesn't he?"

"Oh yes, he knew about everything, the shooting, her in the hospital, everything."

"Why didn't he come to see her in the hospital or call or something?" asked Lance.

"Oh, he emailed me more than he has in the last five years. He was scared, but not enough to come and see how his daughter was. I honestly don't know what his problem is."

"Gwen, would you give me the information to get in touch with him? Because I intend to find out what his problem is."

"I'll give it to you when we get back to the house. I just hope you know what you're doing."

The next morning, Lance was up bright and early making phone calls. He got in touch with a private investigator he knew and had him to do a quickie background check on Elaine's father. He wanted to find out as much as he could about the man before he went in with guns a blazin'.

While he waited for the PI to get back to him, he went ahead and called the airlines to make reservations for the next day to fly down to Miami International and then he requested a rental car be ready for him. It would take less time if he flew down instead of trying to drive there and back in the same day. And at this point in time, he didn't want her to know where he was, and depending on the outcome, she may never know where he was off to.

He went up to his room and put some clothes into his bag so that he could change after he left the house in the morning. On his way to the airport he did have a few errands to run for last minute stuff for the wedding and honeymoon.

The Honeymoon. Every time he thought of that, his heart raced in his chest and he grew breathless. Elaine had been trying to get him to tell her where they were going and he would not tell her. All he would say was that she needed to pack for a tropical climate. Very little clothing would be needed and be sure and bring lots and lots of sunscreen and maybe only one bathing suit for the day that they got to the main landing before going to the place they would be staying, secluded, for two wonderful and glorious weeks. When Elaine tried to get something out of him, all he would say was they were going to the "Garden of Eden."

He chuckled as he thought of the funny faces she would make when he said that and her comments of them playing Adam and Eve. "We ARE Adam and Eve on this honeymoon," he told her. "There's a new life starting there for the rest of our lives."

As he finished slipping his dress shoes into the bag, he silently prayed that God would give him wisdom and understanding to handle this situation with Elaine's father. He realized that if he handled this wrong, it could ruin everything. "Father, give me strength to see this man through Jesus' eyes and not my own. Give me the right words to say to reach his heart for Elaine. Amen."

He grabbed the bag and checked the hallway and slipped downstairs and out to the garage and put his bag in Elaine's trunk. Tomorrow she would need the 4Runner for last minute things like picking up her dress and gifts for the rehearsal dinner. He had Chris picking up some of the things he would need and he would get them from Chris on his way home from the airport.

The phone rang and it was the PI. He gave Lance a run down of the man that was Elaine's father. Over the last several years, he had been in and out of work and had remained in the same small town outside Ft. Lauderdale since he left Pablo Beach.

"Jim thank you for your help. Can you have your guy meet me at the airport tomorrow morning and show me where he lives and works?"

"Sure Lance, no problem. My guy's name is David Greer. He'll meet you at the gate when you get in."

Lance gave Jim all his arrival information and said his good-byes. About that time, Elaine walked into his office. As he looked up to her face, he knew he must have a guilty look so he thought quickly what he would say if she asked.

"Oh no, am I catching you on a secret phone call from some OTHER woman?" she asked with a sly grin on her face.

"Well, I guess I'm caught. They just don't make many male travel agents." He prayed she would accept that and let it go.

Elaine walked over to where he was sitting in his chair behind his desk. She turned him to her and as he came face to face with her, her scent hit his senses and he could hardly breath. "Hey Baby," he panted, "what is that you're wearing? It smells so good." He leaned in to her neck and inhaled her.

"Don't you recognize it?" Lance thought and then indicated he did not remember it. "It's called DESIRE. I wore it at the retreat."

Then the memories returned and he inhaled more of her scent. "Yeah, now I do. You only wore it that one night. Why are you wearing it now?" He looked deep into her eyes and licked his dry lips.

"The girls gave me a whole set of the new fragrance line, bath and scents and powders. Thought I would make sure it was okay for the wedding and the honeymoon. Don't want you to be allergic to me." She teased him with her tongue and went in for a deep kiss that took their breath away. "I love you, Lancelot."

He touched her face and then pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. "Do you have any idea how very much I love you, Sugar Bear? I'm still so amazed that you could love me like you do." He kissed her long and tender. When the kiss ended, they just held onto each other. There was so much comfort in just holding one another.

They coordinated their schedules for the next day. Elaine would be picking up the dresses for her, Lynne and Rickii so she asked Lance if it would be okay to use the 4Runner and he could use her car. He breathed a sigh of relief there and graciously offered to take it and gas it up for her use.

While he was gone, she made their individual lists of things they needed to do and had them ready when he got back. He called Chris while he was out and told him what he was doing the next day and that he needed him to help with some of the other things so Elaine wouldn't be suspicious. Chris told him that he would get Joey to help him and wished him luck. "We want Sissy to be happy on her special day. You go do what you have to, to make it all that you can. Everything will be here at my place when you get back and you can just stop by on the way home. Good luck, man."

"Thanks Chris, but instead of luck, I really need prayer to handle this right and not knock his block off for hurting her. And above all, don't let her know where I am and be sure and let Joey know that he is to say NOTHING about this. Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow, I'll call you when I know what's going on."

When Lance got back home, Elaine was in the family room going through the CD's and pulling out certain ones. Lance came up behind her and said, "Lucy, I'm home," in his fake Southern, Cuban accent.

Elaine cracked up at the sound of him doing Ricky Ricardo so she did her best Lucy back to him, "Oh Ricky, welcome home honey."

They both laughed and hugged each other and just swayed to the music that was playing. "Whatcha doing, Babe?" he asked.

"Picking out what I want played at the reception. JC is going to put everything onto as few discs as possible and mark them for us and I'm also putting some music together for the...honeymoon," Elaine looked down as though she were embarrassed.

"The honeymoon? Oh, the plot thickens. Do tell, what songs do you have picked out for the honeymoon, Sugar?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at her and ran his fingers along her jawline. His lips brushed hers ever so softly and she melted at his touch. Then his lips caressed her ear as he pulled her close and whispered 'I love you.'

She sought his ear and whispered back, "I love you, too. We are going to be happy, aren't we?" she asked apprehensively.

Lance pulled back and looked at her. "Where is that coming from? Of course we're gonna be happy. What are you thinking, Sugar Bear?"

Elaine turned to the sound system to put in another CD. It was Garth Brooks and THE DANCE. This was one of Lance's favorites. He pulled her to him and held her close as they slowly moved to the music. "Baby, what's wrong, what's wrong with my Sugar Bear? I don't like this, talk to me please."

Looking back on the memory of

The dance we shared 'neath the stars above

For a moment all the world was right

How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye

And now I'm glad I didn't know

The way it all would end the way it all would go

Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain

But I'd have had to miss the dance

"Lance, Mama loved my father so much. She gave up everything for him and he walked out on her. He walked out on me. She was left to take care of me alone.

Holding you I held everything

For a moment wasn't I a king

But if I'd only known how the king would fall

Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all

And now I'm glad I didn't know

The way it all would end the way it all would go

Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain

But I'd have had to miss the dance

Yes my life is better left to chance

I could have missed the pain but

I'd have had to miss the dance

Lance thought about what she had said. There was so much hurt lying beneath the surface. He held her so close and hugged her over and over to assure her of his feelings. His unlimited love for her. For the rest of the song, he hummed in her ear and she felt giddy from the sensations that ran through her body.

Lance looked in Elaine's eyes and said, "I love you. I will NEVER, EVER leave you. You are stuck with me, Baby." Then he leaned in and kissed her passionately. His tongue outlined her lips and sought entrance to her very soul. His hands roamed her back and up to her shoulders and neck. He cupped her face and slipped his thumbs under her chin to pull her up to him.

Finally, the kiss was broken when the strains to a familiar song started. "Is this for the honeymoon?" Lance asked in a huskier and deeper voice than he already possessed.

Elaine just nodded yes to him and closed her eyes as she hugged him close to her.

Close your eyes, make a wish

And blow out the candlelight

For tonight is just your night

We're gonna celebrate, all thru the night

Lance sang in her ear and kissed her neck and ear as he sang.

Pour the wine, light the fire

Girl your wish is my command

I submit to your demands

I'll do anything, girl you need only ask

I'll make love to you

Like you want me to

And I'll hold you tight

Baby all through the night

Their hands explored each other in that they touched each other so very lightly, cheeks, necks, shoulders, arms, back.

I'll make love to you

When you want me to

And I will not let go

Till you tell me to

Girl relax, let's go slow

I ain't got nowhere to go

I'm just gonna concentrate on you

Girl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night

Lance pulled Elaine in close to him and their bodies swayed to the music. He kissed her deeper and deeper.

Throw your clothes on the floor

I'm gonna take my clothes off too

I made plans to be with you

Girl whatever you ask me you know I'll do

I'll make love to you

Like you want me to

And I'll hold you tight

Baby all through the night

I'll make love to you

When you want me to

And I will not let go

Till you tell me to

Elaine moaned into his mouth and this sent shivers down his spine. Her hands slipped into the top of his pants in back and she squeezed gently and pulled him to her.

Baby tonight is your night

And I will do you right

Just make a wish on your night

Anything that you ask

I will give you the love of your life

Lance slipped his hands to her hips and pulled her to him in reaction to her move. They were lost in each other and in need.

I'll make love to you

Like you want me to

And I'll hold you tight

Baby all through the night

I'll make love to you

When you want me to

And I will not let go

Till you tell me to

When the song ended, they stood breathing heavily and staring into each others eyes. A lone tear fell down Elaine's cheek. Lance could not stand the pain his Sugar Bear was in.

"Lance," Elaine spoke softly. "I want you."

He knew what she was trying to do. 'Oh God, help me to make her understand this is not the way.'

"I want you too, Baby. God, how I want you, but this is NOT the way, not now, not under these circumstances."

Elaine looked away embarrassed. Lance turned her face to him and kissed her. Then he spoke, "Baby, I know you're hurtin', but this is not the time or place. The time will be our honeymoon in our own Garden of Eden. I love that you want me and that you want to show your love for me, but we've both made vows to wait, and wait we will." Lance held her until she felt like leaving the safety of his arms.

The next morning, they had breakfast and Lance left out early to catch his flight. He was sure to have his cell phone with him in case Elaine tried to reach him. He told her he would be in a conference that day in between getting things for the wedding rehearsal and the wedding. It wasn't a complete lie, he would be in a conference, with her father.

Lance flew into Miami and David Greer met him at the gate as promised. They traveled up to Ft. Lauderdale and David took him to the place that Elaine's father was working at for now. He sat out front and watched the man who had created the love of his life. The man who then turned around and walked out on her and her Mom. How could a man do that to his own flesh and blood? Lance had no way of comprehending that. All he knew was that the woman he loved more than anything was hurting because of this man he was watching.

He waited until a group of girls left with the items they came to pick up and then he went inside the cleaners. Elaine's father came around the corner and saw Lance standing there. "Morning, may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Walter Wodrich and I was told I could find him here."

Elaine's father looked a little apprehensive as he spoke, "I'm Walter Wodrich, who are you?"

Lance stepped forward and held out his hand to the man and said, "I'm Lance Bass, your future son-in-law."

Walter tensed in his handshake at Lance's words. "How did you find me? Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I love your daughter and I'm sick and tired of seeing her cry and be miserable because of you. Why have you turned your back on your daughter?"

It looked like the wind had been sucked out of his lungs and he turned to the back of the shop and motioned for Lance to follow him. He walked to a makeshift desk in the back and pulled a chair from the corner over for Lance to sit on.

Walter looked at Lance in the eyes and asked, "Do you really love my daughter?"

Lance was a little taken aback but sat up straight and answered. "Elaine is my life. She is my very heart. If I were to lose her, I would die. She is the most precious human being I know and I don't like seeing her hurt."

"If you love her like you say you do, don't let her know you found me. I don't want her to see me like this. It's better that she thinks I don't care than to be embarrassed by me."

Lance could not believe what he was hearing. "You DON'T know your daughter at all, do you? She doesn't care about material things. She cares about feelings and family. She cares that she's not worth her father's time."

"I'M the one NOT worth HER time. I've gone from being someone successful to being a worker in a dry cleaners. How could she be proud of me? I'm not proud of me."

The bell out front dinged and he excused himself. Lance was at a loss. This man honestly thought he would be an embarrassment to his daughter. 'Well, I've got a change that way of thinking.'

Lance spent the better part of the day talking to Elaine's father and even took him out to lunch. He learned a lot about his future father-in-law that afternoon. Walter had fought with episodes of depression and had at one time tried to commit suicide. He had sunk into alcohol and then pulled back out of that. He had ridden an emotional roller coaster for years.

Lance in turn filled him in on what a wonderful daughter he had and that he should be very proud of her and what she had pulled off on her own. "Oh I am proud. I've followed everything she's done."

"Then be a part of her life," encouraged Lance. "She wants her father to walk her down that garden path to me. She wants her father to place her hand into the hand of the man she plans on spending the rest of her life with."

Lance told him about the dress fitting incident and Walter turned away from Lance so that he wouldn't see the tear that slipped down his cheek. They talked until Lance had to leave to catch his flight back to Orlando.

He stopped at Chris' house on the way home and filled him in on what had happened. "Do you think he will come?" Chris asked reluctantly.

"We'll know the night of the rehearsal. If he shows up, I got through to him. If he doesn't, Elaine will never know where I went. I will not cause her that pain of knowing that I asked him to come and he refused." He and Chris loaded everything into the car and he left to get home to Elaine. He needed to be with her and feel her closeness to him.

He was excited to be on his way to the love of his life. He picked up his cell phone and dialed home.


Lance's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. "Hey Baby, I love you."

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